My practice narration is weird

Chapter 334: I avoid his edge?

In the pitch-black [Ghost Coffin].

Ripples flickered, but then the figure moved again.

The illusory long spear of death followed like a shadow.


A crazy roar came from the darkness.

This is the rule of [Words Come True].

The [Lance of Cause and Effect] seemed to pause slightly at the moment when the voice came.

Instead, the man's Adam's apple shrank in an instant, as if it was broken.

Ye Wuyou's figure rushed towards the depths of the Ghost Coffin again.

Fortunately, the [Ghost Coffin] seemed to go deeper and deeper, and it had some natural suppression for the weirdness. In addition, the power of [Words Come True] allowed it to fight against the long spear that symbolized death.

[Ghost Coffin] is not a good choice if you want to lock people up, but it has a suppressive effect on the weirdness.

However, this suppression is more reflected in locking the weirdness in.

It is like a cage, not like the suppression of the sacred tree.

Ye Wuyou and Ji Wuye also locked themselves in.

But now there is no time, no chance for him to open the coffin lid slowly to find the exit and leave from the [Strange Door Coffin].

The spear paused slightly under the influence of the words, and then attacked again.

Death pursuit without regard for realm.

[Explode, explode, explode, this is outrageous, just a small spearman actually wants to curse you, what are you waiting for, you no longer hesitate, the anger in your heart has now become real, let them see what it means to be without form, and what is life and death! ]

It can't explode at all.

This thing can't be taken hard, and I, who am without form, will probably just turn around and die with a smile.

Black blood kept flowing out of his mouth, Ye Wuyou's figure paused, and he wanted to speak again, but he had already lost his voice.

"Feng Xinling."

A trace of fierceness flashed in Ye Wuyou's eyes, and finally shouted in his mind.

The sacred tree swayed gently.

He is a wood spirit. If he dies, the sacred tree may not perish, but it will definitely be severely damaged.

Feng Xinling understands this point. He cannot walk out of the sacred tree world.

The sacred tree that lost Ye Wuyou will surely fall into the final madness like Ye Wuyou.

Drain everything from him.

So, now it has begun to tie itself up.

I don’t know where this broken tree learned these things.

Feng Xinling’s initial expression was extremely disdainful, but then his eyes became gloomy, and he struggled to reach out and pull off the sacred tree branch that was drilling into his thigh.

“Boy, I can’t make it stop. This condition is too harsh. Even if I am in the seventh realm, I can’t do this. I can’t afford that... price.”

“Then, what is the price?”

“What... Ha, be flexible and change your way of thinking.”

Feng Xinling paused, then took a deep breath, and the sound spread in all directions.

“This shot will miss.”

The influence of the rule of [Words Follow the Law] immediately made Feng Xinling’s entire soul tremble suddenly, and his figure was slightly scattered.

But under this influence, the illusory spear almost brushed past Ye Wuyou's body.

The spear tip swiped past his shoulder, revealing a "dead body"-like skin.

"Where did that spear go?" Ye Wuyou asked in his mind.

Feng Xinling was silent for a while before answering.

"I don't know, but it didn't stop, and it won't stop."

There was no answer to this question.

But the feeling of death finally dissipated a little from his heart.

Ye Wuyou was leaning on a pool of black mud at the side, panting.

Then, he looked down at his body, his eyes paused at first, but then revealed a helpless smile.

Starting from the shoulder, half of his body skin turned into a dead body at this moment.

Ye Wuyou was ready. If this spear really couldn't be avoided, this life and death transformation would be his last choice, hoping to deceive the fatal spear.

At the same time, his soul would abandon his body and completely merge into the sacred tree.

That spear of cause and effect could not penetrate the world of the sacred tree.

Ye Wuyou did not know what the final result would be, but the worst possibility was that his body would dissipate, and his soul would become neighbors with Feng Xinling.

And he could not go out either, because the weirdness would erode his soul, not to mention that there were so many weirdnesses on him, all scattered in this world of [Strange Coffin], which would erode him in an instant.

Maybe one day, if he was lucky, a Xiao Yan with [Strange Coffin] would come here, obtain the soul, and pick up his weak soul.

But Ye Wuyou could not become a medicine master. With his knowledge reserve, he could only teach the other party, "Never mind, explode with him first."

"Ji Wuye, was completely eroded by the weirdness, or it should be said that he had been eroded a long time ago."

Ye Wuyou was sitting in the mud thinking like this, but suddenly found that the mud around him seemed to move.

Countless dark arms rushed out of the mud at this moment, and the sharp dark fingertips grabbed him.

Ye Wuyou frowned, then waved his sleeves and scattered those mummified arms.

His figure swept away, and Ye Wuyou was attached to this dark world, staring at everything around him.

"What on earth is in the mud, and as it goes deeper into the strange door coffin, those things are obviously active."

Ye Wuyou looked down at his feet.

The strange door coffin was still dark, boundless, like a dark abyss.

For no reason, a sentence emerged in Ye Wuyou's mind.

When you look directly into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

"What is deep in the Weird Gate Coffin..."

Ye Wuyou stared for a while, and finally shook his head, no longer trying to spy.

He has more things to do now.

Weird things are unreasonable, and he doesn't really control the [Weird Gate Coffin], and there are many taboos about the Weird Gate Coffin.

The only thing he has fully developed now is the [Ghost].

"But before leaving, should I recycle that thing..."

Ye Wuyou thought so, and then followed the strange breath.

The [Words Come True] itself is very weak, without the previous possession of the black cat demon, and the reaction is very slow, and it can be manipulated by anyone.

Ye Wuyou will not consider approaching the weirdness. As long as he [hides] his body, the weirdness cannot detect him, and finally the [Ghost] will take action...

But there are certain risks.

But not long after, Ye Wuyou's worries completely dissipated.

Cannot be recovered.

The red lips of the woman, representing [Words come true], were now deeply sunken in a pool of dark mud.

The word "pool" might be a little abrupt.

It was a floating black mud the size of a mountain.

Countless strange creatures stretched out their hands on the "peak", trying to get out with the bubbles coming out one after another.

And that mouth was being swallowed by the black mud.

After a moment of silence, Ye Wuyou decisively gave up.

"I can only come back to see it later. If it can't be recovered..."

Then there will always be an omnipresent strange rule in this strange door coffin, [Words come true].

The act of locking oneself in the [Strange Door Coffin] will also become risky.

"Forget it, at worst I won't come in again. This strange door coffin will be used as a simple place to seal strange things."

Now that there is no intrusion and influence, Ye Wuyou finally slowly opened the coffin lid.

Step out and step into the outside world again.


The crowds on both sides of the valley are now in chaos.

The scene was in chaos at the moment.

The huge blue figure, at this moment, separated countless ghost hands and waved them at the crowd on the valleys on both sides.

The weirdness controlled by the weirdness is, to some extent, much stronger than "people".

Because it does not care about erosion, it can reach a certain limit.

Lu Chen stood on one side of the valley at this moment, his face solemn, the surging aura turned into a barrier to protect one side of the valley, and the Dharma image turned into a mountain in front of him to block the invisible ghost hand.

On the other side, Cui Sanniang, who was slightly inferior in realm, protected the crowd.

And the head of the Lu family fought with the six-level spirit general controlled by Ji Wuye on the cloud.

At the bottom of the valley, on the huge platform, dark red blood was spilled all over the ground.

The blood was Ji Wuye's.

The knife on her chest cut a hole in her chest, and blood kept flowing from it. Combined with the face of the woman with dark pupils and dried blood at the corners of her mouth, it really looked a bit daunting and frightening.

On the other side, Luo Qinghan looked calm at the moment, and her aura was still extremely strong, standing in front of Ji Wuye like an indestructible line of defense.

But she held one hand in front of her, and the other hand fell weakly at her side.

The opportunity just now was still...


The ghost hand of [Ghost] can emerge from any part of his body.

Luo Qinghan knew that Ye Wuyou had some kind of [hidden] weirdness, and its attack was completely invisible.

Ye Wuyou had used the ghost hand before, but the [Ghost] at that time had no effect on Luo Qinghan at all.

So Luo Qinghan didn't care.

She only focused on attacking, and all defense was handed over to [No Bottom Line] and Lu Zhaolin in the distance.

But after the invisible ghost hand emerged from Ji Wuye's body, it wrapped around her arm, and the force was far stronger than the ghost controlled by Ye Wuyou.

And [Time Zero] was also used by the opponent.

A moment of freeze.

The same [Time Zero] was deployed.

This was the second time Luo Qinghan used [Time Zero].

Taking this opportunity, Luo Qinghan still held the knife, but failed to crush the opponent.

After all, Ji Wuye was no longer a human, so even if the opponent's injuries were more serious, it would not affect him.

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly.

The master was chased by the [Cause and Effect Spear], and I don’t know where he is going now, but after all, he is in the seventh realm, so I think he should have his own means.

But what about the others... They said they left for something, why haven’t they returned yet?

Luo Qinghan suddenly realized something and swept to the side.

And there was a huge pit where he was standing originally.

The invisible ghost hands came from all directions again, which made Luo Qinghan pause, and then he used the Dharma.

[Dharma-Appearance Divine Power·Thousand Miles of Ice]

Surrounded by an iceberg, countless frozen palms can be seen faintly.

The invisible ghost hands finally showed their traces under this magical power.

Luo Qinghan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but the surrounding iceberg suddenly broke apart. At the same time, an extremely strong sense of life and death crisis struck his heart.

It was almost a direct feeling.

Luo Qinghan raised her head and slightly side-glanced, but her body was already blown away by a huge force.

The sudden attack only allowed her to cross one hand in front of her body and make a subconscious defense.

The protection of [No Lower Limit] can only prevent her body from being damaged, but the huge force still surges and spreads all over her body, causing her to groan.

At this moment, the two illusory spears collided in the air, [Lance of Cause and Effect] vs. [Lance of Cause and Effect].

Without caring about so much, Luo Qinghan immediately saw ripples under his feet, changing direction.

A trace of doubt appeared in Qingleng's eyes, what is that?

Why can Ye Wuyou be so powerful in the hands of others, which is completely different from what she knew.

The dark blue figure stood upright, surrounded by the protection of [No Lower Limit].

It was better than all Dharmas, like a demon.

Luo Qinghan could not see the [Ghost], and no one present could see it, so they could only rely on vague induction.

If the scene was not so chaotic, he could still make judgments based on the scattered aura, but now the whole valley was in a mess.

Not to mention the people who were fighting, even in the countless people running around, there were magical powers shining, and a few practitioners with great magical powers flew directly into the air.

Chaos, too chaotic.

The aura was mixed into a ball, making it impossible for Luo Qinghan to distinguish the position of the [Ghost].

Originally thought that the most difficult to deal with Ji Wuye was the [Lance of Cause and Effect] and [No Lower Limit].

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it was the [Ghost] on Ye Wuyou that was the most difficult to deal with.

A scream came from the valley at this moment.

After all, it was an invisible ghost hand, and now it seemed endless and limitless.

Lu Chen and Cui Sanniang were human after all. Even if they were not afraid of this ghost hand, they had to protect these countless people, and the originally prosperous aura also declined little by little with time.

At this moment, one person was caught by the ghost hand and was about to die on the spot. A sharp sword light appeared, and Zhou Xuanyuan's figure flashed by and saved the young man.

This scene was seen by Luo Qinghan.

At the moment, the best thing for Luo Qinghan is to just involve Ji Wuye and delay him.

If the seven realms come back, everything will end easily.

But if she doesn't continue to put pressure on Ji Wuye, then the others will be in danger.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

Lu Zhaolin in the distance was trying hard to condense an illusory spear again and held it in his hand.

The head of the Lu family had already dealt with the six realm spirit general, but did not rush into the battle.

Seeing the change in Luo Qinghan's expression, the old head of the Lu family advised in a hoarse voice.

"Saint Luo, there is no need to fight with him, just maintain the status quo and delay, and avoid his edge for the time being."

The woman responded to the old man with a cold and frost-filled voice.

"I avoid his edge?"

The old man didn't say anything, and Luo Qinghan didn't pay attention to him.

Luo Qinghan took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, and his full chest rose and fell slowly with his breathing.

The woman gently closed her eyes at this moment, and the uninjured hand slowly raised up, pinching her fingers and hanging it in front of her eyebrows.

Then she suddenly opened her eyes.

In an instant, the originally huge and powerful aura on Luo Qinghan's body suddenly became silent, and then slowly condensed into a line.

This breath was a ray of the Seventh Realm.

At the same time, [Time Zero] was urged to the extreme at this moment.

The sharp and cold frost swept the whole scene in an instant, and the piercing cold spread throughout the valley.

Zhou Xuanyuan's light figure froze in the air, unable to move at all.

Lu Chen still maintained the starting posture of the sea, and the spear in Cui Sanniang's hand was still, even the ripples stopped.

[Ghost] was still, and Ji Wuye's figure was motionless.

In the valley, the noisy and chaotic crowds running around also quieted down at this moment.

Still, everything was still.

Compared to Luo Qinghan's seemingly innate [No Limit]...

[Time Zero]'s erosion is more serious, and the price is much heavier.

In the strange world, Luo Qinghan only used [Time Zero] once.

And now, it is the third time in a short period of time.

It is also the most extreme time.

The waterfall-like black hair turned into snow at this moment, and the black hair turned white.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the woman's flawless and bright face, which is still covered with cold and arrogant frost.

In this still world, on the road made of ice and snow, only Luo Qinghan is walking at this moment.

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