My practice narration is weird

Chapter 335 I absolutely believe in bonds

The weirdness is unsolvable.

Or, at least under the Seventh Realm of Heavenly Ji, the weird rules and magical powers are unsolvable.

[No Lower Limit] is a thin boundary as thin as a cicada's wing. No one can break through it except the user himself.

Luo Qinghan is very clear about this.

So far, no one can break through her [No Lower Limit].

No one can break through Luo Qinghan's defense.

Although this is a weird ability and it comes at a price.

But after the initial practice, when she realized the horror of [No Lower Limit], the young Luo Qinghan could not help but feel complacent and a little proud.

But how complacent and proud she was before, how gloomy she looked now.

In a still world of ice and snow, in the sound of the qi that was constantly condensed and even compressed to the extreme, the figure of "Ji Wuye" seemed to be squeezed by the huge force coming from all directions, her face began to twitch, black blood began to flow out of the wound, and the snow-white jade legs gradually bent due to the pressure.

Finally, with a thud, "Ji Wuye" knelt on the ground, but then, he couldn't even kneel anymore and could only collapse to the ground helplessly.

This scene fell into the eyes of countless people around, and their eyes lit up.

Did he win?

But Luo Qinghan's eyes did not show any joy, and his body kept sweeping back.

The magical moves are indeed powerful.

But [Ghost] and [No Bottom] are like an insurmountable mountain, spanning in front of Luo Qinghan and Ji Wuye.

Even though "Ji Wuye" has been suppressed at all at this moment, just as no one can hurt Luo Qinghan himself, Luo Qinghan can't really break through "No Bottom".

If it is a serious injury that is enough to kill an ordinary practitioner, it will fall on "Ji Wuye", but it does not make the dead black pupils have any ripples.

Ji Wuye is no longer a human.

Only people are afraid of getting hurt.

Weird is to act on instinct.

But Luo Qinghan had already broken this invisible boundary rule, so that "Ji Wuye" was lying on the ground at this moment, and his dark eyes were focused on Luo Qinghan.

The strange target was no longer the chaotic crowd around.

It was the woman who kept angering it and wanted to crush it.

The invisible ghost hand attacked like a big net, as if to entangle and crush Luo Qinghan.

The wind in the valley was whistling, blowing the sleeves of the woman's dress up, and the hem of the skirt was floating.

The woman's figure was like a butterfly dancing in the air, and her figure retreated again and again.

Luo Qinghan was panting slightly at this moment, and his chest kept rising and falling with his breathing. The breath exhaled from his sandalwood mouth was cold and cold, and his skin was pale as snow, as if there was a layer of light frost on his body.

Using [Time Zero] again and again made her erosion more serious.

The previously extremely agile and swift figure seemed to slow down a little.

At this moment, she seemed a little slow under the entanglement of countless ghost hands of dark blue.

Frost covered Luo Qinghan's eyes, and there was no trace of ghost hands around her, but she knew that those things were close at hand.

Unable to see, she could only constantly consume her energy to clear the space around her.

"Damn it, Ye Wuyou, for sending such a weird thing to that guy."

[Ghost] is indeed not as unsolvable as [Gun of Cause and Effect] [No Lower Limit] [Time Zero], but in the hands of "Ji Wuye" who no longer cares about erosion, it perfectly exerts the ability of [Ghost].

It is stronger than magical powers, but it can [hide], both offensive and defensive, endless, better than all magical powers.

Luo Qinghan stepped lightly in the air with her toes, as if she was flying in the air, and in a blink of an eye, she was out of the encirclement of the ghost hands.

And those ghost hands did not attack again, which made Luo Qinghan, who wanted to respond, lose his condensed energy for a while.

Hmm? What happened?

The corner of his eye lightly swept across the platform, and Luo Qinghan's cold face froze slightly.

"Ji Wuye" disappeared.


The road has no distance, Luo Qinghan naturally understands this rule.

The weirdness was eliminated, but it could not be completely killed, it would just reappear somewhere else.

At this moment, has this weirdness been eliminated?

The other people's shouts and discussions with relief came to her ears.

But Luo Qinghan's heart suddenly floated up a layer of haze.

It was a strong intuition, and a strong sense of life and death crisis permeated her whole body.


It's not dissipated.

It's that she can't see it! No one can see it!

Ji Wuye's figure was now wrapped in [Ghost], standing in a corner of the valley, and the illusory spear in his hand slowly condensed.

[Cause and Effect Spear] surged.

Luo Qinghan's arm that had never been injured was now across in front of him, his fingertips intertwined, and [Time Zero] was used again.

The gun was slightly delayed for a moment under the influence.

A fine bead of sweat oozed out of Luo Qinghan's forehead at this moment. Even though it was an illusory and invisible weirdness, at this moment, Luo Qinghan could still see the tip of the gun with the breath of death hovering in front of her.

At this moment, it was piercing little by little, slowly touching [No Lower Limit].

She couldn't move.

Lu Zhaolin behind her had time to hand over another gun.

The two causal guns canceled each other out.

Is this the end?

[Strange Door Coffin] appeared around her body, and the coffin lid with a dark breath slowly opened at this moment, and the breath of death emerged from the coffin. Luo Qinghan only glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and he could feel the darkness like an endless abyss.

If it were normal, it would be impossible for such a slow treacherous coffin to trap anyone.

But before, Luo Qinghan maintained all that and was unable to move.

Finally, the coffin lid was closed, and Luo Qinghan's whole body suddenly became silent. His eyes were extremely gloomy, but his body fell stiffly into the dark coffin.

In Luo Qinghan's eyes, all this seemed to have passed a long time due to the influence of [Time Zero].

But in the eyes of others, it is fleeting.

Everyone saw Luo Qinghan's figure suddenly paused in the air. There was obviously no trace of the enemy, but the woman stretched out her hand with great effort to maintain something.

In the blink of an eye, the woman's figure disappeared in the air.

If all this is already extremely unbelievable in people's eyes, then the scene that happens next is even more incomprehensible to others.


Accompanied by a faint shout.

Just as Luo Qinghan's figure disappeared, he reappeared very suddenly.

And it was like stepping on something, flying straight out of the air.

At this moment, the coldness on the cold and beautiful face was removed, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, and there was resentment and a trace of extremely subtle shame in her eyes.

The woman's plump chest was rising and falling with her breathing. Her uninjured hand was tightly clenched into a fist. She didn't even look around, but her body was bursting with more violent energy than before.

Then he punched out suddenly, but it knocked away the [Ghost] controlled by Ji Wuye.

This made "Ji Wuye" on the side tilt his head slightly.

Even though it was strange and driven by instinct, there seemed to be some inexplicable doubt in the dark and silent pupils at this moment.

The weird IQ is not ideal. It cannot understand what happened. How could a woman who was in a desperate situation and whose energy was somewhat scattered suddenly become so brave all of a sudden?

He was actually able to kill a ghost with one punch.

what happened?

As everyone watched, they saw a layer of faint black mist appearing in the originally empty sky.

The black mist slowly condensed like a coffin.

The coffin lid was now open, and a man leaned half of his body out of it, lying on the edge of the coffin. He covered his eyes with one hand and pointed at the woman who was looking down at him in front of him, and cursed through the sound.

"Luo Qinghan, I'm just asking you if you are seriously ill. I finally tried to crawl out, but I saw you fall down. I kindly helped you, but you just didn't appreciate it and stepped on my face with your backhand?"

After hearing this, Luo Qinghan in the air breathed even more rapidly now. He looked down at Ye Wuyou below with an angry look, sneered, and said with a cold voice.

"Help me? Thank you for saying such things, Ye Wuyou, what have you done to be so mean? It doesn't matter if I step on you, you might as well just die."

"Am I mean? So what if you step on me? Damn it, you are a woman who runs around barefooted every day without wearing shoes. You are so dirty that you step on my face. You even have to shoe horses. You are so old and you don't know that people have to wear shoes. Shoes? Luo Qinghan, who is shameless?"

Luo Qinghan gritted his teeth and finally said with anger.

"I, I have [no lower limit] separation on my body, and I won't be contaminated by dust at all."

"So what, don't you sweat? Don't your feet smell bad? Are your feet used to step on people's faces? I mean, you just don't wear shoes and you have no shame." Ye Wuyou immediately retorted. road.

"You, you, you are unreasonable."

Luo Qinghan's delicate body was trembling slightly with anger, and his hands were covered with cold frost, and it looked like he was about to smash it out at any time.

Ye Wuyou was furious at this moment, lying on the side of the coffin, the anger jumped out of his eyes as if it was about to turn into substance, and he laughed angrily.

"Do you know how far we were from each other when I opened this exit? From the darkness, I finally ran to the exit full of expectations. Good guy, you fell directly from the sky, sat on my face and crushed me. Go back, damn, you are really heavy..."

"Shut up! Bastard, pervert, bitch, stop talking!"

The cold Qi brought frost towards Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou immediately jumped out of the coffin, while avoiding the murderous aura, he spread his hands and made an upward push towards Luo Qinghan, then laughed angrily.

"You say you are heavy but you still don't admit it? You are heavy. At that time, you fell like a dead fish. Sitting down on your butt was like Mount Tai pressing on top. I was almost pushed directly into the abyss by you and all my previous efforts were wasted. What could I do at that time? I I can only push you, I thought I would push you out first, but in the end, you repaid your kindness with a backhand and kicked me back!"

Luo Qinghan was almost angry at his words, but for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

"You, then you, then you shouldn't have pushed me."

"Hoar? What are you talking about? Do you think I'm thinking about it? Who made your butt so big that it blocks my sight? As soon as I reach out, it's..."

"Ye Wuyou, you, you, you deserve to die."

Luo Qinghan's eyes were filled with anger, and his rational thinking was no longer clear.

【No lower limit】Cannot break defense.

But now she's broken.

"Hurry, hurry, I am still transmitting the message privately. If you push me, I will tell everyone directly, Luo Qinghan, you..."

The words stopped abruptly, Ye Wuyou's eyes were full of energy, and with a wave of his hand, [Ghost] appeared in front of Luo Qinghan. The two blue bodies collided fiercely together at this moment, setting off a hunting wind.

Then Ye Wuyou's [ghost] figure was repelled, as if it was completely unable to resist.

"Why is he still here? Where are those real people? Where is the Seventh Realm?"

Ye Wuyou then noticed that the figure of "Ji Wuye" was standing in a corner, with dark pupils staring at him.

Ye Wuyou originally thought that "Ji Wuye" leaving the strange door coffin and running to the outside world was seeking death.

There should have been four Seventh Realms here, no matter how difficult this [copy] weirdness is, there is no way to resist it.

"The real people left for something, my master was... Ye Wuyou, I want to kill you."

"Stop arguing, can't you handle this weirdness?"

Luo Qinghan was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and the anger in her eyes suddenly dissipated in an instant, and her face was once again covered with cold frost.

After all, she temporarily put away her emotions, suppressed her disgust, and said solemnly.

"I can handle it... but I can't see it."

Can't see it?

Ye Wuyou heard it, and looked at the other [Ghost] and Ji Wuye who were clearly visible in his eyes, with some doubts in his eyes.

But he reacted immediately.

Oh, it's [Ghost].

[Ghost] is different from other weird things. Luo Qinghan can see other weird things, but she can't see the [Ghost] that is hidden without a solution.

This thing, only I can see it.

"I can see it, but I can't block his gun." Ye Wuyou frowned and said slowly.

"Can you see it?"

Luo Qinghan was confused at this moment, but did not ask, but said coldly.

"The gun of cause and effect? ​​Lu Zhaolin will help block it."

Ye Wuyou glanced back from the corner of his eyes, but saw that Lu Zhaolin was lying on the railing as if he was about to collapse. Seeing his eyes, he waved to him weakly.

Lu Zhaolin's face was a bit difficult, but he finally gritted his teeth and said.

"I can."

Firing nine shots in eight years, today, he has used the weirdness twice in a row in less than a moment, which makes Lu Zhaolin unable to bear such erosion.

In the field, the bodies of the two ghosts are entangled like giants. Although they did not reveal their bodies, the aftermath of the fight made a series of roars, and the ground was shaking.

But Ye Wuyou's expression became more and more gloomy.

How could his genuine ghost be defeated by the pirated one?

No wonder, it was [No Bottom Limit]...

"After it came out, what else did it copy?" Ye Wuyou asked Luo Qinghan while dodging the attack of the ghost hand.

To be an enemy of others, it all comes down to one move, one style, the difference in a certain magical power, and even the grasping of opportunities.

But even if you lose, you at least know how you died.

But to be an enemy of the weird...

Information is very important.

Otherwise, you don't even know how you died.

Facing the weirdness of [Copy], information is even more important.

Luo Qinghan was carefully sensing the slightest movement around him at this moment. The aura on his body suddenly appeared, and he cut off countless ghost hands with a flick of his fingers.

Hearing the voice at this moment, his eyes were calm, and he sent the voice to Ye Wuyou.

[No Lower Limit] [Time Zero] [Ghost] [Cause and Effect Spear] [Ghost Door Coffin] [Spirit and Soul]

"Among them, [Spirit and Soul] cannot be used. It is just an empty shell without the existence of spirit, otherwise it will be more difficult." Luo Qinghan said softly at this moment.

But she immediately changed the subject.

"Ye Wuyou, if it weren't for the things on your body being copied by it, it wouldn't be so difficult at all."

Ye Wuyou raised his eyebrows. What Luo Qinghan meant by this was that [Ghost] was difficult?

No, [Ghost] is obviously so weak, difficult?

Ye Wuyou was not afraid of ghosts at all. Even if he could not defeat the opponent's [Ghost], but the [Ghost] that he could clearly see in his eyes, what kind of ghost is it?

It's just a blue innocent giant.

Ye Wuyou thought about it and frowned.

"How do you break through [No Lower Limit]? And there is also that weird thing that stops time. Luo Qinghan, the weird thing on you is unsolvable."

Luo Qinghan's voice came with a sneer.

"That's because you are too weak. [No Lower Limit] is just a subtle boundary. Although it isolates magical powers, the power will not dissipate. I don't need to break it at all to crush him."

"As for [Time Zero]..."

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly, and his expression froze for a moment, as if he was worried about something, but in the blink of an eye he returned to normal.

She said in a cold voice.

"I am naturally not afraid of [Time Zero], and besides."


Luo Qinghan didn't finish, but Ye Wuyou had already understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were now looking at "Ji Wuye".

The black knife on the other party's chest was still pierced there, not pulled out.

That was the only flaw of [No Lower Limit].

But at the moment, we need to break through the defense line of the copied [Ghost].


Ye Wuyou no longer struggled with those invisible ghost hands. His body turned and moved in the air. Then, under Luo Qinghan's half-surprised and somewhat puzzled gaze, he stretched out his hand to Luo Qinghan.

A grip in the void.

Luo Qinghan was already fighting against those attacking ghost hands, and Ye Wuyou's move made her slightly stunned, and then she felt a little more restrained.

The dark blue ghost hand grabbed her.

"Ye Wuyou!" The voice with chill and sharp murderous intent came.

"Don't move. How long can you last if you keep wasting your energy like this?"

The blue giant figure returned to Ye Wuyou's back and suddenly wrapped him up.

Ye Wuyou's figure disappeared in Luo Qinghan's eyes.

And the blue ghost hand threw the woman straight into the ghost body.


Lu Zhaolin, who was holding an illusory spear in the distance, widened his eyes.

Ji Wuye, Ye Wuyou, and Luo Qinghan all disappeared in the scene.

On the empty platform, there was a quarrel, with anger.

"What is this? Why do you feel sticky all over? Ye Wuyou, you are really..."

"You are really a hammer, hurry up and do what I say."

"Are you sure this will work?" Luo Qinghan's tone revealed a strong doubt.

"You big-breasted, brainless woman, don't question the martial soul fusion technique I came up with at this time!"

"Who understands what you say!"

Ye Wuyou grinned at this moment, glanced at Lu Zhaolin who was holding the illusory spear tightly in his hand behind him, and looked at Lu Chen and others who were still protecting the chaotic crowd despite their confused eyes.

"It will definitely work, I absolutely believe in bondage!"

Luo Qinghan was silent for a moment, and finally sneered. He did not question Ye Wuyou's strange words, but gently closed his eyes.

In the huge blue figure, Ye Wuyou looked forward again.

In his sight, another ghost was clearly visible in front of him, and Ji Wuye's figure was in the body of the [Ghost].

And that [Ghost] was wrapped in [No Bottom Limit] all over his body.

But it doesn't matter.

Now I have it too.

The body of the [Ghost] suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, a little crystal luster appeared on the body of the dark blue giant, which flashed away.

It's like putting on an invisible armor.

I'll post one chapter first, and another one later. My head is a little confused, but I will definitely finish writing 10,000 words.

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