My practice narration is weird

Chapter 411 What am I? I am asking you

There are vast voices echoing in this desolate northern plain.

"This king is so kind and merciful that I will leave you a trace of your soul. If you don't hand over the sacred tree..."

Pulao's words suddenly paused, and then the dark beast froze slightly, as if there was a trace of doubt.

"Ye Wuyou", whose flesh and blood had been mutilated and his body turned into a puddle of flesh on the scorched earth, had undergone a strange change at this moment.

The blood-colored "meat paste" floated little by little with the wind and sand in the sky, and the broken pieces of meat floated up, but they changed little by little, expanded, and became bigger...

Stalls of flesh and blood are floating and forming in the air.

Even though Pulao has lived for endless years, this strange scene is still the first time he has seen it.

After a brief moment of daze, Pulao growled softly, but then let out a disdainful sneer.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

The giant claw suddenly lifted up, and then grabbed the void hard.

The flesh and blood that had been condensed into one piece and that was constantly expanding were all broken up at this moment.

Pulao's "supernatural power" was extremely sharp. The ground rumbled and shattered at this moment, as if he had started a violent earthquake with his "human power".

Pulao hung high in the sky, gently retracting his sharp claws, and a humane chuckle appeared on the dragon's head.

The dark beasts condensed slightly, and the sight seemed to pass through the thick dust raised.

But then, his eyes suddenly trembled.

Those pieces of meat were indeed torn apart by its slash.

But the flesh and blood that split into pieces and fell to the ground began to expand again at this moment.

The speed of expansion and fusion is several times faster than before.

Pulao's whole body stood up straight in the air.

It finally couldn't calm down, its pupils were dark, and then it showed a hint of animality, and its eyes showed a fierce light.

There was a roar, and then the sharp blade crashed to the ground.

The clouds in the sky rolled back, revealing a cloudless blue sky.

The yellow sand on the ground suddenly swept away, and the dust flew into the sky, roaring up to more than a hundred feet like the waves of the sea.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't remember how many magical powers he used, before Pulao finally stopped.

The heavy breathing was like a strong wind, blowing everything around.

Looking at the motionless ground, a trace of hesitation flashed in Pulao's eyes.

Could it be that the attack was too harsh and that the opponent's soul was really wiped out?

If you really didn’t leave anything behind, wouldn’t you have suffered a huge loss?

With this thought in mind, the "mountain-like" body finally slowly landed on the ground, with all four limbs on the ground. The dark and deep beast carefully searched for everything in the yellow sand in the sky.

"No trace..."

"Did I strike too hard..."

The expression on Pulao's dragon head was serious at the moment, and he even sighed softly.


But a voice sounded beside it.

The sound was so close, it felt like it was right next to my ears.

"Are you looking for me?"

The dark beast suddenly condensed at this moment, and the horror in its eyes was revealed, but it turned into fierceness in an instant.

It wanted to turn its head and look to the side.

But a huge force came and hit it directly in the face.

Pulao's figure trembled a little, but he was still awake.



It's not over yet.

The voice sounded again, but the sound was erratic.

"You beast's claws are very sharp. It will hit you very hard, right?"

Accompanied by the resounding words, the fist that struck it was like a human opening his hand at this moment, with the palm forward and the five fingers forming claws, attached to the dragon's head and cheek.

The sharpness on the fingertips has surpassed that of ordinary people, and it is not the kind of sharp claws that humans can possess.

The sharp claws grabbed hard, followed the dragon's head, ran over the huge beast's throat, and penetrated three-thirds of the flesh.

There was some kind of crazy but extremely cheerful laughter all around.

Pulao suddenly roared in pain.

But underneath the roar was hidden magical power. Starting from Pulao's body, the surrounding ground suddenly exploded and cracked every inch.

Taking this opportunity, Pulao suddenly turned around, like a "mountain" moving sideways.

It finally saw that figure.

The sand and soil are attached to the figure. The figure stretches out whether it is a "hand" or a "claw", but the sharp fingertips cannot be covered by the loess. Black and red blood drips from the fingertips, soaking and staining. The dust is gone, as if a small lake has been watered on the dry ground.

That is Pulao's blood.

And in the palm of that figure, there was something holding in it.

That's its eyeball.

Pulao, whose half was plunged into darkness, now looked ferocious, grinning, revealing huge fangs that shone with cold light.

The huge figure suddenly became silent.

The sound of chewing came, the sound was sticky and accompanied by the spilling of blood.

"It's not very tasty."

Although the eyeball has been lost on Pulao's body, this scene still makes him feel heartbroken, as if he is the eyeball at this moment, being chewed up by life.

The anger has solidified into substance, and bursts of smoke like water vapor appear around Pulao at this moment.

If someone were here and looked from a distance, they would think that there was smoke rising above a mountain range.

The sound was like thunder that shook the heaven and the earth.

"You are neither human nor ghost, who are you! How dare you murder me..."

It was answered with a light smile.

"Hey, is Hongwen ready?"

The floating smoke was silent at first, and then suddenly boiled again, accompanied by thunderous roars.

"What on earth are you!"

There was a loud explosion in front of him, and the figure covered by sand staggered back, as if it had been hit hard.

But after this, the sand also broke away from the figure, and the quicksand spread, revealing the "figure".

A voice with a smile came, and in the smile, there was also a self-centered question.

"What am I? I also want to know this question..."

The beast's eye trembled suddenly.

In its eyes, what appeared in front of it was a... demon beast?

The pale and dead armor covered his cheeks, and his facial features were not visible, leaving only a scarlet pupil exposed.

His body was a dark black body with a faint glow, his arms were long, and his fingertips were covered with extremely sharp claws, which were longer and sharper than his own, but seemed a bit uncoordinated.

As for the opponent's legs... no, they should be called limbs.

His body was huge, about a hundred feet tall, but at this moment his body was still standing straight.

Although the hundred-foot body was extremely shocking, it was still a small witch compared to Pulao's body that was like a "mountain". There was a significant gap.

Like a mountain, facing the continuous mountains.

For the first time, Pulao realized something.

This is no longer a human.

More like a human-like monster.

But no matter what it is...

At this moment, Pulao had only one thought in his heart.

How long has it been since I felt this kind of pain?

The True Immortal failed to kill me, and the Great Disaster failed to kill me, so what are you?

Kill him, kill him, kill him.

The anger burned into substance, and Pulao was about to make a move.

It seemed that there was a breath around it that was different from the "qi" that slowly condensed.

This was Pulao's real magical power.

But the figure in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Where did he go?

There was a whistling sound of wind in the sky.

Pulao subconsciously looked up.

In his eyes, he saw the figure rushing down from top to bottom.

Like a mountain falling.

Pulao leaped high into the air and roared toward the sky.

The next moment, the ground shook.

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