My practice narration is weird

Chapter 412 The eternally burning wings take me away from the mortal world

The dry land was now irrigated by the spring, and the cracks that had broken down seemed a little smaller.

The North Plain was dead silent, because there were no living demons.

But life was still tenacious.

Some flies and mosquitoes came out of the sparse and broken soil, and on this vast scorched earth, they seemed to be ecstatically gnawing on the flesh and blood that came from nowhere.

Blood was flowing, and flesh and blood were flying.

Blood gathered into a river that gave life to all spirits, and flesh and blood became food for the continuation of life.

The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the earth shook.

The huge mountain range and the towering peak seemed to be mixed together at this moment.

Ye Wuyou's sharp claws flew across, and he tore a piece of flesh and blood from Pulao.

He clung to Pulao tightly, and just as he was about to gnaw, his body suddenly became silent.

However, his body was pierced with holes by the countless bone spurs that suddenly rose from Pulao.

Then, Pulao shook violently, bone spurs flew across, throwing Ye Wuyou's body out with its roots, and then raised its foot and stepped heavily.

But it did not stay for too long, but leaped into the air with the force of the shock.

Heavy panting like the whistling wind continued to sound, Pulao's head was covered with blood and wounds.

The scene just now was too crazy.

Both of them almost abandoned all their magical powers, and their eyes were blinded by madness, just focusing on biting each other's bodies, like the most primitive fight between beasts.

But the huge body became a bit of a burden at this moment, and Pulao was not as flexible as Ye Wuyou.

Even if he used magical powers to suppress Ye Wuyou, that guy never let go.

There is a saying in human beings that killing one thousand enemies will hurt eight hundred of your own.

But that madman clearly killed one hundred enemies and hurt eight thousand of his own.

If that were true, Pulao would not care, and the final winner would only be him.

But he was surprised to find that whenever that guy was seriously injured, he would gnaw on his flesh and blood crazily.

Then the guy's body would recover, and his scattered breath would gradually stabilize.

This is treating me as food!

Can Pulao endure this?

At this moment, Pulao stepped into the sky, finally got rid of Ye Wuyou, and dealt a heavy blow to the other party.

But in the sight, the body like a hill stood up slowly at this moment.

Not only that, there seemed to be subtle changes in his body.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his hand and pulled out the bone spurs one by one, and then the light flowed on his body skin.

Ye Wuyou's whole body suddenly trembled.

Originally, it was a body like flesh and blood, but at this moment, a black luster suddenly emerged from the back.

The luster spread all over the body, and the body was now covered with a dark "armor" with clear layers.

This scene was seen by Pulao, and he was shocked.

What is this...

An idea came to Pulao's mind, which was an idea he had only after seeing Ye Wuyou. evolving?

Before, he was injured by his own claws, so he grew those sharp claws that were extremely inconsistent on his body.

The body was easily crushed by himself and injured by bone spurs, so the flesh and blood body turned into a shell like an "insect"?


At this moment, it is no longer important to figure out what the other party is, and those secrets are no longer important.

Pulao now knows only one thing.

It is necessary to use magical powers to crush the other party and make the other party disappear from this world.

Pulao was hanging high in the sky, and there was solemnity on the dragon head. The only beast left had its pupils erected at this moment, and dark and difficult words came out of its mouth.

A trace of breath that was completely different from the qi emerged from its body at this moment, and then slowly condensed in front of it.

That was not qi.

That was a magical power that had never appeared in this world.

A wisp of smoke floated, expanding with Pulao's breathing.

Ye Wuyou, who was on the ground, finally raised his head at this moment, his body covered with armor, and looked up at the sky.

There was a countless distance between the two.

Pulao was in the sky and he was on the ground.

This endless distance seemed insurmountable.

The air ban here did not hinder Pulao, but only affected Ye Wuyou.

A ray of thought appeared in the scarlet pupil, which was the desire for the sky.

All creatures in the world have a desire for the sky, whether they are practitioners or ordinary people, whether they are birds or fish.

The yearning for stepping into the sky is greater than everything, and even turns into obsession. Only with obsession and greed can there be all kinds of magical powers and inventions.

But some creatures can step into the sky by nature. The sky is their home field, and flying is just instinct.

And this is actually evolution.

The afterglow of the setting sun quietly fell on this desolate northern plain, and the sky gradually darkened.

Thousands of feet above the sky, the clouds were whistling at this moment, but they were swept and condensed by a huge force.

Above the sky, there were clouds hanging low, gradually turning into a cloud storm.

The wind swept away the remaining clouds.

The smoke was misty, and the clouds were pulled in front of Pulao.

It seemed that there was a great power hidden in it.

The strange phenomenon of heaven and earth.

All this was just due to the magical power that Pulao condensed at this moment.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were slightly condensed, but his eyes still showed thinking, calculating the infinite distance between the two.

Above the sky, the heavy breathing sound was slightly silent, and then Pulao's cheerful and crazy voice sounded.

"You are in this weak and barren era, and you can make this king use such magical power regardless of consumption. Even if you are in the underworld, you can rest in peace."

Along with the voice, the whistling clouds finally fell down with a bang.

It was like the clouds in the sky falling down with a bang.

Not only that.

The next moment.

Pulao uttered two words lightly, and the words carried the lingering sound of time.

"Burning the sky."


The three wolves clung to the broken sacred tree tightly, looking at the strange scene of the sky and earth in the distance with horror.

First, in an instant, the blue sky swept away without a single cloud, and then the yellow sand hundreds of feet high surged like a wave.

If the three wolves could barely understand everything before, it was not that there was no magical power in the world that could do that scene, but it would only cost a few lives.

Then at this moment, it was really unreasonable.

The clouds rolled back and the sky fell.

Then the falling clouds burst into a blazing fire, sweeping away the darkness around them, and it was as bright as the daytime.

The setting sun in the sky could not compete with it at all.

The heat wave hit, and the three wolves hugged the sacred tree tightly, dragging the little red wolf, but they kept muttering to themselves.

"Master Tree, can you protect us?"

"...It shouldn't be a big problem, but I still suggest you continue the relationship. After all, I am just a tree, who knows."

"What kind of magical power is this..." Sanlang asked in a trembling voice.

The sacred tree was silent for a while before slowly speaking, with a helpless tone, hesitation and uncertainty.

"I haven't seen it either, but there seems to be a similar scene in the memory of my ancestors... That was a longer time ago."

"More, longer time ago?"

The three wolves were stunned.

The sacred tree has been on this land for thousands of years.

Is there anything that is older than the sacred tree and that the master of the sacred tree said?

"Yes... That shouldn't be a magical power that can be performed in this era."

Facing Sanlang's doubts, the sacred tree responded gently, revealing memories in his tone.

That was the memory left by an older sacred tree.

It is just a branch of that sacred tree.

The sacred tree spoke gently.

"The mythical era is repeating itself."


The girl's eyes revealed determination, and her feet left deep marks on the yellow sand.

Luo Qinghan held the person in front of him tightly with both hands, and the tips of his ten fingers were already blue.

But Lu Caiwei just ignored her, turned her back to her, and forced to go in the direction she came from.

The force was so great that even though Luo Qinghan's realm was obviously higher than Lu Caiwei, he was still being dragged forward by her at this moment.

There were no other monsters around the two of them, and they were obviously out of danger.

"You are crazy, what are you going to do." Luo Qinghan gritted his teeth.

"He, he hasn't come yet." Lu Caiwei stammered.

Luo Qinghan was silent for a moment, and finally raised his head, stared at Lu Caiwei with his eyes, and said coldly.

"He won't come."

"No." Lu Caiwei shook her head.

"He's dead." Luo Qinghan spoke indifferently.


"He's dead, we should leave, don't let his life go to waste."

For the first time, Lu Caiwei interrupted her.

Her eyes were red, and she spoke slowly, but she spoke word by word with gritted teeth.

"He's not dead."

Luo Qinghan's heart suddenly trembled.

For some reason, maybe it was the first time she heard Lu Caiwei speak like this, the first time she saw her like this.

Or maybe it was the first time she said that person.

Lu Caiwei turned her head and looked at the clouds falling from the sky in the distance.

She was sure, she knew for sure that Ye Wuyou was still there.

There was a mark left in her heart.

On the one hand, it was the mark of life and death left by Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou tried to take it back for her, but found that even that soul had been integrated into Lu Caiwei's body long ago, so he simply gave up.

Now it only has the effect of positioning and qi sensing.

On the other hand, it was Xia Anmeng...

Master, was still on Ye Wuyou...

But then, her footsteps suddenly froze, and she stood still.

In her sight, the falling clouds suddenly ignited with raging flames, turning into a fire dragon, coloring the entire sky.

The heat wave hit, along with a huge air wave.

The two were blown back countless miles, but they could no longer take a step forward.


The raging flames swept everything, burning the earth and boiling the sky.

Pulao's body shook slightly, as if it had consumed a lot of strength, but it still hung high in the sky, with pride in its only remaining eye.

It is a dragon son.

There was a slight sigh in her heart.

Although she tried her best to avoid it, she was forced to use this magical power, consuming her rare strength.

"There is no spirit in this world..."

"But it doesn't matter, it will be soon..."

When it wakes up, the world has turned upside down.

Without the spiritual energy it absorbs, there is no incense for people to worship.

How ridiculous, it found that the creatures in this world actually disrespected the gods.

Sects are still everywhere, creatures are still numerous, there are still Buddhas and Taoism.

But there are no temples and shrines, and people don’t believe in ghosts and gods at all, but temper themselves and practice.

Without spiritual energy and incense, this is what Pulao doesn’t want to see.

The obscure atmosphere in the mortal world is not worth it to look at it more, let alone absorb it. It feels that it will explode if it looks at it more.

But it found that Luohe is still there.

This river that has been flowing for thousands of years is still there.

So it wants to create a piece of the world it once was.

Luohe River and the sacred tree are the primer.

Flowers watered with blood will be more fragrant.

Death is accompanied by rebirth. The vast scorched earth seems dead, but in fact it will give birth to everything new.

Luohe was once a paradise...

Pulao stared far away, watching the flames burn everything to ashes.

As for Ye Wuyou?

Pulao no longer cared about that guy.

He should have turned into ashes, right?

As long as he made a slight move, it would be the limit of this era.

The practitioners of this era could not imagine its power at all.

The flames burning under him flickered slightly for a while.

Pulao lowered his eyes slightly and looked at his feet in confusion.

The flames flickered, and then the jumping flames suddenly fell silent.

In the raging fire, a figure suddenly jumped out.

Accompanied by a cold voice.

"Relics of the old times, don't come out to embarrass yourself."

The figure was covered by the flames, and the flames burned on his body, but it did not slow him down a bit.

At some point, two black wings appeared on the armor behind him, and the black was tinged with blood.

Looking at that scene, looking at the wings growing behind Ye Wuyou, Pulao's eyes trembled suddenly.

Is he still evolving...

His body was covered by flames, but Ye Wuyou crossed the boundless distance in an instant, and the wings he grew made him extremely fast.

Finally, it turned into a stream of flames and hit the huge "mountain" body fiercely.

Pulao, who had already consumed too much, was shaking at this moment, and was hit by this collision, but his body fell straight into the ground.

There was only one figure left in the sky.

He hung high in the air, and finally gently opened his hands and stretched them around, as if to embrace the world in his arms.

The wings behind him were burning.

It was hard to tell whether it was the narration or Ye Wuyou's own voice at this moment.

There were voices in my mind, heart, and mouth.

[Eternally burning wings, take me out of the world's sinking]

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