My practice narration is weird

Chapter 413 Come, let's go to hell together (6800)

The mountain transformed by Pulao slowly stood up from the ground at this moment.

Its body was in a mess, but its eyes were not panicked, but became calmer.

Looking up at the sky, the beast looked at the figure still attached to the flame.

Pulao spoke quietly, his voice indifferent.

"You can't beat me."

Is that so?

The figure in the sky, with brilliant wings and bright hopes.

It was really as bright as a god.

Pulao on the ground was covered with scars and had lost an eye.

It seemed that no matter how you looked at it, Ye Wuyou had the upper hand.

But the words seemed to be confirmed.

Crack, crack...

The black armor on Ye Wuyou's body broke into pieces at this moment, as if it had softened. When the wind blew, it turned into powder and dissipated.

Under the armor was the flesh and skin that had been cracked and bleeding.

It seemed that it was no longer able to continue.

But was it really so?

With scarlet pupils flashing with dim light, Ye Wuyou's figure fell like a hill, and landed hard on Pulao's head.

Punch after punch, sharp claws kept piercing Pulao's flesh and blood.

Pulao felt pain and roared continuously, and the bone spur pierced Ye Wuyou again.

But Ye Wuyou just paused, and then he bit it fiercely.

Ye Wuyou's body of a hundred feet is still small at this moment.

But Pulao is very big.

It can't be eaten up, it can't be eaten up at all.

Pulao's beast was fierce, and then it wiped the bone spur and directly cut Ye Wuyou's body of a hundred feet in half.

It should be quiet now, right?

Pulao could feel that the other party's breath was much lower than before.

The lower body fell to the ground like a hill.

But the upper body was still clinging to Pulao, biting off a piece of flesh and blood.

Nothing can stop Ye Wuyou at this moment.

He even just pulled out the bone spur in his mouth at this moment because it hindered his eating.

Ye Wuyou didn't care about the bone spur that pierced his head.

The body shape is no longer important.

From beginning to end, Ye Wuyou didn't know what he looked like, nor did he know how his body was. The pain was almost like being torn off. No matter what kind of injury he suffered, there was only peace in his mind.

What is the meaning of formless, formless and selfless.

The human form is born from the heart, and the direction of the heart is the true self.

No self-image, no sentient beings, no human image...

Not sticking to a certain body or object, and no distinction.

There is no difference between the creatures in the world in Ye Wuyou's heart.

Ye Wuyou can now be a twisted termite that eats the flesh and blood of others, or a bird soaring in the sky, or a tiger beast that intimidates the mountains and forests, or a successful scholar, or a charming prostitute in a brothel.

Regardless of gender.

All are the same.

The "No-Form Heart Sutra" should be like this normally.

But Ye Wuyou is different.

It is not as the sutra says that there is no form of sentient beings.

But due to some strange coincidence, he has taken a different path.

[No-Form of Sentient Beings]

Below me, everyone is equal.

I am the only one.

If he is a borer, then all the creatures in the world are the flesh and blood he eats; if he is a tiger beast, then the world is the mountains and forests he shocks; if he is a prostitute...

Then everyone in the world is the client of Ye Meiren, the guest of the curtain.

This may be a little inappropriate.

But in fact, Ye Wuyou regards the world as his pleasure bed and prostitutes the world.

It's all the same, all the same!

Facing Pulao's repeated roars, Ye Wuyou turned a deaf ear.

And Pulao's eyes were filled with resentment at this moment.

It was not hurt at the root, but the current situation was too humiliating.

He could not bear it any longer.

As Pulao's mind moved, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

Ye Wuyou was startled, not because of anything else, but because the flesh and blood that had just entered his mouth suddenly disappeared.

When he looked up again, he found himself in the ocean.

Even his figure at this moment was no longer so huge, but returned to the size of an ordinary person.

The sea water was surging, and the salty feeling filled Ye Wuyou's mouth and nose.

There were also waves surging, constantly tossing his body on the sea.

Everything in front of him was extremely real.

But Ye Wuyou knew that it was fake.

He was still in the desolate North Plains a moment ago, but now he came to the endless ocean.

Ye Wuyou had experienced similar feelings before.

The same falsehood, but the same reality.

Excluding some magical powers of heaven and earth shifting, there is only one possibility at the moment.

Dao domain.

However, unlike the Dao domain used by the Lingxue Pavilion Master Xing Dao before, that Dao domain was dim, and people clearly knew that it was the magical power displayed by the other party.

The Dao Realm at the moment is extremely real, just like the Wei Realm of [Identity Replacement] in the past.

Weiyi can do almost everything in the Wei Realm, but because Weiyi acts according to instinct, there are always flaws.

So what about this moment?

There is a dragon roar roaring around, shocking people, and along with the dragon roar, the huge waves come like a wall, smashing him straight into the seabed.

Pulao, the fourth son of the dragon, lives in the sea.

The moment his body was rolled into the seabed, a giant creature attacked from the water and hit Ye Wuyou hard.

It was a big fish, just passing by, and Ye Wuyou's body kept flipping in the water.

His body was injured, but Ye Wuyou's face was neither sad nor happy. He opened his eyes in the water and didn't seem to feel any pain.

There are more fish in front of him.

Or it would be more appropriate to say fish monster.

Looking at this scene, Ye Wuyou seemed to have a slight smile on his lips.

The smile was a bit sarcastic.

A beast is a beast.

Turbulent energy poured out from Ye Wuyou's body.

【Supernatural Power·The Infinite Sea】

The fish monsters that occupied the advantageous location were all swept away at this moment.

But the aura on Ye Wuyou's body was rising again and again.

The peak of the Five Realms Yuheng?

Six Realms of Heavenly Power!

Feeling the surging energy in his body, Ye Wuyou didn't seem surprised.

Have you reached the Sixth Realm?

As the only realm among the three middle realms with the word "Heaven" as its head, it is truly extraordinary.

It is completely different from the previous Five Realms Yuheng.

The Qi machine seemed to be endless, and the soul of Xing Dao was instantly refined within his body.

Speaking of which, have you overcome your inner demons?

But what is the inner demon calamity?

There was a trace of struggle in his eyes that were neither sad nor happy, but the next moment this thought emerged, his expression calmed down again.

"I have overcome the inner demon tribulation." He said to himself.

He lay gently on his back, looking through the dim sea water at the figure of Pulao who was twisting with the water splash in the sky.

The seawater from all directions was under pressure at this moment, as if it was going to crush his body.

This kind of pressure is greater than any magical power.

Just like the previous earthquake, no matter how powerful the practitioner is, he can't stop it from happening.

Human power is so insignificant in the face of nature.

Facing the pressure coming from all directions, Ye Wuyou made a hand with his fingers and hung them gently on his chest.

What is Tao domain?

The moment this question emerged, a picture came to mind and played continuously in my mind.

It was as if the narrator answered everything for him, but not in words.

Strange Realm——[Identity Replacement]

Strange Realm——[Speaking the Dharma]

Linlang Island, Lu family, Lu Chen, Dharma and magical power.

【Just because I am in this mountain】

Dayan, Lu Qingshan, Dharma and supernatural power.

【Great Flame-Tianlan City】

Qingqiu, Lingxue Pavilion is the master of Xing Dao, Dao Domain.

【Iron chain chain】

Why does this picture automatically appear in my mind?

Ye Wuyou didn't care about this.

At the moment, he was just thinking about the similarities among these pictures.

They are all boundaries and ranges.

The spiritual powers, Dharma, and Tao realms that a practitioner cultivates through practice, even if they say a thousand ways and ten thousand are just a means to fight against the enemy.

How to defeat the enemy?

It’s nothing more than the right time, the right location, and the right people.

The Dao Domain drags your opponent into a place that you are very familiar with. In this Dao Domain, you have every advantage.

Just like you are fighting against people on the most familiar terrain, running and racing on the most familiar map...

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Wuyou's mouth.

Completely different from the smile, there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

At this moment, the Dharma of Heaven and Earth was finally able to exert some force with its own strength.

But if that's all, it's not enough.

What he wants to display is not just [Dharma Appearance Heaven and Earth]

The sacred tree that was originally thriving in his body withered and withered in an instant, and its leaves turned yellow.

Not even the dregs of Xingdao's soul were left, and the souls of more than a dozen six-level gods were all consumed.

In addition, there is the wind soul.

"Stop, stop! I am the leader of the alliance, the leader of Qidian. Don't drain me dry..."

Ye Wuyou remained unmoved.

What's the starting point?

It doesn't matter, I will be the end of everything.

"Stop! I know the legacy of the Golden Alliance and the secrets of Penglai. If you swallow me, you will get nothing."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuyou frowned slightly.

What is the Golden Alliance?

He doesn't care about it.


Something sounds familiar.

Ye Wuyou finally let Feng Xinxin go.

But the strength accumulated in the body is enough at this moment.

The scarlet right eye revealed an indescribable glimmer of light at this moment.

Ye Wuyou never noticed.

He just felt like he could do something.

He looked at Pulao high in the sky and spoke slowly, his voice as arrogant as if he were looking at an ant.

"Get down here!"

There are invisible ripples rippling in this "sea area".

【Dao domain expansion】

【Jedi Tiantong】

The churning sea suddenly became extremely quiet at this moment.

The figure as tall as a mountain range suddenly fell from the sky and fell straight into the sea, causing a stormy sea just like Ye Wuyou's words.


But it was Ye Wuyou who stepped on Pulao's head, and stepped Pulao into the sea again as he was about to surface.

Pulao was so huge that even though he was suppressed in the sea, most of his dragon head was still exposed.

He stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes pure and without a trace of emotion, just watching the ebb and flow of the sea.

However, there was an incomprehensible color in the beast beneath him.

Pulao's power is still there, but at this moment, the power all over his body seems to be restrained and cannot escape even a little bit from his body.

"What have you done? In this king's realm, you..."

The words suddenly stopped, and Pulao looked at the sky in disbelief.

Clouds rise and fall, constantly churning.

All this happened just as Ye Wuyou gently stretched out his fingertips and provoked at will.

Pulao's words were useless.

"You, you, how could you, with your level..."

"How could you possibly use Dao Domain!"

Pulao's words were full of shock.

In his opinion, the practitioners in this world are too weak, like the previous Xingdao, although it is said to be in the seventh realm, it can display the Dao realm.

But that realm is actually not perfect. It is just a prototype, and its scope and boundaries are far incomparable to it.

There is no "real" scene in the Dao Domain like the one he created now.

Such a "real" scene, except for the mysterious realm formed by the ruins of the avenue, can only be displayed by an existence like Pulao that does not belong to this era.

This is the true realm of Tao.

And what about Ye Wuyou?

In Pulao's eyes, the other party's aura is much stronger than when they first met. According to today's human terms, is it the sixth realm?

But what about the six realms?

Why can he use Dao Domain, and it is a real Dao Domain!

Listening to Pulao's words, Ye Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming to see the doubts in the other party's heart.

But he didn't take it seriously, and even felt a little stupid.

Why can't Dao Domain be used in the Six Realms?

Is there any necessary connection?

Ye Wuyou was able to display the Dharma when he was in the Three Realms, and now he doesn't think it is unbelievable to use all his strength to display a "Dao Realm".

Ye Wuyou never noticed the scarlet color in his right eye.

In this realm, the right eyeball seems to be more agile.

Finally, he stepped down.

Step on the entire dragon head into the sea.

The power is restrained, and Pulao is powerful but has nowhere to use it.

What this guy did could not hurt its roots, but being suppressed like this made Pulao feel extremely humiliated.

It can forcefully break through the restraints and use the same magical power as before.

It was impossible for Ye Wuyou to withstand the second "Burning Sky".

But it can no longer expend power.

The spirit that has been stored for thousands of years is running out.

"My king, I want to talk to you."

"My king, Gululu, I make a promise to you..."

Ye Wuyou didn't care.

He just smiled, watching the dragon-headed toad struggle under his feet, which was extremely interesting.

Can dragons and toads also have children?

Dragon, and, toad?

What was the scene like?

You can't even do a narration on this matter, right?

"Gulu, gulu, my king, I promise that from now on, you will be the one in this paradise."

After a slight pause in his footsteps, Ye Wuyou smiled softly and said nothing, just gesturing for the other party to continue speaking.

"This king, this king is a great demon of the last era. I don't know how many years have passed now..."

"The practitioners of that era were not like this in the world. They were cultivators of immortality. The supernatural powers that seem powerful to you now could actually be used by ordinary cultivators of that era. They cultivated immortality, attained enlightenment, and sought Immortality..."

Ye Wuyou listened quietly at first, but then his eyes showed impatience.

He had already guessed this.

The two encounters with the Shinto Pillar were enough to let him know a lot of things.

The differences between the two eras are normal.

That's not what Ye Wuyou wanted to hear.

The footsteps stepped down again, and this time Pulao's speech was obviously much faster.

"Luohe, Luohe is a river that existed in the last era. The place where Luohe was at that time was a blessed land of cave heaven. The spiritual energy of that river gathered, and it was a place that countless people yearned for."

Ye Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he remembered something.

"What about Penglai?"

These words made Pulao Beast tremble suddenly.

"How do you know Penglai..."

As he stepped down, there seemed to be great pressure, making the dragon's head click.

"Penglai, Penglai is also a blessed land of cave heaven, Kunxu, Penglai, Luotian, Beihai, Nanshan, Luohe... these are all blessed lands of cave heaven, but most of those cave heaven blessings have disappeared and have no effect. This king just sealed himself in Beihai. Only in this way can we survive to this day.

Only Luohe still exists after being discovered by this king.

But although Luohe is called a cave, it is actually just a blessed land. Penglai is the real cave, a place that keeps changing directions. I was not qualified to go there before, and now there is no trace of it. No one can find it..."

Cave Heaven Paradise...

There are so many.

But now that the years have passed, it seems that only Luohe and an unknown Penglai are left...

Ye Wuyou spoke calmly, but there was teasing in his words.

"The Luo River is still there today, so why has no one noticed what kind of paradise it is?"

"That's natural. Just like most of the Cave Heaven Paradise has been destroyed and dissipated, Luohe is no exception. It has long lost its previous effects... but I have a way to bring Luohe back to life."

Let Luohe rejuvenate.

I seem to have heard the narrator say this...

Ye Wuyou felt vaguely familiar, but couldn't remember it.

Damn [Forget].

However, Pulao still supplemented Ye Wuyou's missing memory very well.

"I have connected the Northern Plains to the human race. As long as these creatures are slaughtered, the earth is watered with blood, and the essence power accumulated by the Qingqiu Sacred Tree for countless years can be used as a guide, the Luohe River can be rejuvenated. From now on, From Beiyuan to Dayan, everything will be transformed into the only paradise in the world..."

Ye Wuyou looked indifferent. Although the explanation of the other party's words was a bit complicated, he understood it.

Just like a well being dug suddenly becomes empty of water, as long as a few more buckets of water are poured into the well as a guide, more water sources can be drawn out...

Pulao's voice was admonishing.

"You are able to achieve this, and you are also a hero in this world. You have a sacred tree. As long as you help me, I am willing to grant you a position within my scope."

"You will gain great benefits by then. Didn't you see the divine soul in my body before? It feels different from the divine soul you know. That divine soul is just the name of a practitioner in this world. In our era, the title For Nascent Soul...

As long as you stop interfering with me and help me, we will divide Luohe into three parts, and you will take a blessed land to build a cave. That place will only provide you with everything. In less than ten years, you can transform everything in yourself into a spirit. The soul becomes an automated baby, and even becomes a god.

By then, you will no longer be a weak practitioner in this world, but a true immortal..."

Ye Wuyou listened quietly, the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually faded away at some point, and his eyes were calm.

He thought for a moment and asked.

"Why is it divided into three?"

"Because... there is another venerable person with an unpredictable origin. He woke up many years earlier than me. Even in my time, he was a figure. However, he seemed to be injured and could not take action, so he He planned all this in cooperation with me." Pulao hesitated.

Ye Wuyou thought for a moment before finally speaking.

"Is it that Your Majesty?"

"Yes, do you know this too..."

Ye Wuyou shook his head slightly, and for the first time there was some doubt in his words.

"That lord... he made people support Dayan against the demon clan."

Pulao was stunned for a moment, and then the dragon's head shook in the water, seemingly denying all this.

"Resist the demon clan? No, no, no, that's what he has agreed with this king. If more people are sent over, if the cultivators of Dayan are not strong enough and not many die, Luo He will not be able to be awakened."

Ye Wuyou grinned.

Pulao was completely trampled and submerged into the sea, while Ye Wuyou used the force to get up.

The figure rises from the sea in the wind, like a roc spreading its wings, soaring ninety thousand miles.

The dragon head struggled, standing on the waves, Pulao stood on the sea, and then said with angry eyes.

"What are you angry about? I thought you had reached this point and were different from the rest of the world. Open your eyes and look at your body in the outside world. Can you still be called a human being?"

Ye Wuyou's figure hung high in the sky, walking slowly.

Step by step on this "real" cloud layer.

With a slight hook of your fingertips, the clouds swept over you.

Facing the words below, he looked lightly, lowered his eyes slightly, and said calmly.

"Oh, how do you think you are different from the rest of the world?"

Pulao's voice was angry, but he answered without thinking.

"The world's weak people are like ants in my eyes. When Luohe is full of vitality and I regain my realm, what's the use of even the nine realms that the world calls them? Immortals and mortals are the difference between clouds and mud!"

Ye Wuyou walked lightly and nodded silently at this moment.

He smiled with a sincere expression, as if he was confirming Pulao's words.

"Well said."

After a slight pause, Ye Wuyou added.

The tone is calm and sincere, the calmest voice.

"In my eyes, there is really no difference between human beings and ants."

Pulao looked blank for a moment, then chuckled, as if that was indeed the case.

It was not mistaken about Ye Wuyou, a guy who was sometimes crazy and sometimes calm, with his calm and compassionate eyes. There was no doubt that he looked at the world as if he were an ant.

Ye Wuyou didn't know what Pulao was thinking.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Wuyou said with confusion.

Don't wait for Pulao's reaction.

At this moment, he just stretched out his fingertips and, under Pulao's gaze, tapped the opponent's head from afar.

"the same as you."

Pulao's expression suddenly became full of gloom.

The same goes for me, too?

How ridiculous.

The breath instantly broke away Ye Wuyou's restraint.

However, Pulao still used the power he never wanted to waste at this moment.

Cang Mang's words resounded throughout the world.

"I once gave you the opportunity to set foot in the Paradise of Cave Heaven, which was enough to free you from the ordinary world...but you gave up. Under the Nine Springs, you will find out how stupid you are without realizing it."

[Supernatural Power·Burning Sky]

【Supernatural Power·Cooking the Sea】

The words floated in the air, but with some kind of extremely cheerful smile.

The smile seemed to be mocking.

"Since you are still alive, why should you be extraordinary?"

Ye Wuyou's open palm suddenly pressed down.

[Supernatural Power·Dharma and Heaven and Earth]


Both realms collapsed at this moment.

This is not just a contest of supernatural powers.

It wasn't until the end that Pulao understood one thing.

That guy's Dao domain turned out to be like this...

No wonder it can be so "real". The reason is that the guy used the "real" realm he built as a framework. It looked amazing, but it only filled the illusory sky and ground.

Everything else in the Dao realm is created by oneself.

What is this...have you been deceived?

But this guy is really bold and arrogant.

Is it an attempt to divide the realm of heaven and earth by using the laws of heaven and earth to create a scene of peerless heavenly power?

The Jedi Heavenly Power means that all the souls in the world have no way to advance. The heaven and earth are isolated, the spiritual energy is thin, and the avenue collapses until...


Why is it somewhat similar to that great disaster?

On the northern plain, Pulao looked quietly at the rather embarrassed figure in front of him.

After leaving the Dao realm, everything returned to the real world.

Ye Wuyou is still a hundred feet tall, still has wings, and his appearance is inhuman.

But at this moment, the wings were broken, and only the vast black smoke was still rising from the figure.

In the end, I won.

But Pulao didn't feel any joy.

As it said before, "Ye Wuyou can't kill it."

Its methods are far more than what the practitioners in this world can imagine.

But this practitioner used his Qi to exhaust his accumulated spiritual power.

Ye Wuyou's magical power is not inferior to his own, and even better than his own.

The heaven and earth made the appearance, which is really very fascinating.

In the end, the opponent only lost in "Qi".

And the power he accumulated was almost exhausted.

Now he can only speed up the progress and let the demons under his control completely crush the Great Flame where humans live.

Blood irrigation will make Luohe revitalized and naturally recover.

Pulao sighed softly and then stepped heavily.

But the hard ground suddenly stepped into nothing at this moment.

Pulao's figure suddenly became silent, and his eyes suddenly looked at Ye Wuyou who was as silent as death on the ground in front of him.

But he saw that the other party just raised his head at this moment, and his scarlet pupils were glowing with light as he looked at him.

What did he do?

What else could he do?

Pulao realized something and suddenly looked up.

The sky had already darkened.

The ground was also pitch black.

Ye Wuyou's figure suddenly disappeared in Pulao's eyes.

No, not disappeared.

But was swallowed.

Countless dry and black arms with only bones left grabbed Ye Wuyou and pulled his body into a dark abyss.

It was the Guimen Coffin.

Long before, the erosion of the [Guimen Coffin] had reached its extreme.

Now it finally had to bear the price of using it.

The black coffin lid fell from the sky, covering an infinite distance.

This was the last time to use the [Guimen Coffin], so Ye Wuyou naturally didn't care about the "limit".

The [Guimen Coffin] could be opened as wide as it could be at this moment.

Including Pulao.

Ye Wuyou finally waved at Pulao and grinned.

His tone was gentle, as if he was calling an old friend for many years.


"Let's go to hell together."


The deepest part of [Ghost Coffin].

This is a dark and endless abyss.

It is a place that Ye Wuyou has experienced before, but he dare not set foot on easily.

And at this moment, in the endless darkness where you can't see your hand in front of you.

A pair of pupils like torches appeared.

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