My practice narration is weird

Chapter 416: There is no need for this, it will be refined in an instant (6200))

A dark, withered arm suddenly appeared on Ye Wuyou's body.

Although they were just dry arms that looked like skeletons, the strength coming from those arms was getting deeper and deeper at this moment, as if they were piercing into the flesh and blood.

This force is much heavier than before in the outside world.

This ghost hand... is it those things in the sly coffin?

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly and was about to reach out to brush away the arms on his shoulders.

But the green and white demon stopped him at this moment.

"Donor, please don't cause trouble to yourself."

Looking at the other party, Ye Wuyou could clearly see that jet-black arms seemed to be sprouting one after another on the body of the blue-white demon.

There are more ghost hands appearing on his body than himself.

Looking aside.

Pulao's body was the largest, and he was roaring. His body was also covered with dark arms.

Su Qingchen was huddled in the corner, gritting her teeth, but the withered ghost hands were all over her limbs.

"Why do you allow these things on your body?" Ye Wuyou asked.

The blue-white demon said nothing.

Because a dark and dry arm was slowly stretching out from its mouth at this moment.

The demon looked painful at this moment, but it opened its bloody mouth, revealing its sharp fangs.

It also allowed Ye Wuyou to clearly see the arms extending out from the demon's throat.

Ye Wuyou frowned and looked at Pulao, finally understanding what the demon said to him.

Faced with those dark ghost hands appearing on his body, Pulao naturally reacted.

Bone spurs burst out from its body, piercing through all the dark ghost hands and shattering them into pieces.

But the next moment, the ghost hand that had been shattered by the penetration appeared on Pulao's body again.

And the number is greater than before.

Pulao roared repeatedly, with shock and anger in his eyes, and used the bone spur again.

But as always.

The number of ghost hands was reduced at first, but then it increased.

And the ghost hand was now firmly inserted into Pulao's body, into his flesh and blood, getting tighter and tighter.

The pain in his body was still continuing. Ye Wuyou glanced around, and it was the same for everyone present, including himself.

It's just a matter of severity.

He had the smallest number of "ghost hands" on his body, which was also the case with Pulao before. Considering his size, there were not many ghost hands, but after the opponent smashed the ghost hands into pieces, there were more.

Su Qingchen's ghost hands have wrapped around her limbs, and the blue-white demon is undoubtedly the most serious at this moment.

"What is this."

Ye Wuyou said.

His body was shaking slightly out of his control, obviously suffering from immense pain.

But the voice was still calm.

As if these pains didn't make him care, "just minor injuries" seemed to be insignificant to him, and he was completely indifferent.

But the powerful blue-white demon was sweating profusely at the moment, sticky liquid was constantly secreting from his body, and his body was slightly bowed, as if he was enduring great pain.

In the dark abyss, only the painful cries of Pulao and Su Qingchen echoed.

Time passed bit by bit, I don’t know how long it took, a quarter of an hour, half an hour, or an hour?

The ghostly hands that were wrapped around everyone finally slowly subsided at this moment.

The blue-white demon was sitting on the ground now, breathing heavily.

Su Qingchen still stayed in the corner, her arms wrapped around her knees, her whole body trembling, and her eyes were full of fear that had not dissipated.

Pulao was groaning and unable to say a word at this moment.

Ye Wuyou lowered his head and glanced at the blood marks and dents on his body that were scratched by those ghostly hands.

Low laughter sounded, but the blue-white demon's eyes were slightly focused at this moment, looking at Ye Wuyou.

"This is this hellish place. The poor monk calls it "Eternal Purgatory". This is a torture that everyone has to go through... Today's incident is relatively light."

Eternal purgatory? Torture?

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, but seemed to have thought of something and looked towards the darkness not far away.

In the [Tricky Door Coffin], Ye Wuyou has been here several times.

Regarding this place, Ye Wuyou only knew that there was countless black sludge inside, and in the darkness, there were many dark ghost hands just like before.

But at that time, those ghost hands in the [Tricky Door Coffin] were unable to touch themselves, and were even extremely weak.

But now, it is completely different.

The blue-white demon Buddha spoke with confidence at this moment.

"The poor monk has been in this place for more than two years now. He has experienced such torture countless times... In this purgatory, it is also a practice."

"In order to achieve fruition, this is the pain that a poor monk should endure. As long as he survives all this, the poor monk will naturally become a Buddha."

The cyan demon regained some of his complexion at this moment, clasped his hands together, and started chanting sutras softly.

Do you use this as a spiritual practice?

We haven’t seen each other for two years. Is this monster Buddha still thinking about becoming a Buddha?

Ye Wuyou shook his head, his expression indifferent.

"When will this torture you mentioned happen again?"

The blue-white demon did not respond. He lowered his head and looked pious, as if he was really chanting with all his heart.

The woman's weak and trembling voice came from the side, but it was Su Qingchen.

"It's not fixed. Sometimes it's three days, sometimes it's five days. This time... it's only two days apart."

"And the longer you stay here, the more serious the situation will be. From outside the body to inside the body, you are just at the beginning..."

It will become more serious as time goes by.

The green demon has been here for two years, and Su Qingchen should have been here for almost two months.

The previous "symptoms" on the two people were also different. Su Qingchen was much smaller than himself now, but the proportion of ghost hands wrapped around his body was larger.

Not to mention the cyan demon, there are already arms extending from his body.

The "torture" on it should be the most severe among all the people present.

But the monster's condition is not bad, and Ren has some strength left.

The supernatural power can't fight against this weirdness, but the weirdness can.

Is this [adaptation]?

Although the impact could not be completely eliminated, it allowed the demon to survive here for more than two years.

Thinking of this, Ye Wuyou slowly stared at the blue-white demon with calm eyes.

The blue-white demon cast his gaze, but Ye Wuyou just nodded slightly towards him, then looked at Su Qingchen and spoke calmly.

"Have you ever thought of other options?"

Su Qingchen was stunned. Faced with Ye Wuyou's gaze, which was like a demon at this moment, he was startled for a moment, with subconscious fear and avoidance.

But then, she said sadly.

"How? There is no way. This cannot be resisted by any magical power. This is weird..."

"Have you seen the mud outside? Do you know where those ghost things in the mud came from..."

"One day, we will all become the same existence in the mud."

Not knowing what he thought of, Su Qingchen suddenly laughed and said with a slightly crazy expression.

"Yes, all of us will become monsters in the dark mud, but I won't. I am a dead person to begin with. I will not turn into a monster. I will only die here completely."

Su Qingchen was a little mentally disturbed, but Ye Wuyou didn't care.

Instead, the green and white demon who had been chanting sutras suddenly spoke at this moment.

"The female benefactor is right. Here we will only be assimilated by those things. When those ghost things are spread inside and outside our bodies, everything will be over."

Ye Wuyou said: "Have you never thought about leaving?"

The blue-white demon was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly.

"The poor monk has naturally thought about it and has been searching for it for a long time, but there is no way to leave this place."

Ye Wuyou shook his head.

Seeing this, the blue-white demon let out a light sigh, then clasped his hands together, like a very pious Buddhist, and asked Ye Wuyou questions.

"Does the donor think what the poor monk said is false?"

Ye Wuyou then shook his head.

Facing the blue-white demon's increasingly doubtful eyes, he spoke calmly, his words calm and without a trace of unnecessary emotion.

"What you said is true."

"Oh, then why does the donor have doubts?" The blue-white demon showed an interested look.

Ye Wuyou said calmly.

"It's normal that you can't find a way to leave. It doesn't mean that I can't find one."

The green-white demon was stunned for a moment, then laughed, his eyes showing strange expressions, but he did not argue with Ye Wuyou about the matter.

Instead, he spoke thoughtfully.

"Interesting, interesting. The donor really has an extremely pure formless state of mind. The poor monk was amazed by it."

Ye Wuyou stood calmly, unmoved.

There was a sneer in his heart.

Those words again.

What formless state of mind?

I am no longer in the "no one" state.

This green and white demon is really a fool. Now he is determined just because he has overcome the inner demon tribulation.

Speaking of which, how did you overcome the inner demon tribulation?

Thinking of this, Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, shifted his gaze slightly, and stopped looking at him.

The means to leave this place...

If the [Tricky Door Coffin] is still controlled by Ye Wuyou, opening the coffin will naturally be a piece of cake.

But now Ye Wuyou knows that he has lost the [Tricky Door Coffin] at this moment.

[Tricky Door Coffin] eroded everything and left his body.

Now that I think about it, it should have opened a mysterious realm on its own above Beiyuan.

In this case, unless someone can integrate into the coffin again and open the coffin door, there is a slim chance of leaving.

No, not possible.

But it's very little, almost nothing.

Ye Wuyou finally understood why he had to run for a long time every time he wanted to leave the "Tricky Door Coffin".

Even if someone is lucky enough to break through the treacherous realm, they happen to merge into the [Tricky Door Coffin], and then happen to use the [Tricky Door Coffin] to open the door.

Even so, that "exit" that is not only unknown but also far away is completely impossible for him to leave.


Ye Wuyou suddenly thought of something.

"Donor, this is for you. If you can survive this calamity, it may help you avoid falling into eternity forever."

When the young monk said goodbye for the last time, he gave himself a finger.

In the past, the little monk also gave himself a finger. After using it, he once again entered the world of [identity replacement].

And now the purpose of this finger.

Ye Wuyou's thoughts moved slightly, and then he understood.

Weirdness has no solution, and the only thing that can fight against weirdness is weirdness.

If you want to open the door of [Tricky Door Coffin], apart from active control, the only thing you have is——[Key]

Thinking of this, Ye Wuyou looked calm.

Leave, he can do it at any time.

But before leaving here, he still has three things to do.

First, Pulao is going to die.

Secondly, the [Tricky Door Coffin] in his body is no longer there, leaving a vacancy in the remains of the avenue, which may be filled...


The most important point.

Why did the blue-white demon eliminated by [Truth and False Judgment] appear at the bottom of the [Tricky Door Coffin] abyss.

Ye Wuyou wanted to figure this out.

Let’s talk about it.

His current appearance and appearance are not "Ye Wuyou", but this kind of "inhuman" monster.

And a very important point.

There was one person and two demons present, and neither of them knew their names.

As thoughts emerged in his mind, Ye Wuyou immediately turned his head slightly and looked at Su Qingchen on one side.

"How did you get trapped here?" He pretended not to know.

Su Qingchen was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

"I once boasted that I was invincible. In my era, I only lost to one person. I never thought that I would meet one now..."

Ye Wuyou interrupted.

"Tell the important point."

Su Qingchen trembled and then said.

"I...I met a man. He was a young man holding a knife. He was tall, not thin, but not fat either. He had two eyes, a mouth and a nose. He was very good...don't, don't, don't "Urgent, his cultivation level is similar to mine, but he really defeated me too much, and he had weird intentions, so he sealed me here in the end."

"I don't hate him. If I were a living person and he was a dead person, I would do the same thing. I just hate that guy for being so powerful. Why don't you just beat him to ashes? Now that things have happened, I am obsessed with it. I Why were you whispering at that time, wuwuwu..."

Su Qingchen choked up as she spoke. It seemed that she really regretted being so quiet.

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, and finally let go of the hand that raised the other party.

He only let the other party speak and did not let Su Qingchen describe his appearance.

However, no one should be able to detect this extremely abstract description.

But the blue-white demon paused slightly at this moment, then looked at Su Qingchen and spoke indifferently.

"Knife-wielding, young man, good-looking, with eyes and nose..."

"The poor monk ended up here because of such a person. I think that person should be the same as the one you met."

For the first time, Ye Wuyou's mood changed slightly.

He was puzzled.

No, who has no eyes or nose? There are a lot of men with knives in the world.

Can you think of this description?

Just because you are good-looking and handsome, can't you just think of yourself in your mind because of these characteristics?

The voice came again, it was the demon speaking to Su Qingchen.

"The poor monk is just like you. I don't hate him. If I meet him again, the poor monk will thank him for giving me this practice."

The blue-white demon's voice was low at first, then louder, he raised his head, clasped his hands together, and chanted loudly.

"He sent me into the "Eternal Purgatory" to suffer pain, but the poor monk will repay the evil with kindness and send me to bliss! That is the real bliss, without worries or pain."

The blue-white demon looked pious. Su Qingchen was stunned when he heard it, and he held back a sentence for a while.

"Then you are quite a nice person..."

What are these words?

Ye Wuyou naturally knew what the other party meant by bliss.

But Ye Wuyou no longer has time to care about the Qingbai Demon and Su Qingchen.

Because Pulao also twisted his body at this moment, reacting to what the two had just said.

Pulao, who was seriously injured and scarred, was lying on the ground, but his expression was filled with excitement.

The man with the knife, the young man, the beautiful man.

Aren’t we standing in front of you right now?

Everyone's feelings were brought in by him.

Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its own owner. If you don’t repay it today, when will you repay it?

Thinking of this, Pulao was about to speak.

"This king also..."

But then, a huge force came, and Ye Wuyou suddenly stepped on its head, interrupting its words.

"Bastard, if you hadn't insisted on being my enemy, how could I have entered that strange realm!!!"

Ye Wuyou looked ferocious, with undisguised anger in his eyes.

The Qi machine bloomed and suddenly hit Pulao, who was seriously injured at the moment.

Pulao had no room to resist at this moment.

First, he was severely injured by Ye Wuyou, but he still had some strength left, but then he encountered the blue and white demon Buddha.

A cross-era magical power full of "spiritual power" failed to kill the green and white demon, and so the nightmare began.

The latter continued to hit the target, causing it to have already exhausted its power at this moment.

Seeing this scene, the green and white demon Buddha and Su Qingchen were stunned.

Just now, weren't you still so calm that you didn't even care if the sky was falling?

Why are you so angry now?

However, both of them also knew that at this moment, 'Ye Wuyou' and Pulao had a grudge against each other, because they both fell here at the same time, and each had their own injuries on their bodies.

The blue-white demon's eyes were thinking at this moment, and then he spoke softly, his voice seemed to be filled with a smile.

But he actually said comfortingly.

"Donor, why is it like this? Our fate here is doomed. If you hate it so much because it fell into this place, why not let it suffer the punishment it deserves in this endless purgatory."

This is also the reason why the Qingbai Demon Buddha spared his opponent's breath before.

In this hellish place where he was subjected to "torture", there was another being who also watched him undergo "torture".

But Ye Wuyou didn't take it seriously at the moment and didn't stop his movements at all.

People present only heard a sneer from Ye Wuyou.

"You monster Buddha, your lifelong practice has really fallen into the hands of a dog. I thought you could say something, but now it seems that it is really ridiculous."

These words made the Qingbai Demon's expression become extremely gloomy in an instant.

He stood up slowly, staring at Ye Wuyou's back, with a sinister murderous intent in his eyes, but his mouth was still calm and doubtful, as if a disciple was asking for scriptures, and asked.

"What do you mean by this, benefactor?"

Ye Wuyou punched Pulao again, and the powerful force almost penetrated the dragon head.

At this moment, Pulao was only breathing out, not breathing in.

He turned around and faced the blue-white demon Buddha, his body straight, his eyes without sadness or joy, looking down at the other party without any emotion.

"I just fell into this purgatory because of this beast, and I will suffer endless pain and torture, but I don't hate this beast. Instead, I complain with virtue and send it to paradise to prevent it from suffering such pain."

"This is just as you said. I agree that you are devoted to Buddhism, so I naturally agree with your words."

"But you don't understand everything I do. You just think that I am blinded by hatred. In this way, even if you practice for a thousand years or ten thousand years and endure endless suffering, you will never become a Buddha."

"So, what's wrong?"

Su Qingchen, who was curled up in the corner eating melons, looked sluggish.

Learn and apply, right?

If it weren't for the fact that this great demon practiced a strong state of mind, I really couldn't have thought of it.

When the blue-white demon Buddha heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and the anger and gloom in his eyes slowly dissipated.

But it still stood there hesitantly.

Ye Wuyou glanced at the other party lightly, then stretched out a single palm and hung it in front of his chest.

He spoke quietly.


After these words came out.

The blue-white demon Buddha no longer hesitated.

He suddenly took a step forward and ran towards Ye Wuyou.

He clenched his fists, and the veins on his blue-white skin burst.

Ye Wuyou's face was calm, and he did not dodge.

The bodies intertwined.

A powerful and heavy blow hit Pulao's body fiercely.

Then, it suddenly penetrated.

It broke its last breath and ended everything for Pulao.

Pulao's eyes were still full of disbelief at the last moment.

If eyes can speak, Pulao must be saying.

What the hell, why?

Why hit me?

Hit him!!!

But the last glimmer of light dimmed.

After doing all this, the blue-white demon Buddha looked at Ye Wuyou with a pious look. The demon Buddha covered in blood looked contented at this moment, as if he had received great teachings.

"The donor has great wisdom."

Is that so?

Ye Wuyou's breath was calm.

This is not great wisdom, but just a perverse theory.

But it is not important at this moment.

Pulao is dead, the first thing has been done.


Ye Wuyou was startled, and then spoke to himself.

"I forgot."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to Pulao's body.

The blue and white demon Buddha beside him hesitated for a moment and said.

"Donor, do you want its flesh and blood to fill yourself up and experience the training here?"

The demon Buddha had to care.

It left the other party with a breath, and it had been devouring Pulao's flesh and blood before because it also needed to fill itself up.

[Adaptation] can help it barely bear all this.

But his figure and breath are weaker than when he was trapped in the underground palace before.

This Pulao's flesh and blood is extremely precious to the blue and white demon Buddha.

But Ye Wuyou doesn't care.

Flesh and blood?

He knows that Pulao's flesh and blood have some uses, and he has swallowed them before.

But what he wants now is not flesh and blood.

The demon wanted this flesh and blood to resist the "torture" here, but Ye Wuyou would not stay here for long. This flesh and blood was like chicken ribs to him.

He did not want to eat raw meat and drink blood.

Thinking of this, Ye Wuyou glanced at the blue-white demon and said calmly.

"I don't need flesh and blood."

"Then donor..." The blue-white demon Buddha seemed to be relieved, but his words were a little confused.

"What I want is its 'soul'."


The demon Buddha thought about it.

He is a demon, a Buddha, not a demon.

If you swallow too much soul, you will become a fool.

The demon Buddha does not need it.

"Then donor, please do as you please." The blue-white demon Buddha smiled and said.

Ye Wuyou has already made some moves.

A huge but extremely weak 'soul' was pulled out of Pulao by Ye Wuyou, and it was almost dissipated.

But even so, the moment the soul appeared, the blue-white demon Buddha and Su Qingchen changed their faces.

This strange soul looks so weak, but it feels completely different from the souls I have seen before?

Just like the difference between "quality" and "quantity".

Looking at this "soul", Ye Wuyou smiled lightly. He was about to reach out.

But a voice of comfort came from beside him.

It was the demon Buddha who spoke.

"Donor, be careful, this strange soul cannot be swallowed directly, otherwise even if you refine the soul, your mind will be overwhelmed by the residual consciousness in it. I have some means prepared here, you just need to..."

The voice was interrupted.

"There is no need for this."

Ye Wuyou looked indifferent and grabbed the Pulao soul.

Refined in an instant!

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