My practice narration is weird

Chapter 417 Stupid Xia Anmeng, have you overcome your inner demons?

In the dark abyss, silence soon returned.

After Ye Wuyou devoured the soul of "Pulao", a faint light flashed between his scarlet pupils, and then he sat alone in a corner, quietly sitting cross-legged.

The blue-white demon was a little surprised by Ye Wuyou's "behavior", and looked at Ye Wuyou with a more strange look.

After all, even if it was the magic way he knew, how could it devour the soul so cleanly and neatly?

But he didn't care about it, but cut off another piece of Pulao's flesh and blood, and quietly adjusted his breath.

Su Qingchen curled up in the corner, and never moved from beginning to end.

In this abyss of only "despair" and "torture", there was nothing to say between them.

He could only seize every minute and every second to adjust his breath and restore his state.

In order to feel better in the next "torture".

After all, when one day he can no longer bear the "torture" and finally collapses, with ghost hands all over his body, he will also become the existence in the mud of this strange door coffin.

Ye Wuyou closed his eyes and sank into his mind.

Pulao's "soul" is the most unique "soul" he has devoured since he began to practice.

According to Pulao's words, this was cultivated in the last era...

This is not a soul, but a "Nascent Soul", "Transformation of the God", "Dao Infant"?

At this moment of refining, the majestic Qi is like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea, filling up the Qi that was originally somewhat sluggish and empty in Ye Wuyou's body.

Even though this Pulao's soul is extremely weak now, it seems that it will dissipate as soon as the wind blows.

But the power it provides is endless, which is much better than the previous Xingdao's seven-level soul.

Even if there are ten Xingdao, even if there are ten seven-level souls, they cannot compare with Pulao's "soul" at this moment.

The gap between quality and quantity.

The previously drained and withered God Tree suddenly came to life.

Not only that.

The increase in Qi was like a wave, and the realm was rising rapidly without any inhibition from Ye Wuyou.

A thought came to his mind.

Is it because he "crossed" the Heart Demon Tribulation?

When he "crossed" the Heart Demon Tribulation, the road to the Six Realms was unobstructed.

Ye Wuyou never divided himself into "beginner, middle, advanced, and perfect" realms during his practice, and never cared about it.

But at this moment, he could still feel the bottlenecks being broken.

The early stage of the Six Realms, the middle stage of the Six Realms, the Six Realms...

Until the peak of the Six Realms of Heavenly Power.

The God Tree was full of vitality, and the realm was unstoppable.

Not only that.

In his mind, Ye Wuyou slowly opened his eyes and scanned his soul.

Previously, his soul was a bit bigger than that of ordinary practitioners, and his soul was stronger than his body. This was Ye Wuyou before.

The huge soul is not bad, but Ye Wuyou always feels a little bloated.

But now, the soul is crystal clear, with a faint luster on the surface, but the size has not increased again, but has slightly condensed a little, as if it has shrunk.

The size has become smaller, no longer as huge as before.

But Ye Wuyou himself knows that the "quality" of the soul has been improved at this moment.

Even if the qi is exhausted, Ye Wuyou has a feeling that he can still use his unique killer with the power of his soul at this moment.

Dharma-like supernatural power, Dharma-like heaven and earth.

Not to mention that his qi is so full at this moment that it seems to overflow from his body.

Before this, it was almost impossible to use his own Dharma-like supernatural power without opportunity.

Now it is different.

This is everything that Pulao, this "soul", brings.


At this moment, Ye Wuyou's soul was slightly startled, and then looked to the side.

He saw Xia Anmeng with a confused and shocked face.


Why is she still in my body?

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, and then he remembered that he had not returned Xia Anmeng to Lu Caiwei before.

Before that, Xia Anmeng helped him resist the magical power of the punishment path, but after several battles, life and death crises, not only squeezed his own energy, the sacred tree, but also his own soul was frustrated.

But he had no time to care about Xia Anmeng.

The latter seemed to have just woken up, and the breath of the soul was weak.

Xia Anmeng was not feeling well in Ye Wuyou's body before.

That hard battle almost made her soul scattered, and her soul power was weak, and she fell into a deep sleep.

She was awakened by the change of the majestic power around her body.

She also witnessed the scene of Ye Wuyou really devouring the soul.

Even though I knew that Ye Wuyou was a "demon", I was still a little shocked when I saw this scene with my own eyes.

This kid, shouldn't he swallow me in a thought?

But she saw the changes in Ye Wuyou at this moment.

His soul was strong, his qi was full, and his realm was deep.

In any case, this was a good thing.

Seeing Ye Wuyou looking at her, Xia Anmeng's eyes first showed a hint of surprise, but then she was a little confused.

"Where is this?"

"Where is my apprentice?"

"Why did you become like this?"

Three big question marks appeared vaguely in Xia Anmeng's head at this moment.

She could see the outside world through Ye Wuyou's body.

The strange environment in the strange coffin, the strange figure, and the body of Ye Wuyou that looked like a human but not a human...

There were big doubts in the little head.

Ye Wuyou stared at Xia Anmeng's somewhat scattered soul for a long time.

He looked indifferent and responded quietly.

"The erosion of the weirdness has reached its limit on me. This is the world inside the weirdness."

"As for Lu Caiwei, she is not in danger, and I..."

After a slight pause, Ye Wuyou's mind swept over himself, looking at his inhuman body that looked like a big demon, and then continued.

"I am still Ye Wuyou."

Xia Anmeng was stunned for a moment, and nodded subconsciously.

For some reason, she felt a little...slightly strange.

It was indeed Ye Wuyou's breath and Ye Wuyou's voice.

But such an indifferent tone, such a look without any emotion, and the calm attitude towards the current situation...

all made her feel a little strange.

Although Ye Wuyou's words in the past were sometimes a little strange, and he would say some strange remarks, which made people sigh that who would understand what you said.

But there was always a little more ups and downs, and sometimes laughing and sometimes angry.

Xia Anmeng thought, and suddenly noticed something, and asked subconsciously.

"Have you passed the Heart Demon Tribulation?"

She realized that Ye Wuyou was now at the peak of the sixth realm.

He was only at the fifth realm before, stuck in the Heart Demon Tribulation.

Hearing this, Ye Wuyou frowned slightly.

For some reason, Ye Wuyou felt a subconscious aversion to the term "Heart Demon Tribulation".

Although he didn't know where this aversion came from.

But Ye Wuyou still responded calmly.

"I have passed the Heart Demon Tribulation."

Xia Anmeng nodded silently.

So, have you passed it?

It's a good thing to pass the Heart Demon Tribulation.

But, this... always feels a little abrupt, there is no sign.

Just thinking about Ye Wuyou's current changes, Xia Anmeng's eyes suddenly froze, and then she spoke.

"You, what are you doing?"

In her eyes, Ye Wuyou's soul was quietly walking towards her at this moment, constantly approaching.

Even though the size of Ye Wuyou's soul is now a little smaller than before, no longer so huge.

But to Xia Anmeng, Ye Wuyou was still tall.

Her soul was only as big as his belly when she stood on tiptoe.

Moreover, although Ye Wuyou was no longer huge, his soul, which was crystal clear and lifelike like a real person, gave her an inexplicable sense of oppression compared to before.

This oppression was no longer the difference in size, but the difference in the "essence" of the soul.

Xia Anmeng said, and subconsciously took a step back.

But Ye Wuyou didn't say anything, his expression was indifferent, he just grabbed her wrist and squeezed it gently.

Xia Anmeng couldn't move.

Even the wrist that was held was a little loose at this moment.

Hey, what are you doing...

She wanted to shout this sentence, but she felt that she was being stared at by Ye Wuyou, so she couldn't speak.

"Don't move." The calm voice sounded in front of her.

Then Ye Wuyou stretched out his other hand and grabbed Xia Anmeng.

The crystal-clear palm kept getting bigger in his sight, but his two fingers became swords and gently touched Xia Anmeng's brow.


Xia Anmeng's eyes trembled, and her body almost collapsed.

"Thank you for the previous, but you have too much damage, take a good rest." Ye Wuyou met Xia Anmeng's eyes and said calmly.

Xia Anmeng only felt that her scattered and weak soul seemed to be filled at this moment. It was extremely pure power, which was injected into her soul one by one.

This pure power was better than all the precious medicines absorbed before...

It was pure soul power.

The somewhat scattered soul stabilized in an instant.

She looked at Ye Wuyou, trembling a little.

"Why are you so stupid, consuming your own soul..."

Before she finished speaking, Xia Anmeng had already collapsed forward.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his hand and calmly took over Xia Anmeng, who was half his size smaller than him. Without looking at her again, he laid her soul and body flat on the side.

Xia Anmeng fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Wuyou looked indifferent.

His soul power was very abundant, even so abundant that it was almost overflowing.

Xia Anmeng had helped him before, and if he now divided a part of his power, it would not have any impact on himself.

This was not like dividing a part of his soul to Lu Caiwei at the beginning, but the soul power that was simply refined was too much, and it would not leave any mark on Xia Anmeng.

His eyes gently swept over Xia Anmeng, and the woman's illusory figure was suspended in the air, as if she was sleeping on the ground. Although she was a soul, her face was still clear and delicate.

Ye Wuyou had seen the former "Xia Anmeng" in the underground palace where the Qingbai demon was suppressed.

And at this moment, even though a thousand years had passed in the world, the woman's face remained the same.

But between his expression and eyebrows, there is no longer the sharp and arrogant self-proclaimed "Red Lotus Heavenly Venerable".

Right now, he is a complete fool.

Ye Wuyou thought indifferently.

Although it is safe to maintain the state of spirit and soul, who would be willing to stay in the ring or in someone else's body every day?

If there is a chance in the future, I can find a way to help Xia Anmeng rebuild a body.

But now...

Ye Wuyou opened his eyes from meditation.

A ray of dim light shone from his scarlet eyes.

Pulao is dead.

Then there are two things left.

First, find out why the demons destroyed by [True or False Judgment] appear in [Strange Coffin].

Second, [Strange Coffin] has been separated from itself at this moment, so this vacancy...

Ye Wuyou looked at the demon Buddha who was chanting piously.

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