My practice narration is weird

Chapter 420 [Destruction] Endless Transcendence

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to die."

"The sky is falling."

Su Qingchen was jumping up and down on the ground, running away with his head in his hands with a look of horror on his face, while avoiding all kinds of overflowing magical powers with great agility.

The thigh meat trembled and the chest swayed.

Ye Wuyou couldn't help but take another look at the other party.

Not because of the legs and breasts.

He knew that Su Qingchen was a woman transformed into [Shinto Yin Yang Reincarnation], and he was not the master of Tianji, so he had no sexual interest.

It was the strength shown by the other party at this moment and the subconscious dodge in this chaos.

It seems there are still reservations.

No wonder he was able to survive for so long while being hunted by Xia Anmeng...

But right now, Ye Wuyou was not paying more attention to her.

But the blue and white demon.

The dark ghost hands were growing out of the green and white demon at this moment, from the skin and flesh, from the muscles and bones, from the bones...

Such "torture" naturally affected the demon.

Zhu Jiuyin seized a gap at this moment, suddenly bit the opponent's body, and then gave him a hard swing.

The green and white demon's eyes were gloomy, but he still had the energy to use his magical powers.

But a slight inhaling sound came from Zhu Jiuyin's head.

In an instant, the dark abyss was filled with frost.

Even Ye Wuyou's body was covered in ice crystals.

The demon's figure sluggished again for a moment.

When there is inhalation, there is also exhalation.

There was a sound of exhalation.

A raging flame ignited in the darkness, burning everything.

This scorching heat made even Ye Wuyou frown slightly and quickly pull away.

Su Qingchen, who was still alive and kicking before, suddenly lost his voice and was drowned in the sea of ​​fire.

But Ye Wuyou knew that the other party was the [Man in the Mirror] born from Luohe, and he had an immortal body.

But it doesn't matter even if you die, you are dead, and your ashes will naturally return to dust.

But his eyes immediately looked to one side, and there was no trace of it. In the sea of ​​​​fire, there was a touch of gray powder rising, and at this moment, the dog was floating away in the distance...

It's interesting, there really is a way to save one's life...

Ye Wuyou didn't pay attention.

His eyes were always focused on the green and white demon, and his body was facing the sea of ​​red hot fire as he continued to move forward with the opponent.

This monster that had caused him a lot of trouble in the past was now encountered again. How could Ye Wuyou let him go so easily?

There was a roar in the dark abyss.

But it was the demon's magical power that hit Zhu Jiuyin's head at this moment, causing the huge monster to neigh.

The mud on Zhu Jiuyin's head was scattered into pieces.

But the mud seemed to be alive, healing quickly and covering Zhu Jiuyin's head again.

There was a trace of strangeness in Ye Wuyou's eyes.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or something.

At the moment when the mud dissipated, Ye Wuyou seemed to see a pale, lifeless face on the candle.

It seems to be a woman's face...

The face was fleeting, Zhu Jiuyin was in pain, but the fierce glow was even worse.

Occupied by strange erosion, this legendary monster has also lost its own consciousness at this moment, and it only has instincts at this moment.

This is also the reason why the Qingbai Demon can persist.

But then, a huge pressure appeared in Ye Wuyou's heart.

His body suddenly stagnated in the air, and his originally swift movements became extremely slow.

Even stepping became extremely difficult, and the black wings behind him were difficult to flap at this moment.

A feeling of being locked in the eyes appeared in my mind.

It seemed that as long as he moved, his body would be gone.

But the more this happened, the more Ye Wuyou struggled, forcibly controlling his body to get rid of this pressure.

Because he knew that what Zhu Jiuyin really looked at was not him.

But the blue and white demon.

The next moment, Ye Wuyou finally understood the meaning of the blue-white demon's words.

Why is it said that the inside of this sly coffin was not originally as dark as ink...

Zhu Jiuyin, also known as Zhulong.

Living in darkness.

Blowing means winter, calling means summer.

Think of it as day, and think of it as night.

But now, Zhulong opens his eyes.

In the dark and silent Gui Men Coffin, at this moment, it was as bright as day.

The rays of light easily dispelled the darkness that even the right eyeball could not see through.

Ye Wuyou's eyes subconsciously looked into the distance, past the blue and white demon, and beyond...

Faintly visible... mountains and hills.

Under the light, the [Sly Door Coffin] is no longer scary. Except for the scattered mud, it is like a fairyland.

Severe pain hit Ye Wuyou, but he just frowned slightly. A trace of pain just appeared in his eyes, and then it dissipated, and his expression turned calm.

The wings behind him now sprouted dark ghost hands.

Ye Wuyou just glanced at it.

Then he stretched out his hand, went around behind him, and with a calm expression broke the flesh-and-blood wings, and then threw them into the sea of ​​​​fire below.

Look ahead again.

The bluish-white demon didn't know why at this moment, only half of its body was left.

The back half of the body has been swallowed by the Zhu Jiuyin.

The candle dragon neighed, with a hint of joy in its voice.

It seems that this demon's flesh and blood is like a great tonic.

But the monster is still on the run.

Even if he is seriously injured and dripping with blood.

He is alive, he will not die.

He possesses the innate magical power [Rebirth of Flesh and Blood].

He has fully integrated [Adaptation].

As long as you leave the eyes of the candle dragon, you can live.

So what if I voluntarily give up half of my body.

The half of the blue-white demon was not very big, but Zhulong digested it for a few breaths.

Its open eyes were now closed.

The strange coffin fell into darkness again.

Sensing the blue-white demon that had gone far away and finally made no sound and disappeared, Zhulong could not continue to pursue.

There was no human figure around.

Zhulong hissed, no longer lingering, and his body meandered towards the darkness.

"Damn it, damn it, that is not a demon king at all, that beast, that beast... I want to send him to paradise."

The blue-white demon was not a fool. At the last moment, he had already understood Ye Wuyou's identity.

Although he didn't know why the other party appeared in front of him in such an inhuman posture, there was no doubt that everything familiar proved that this "demon" was Ye Wuyou.

The demon with only half of his body moved slowly in the darkness.

But then, he stopped.

A figure larger than him stopped him at this moment.

The demon was originally smaller than Ye Wuyou, and now only half of his body was left, and he was even weaker.

The two were the size of a giant and a child.

The demon looked at Ye Wuyou who appeared in front of him with a ferocious look.

The anger burst out from his eyes at this moment, as thick as substance.

"Do you think you can deal with me like this? I am a Buddha! Even if you are now in the sixth realm, so what! You can't kill him..."

Before he finished speaking.

Ye Wuyou's figure was already close to it.

There was no complicated magical power, no exquisite routine, no unsolvable weirdness...

A line suddenly tore on the dead armor surface, and then it suddenly expanded, and the cracks spread all over the armor surface.

The white teeth were exposed.

The corners of Ye Wuyou's mouth continued to expand, and at this moment it seemed to be torn to the back of his head, just like the little monk at the beginning.

Then, he opened his mouth wide, but swallowed the blue-white demon into his stomach.

The next moment, his neck was pierced by a blue-white arm. It was the blue-white demon struggling inside Ye Wuyou's body, as if it was about to break out.

The arm was cut off.

Ye Wuyou covered his broken neck with a calm look. He scanned the area and took the initiative to step into a dark mud.

At this moment, the ghost hands in the [Ghost Coffin] spread towards Ye Wuyou's body.

After thinking for a while, Ye Wuyou released his hand covering his throat.

"You're crazy! What's the point of doing this! Even if you swallow me, what can you do!"

"You will also become a presence here and be completely devoured by these ghosts!"

Crazy shouts came from Ye Wuyou's broken throat.

It was like a big golden retriever swallowing a Bluetooth speaker.

Ye Wuyou looked calm and covered his broken throat again.

The dark ghost hands raged inside his body.

And the blue-white demon also became the target of these ghost hands.

I don't know how long it took.

One day, two days, or even longer?

In this darkness, there is no time.

Ye Wuyou's body was gradually covered by countless muddy and dark arms.

Stretching out from his flesh, from his back, from his chest, from the back of his head.

There was no other sound in the body.

The breath of the blue-white demon had dissipated.

[Adaptation] had been obtained by Ye Wuyou, and was suppressed by the power of the sacred tree, turning into the third weirdness to replace [Strange Coffin].

Even the talent of [Blood Rebirth] was further improved.

In addition, there was a soul that was inferior to Pulao, but much stronger than Xingdao.

But now, in Ye Wuyou's state, even if he obtained [Adaptation] and had [Blood Rebirth], he could not stop the deterioration.

[Adaptation] also has its limits.

This weirdness can gradually ignore the magic power again and again, but it cannot ignore the weirdness, it can only help to fight.

In addition, facing some weirdness that cannot be solved with one blow like [Death] and [True or False Judgment], it cannot play its role.

Otherwise, the blue-white demon would not have suffered so much pain every time it endured "torture".

This is cannibalism.

It seemed that in a moment, Ye Wuyou's body would collapse and completely become part of the dark mud here.

But now...

Ye Wuyou slowly stood up from the mud.

The ghost hands in the mud tightly grasped his body, as if they didn't want him to leave.

Ye Wuyou didn't care at all, just stomped his feet lightly.

The ghost hands all over his body shattered.

But the characteristics of this place destroyed the ghost hands on his body, and then there would be a more violent erosion.

Ye Wuyou knew all this.

So he gently took out something.

It was a "broken finger" that was still clearly visible in the dark.

This was the last broken finger given to him by the little monk, containing a trace of strange power.

The golden light flowed.

An illusory door appeared in front of Ye Wuyou.


Looking at the countless ghost hands in the dark, Ye Wuyou sneered and stepped out.

Before the backlash here came, Ye Wuyou left the [Ghost Gate Coffin].

A golden light appeared in his sight, but it was a golden passage.

Ye Wuyou walked in the passage.

The darkness behind him gradually faded away.

He walked calmly, with thoughts in his eyes.

"The peak of the Tianquan realm, it is a leap forward in one step..."

"Can the sacred tree be upgraded this time? What kind of changes will it bring? Will there be one more quota for [Suppression]?"

"After you go out, recover the [Ghost Gate Coffin] on the North Plain. In addition, there is also the [Retracement] on the three wolves. I also need this."

"The narrator has not spoken for a long time..."

"Besides, how can I explain to Lu Caiwei that Bai Lu's teeth can still bite through my skin, and Luo Yue can't even reach my knees..."

All kinds of doubts and questions arise in Ye Wuyou's heart.

It is normal to have doubts.

This is a normal worry.

Or, if Ye Wuyou does not have these troubles and doubts.

That would be abnormal.

But the moment this worry appeared, Ye Wuyou's heart turned into calmness in an instant, without any worries.

The passage came to the end.

Ye Wuyou took a step calmly and stepped out of this golden passage.

The next moment, his body was in pain.

The black flames spread all over his body at this moment, burning him, and his flesh and blood instantly turned into charcoal.

The scarlet light in his eyes suddenly burst out, as if he wanted to take in everything around him.

Ye Wuyou saw far away, and saw everything here.

In his sight, there was a burning black flame, endless, as if it would never go out.

No one was seen, and there was no breath of life.

There was no life on the earth.

And he was in this black sea of ​​fire.

Ye Wuyou understood what was happening almost instantly.

The weirdness is connected to each other, and is connected...

And the [key] is not necessarily in the outside world to open it...

And this black flame at the moment.


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