My practice narration is weird

Chapter 421 Ye Wuyou, why aren't you wearing clothes?

Dark flames burned the body.

The broken armor surface was surrounded by flames at this moment, and finally shattered into pieces with a click and fell off from Ye Wuyou's body.

The skin and flesh on the body instantly turned into charcoal, and pieces fell into pieces.

The fallen fragments were still swallowed up by the flames, and then turned into fly ash and dissipated.

Ye Wuyou's inhuman figure was extremely huge, but at this moment, his whole body was trembling slightly uncontrollably, which was the reaction after the muscles were burned.

But even so, his eyes remained calm, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he was hoarse.

[Destruction] formed a strange realm in Daxuan, devouring millions of lives in three cities, and was finally sealed off by the upper three realms using great magical powers and secret methods to ban an area.

But it can only restrict [Annihilation] from burning to the outside, and cannot truly ban this weirdness.

For hundreds of years, no one has been able to handle it.

Even though Daxuan was powerful, he could only let Lingxue Pavilion be responsible for suppressing [Destruction] for many years.

But that was only to prevent the spread of black inflammation at the edge of the outside world.

And Ye Wuyou appeared in the depths of [Obliteration] at this moment.

Even though Ye Wuyou is at the peak of the Sixth Realm at the moment, the black flames of [Elimination] can burn everything, including the practitioner's Qi.

"I left the [Sly Door Coffin], but did not appear in Beiyuan, but came to Daxuan's [Destruction]..."

"Is this the uncertainty of the [key]? Or is there a connection between the weird and the weird, just like the demon was [judged true and false], but finally appeared in the [Tricky Door Coffin]?"

Ye Wuyou had a faint thought in his heart.

Several dark ghost hands spread out from his body, which were the remnants of the [Tricky Door Coffin].

But as soon as those ghost hands broke through the flesh and grew out, they were enveloped in black flames, and then the bony arm skeleton began to tremble crazily.

For a moment, Ye Wuyou seemed to hear a few wails, and then the ghost hands growing on his body turned into ashes and disappeared.

Ye Wuyou glanced down, with just a hint of sneer on his charred face.

It is through this [annihilation] that possible hidden dangers in the body are eliminated.

Ye Wuyou was motionless at this moment, standing quietly in the burning black flames.

If anyone could step into this endless fire realm, they would be able to see such a scene at this moment.

The demon-like figure stood in the endless black flames. His whole body was charred black, and his body was burning with flames. He was indistinguishable from the surrounding black flames.

Only a scarlet pupil remained, still emitting a strange light in the black flames, letting people know that it was not the "black flame" here.

Time passed bit by bit, and Ye Wuyou's body shrank even more in the burning black flames. His skin and flesh had already turned into charcoal, and he was no longer so huge, but he was not human-like either.

His stature gradually became lower, and even the majestic aura around him before continued to weaken, even to the point of being almost nonexistent.

But Ye Wuyou is still alive.

His consciousness is still clear and his eyes are always calm.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his charcoal-like arm and touched it gently in front of him.

In an instant, the skin and flesh turned into charcoal and shattered to pieces.

Almost skeleton.

The skeleton was also burned by black flames, making a sizzling and popping sound.

But the black flame that annihilated everything could never burn Ye Wuyou out.

Only Ye Wuyou himself knows the reason for this.

It's like a blessing in disguise.

Things are unpredictable, and Ye Wuyou lost control of the [Sly Coffin], but he also harbored a new mystery.


The [Adaptation] that originally belonged to the Qingbai Demon played its role at this moment.

Although it was impossible to completely erase the influence of [Elimination], as the black flames continued to burn his body, Ye Wuyou gradually resisted the burning of [Elimination].

Until you gradually adapt.

Although this process is extremely painful, for Ye Wuyou at this moment.

"It's just a minor injury."

Ye Wuyou stepped forward, as if he wanted to move forward and get out of this strange realm of [annihilation].

The black flames danced for a moment.

Click, click...

Looking at his right leg that shattered as soon as he took a step, Ye Wuyou frowned slightly.

Is there not enough time to [adapt]?

Although [Annihilation] cannot destroy itself, it is still a bit difficult to get out of this strange realm.


Ye Wuyou let out a silent chuckle.

If this is the case, then completely adapt to [Annihilation].

So he simply sat directly on the ground, his scarlet pupils staring at the black flames that kept jumping around.

He exuded a [ghost] aura.

The blue giant appeared behind Ye Wuyou at this moment, roaring silently.

This is a provocation between the weird and the weird.

And what about Ye Wuyou?

He looked at the black flames in front of him and opened his mouth slightly, silently but mockingly.

"Not enough to burn."

As if feeling Ye Wuyou's provocation, the black flames first went silent, and then started to churn violently again.

"Not enough to burn!"

The black flames burned and rolled towards Ye Wuyou like a wave, far worse than before.

The smile in Ye Wuyou's eyes became stronger and stronger, as if he was teasing a good girl, he spoke softly to the black flames around him.

"Come on, burn some more for me!"

"Burn it again, burn it again, burn it again!"

At this moment, the black flames suddenly swept through Ye Wuyou's body, swallowing him whole.

If the weirdness of [Annihilation] could speak, then at this moment, it would only have one sentence left.

"Burn you to death!"


Ye Wuyou was not burned to death in the end.

He gradually [adapted] to [annihilation].

The bones of the body are now covered with black flames, and new granulations have already sprouted.

This is the complete [Flesh and Blood Rebirth] talent.

Just as Ye Wuyou once obtained part of the opponent's natural talent, after devouring the blue and white demon, this talent is now complete.

Ye Wuyou slowly stood up, his body had returned to the size of a normal person, and his flesh and blood were growing.

The black flame that annihilated everything had no influence on him at this moment.

This has nothing to do with cultivation, nothing to do with realm, nothing to do with magical powers...

Even if Pulao is still alive, it does not dare to set foot in this area easily.

This is the power of [Adaptation].

The scarlet eyes suddenly glowed with brilliance at this moment. Ye Wuyou turned his head slightly and looked to the side of Hei Yan.

The sight seems to have traveled through endless distances, passing through this burning city...

Ye Wuyou saw the true form of [Annihilation].

It was different from the raging flames that were sweeping across the sky at this moment.

It was a black flame that was as tiny as a flower bud, jumping gently.

Flesh and blood gradually grew on Ye Wuyou's body. He stepped slowly, but there were thoughts in his eyes.

"Are you going to take it down?"

With his current state and understanding of weirdness, it wouldn't be too difficult to ban this [Destruction].

But Ye Wuyou quickly shook his head.

Even if [Annihilation] is banned, he can no longer control a weird one.

The sacred tree has been improved by many souls in succession, but now it is in a strange situation.

The sacred tree seemed to be sleeping. Although he could still summon the power of the sacred tree, the little tree no longer made any sound.

And he couldn't step into the world of the sacred tree, and even Feng Xinxin didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

This state...

Do sacred trees also need to "break through the realm" like humans?

Maybe when the sacred tree wakes up again, it can help him suppress and control a strange statue?

But even if the sacred tree has this quota of suppression after it wakes up, Ye Wuyou is not prepared to use it for [Destruction].

The [Retrospective] of the Three Wolves of Beiyuan is what Ye Wuyou wants.

From the secrets he heard from Pulao and what Xingdao had done previously, Ye Wuyou knew that he was not safe.

Although [Annihilation] is indeed powerful, allowing no one to solve Daxuan for hundreds of years, [Retrospection], which can reverse everything, is the best choice.


"This mysterious realm of [annihilation], the never-extinguishing black flame, will be one of my trump cards."

"No matter how high the other people's cultivation is, even if they are in the Seventh Realm, they can't easily step into it, but I am different..."

I have adapted to annihilation and can remain unaffected in this [annihilation] forbidden area, but others cannot.

It's just a pity.

Whether it's [Ghost] or [Forgotten], [Tricky Door Coffin] or today's [Adaptation].

More or less, Ye Wuyou was provided with many means.

But it cannot be like the [Causal Spear] and [Death], which are completely regardless of realm, and can cause simple and crude damage even in the face of the real seven realms.

Ye Wuyou stepped slowly.

But his line of sight was slightly shifted.


Ye Wuyou frowned slightly.

This is when the right eyeball moves on its own.

Although the right eyeball is somewhat "unique" in nature, it has been very peaceful recently.

It's really strange to look at something out of one's control now.

But there is nothing around, only endless black flames...

Ye Wuyou tried to turn his eyes and look away.

But after a few breaths, the right eyeball turned around on its own.

Take it back again.

Then turn around by yourself.

The right eyeball is stubborn at the moment.

After repeating it several times, even Ye Wuyou, who had always remained calm, felt slightly dissatisfied.

"What on earth do you want to do?" He said to himself.

Ye Wuyou knew that as the right eyeball with the highest "IQ", he could understand the meaning of his words.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Wuyou is extremely dissatisfied.

[Ghost] is just a retard.

But the ghost is obedient and useful, and will do whatever it wants.

These eyes are quite understanding of human nature, and their IQ is an order of magnitude higher than that of the ghost.

But the eyes are useless.

Ye Wuyou really didn't know that he had spent a lot of other weird things to devour it, and even absorbed the power of "Tao Fruit" to create a new avenue, except for the illusion.

What's the use?

Just... destroy it.

As if aware of Ye Wuyou's thoughts, his right eyeball trembled slightly at this moment, and his vision began to tremble uncontrollably.

But extremely anxious.

Sensing this strangeness, Ye Wuyou hesitated.

The next moment, the right eyeball burst out of its socket.

This was not Ye Wuyou's idea, but it was the first time that his right eyeball completely violated Ye Wuyou's thoughts and took the initiative to leave Ye Wuyou's body.

But this is undoubtedly courting death.

【Destroy】will burn everything.

Blood flew from his eyes, and Ye Wuyou took a step back slightly, looking at the eyeball suspended in the black flames with his only remaining eye.

But the black flame that burned everything did not pose a threat to the eyeballs at this moment. Instead, it surrounded the eyeballs, flickering with flames.

The eyeballs were flickering in the air at this moment, and the pupils and the entire eyeball were spinning.

This scene was like the eyeball expressing something to [annihilation].

The black flame flickered, sometimes teasing the eyeball.

The eyeball immediately winked and twisted.

What does this mean?

Even Ye Wuyou was speechless for a long time when he looked at this scene.

The scarlet eyeball floated above Ye Wuyou, and Ye Wuyou stood on the ground.

The surroundings were covered with black flames.

For some reason, this scene seemed familiar...

The first time I saw this eyeball, it seemed to be like this.

That was when Ye Wuyou was still in the first realm, in the village at the foot of Yunwu Mountain, which was the village created by this eyeball with illusion.

Speaking of which...

At that time, this eyeball seemed to have done something else besides illusion...


The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and it was already late at night.

People finished a day's work and rested, and even the birds and beasts in the mountains had fallen asleep.

But on a piece of charred land, there were still people gathered.

Qi spread from all directions to the sky, gathered into a ball, and then fell to the ground like silk threads.

This is the border of [annihilation].

Hundreds of figures are now surrounding the location of [annihilation], surrounding the three cities in the past, each performing their own magical powers.

The black and red uniforms are the disciples of Lingxue Pavilion.

The blue and white Taoist robes are the disciples of Baiyun Temple.

In addition, there are also Lu family disciples...

An old man in a Taoist robe stood at the front of the crowd.

He controls thousands of qi.

His aura is powerful and his realm is profound, but his eyes are full of worries at this moment.

The old Taoist is none other than Wang Ting.

Daxuan has not had a good time recently.

Ji Wuye died, and Xing Dao... disappeared.

[annihilation] has already shown signs of being active, and Xing Dao had told him earlier that [annihilation] might be difficult to suppress.

When Wang Ting first met Ye Wuyou, he noticed that [annihilation] was out of control, causing many ordinary people to be displaced.

And now...

[annihilation] affects more than three cities?

It is constantly expanding.

"Damn Xing Dao..."

Wang Ting Zhenren couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Where did that guy go?

He left without saying goodbye three months ago and disappeared suddenly. No one in Lingxue Pavilion knew where this great Pavilion Master of the Seventh Realm had gone.

Then [annihilation] had no one to guard it, resulting in the tragic scene today.

Some people were being devoured by the black flames, and some villages were being burned by the black flames, and there was no sign of stopping.

At this point, he had to take action. As a Seventh Realm, he temporarily replaced Lingxue Pavilion to take charge of the overall situation.

But Wang Ting Zhenren did feel that this matter was extremely difficult. He was not as handy as Xing Dao in suppressing [annihilation], and he almost fell into danger several times.

"Xing Dao, what do you want to do!"

Various doubts emerged in his heart.

Wang Ting certainly didn't know.

Xing Dao thought very clearly before leaving three months ago.

Suppress [annihilation]?

What a joke.

As long as the sacred tree is found, as long as the wind spirit is found, the Dao fruit can be given and the eighth realm can be entered.

[annihilation] can't cause any trouble.

It's just a few thousand or tens of thousands of them. If it's more excessive, it's only a few hundred thousand lives.

It would be easier to deal with it after I come back.

It's just a pity...

"It's strange to say, I don't know what happened to [annihilation] a few days ago. The black flames were surging like waves and it was about to fall several times..."

"But now, it has calmed down, and even the flames spreading outward have shrunk. Why is this?"

Old Master Wang Ting didn't understand.

But at the moment, he could only seize this opportunity of [annihilation] to retract and strengthen the ban on the surrounding borders to prevent the black flames from spreading to the outside world.

But after all, they were not his disciples, and Wang Ting did not get the expected results...

The firelight reflected the expressions of everyone here at the moment.

Tired, numb, distracting thoughts...

Wang Ting raised his Qi several times, consuming a huge amount, but he couldn't completely close the seal.

He became more and more anxious.

But he didn't blame the other disciples, but stepped forward again, his Qi bloomed, and his figure got closer to the black flame.

Whoosh whoosh...

The wind started.

The dark clouds above the black veil were blown gently, revealing the bright full moon.

The moonlight poured down on the earth like the Milky Way.

The black flame, which had already calmed down, suddenly churned violently.

Wang Ting was stunned, and then subconsciously retreated.

But the black flame was already in front of him.

This... I have walked to the border so far without knowing it?

Cold sweat overflowed, and there was a struggle in Wang Ting's eyes.

At worst, he would give up an arm...

But the black flame that was about to affect him suddenly reversed like a wave at this moment and disappeared in front of him.

What happened?

Wang Ting retreated to a safe place, and when he looked up again, he was stunned.

[Annihilation] was shrinking at this moment, returning to its original shape, and was still shrinking.

The black flame was silent at this moment, as if a big wave was split in two from the bottom, revealing a narrow passage.

Such a strange phenomenon attracted almost all the attention of the people present.

The flames were surging, and in the black flames, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the narrow passage.

A figure stepped on the moonlight, and slowly walked out under the black fire dragon. The black flame that burned everything could not hurt him at all.

Who is that?

Why is there such a person?

Is that still a human?

Silence, silence.

The crowd under the moonlight was dead silent.

It was not until a while later that Master Wang Ting suddenly widened his eyes and pointed his finger and shouted.

"Ye Wuyou, why are you not wearing clothes!"

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