My practice narration is weird

Chapter 441 If you want to read it, I can write it

The Luo family finally changed.

When Luo Qinghan appeared with a ghost, whether it was the fifth realm or the sixth realm, everything was meaningless.

The bloody battle between the branch family and the main family came to an end.

But there were not many deaths.

Both the branch family and the main family were forcibly suppressed by Luo Qinghan with great power.

The young Luo Yue was brought to the side of the embarrassed Luo Lao.

"I won't kill you. Take her to travel for three years. During this period, you are not allowed to use any resources. Come back after three years and give her the position of the head of the family."

Luo Qinghan pointed at Luo Yue.


Luo Lao obviously didn't understand.

Why did you say that the position of the head of the family was left to Luo Yue?

Why did you say that you had to take the other person to travel for three years?

Luo Qinghan didn't explain, perhaps because he didn't want to explain to the person who "passed by" this time.

Ye Wuyou watched this scene quietly, patted the young and slightly frightened girl on the head, and then asked Luo Qinghan.

"Even if you make different moves, you can't change the reality."

"I know, but don't stick to the past, you said." Luo Qinghan replied lightly.

Then, she asked.

"Is this past over now?"

Ye Wuyou nodded, and then there was an illusory light in his eyes. Among the row of blurry pictures that only he could see, two pictures were clear at this moment.

But there were still many blurry pictures.

He spoke softly.

"Next one."

Luo Qinghan looked calm, but he just looked around at the last time, as if he wanted to remember everything.

Ye Wuyou seemed to have realized something and looked back.

"Why, do you want to stay in the past? If you want, maybe it's not impossible."

Luo Qinghan snorted lightly, subconsciously wanting to sneer, but then stopped.

There was a faint light in those eyes at this moment, and the eyes were extremely clear, accompanied by Luo Qinghan's rising confidence.

The next scene.

Luo Qinghan, who has the power of [No Bottom Line] and [Ghost], victory is almost inevitable.

Although she had never lost in the real past, she still had to face many difficulties, and it was not easy along the way.

But now she is going through it again, and there are only two words to describe it.

Speed ​​pass, speed pass, and speed pass.

Weird Domain, speed pass.

Feng Xinling, direct speed pass.

Ji Wuye, speed pass.

Even Xingdao, speed pass.

Of course, during this period, there was also Ye Wuyou's personal guidance.

Ji Wuye was crushed to death before he could use any means, and Xingdao was killed by Luo Qinghan in Daxuan, even though the opponent desperately opened the Dao Domain.

The absolute information gap almost made Luo Qinghan have no obstacles in front of him.

This is the absolute confidence of the second round of players.

I don’t know what Luo Qinghan is thinking for some reason.

After this experience, Luo Qinghan did not choose to contact Ye Wuyou, there is no story, although they will meet in many things, but the two are not familiar with each other.

Except for a few necessary words.

And those few words were what Ye Wuyou asked Luo Qinghan to say to the "self" in the past.

The meaning is very simple.

"Lend me the ghost, I'll do it."

It is also because of this that Luo Qinghan often handles everything one step ahead.

The reason for this is that the weirdness is unique.

Even in the past, there can only be one weirdness at the same time.

In other words, there can only be one [ghost].

As a ghost, Ye Wuyou has been wrapping Luo Qinghan's whole body, but from time to time, he looks at the "self" at that time like a person.

"What are you looking at?" Luo Qinghan asked.

"Look at myself."

"What is there to see? I have followed your words and walked on the optimal solution." Luo Qinghan responded.

Ye Wuyou did not respond, he just slowly moved his eyes away from "himself".

It is a very wonderful thing for the current consciousness to see the past self.

Although Ye Wuyou has experienced all those things personally, there are often differences in looking at a thing from a subjective perspective and an objective perspective.

You will pay attention to more details.

Ye Wuyou felt that there was something strange about him.

He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

That's all.

Time was pressing, so Ye Wuyou didn't think about it anymore, but glanced at Luo Qinghan.

As he kept [recalling], Luo Qinghan's cultivation gradually recovered over time.

She had already surpassed the peak of the sixth realm, half a step into the seventh realm.

This was already her current realm.

And now, in this "past", because of what she did, she did things cleanly and neatly, and the sixth realm beat the seventh realm, defeating Xing Dao.

Luo Qinghan's fame in Daxuan was almost at its peak, and her popularity was unparalleled. Her stories spread all over the streets and alleys, far beyond reality.

"Luo Qinghan, Luo Qinghan, Luo Qinghan!"

"Let Daxuan be great again!"

"The answer of Daxuan [Luo Qinghan], the pinnacle of cultivation [Luo Qinghan]!"

The shouts and words from the street came into my ears from time to time.

Luo Qinghan stood quietly in the pavilion, his eyebrows and eyes were like paintings, but his temperament was becoming more and more stern, and his eyes looked into the distance.

This past will eventually come to an end.

The timeline he experienced was getting closer and closer to the original reality, and he would soon go back.

But before [Rewind] was activated, Ye Wuyou said lightly.

"You seem to be more confident now."


Luo Qinghan did not reply.

She closed her eyes gently and recalled the past.

Even if she was just re-experiencing the past, different choices, different ways of dealing with things, and different means all benefited her a lot.

The once powerful enemies can now be easily defeated in front of her, and those problems that have troubled her for a long time can also be easily solved.

Is this experience good or bad?

But no matter good or bad, all of this makes Luo Qinghan's state of mind seem to be tempered.

It is an invincible heart of Taoism that goes forward without hesitation.

"The next scene." Luo Qinghan said to himself.

Ye Wuyou was beside him, with a calm expression, and his mind moved slightly, and he was about to activate [Retrace].

This will also be the last [Retrace].

But before [Retrace], a voice came from somewhere.

It seemed to be the sound of hawking along the street.

"It's on sale, it's on sale, "Luo Qinghan's Ambition", 300,000 words selected with illustrations..."

"The official fan fiction of "The Domineering Saint Falls in Love with Me" and "Above Qinghan", this is a masterpiece..."

Ye Wuyou suddenly stopped [Recalling].

He looked calm, looking at Luo Qinghan indifferently, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Do you want to get rid of them?

Luo Qinghan was silent for a moment, and then the familiar cold sneer came.

"No need, I don't care about all this, anyway, it doesn't affect reality."

Ye Wuyou nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and said.

"Wait a minute."

The figure disappeared in an instant.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were stunned, and then the magic of the gods was performed, and he hurriedly followed Ye Wuyou's breath to catch up.

What is he going to do?

This is just the past that will not affect reality, what is there to care about?

Ye Wuyou, no matter how powerful you are, how can you influence the words and deeds of others?

Luo Qinghan hurriedly caught up, but appeared outside a bookstore. He didn't have time to enter the store, so he shouted at Ye Wuyou.

"Ye Wuyou, don't make a move..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Ye Wuyou was standing in the store at this moment, with four or five illustrated books in front of him.

The man flipped the pages of the book with his fingertips, and four or five books were flipped at the same time, but he read ten lines at a glance, browsing very quickly.

The shopkeeper came over at this time, with a smile in his eyes.

"Sir, you have a good eye. These books are all works by famous authors. You should know that the great saint Luo is usually very cold and has never spoken a few words. Even these are written after investigating countless materials. The descriptions in them are guaranteed to be exactly the same as the real Luo Qinghan."

Exactly the same?

Ye Wuyou looked at the five Luo Qinghans in the five books, who had completely different personalities, words and deeds, and thought for a moment, then said slowly.

"The real Luo Qinghan is not like this."

"Oh? The guest has an opinion? What do you think?"

I think...

Ye Wuyou did not respond, but threw a few gold and silver particles created by illusion to the other party.

The shopkeeper immediately walked away, and he didn't care about him flipping through the books casually.

Ye Wuyou turned the pages with his fingertips, browsing one by one until he finished reading them all.

The Luo Qinghan in the five books was very different from the Luo Qinghan he knew.


Can it become like this?

After a while, Ye Wuyou walked out of the store, stared around, and then turned into a remote alley.

Luo Qinghan was standing in the alley, with a pair of cold eyes and a phoenix eyebrow hanging upside down, looking at him with a gloomy look.

She never thought that Ye Wuyou would go there to...

Read these fabricated things?

What's the point of this? ? ?

"I just told the Luo family about this." Ye Wuyou suddenly said.

"What?" Luo Qinghan was a little confused.

"No more books about you will flow into the market from now on. The Luo family will take care of it."

Luo Qinghan's eyes were slightly stunned, and he was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly.

"Will the past you and I have experienced now not affect reality? Why are you wasting all this effort?"

Ye Wuyou said calmly.

"But since it won't affect reality, then you can do whatever you want."

Luo Qinghan couldn't refute.

[Recall] is controlled by Ye Wuyou, and only he can choose to take the initiative to go to the next [Recall].


Luo Qinghan looked as if he didn't care at the moment, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Ye Wuyou from the corner of his eyes, and said casually.

"What did it write?"

Ye Wuyou thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I can't say."

"Didn't you read it?" Luo Qinghan said suspiciously.

"It's all in my mind." Ye Wuyou replied.

"Since you wrote it down, why can't you say it?" Luo Qinghan frowned slightly.

Ye Wuyou stared at Luo Qinghan deeply, and at first he said nothing, but activated [Recall].

The world in front of him became blurry bit by bit, like a colorful painting that was wiped of color, but soon, it was stained with other colors.

That was a new round of [Recall].

It was also the last round of [Recall].

Luo Qinghan stood aside, waiting for the world in front of him to change, but there was still a little doubt in his brows.

What on earth did those books say that was so mysterious...

Ye Wuyou seemed to have realized something.

He finally spoke slowly.

"If you want to see it, I can write it."

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