My practice narration is weird

Chapter 442 Where is the narration? What narration?

Chapter 442 Where is the narration? /What narration?

Ye Wuyou looked at the huge figure on the north plain and thought for a long time.

That is Pulao.

This is the last [recall].

As long as he goes through this past, he will unlock all the "time" nodes that he and Luo Qinghan have experienced.


"Do you think you can really beat this guy?" Ye Wuyou asked.

"I think I can." Luo Qinghan said confidently.

Luo Qinghan is very confident now.

In this endless past, she relied on [No Bottom Line] + [Ghost] to crush everything with absolute invincibility.

There is now a hint of arrogance in those cold eyes.

That is the invincible heart of Taoism, that is the belief of victory.

Besides, he has done everything according to what Ye Wuyou said.

His eyes swept around lightly.

Lu Caiwei, "Ye Wuyou" stood aside.

They also appeared in this "past".

It is equivalent to the personnel of the past who are now present.

Luo Qinghan did not talk to them too much, but under the prompting of Ye Wuyou, he subtly guided the two to make the most correct choice.

Because everything can be done naturally.

Originally, it was already possible to defeat Pulao, so Luo Qinghan did not need to add unnecessary details.

This was still Ye Wuyou's admonition to her.

The flapping of a butterfly's wings can still cause a strong wind to pass through, and defeating Pulao is not the power of Luo Qinghan alone.

It is precisely because of this that if something can be done well in the past, she does not need to command others, as long as she does it well.

Luo Qinghan will do her best and impeccably in what she has experienced.

In this way, the "past" Ye Wuyou can put an end to Pulao.

The ghost is temporarily attached to Luo Qinghan at this moment, and Ye Wuyou can't help but look at Luo Qinghan more.

Seeing Luo Qinghan so confident, Ye Wuyou thought for a moment, but somehow spoke like a ghost.

"Will you win?"

"You will win." Luo Qinghan showed a resolute smile on his face.

The scene changed.

'Ye Wuyou' fell in a pool of blood, his body had been cut into two.

Lu Caiwei had fainted, his breath was weak.

Pulao was hanging high in the sky, his breath looked down on all directions, as if he was looking at an ant.

How could it be?

Luo Qinghan, who was standing aside, was stunned at the moment.

Puzzle, doubt, unwillingness...

All appeared in his eyes.

Why would it end like this.

He had done his best.

Regardless of the previous test and consumption of Pulao, Luo Qinghan had surpassed the ordinary six realms, and even the seven realms.

On the soil of Qingqiu, Luo Qinghan was blessed, and his current state of mind was also invincible, and the strength he showed was even stronger than the original Xingdao.

Luo Qinghan even used the seventh realm Dharma phase magical power to freeze Pulao's breath for several breaths, and dissolved the magical power displayed by the opponent once.

But even so.

They still lost.

Because the current 'Ye Wuyou' did not show the ability to turn the tide of the battle as before.

If he just failed to turn the tide and defeat Pulao, it would be fine.

But at this moment, 'Ye Wuyou' did not even show the slightest chance and possibility.

Luo Qinghan was kneeling on the ground with disheveled hair at this moment, but her eyes were scanning the surroundings again and again, as if she wanted to find something and didn't want to miss any subtle information.

The ghost was obviously returned to 'Ye Wuyou'.

Except for the [Retrace] that had not been used in the battle with Pulao, 'Ye Wuyou' had not obtained it at this moment, and the rest of the conditions existed.

What went wrong?

What went wrong!

Did she not fight with 'Ye Wuyou' all the way?

Was it because Xingdao did not appear?

Was it because she did not let Ye Wuyou climax?

Was it because...

Luo Qinghan's eyes suddenly froze, and she suddenly remembered something.

The little monk at that time, he never appeared.

He did not appear in this past.

Pulao in the sky looked down at the creatures under his feet indifferently, just like looking at an insect that did not know its own strength, just like looking at an ant.

The waves of terrifying aura gathered from the sky and spread everywhere.

But the other party was going to use his magical powers.

In a hurry, Luo Qinghan's eyes were stunned at this moment, but he kept shouting towards the front as if he was in a trance.

"Ye Wuyou, Ye Wuyou!"

Pulao seemed to have heard this sad cry, and was not in a hurry to use his magical powers. He just looked at Luo Qinghan, the only one who was still awake on the ground at this moment, and said indifferently and sarcastically.

"What are you shouting? So sad, that guy can't be your little lover, right? I saw that you and him didn't talk before, I thought that the female swordsman was a pair with him?"

"Hey, there are exactly three of you..."

The voice paused slightly, but Pulao's hideous beast face showed an extremely crazy and exaggerated smile.

"Three people, three people are good, one stays, two feel guilty, and three people travel."

"That's right, that's right, this king likes to watch these scenes the most, the emotions of you bugs really make this king puzzled, love but can't get, and finally lose all hope."

What a heaven-defying toad spirit.

Luo Qinghan didn't care about Pulao's words at this moment, just staring at 'Ye Wuyou' lying on the ground.

What she was looking at was the invisible [ghost], Ye Wuyou who had walked all the way here with her.

"Ye Wuyou!"

"Stop shouting." Ye Wuyou's voice sounded softly in her ears, with a hint of fatigue.

Then, Luo Qinghan felt that her body was wrapped in a ghost.

"Ye Wuyou, you..."

But the voice was interrupted by Ye Wuyou.

"Don't ask, don't say."

"Use the magic of the gods."


Luo Qinghan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lu Caiwei who was unconscious beside her.

The magic of the gods can let her get away, but she can't take people with her.

"Don't be stupid, if you give up reality because of this past, then just die here." Ye Wuyou said coldly.

Luo Qinghan gritted his teeth tightly, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"What about you?"

A faint impatient voice came, but there was only one clean and neat word.

"Get out."

Luo Qinghan finally left.

But she couldn't escape.

As long as Pulao wanted to chase, Luo Qinghan couldn't escape even if he used the magic of the gods.

But it could delay a few points after all.

The ghost stood quietly on the loess, his expression calm, his eyes showing thought.

Pulao in the sky looked strange, and looked down, as if he was watching Ye Wuyou faintly.

But Ye Wuyou didn't care at all.

[Ghost] is weird, it is the remains of the road, and it is immortal.

He will not die, and Luo Qinghan is a flesh and blood body.

So Ye Wuyou is still here.

But at this moment, Ye Wuyou can feel that this [retrospection] seems to be coming to an end.

It seems that whether Pulao is defeated or not, this past is considered to be over.

Is it okay as long as you experience it?

It's just that this past is completely different from the past reality.

Ye Wuyou once killed Pulao and ended everything.

But the current 'Ye Wuyou' didn't do it.

Why is this?

Feeling the passage of time, he returned to himself.

At the moment, he was barely breathing and covered in blood.

Ye Wuyou looked at himself quietly.

And all this, if in the eyes of 'Ye Wuyou', is a ghost looking at himself like a human being.

Ye Wuyou finally spoke lightly and asked a question to his past self.

"Why don't you use the non-human form?"

"What, what..."

"The third level of the non-human form of the Heart Sutra."

"I don't understand, who are you, you are not a ghost..."

Ye Wuyou frowned a little bit and looked at himself lying on the ground.

The other party's eyes were full of confusion and doubt.

For some reason, Ye Wuyou felt a little angry in his heart.

"No form, no form, and no me." He said coldly.

"Who are you..." 'Ye Wuyou's eyes gradually blurred.

Ye Wuyou suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched his neck. His calm voice was strange for the first time.

It was an indescribable anxiety.

"No form, no form, why don't you use it? Don't say you don't understand!"


'Ye Wuyou's eyes were puzzled, as if he really didn't understand.

But Ye Wuyou's voice was no longer calm.

His mood seemed to be agitated, and so were his words.

"You transform, a mechanical deity, a demon haunting you, what are you thinking about right now, what are you waiting for right now!"

"You don't even need the Dharma Heaven and Earth, you don't need the Jedi Heavenly Passage, you don't need the Ghost Gate Coffin, what are you doing!"

'Ye Wuyou's eyes silently looked at the [Ghost] who was speaking human words at the moment, pinching his own, and finally smiled silently.

"Who understands what you are saying..."

"I don't even know how to use it..."

But despite this, after listening to the words of the [Ghost], he still made a move.

[Ghost Gate Coffin]

At this moment, the erosion of the Ghost Gate Coffin spread instantly, but it exploded directly.

In this way, Pulao can be stopped...

However, Ye Wuyou looked at his 'self' at the moment, and the doubts in his eyes became more and more intense, and he was no longer calm.

He felt an extremely strong and strange sense of separation.

At the last moment of the Guimen Coffin, Ye Wuyou asked his past self one last question.

"Where's the narration?"

"What narration?"

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