My practice narration is weird

Chapter 93 Little fox, you don’t want to be discovered, do you?

It rained heavily in the sky.

The night rain was cold, and although practitioners could use their qi to protect themselves from the wind and rain, it was a bit of a waste.

A bonfire was lit in a cave.

Bai Lu and the other party sat on both sides of the bonfire, sitting in silence for a long time.

She didn't want to go with the other party, but the pressure from the Taoist woman made her have to follow her.

The Taoist woman sat in meditation and adjusted her breath, her breath was calm and calm.

In contrast, Bai Lu had a lot of thoughts in her mind.

With her current cultivation level, even if she found that person, what would happen?

The demon disaster was in chaos, and any practitioner she met was so powerful, killing the fourth realm in the third realm, which was obviously beyond common sense.

But if she didn't go, she couldn't just watch her tails disappear one by one, and then die.

But the most critical thing was the news she heard before.

Qingqiu was dead.

Qingqiu was her home, her hometown, and the place she still missed even though it was thousands of miles away.

If Qingqiu has really fallen, then even if she succeeds in cultivation and becomes a great demon of the fourth realm in the future, where can she go?

All kinds of questions made her a little lost.

As if she noticed the abnormality of the woman's emotions, the Taoist woman slowly opened her eyes, and there was a little more delicateness in her eyes, and she spoke softly with interest.

"Miss Bai, it is rare to see a disciple of the Hehuan Sect who travels alone like you. Can you tell me where you are going?"

Bai Lu's heart trembled, and she didn't know how to answer.

But the Taoist woman added very well.

"Looking at your route, it seems to be going to Fancheng. Are you going to see the successor of the national teacher like the others?"

Bai Lu nodded silently and agreed with this statement.

There is nothing wrong with this statement. After all, many people want to meet Ye Wuyou.

The Taoist woman nodded, a trace of doubt appeared on her beautiful face, and she spoke to herself.

"Oh? But as far as I know, the Hehuan Sect has never participated in disputes, and there is no hatred between that national teacher and the Hehuan Sect."

"What do you think, Miss Bai?"


The other party is doubting herself.

Bai Lu remained calm. As a disciple of a large sect, she was much calmer now.

Her tone changed, and her voice revealed a bit of resentment.

"How can there be no hatred? After the national teacher took office, he issued several decrees in a row, increasing the business tax of my sect by 30%. That is all from the sisters down the mountain..."

"The money from selling my body." The woman from the Dao Sect added faintly.

Bai Lu choked back her words. Could she not be so straightforward?

"Just like that? It won't make Miss Bai feel resentful, right?" The woman from the Dao Sect said softly.

She pinched her fingers lightly, as if calculating something.

Bai Lu hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I have some personal hatred with that person."

Private hatred?

"What personal grudge?"

"He, he went to the brothel without paying. It wasn't me, but my fellow sisters told me." Bai Lu explained.

The Taoist woman lowered her eyes, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"So, Miss Bai probably has a bad impression of the successor of the national teacher. If you see him, what will you do?" The Taoist woman asked.

What will you do?

Bai Lu's eyes were slightly lowered. She had no choice about this question.

What else can she do? She had no way to deal with the other party. As the party under the contract, the other party's words had a strong constraint on her.

But at the moment, she couldn't show it.

Bai Lu's beautiful eyes showed a chill, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her words were mixed with deep resentment.

"Of course... kill him!"

"No, killing him is not enough to relieve my hatred. I want to make him experience all kinds of suffering, torture him severely, humiliate him, make him wish he could not live or die, and bow his head to admit his mistakes to me."

"Then tie him up..."

At the end, Bai Lu's expression became excited, as if she had touched some thoughts deep in her heart.

The Taoist woman was stunned for a long time. It was worthy of the Hehuan Sect. These ways of playing were not to the point of not to the point of not to the point of not...

But the Taoist woman finally smiled at this moment, as if she had found something interesting.

"Miss Bai, since you are also going to find that person, why don't you and I go together? It's just on the way."

The words were calm, but they could not be refused.

Go together? On the way?

The faint smile on Bai Lu's face became a little stiff.

A very bad guess emerged in her mind.

Gnawing her silver teeth lightly, Bai Lu finally stopped hesitating and looked up at the Taoist woman, meeting her interested eyes.

"Sir, are you also going to fight against Ye... the heir of the national master?"

The Taoist girl did not answer directly, but stood up gently and added a few more dry firewood to the bonfire that was about to burn out.

"It is a well-known fact that Lord Lu killed the leader of our Taoist sect in the Golden Palace. Miss Bai is surprised?"

She turned around, but did not sit back in her original position.

Instead, she moved closer to Bai Lu.

"That Lord has now left the border of Da Yan and is heading north to investigate the evil spirits. His heir is in a very dangerous situation now."

Bai Lu stepped back a little, trying to keep a distance from the other party.

She was worried.

Can that guy fight against the man in front of her?

The Taoist girl in front of her is the strongest she has ever seen in her life among the lower three realms.

You can't just talk about killing the fourth realm with the third realm.

The Dao Sect woman leaned closer, a few strands of black hair fell faintly on Bai Lu's shoulders, a pair of bright eyes looked at her, and her red lips opened slightly.

"Miss Bai, I am a little bit familiar with the art of divination, but that national master's descendant seems to have a way to block the secrets of heaven, so I can't accurately calculate his position."

"But after meeting you, I had nothing to do and made a divination. Guess what the result is?"

Bai Lu was silent, and finally turned her head calmly, her charming eyes met that bright gaze.


"I can't predict him, but I calculated that as long as I'm with you, I can meet that national master's descendant." The Dao Sect woman raised her eyebrows and said.

"That means he will come to you." She chuckled.

Bai Lu's face was still calm, calm without any expression.

But in her heart, there was a burst of inexplicable emotions for no reason.


Not sadness, not hatred, not grievance, not sadness, not anything else.

It was just the purest discomfort.

Qingqiu is gone, and home is gone.

She left the sect again without permission, and what she faced was probably being expelled from the sect.

Now she had lost a tail and fell again.

She had also provoked such a powerful enemy to that hateful guy.

Discomfort and pain filled her heart.

Bai Lu lowered her head slightly, wrapped her arms around her knees, and curled up in a corner.

Her charming eyes seemed to have lost their luster, and she just stared at the constantly beating but gradually extinguished fire, and was slightly absent-minded.

She whispered.

"I won't go with you."

"That won't work. If I don't follow you, I won't be able to find that person. I'm not here for nothing." The Dao Sect woman chuckled.

Bai Lu didn't speak, lowered her head, but was thinking about how to get rid of the woman in front of her.

The Dao Sect woman was holding her chin at this moment, looking at the beauty in front of her who exuded a charming temperament, and shook her head gently.

She leaned down gently and approached Bai Lu, and her slender white jade hands quietly touched the other's shoulders.

The woman's red lips parted slightly, and her breath was as sweet as orchid.

"Miss Bai, you don't want others to find out your true identity, little fox."

It's not that I don't write about the protagonist, I'm going to the capital, so I have to lay the groundwork

I won't watch the Spring Festival Gala tomorrow, so I should update three times

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