"You rich people like to do these fancy things." Lin Zian watched Mai Takaishi sitting between the two of them and performing the tea ceremony.

Lin Zian described her as smooth and graceful, and she must have learned these things systematically.

But Lin Zian had said before that doing this would not make the tea taste better, it was just a performance, and it was meaningless to him as a pragmatist.

"Sir, you are not from our side and you may not appreciate these." Takaishi Shuichiro waved his hand to remove Mai Takaishi and took over the tea set himself.

"Don't delay, just say what you want to say."

"I will naturally tell you all the reasons, but the time is not right now."

"The opportunity is created, why don't you tell me why I should help you?" Lin Zian came here just to satisfy his curiosity. Whether he helps him or not depends on what he can come up with.

"I'm ready, and the reward will definitely satisfy you." Takaishi Shuichiro said confidently, as if he had Lin Zian in his hands.

"Oh! I'd like to see what it is." His words successfully attracted Lin Zian's attention.

"I know more about this world than that kid Yukino Takemi." Takaishi Shuichiro put the tea in front of Lin Zian, and then slowly said: "The ancestor of our family is an Onmyoji, but he has fallen into decline. Now I am the only old man in the whole family who knows about it."

"Then what?" Lin Zian took a sip of the tea. In his opinion, these are meaningless. There are so many people in this world who know these things.

"The ancestors will naturally leave a legacy, but we, the descendants, are unfilial. No one can pass the trials left by the ancestors, and the legacy cannot be obtained. This caused a gap in the family inheritance, and finally it was simply lost."

"Do you want me to help you get the legacy back? What's in it for me?"

"Yes, and no, to be precise, I have sold the legacy."

Lin Zian was speechless when he said this. No wonder you said that you are an unfilial descendant. It turns out that this is the case.

"So what do you want to do?"

"It's not really selling it. I made an agreement with them that we don't want anything they get from it, but the cultivation method left by our ancestors."

"So they didn't keep their promise?"

"Not really." Lin Zi'an's answer didn't make Takaishi Shuichiro angry. "They only gave a part of it, and erased the beginning and the end, saying they didn't get it. In the end, they paid a sum of money, saying it was compensation. How can we mortals fight against them? In the end, the matter was left unresolved."

"So what do you want to do?"

"Help us find the cultivation method of our ancestors." Takaishi Shuichiro looked at Lin Zi'an with hope.

In fact, it was difficult for him to do it at that time. Instead of guarding a treasure that he couldn't get, who could stand it? It would be better to give it up and get the most important thing.

So he gave the watermelon away under great pressure at that time. He originally thought that they would leave some watermelon seeds after eating it, and watermelons would grow with seeds in the future. Who knew that others even ate the watermelon seeds, so he left some sesame seeds for him as compensation.

He couldn't refuse the situation at that time. Otherwise, he would not even have sesame seeds. If they didn't give you anything and just walked away, what would you do? Call the police?

Fortunately, Takaishi Shuichiro is also a talent. He relied on that money to get to this situation. He had given up and remembered this matter after seeing Lin Zian. In order to make up for his mistakes in the past, he wanted to leave something for future generations and complete his regrets in the past.

As for what he said about giving all his wealth to Lin Zian, it was true. After so many years of struggling in the business world, he knew that there were many places to get money, but this opportunity only came once. If you miss it, it will really be gone. He will take this regret to the grave.

Takaishi Shuichiro hated the group of people who deceived him more than anyone else, but the difference between the two was too big. He knew that power was useless in the eyes of those people, so he didn't provoke them even after he made a fortune, and he knew that Lin Zian would not go to trouble those people for him.

"I thought you would let me kill those people." Lin Zian said this without any burden.

After all, they are people in the circle, so they don't have to care about ordinary people. It's normal for a few people to die in that case.

"Sir, just enter the trial land again. We still don't charge for other things. Just practice the method." Gao Shixiuyilang knew that Lin Zian was joking, and told him about the mission.

"Didn't you say that those people had been there once? What else could be left? Even if there was something left, it wouldn't be a good thing."

"As far as I know, they didn't go deep into it. It seemed that they were blocked by something and finally retreated back." Gao Shixiuyilang recalled, "Six people went in at that time, and only four escaped."

"No wonder they didn't give it to you." Lin Zian smiled. People have lost a lot of money and you are still thinking about it. How can they not be annoyed? It's good to give money.

"I reminded them a long time ago that it's their own problem."

"Well, it's not that easy for you to go and die. How can I do it if six people can't beat me?" Lin Zian evaded.

"What do you want, sir?" Gao Shixiuyilang knew it was time to talk about benefits.

He learned from Xue Ye Wu Hai that if he didn't feed Lin Zi An, he wouldn't be able to work.

"That place is in the back mountain, right?"

"How do you know?"

"I figured it out." Lin Zi'an knew a little bit about Feng Shui, and he had not been idle all the way here. Now after listening to Takaishi Shuichiro's words, only the back mountain could possibly hold those things. After all, Japan believed in this back then.

"Now that I know everything, why should I talk to you? Can't I just go find it myself?"

"This is indeed the truth. I have no more stakes, so we can only bet on your character." Takaishi Shuichiro said with a wry smile, and then added: "You can take everything I have."

"I am not interested in anything you have. Show me the remaining cultivation methods first." Lin Zi'an acted very casually, as if he had no interest in this at all.

Takaishi Shuichiro took out a yellowed thread-bound book as if he had been prepared. There were only three pages, and there were traces of tearing on it, as if it was torn off in a fight.

Lin Zi'an opened it and frowned slightly. The whole page was filled with traditional Chinese characters.

This... is the style of the Southern School?

Although Lin Zi'an's heart was surging. But he didn't show it on the surface, and Takaishi Shuichiro couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Domestic practitioners are roughly divided into two schools, the southern and the northern, each with different characteristics, and the book in his hand now has a strong southern style, and he really can't imagine how it ended up in Japan.

"You are lying to me, this is not for cultivation at all." Lin Zian threw the book to Takaishi Shuichiro after reading it.

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