My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 174 The Great Purge

"How could this be?" After hearing Lin Zian's words, Takaishi Shuichiro's heart almost stopped.

He has been fighting for this all his life. Now you tell him that this is fake. If he hadn't experienced many ups and downs in his life, he would have died on the spot.

"Could it be that the most important thing is missing, so it looks fake?" Takaishi Shuichiro didn't believe the "reality" given by Lin Zian, and wanted to struggle.

"I'm just playing this, I can see it at a glance." Lin Zian put an end to his thoughts on the spot, "Maybe those people deceived you back then, they just found a book with a sense of age to perfunctory you."

"Yes..." Takaishi Shuichiro suddenly collapsed on the ground as if his spine was pulled out, "They didn't plan to give it to me at all, even this is fake."

"Why are you so obsessed with this? For the ancestors?" Lin Zian poured tea and drank it himself, and he didn't feel like a guest at all.

"I want to enter that world, our family should not sink in the mortal world." Takaishi Shuichiro seemed to be going to die with hatred, and Lin Zian was really afraid that he would die suddenly.

"If you want this, why not just buy a cultivation method? This is not popular now. There must be a poor inheritor, and your family is so rich." Lin Zian understood his feelings. No one would refuse that power.

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? These people died in the Great Purge 20 years ago. Some people did not allow these things to circulate, and they had already recycled them." Gao Shixiu said and suddenly laughed, "It's funny to say that our family escaped the purge because of the broken inheritance."

"What is that Great Purge?" Lin Zian noticed the word and was a little curious.

"I only heard about it at the time, but I didn't know it. It was a massacre. Those big forces didn't know why they fought, and then it was a mess."

"In fact, I have something you want in my hand."

"Will you sell it?" Gao Shixiu didn't really believe Lin Zian's words. This kind of thing is not cabbage that can be taken out at will.

"If the price is good, I'll sell it. It depends on what price you can offer." He couldn't release it in China, but Lin Zi'an didn't have one or two copies in his hand. He had at least ten copies, all of which were obtained from Bing Xian.

As for the effect, it's hard to say.

"What does the gentleman want?" Gao Shixiuichiro came over. He knew that Lin Zi'an had something to ask for. As long as there was a price, it would be easy to talk about. The only thing he was afraid of was that there was no room for negotiation.

"A dog, an obedient dog."

As soon as Lin Zi'an finished speaking, Gao Shixiuichiro fell silent. He knew what Lin Zi'an meant, so he was silent.

Originally, he planned to agree to whatever Lin Zi'an asked for and get the things first, but Lin Zi'an's request was contrary to his belief.

He wanted to get the cultivation method so that the younger generation would not experience the same thing as him. He would bear the humiliation, but if he agreed to Lin Zi'an's request, it would be meaningless even if he got it.

Now he suspected that Lin Zi'an said that his book was fake just to trick him.

"Do you think I'm lying to you? You haven't seen the real thing, this is normal." Lin Zi'an knew what he was thinking when he saw his arrogant look, "You got it for so many years, you wouldn't have studied it, the whole book is about meridians and acupoints, in my hometown, three books cost ten yuan, and they are more detailed than this."

"And what's the benefit of lying to you? There are many people who want to be dogs, and it doesn't have to be your family." Lin Zi'an said it directly, "And I can help you get started. You don't think you can learn it after getting it, right? You may not be able to get started in your whole life without a guide."

Although Gao Shi Shuichiro has been in the business world for many years, he is a novice in this thing, and the thing he has been thinking about day and night is right in front of him. He was fooled by Lin Zi'an in just two or three sentences.

"I promise you." Gao Shi Shuichiro thought again and again and decided to agree first, which was actually a gambling spirit.

"But now I don't agree." Lin Zi'an looked at him with a smile. Now it's not a question of whether Gao Shi Shuichiro agrees or not, but a question of whether he agrees or not.

"Then... what do you want, sir?" Takaishi Shuichiro smiled bitterly. One wrong step leads to another. He lost as soon as he hesitated.

"Let me ask you something. Is the real eldest daughter of the Takaishi family Mai Takaishi?"

"Sir, you have a good eye. Mai is indeed the real heir."

"Sure enough." Lin Zian should have thought of it a long time ago, but her acting is so good that he didn't dare to confirm it until just now.

Because Mai Takaishi was completely trained as an heir, which is very different from the free-range Taozhi Takaishi.

"What do you want, sir?" Takaishi Shuichiro didn't know what Lin Zian wanted to do by asking this suddenly.

Is he interested in Mai?

"Okay, I'll go to the back mountain first and talk about it when I come back." Lin Zian stood up and was about to leave. He knew everything he should know. Now he was still interested in the back mountain.

"Hey! Wait." Takaishi Shuichiro called him, "Not now, we have to wait until night to enter."


"I don't know, but they only go in at night, saying that it is easiest at that time."

"Is this the timing you mentioned? Unfortunately, I don't need timing." Lin Zian turned and walked out, saying, "My arrival is the timing."

Hearing Lin Zian's words, Takaishi Shuichiro stayed where he was and watched Lin Zian leave.


Lin Zian's knowledge of Feng Shui is also half-baked, because he has not studied this aspect, and he just read it as a miscellaneous book at the beginning.

This kind of thing is not just about writing down the things in the book. Many things are not written in the book. You need a master to lead the way, and you have to rely on your own practice. But after coming to Neon, you can't even see such statements, let alone professional books.

Neon is mountainous and hilly, so there are many mountains, and no one can tell what is inside the mountains.

Lin Zian is now standing in front of a small shrine. The base of the shrine is made of wood, and a stone the size of a human head and the shape of an egg is enshrined on it. There is a circle of red cloth around the stone.

Lin Zian did not feel any power on it, which means that this shrine is just a decoration.

This place is easy to find. There is a road leading to this place after leaving Gao Shi's ancestral home. It can be seen that people often walk this road, but they are definitely not outsiders, because the back mountain is the private land of the Gao Shi family and is fenced off.

It can be seen that Gao Shi Shuichiro still misses this place.

Lin Zian's destination was not here, but further inside.

After walking a little further along the path, a crack that was only wide enough for one person to pass through appeared in front of him.

Now this was where he wanted to go.

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