My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 2 Best Actor

It is true that the martial arts he practiced was a patchwork, but it does not mean that it is not strong. At least it is more suitable for Lin Zian than the general local martial arts. But there is one advantage of local martial arts, that is, there is no qualification restriction, and the threshold is terribly low, because it focuses on perception and accumulation. I don’t know if it is the same in Japan?

In order to get the capital to survive, Lin Zian began to organize and deduce martial arts at the age of 11. He was driven here just after practicing martial arts. His strength is only one ten-thousandth of that. Back then, he could call the wind and rain with just a breath, and the sky and the earth would fall apart with a raise of his hand.

"It’s a pity that he was struck to death by a thunderbolt." Lin Zian said self-deprecatingly.

Sort out the documents around you, keep the useful ones such as ID cards, and deal with the rest. As for how to deal with them, this is a bit magical.

He took the document in his hand, snapped his fingers with his other hand, and a small flame emerged from his fingertips. He lit the document, and the document burned in his hand. His hand seemed to be unable to feel the temperature until the document burned out, leaving some ash on the ground. He blew gently, and the paper ash turned into dust as if it was ground, floating under the bushes next to him and turning into soil.

Lin Zian patted the non-existent dust on his hand, looking at the jade-like hand, there was no trace of burning, as if it was not his hand holding the document just now.

This is just a simple point about the conversion and utilization of energy.

Lin Zian took the things, took the garbage, got up and walked out of the park.

On the dark street, a white light slowly floated over from a distance, until he got closer and found that it was a person playing with a mobile phone.

Lin Zian was using the newly bought mobile phone to check the information to see where the Qingshan International Private High School was. As for the one he brought with him, he had already disposed of it together with the diving suit.

"Tokyo is so far away! Dad is not reliable at all, and he doesn't know how to arrange a closer one. But the quality of this school seems to be good! The deviation value of Tokyo's top three, how can Dad have so much money to send me to such a school? He must have been greedy."

You know, the deviation value is almost as important as China's enrollment rate. The higher the deviation value, the better the school, and of course the more expensive the tuition. With Dad's salary, he definitely can't afford to send me to school. I didn't expect that he, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would betray the revolution.

"I'm in Nagasaki now, and there are more than ten days before school starts. Which route should I take?" Lin Zian felt dizzy when he thought of the money in his bank card. According to Tokyo's prices, he just roughly calculated that it would cost at least 90,000 yen to live near Tokyo for a month, not counting the house. The house must not be rented. Now the practice is just in its infancy, and Lin Zian has just started practicing. He doesn't know if there are any problems. What if the practice is too noisy, or he is disturbed by others in the middle of the practice, resulting in obsession? Must buy a house.

Lin Zian checked the housing prices in Neon again. After reading it, Lin Zian was disappointed. He didn't expect that I would be stumped by money. I have to find a way to make money, but no one wants me to work part-time as a minor, not to mention where can I get so much money from part-time jobs.

Lin Zian finally decided to solve the money problem first. As for how to solve it, of course, it is to make money in a side way!

After thinking it over, Lin Zian walked back to the city of Nagasaki.

A man with a bag on his back walked out of the alley on the side of the road and stood under the street light. He was wearing a white shirt and an ordinary casual jacket on the outside. His messy hair and sad face showed that he was an unsuccessful young man.

Minors are of course not allowed to enter the casino, so Lin Zian made a little change. He was not short in height, about 178cm, and he changed the muscles on his face to make him look older. Now no one believes him when he says he is a high school student.

He took out all the money in his bank card. He had to get rid of the card sooner or later anyway, so he opened a new card and bought a bag at a roadside stall. He was ready to start his journey to make money.

He stopped a car and said to the middle-aged bald driver after getting in: "Let's go to the largest casino nearby."

The driver turned his head and looked at Lin Zi'an, and said earnestly: "It's not too late to regret now. Find a job honestly. Don't be like me when I was young. I always wanted to get rich overnight. In the end, I almost got my wife and children separated before I woke up."

Lin Zi'an's face twitched unnaturally, and he almost broke down. Thinking about his current personality, Lin Zi'an pretended to be impatient and said: "Are you going or not? If not, I will change the car."

"Go, go, go, good words can't persuade the damned ghost." The driver immediately turned around and drove the car, without noticing Lin Zi'an's stiff expression.

The driver told Lin Zi'an about his experience all the way, and Lin Zi'an was stunned. Damn! No novels dare not write like this.

He said that this driver uncle was a legendary figure. His name was Kurofuji Tatsuo. He came from the countryside and worked in various jobs in Osaka. Finally, he worked as a waiter in a casino. He was quite smart and won the heart of an old cleaner. The old man also saw his restlessness and told him about what happened in the past.

The old man said that he was a gambling master of Neon. In the past, no one could beat him in Neon. In addition, he was young and energetic. The old man traveled to China, but before he could enter the mainland, he was killed by a Chinese named Gao Jin on the cruise ship to China.

He gambled three games in total and lost miserably.

In the first game, he gambled for the title. He lost his reputation and now he dared not call himself the God of Gamblers.

In the second game, he gambled for his property. He lost money and all his property.

In the third game, he gambled for his skills. His left little finger remained there forever and he could no longer make money with his gambling skills.

"The old man said that I have some talent, but if I want to learn gambling, I have to cut off my little finger. I think the old man definitely didn't expect me to be so ruthless at that time." Kuroteng raised his left hand backwards and said.

Lin Zian saw that the little finger of his left hand was indeed missing a section. The result was self-evident. He learned the old man's gambling skills and began to run rampant in Neon. After a while, he became a celebrity in the Neon gambling world. , money, status, fame, women, everything.

"But I made a mistake, the same mistake as the old man. I was arrogant and was manipulated. That night I lost everything. Those former friends stayed away from me one by one. Those women who had once sworn to each other took away my last possessions. Hope, during that time I lived on the streets and drank all day long, and finally I was admitted to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning." Heiteng's face was hidden in the shadows, and he said with an almost trembling voice.

Lin Zian only heard endless sighs from it.

Heiteng suddenly raised his head, and his face reappeared in the light of the street lamp, filled with a warm smile, "Fortunately, the most important person in my life is here, you know? I saw her first when I woke up, I thought she was an angel!”

At that moment, Lin Zian felt that even the rearview mirror had become dazzling, and even the usually unpalatable dog food had become sweeter.

"When the whole world gave up on me, she didn't. When she cried and asked me where I had been these past few days and why I couldn't find anyone, you know? That was the first time I cried. I cried without eyesight. , I married her in the countryside before I came out to start a career, but during the time when I was getting rich, I lost myself, and I felt that she was not worthy of me, and then we divorced. At that time, I had a fortune of millions. But she never asked for anything from me. In the end, I was really embarrassed and gave her some money. But I didn’t expect that she was already pregnant at that time. She gave birth secretly and raised it by herself. You don’t know. How much pressure does a widow with a child have to bear in a rural area?"

At this time, Lin Zian, who had cultivated his mind for more than three thousand years, couldn't help but interrupt him: "As a man, I look down on you. You are such a scumbag. I don't know what she sees in you. Black Teng, you are worthy." Don’t fuck her.”

Unexpectedly, the driver's reaction was even greater than that of Lin Zian. He slapped himself on the face and said loudly: "I will spend my whole life repaying it."

Then, the rest of the road was completed in eerie silence. Heiteng stopped in front of a luxurious building. When Lin Zian gave the money, Heiteng looked at Lin Zian and said, "It's still too late to turn back now, everyone." Everyone makes mistakes."

Lin Zian curled his lips and said, "You have no right to criticize me. Just take care of yourself."

Lin Zian took the change from Heiteng, opened the door and went out without counting it. When he was about to leave, Heiteng rolled down the window and said to Lin Zian: "Don't feel sad for me, because of the story just now I made it up, my hand was broken by a machine in the factory, so I was fired, so I came to drive a taxi.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the car drifted and rushed out, leaving only Lin Zian with a confused look on his face.

"Heiteng, I eat lemons!" This operation forced Lin Zian to speak his native language.

Ignoring the looks of others, he strode into the casino gate.

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