My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 3: The Real Gambler

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Zian saw that the hall was full of various game machines, such as slot machines, coin pushers, dance machines, doll machines, and boxing champion game machines.

Now is the time when the nightlife begins. There are people on almost every machine, and it is very lively.

Lin Zian's first reaction was that he was cheated by Hei Teng. He was brought to the game hall, and there was no sign or logo at the door. This is the largest one nearby, so it should be right!

Lin Zian walked around the game hall and found that the layout of the game hall was a bit problematic. It seemed to be very large, but in fact, relatively speaking, there should be space behind it. He guessed that the casino was either behind the game hall or on the second floor.

Lin Zian slowly released his spiritual sense and scanned the game hall.

Sure enough, the second floor of the game hall was a casino, and as for the back, there was a group of people. Lin Zian estimated that they were security guards of the casino and part-time thugs, because they all wore the same uniforms. One of them upstairs made Lin Zian feel very uncomfortable, and the feedback from his spiritual sense was disgusting.

But now is not the time to make trouble. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. You should be honest in other people's territory. This is what Lin Zian has proven through practice, and only Lin Zian knows the price.

After a round, Lin Zian went directly to the stairs in the middle of the hall. Originally, Lin Zian thought he could get away with it, but the two security guards at the stairs stopped him.

One of the taller security guards said to Lin Zian: "Hello, sir, please show me your membership card."

Lin Zian replied expressionlessly: "This is my first time here."

"Then sir, you can't go in. If you want to apply for a membership card, please go to the counter to apply." The tall security guard made a gesture of invitation to the counter.

"Ha! The arrogance of legal gambling." Lin Zian complained in a low voice.

Lin Zian walked to the counter honestly and said to the pretty lady at the counter: "Miss, please help me get a membership card."

The lady at the counter looked up, then said to Lin Zian with a professional smile: "Hello, sir, you need to show assets of no less than 500,000 yen to apply for a membership card."

"I thought it would be 5 million!" Lin Zian complained, but still took out 500,000 yen from his backpack.

500,000 sounds like a lot, but it's actually only a small stack, because the largest denomination of Japanese money is 10,000 yen, the smallest is 1,000 yen, and all denominations below 1,000 yen are coins.

"Sir, are you applying for a temporary card, a monthly card, or an annual card?" The lady at the counter ignored Lin Zian's complaints and asked very professionally.

"Temporary card."

"Okay, sir, please take it and hand it to the counter when you leave." The lady at the counter took out a slightly worn yellow-white card from somewhere at the counter and handed it to Lin Zian.

Lin Zian looked surprised and asked, "Don't you need to register your information?"

"No, sir. Our membership information is confidential. We only recognize the card number." The lady pointed to a string of numbers on the card.

"Thoughtful service."

Lin Zian didn't want to waste time, so he ended the conversation with the lady, took the money and card and walked back to the stairs. When he passed by two security guards, Lin Zian held the membership card with two fingers, shook it in front of the security guards, and then walked up to the second floor under the eyes of the two security guards.

The second floor is larger and more lively than the first floor lobby. Most of them are middle-aged men. There are no women except waiters. By the way, the waiters here are a little underdressed!

Don't get me wrong, Lin Zian means that it is late March now. Neon is different from China. The temperature is still a bit cold.

Go and exchange the money you just took out for chips, and then Lin Zian took the chips and walked around the casino, stopping at the dice shaking place for a while.

After walking around just now, Lin Zian found an embarrassing place. Except for shaking the dice and betting on the size, he didn't know how to do anything else. Although he would learn it quickly, he didn't plan to learn it.

Whether in the past life or this life, Lin Zian had never gambled, because he knew that he couldn't win the bet. What else could you earn if you beat the boss? But many people couldn't see it clearly.

In the past life, everyone had Taoism. If you cheated, you would be easily discovered. If you didn't cheat, you couldn't win, and those props were all tampered with.

In this life, if he went to gamble, his father would beat him to death, and there was no need to gamble. He didn't lack money, and he had no place to spend money.

"Degenerate!" Lin Zian shook his head, walked to the gambling table, observed for a while and started betting.

The chips in front of Lin Zian gradually increased. There were losses and wins. He didn't dare to win too exaggeratedly. He lost a little from time to time. He didn't get out of touch with the masses. Compared with those big bets, he could only be regarded as a drizzle, but it moistened things silently.

Suddenly, the crowd boiled.

"Here he comes! Here he comes! A hot man is here."

"Let me see who is so powerful, challenging here for three consecutive days. I didn't come here the first two days, I must come today."

"He is really not afraid of death, he still comes here after winning so much, doesn't he know that this place is run by a gangster organization?"

"I know him, his name is Benjiang Shisheng, I heard that his father lost everything in the casino and jumped off the building to his death"


All kinds of noisy sounds hit Lin Zian's ears, and the abnormal situation aroused his curiosity. He looked at the stairs and waited for this man.

A young man walked out of the stairs, a very ordinary young man, if there was no wandering soul following him.

Of course ordinary people can't see that kind of existence, but to Lin Zian's perception, this kind of thing is brighter than a light bulb. Seeing this, Lin Zian has no interest in this matter. He is just using the power of the wandering soul to come out. thousand.

"I thought I could see a good show about gambling. I quite like "God of Gamblers", but it seems that there is really a good show."

Because under Lin Zian's perception, the disgusting existence was walking out of the room on the third floor and standing at the fence on the third floor.

Lin Zi'an glanced at him without leaving any trace.

To Lin Zian's surprise, he turned out to be a handsome young man with a cold aura. He was talking about something with a bald man at this time, and he didn't seem to pay attention to the 'God of Gamblers' who came in. .

Lin Zian extended his perception and heard the conversation between the two.

"I'm going to trouble you again this time. I didn't expect that his damn dad would not let go of our casino even after he died."

"It's okay, this is good for me. Besides, this is what I have to follow up on. After raising him for three days, it is time to harvest. I don't know how much my baby can improve this time."

"Yes!" The bald man tensed up and bowed his head to the young man.

From their conversation, Lin Zian guessed something, but he didn't want to interfere.

With the support of everyone, Benjiang Shisheng walked up to Dice like stars over the moon. The people next to him quickly got out of the way. Lin Zian knew why everyone was like this, because Lin Zian had the same idea as them.

Benjiang Shisheng was full of energy and his face was glowing red. In terms of fortune telling, this meant that his face was glowing red and he was proud of the spring breeze.

Motoji Shisheng was pushed to the main seat by everyone, and he said to the dealer: "Let's get started."

Apparently the croupier had received some instructions, and he started to shake the dice cup with an expressionless face.

When the croupier stopped, Shisheng Motoji put down all his nearly three million chips and said, "I'll go big."

His move immediately caused a sensation, and people rushed to follow him. Lin Zian also followed up with all his chips.

Although Lin Zian intends to take advantage of the situation, he is not blind enough to follow the trend. He has seen it himself, but he still wants to complain about Benjiang Shisheng's technique. You let the wandering soul stick his head into the dice cup?

In Lin Zian's opinion, this operation had no technical content at all. Half of the wandering soul's head was in the cup and half was outside, which made Lin Zian embarrassed.

After a few rounds, the croupier's face turned pale. The chips on the table were already measured in hundreds of millions. Lin Zian's chips had reached more than 50 million, which was almost more than three million Chinese coins.

Lin Zian discovered that every time he won money, everyone in the casino would produce something similar to mist that would blend into the wandering soul. Every time he won, the wandering soul's body would solidify. It was still a black shadow, but now all the five senses are visible.

Guessing that the casino was about to take action, Lin Zian left the gambling table with difficulty. This kind of money came so easily that Lin Zian's character was a little shaken.

It's best to go change money now, as this place will explode later.

For such a large casino, the cash reserves are measured in hundreds of millions, and more than 50 million does not seem much at this time.

While the crowd was still cheering, Lin Zian had already changed the money. Now he just asked the waiter for a drink and waited for the show to begin.

When I was exchanging money just now, there was another thing. The lady at the counter said that if he spent more than 10 million here, he could get an annual card here. In Lin Zian's opinion, this is a typical trap. When you win so much money from the casino, , Greed will definitely drive you to come back again. This membership card is for your convenience. Once you get in, you won’t be able to get out.

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