To satisfy Gong Zong Lihui, a carnivore, Lin Zian cooked meat today.

Boiled pork slices, three cup chicken, pineapple beef, stir-fried shrimp, he even cut a dish of braised beef (this was made a long time ago), the soup was made with chicken bones, no other ingredients, relatively light, but suitable for waking up the stomach before meals.

Lin Zian did not make other fancy dishes, just a few home-cooked dishes, not that he could not make those, but too troublesome.

As soon as the dishes were placed on the table, visible steam rose up, and the fragrance filled the entire dining room. Several people who were aroused by the chicken soup just now stared at the dishes in front of them.

Oda mother and daughter would definitely not pick up their chopsticks before Lin Zian sat down, and Gong Zong Lihui, Lin Zian felt that if Oda mother and daughter were not there, she might have eaten the dishes before they were served.

After washing his hands, Lin Zian sat down at the main seat and said, "I'm sorry for the poor hospitality. We are all family, so don't be polite."

They said, "I'm going to start eating!"

Miyaso Rie fell in love with the boiled pork slices with red oil at first sight.

"Ahhh! So spicy... but so refreshing!"

Lin Zian forgot that most of the spiciness in Japan is sweet and spicy, and they may not be able to stand his slight spiciness.

"Do you want a drink?" Looking at the red-faced Miyaso Rie, Lin Zian wanted to make up for it.

"I want a bite... I'll give you ice beer."

Why is it so spicy? Is it so spicy? Lin Zian tried it himself, and it wasn't that spicy?

Lin Zian got up and took a few cans of drinks. He gave the beer to Miyaso Rie and a bottle of juice to Oda Rena. When asked about Oda Michiko, she didn't want anything.

Lin Zian also understood what she meant, and didn't force her, but just put the drinks on the table.

With Miyazo Rie as a guinea pig, the Oda mother and daughter did not try the boiled pork slices, so the whole plate was eaten by him and Miyazo Rie.

Miyazo Rie has a good alcohol tolerance and did not cause any major trouble. Of course, it was related to Lin Zian's permission for her to drink only one bottle.

It's okay if you drink at a student's house, but if you get drunk, it's a big problem. How can I explain to your sister?

"Shigeki made a great sacrifice to get the test paper from me." Miyazo Rie said to Oda Michiko who was cleaning up.

Just now at the dinner table, Lin Zian told the Oda mother and daughter about the matter and beautified the reason why Miyazo Rie came.

Said that she came to deliver the test paper.

Lin Zian had a headache! She was not drunk, but she was drunk and said some nonsense.

"You are lucky, you met a fool like him, hahaha!"

"Okay, don't worry about her, Reina, let's start studying." Lin Zian took Miyazo Rie to the living room and made her a cup of sobering tea.

"How is my assist?"

"I can only say that you think too much." Lin Zian put the cup in front of her and turned away.

As he left, Gong Zong Lihui stared blankly at the tea leaves floating in the cup.

After dealing with the sundries, Oda Michiko and Gong Zong Lihui chatted together, and the two talked and laughed.

Since knowing the reason for her coming, Oda Michiko's attitude towards her has also changed a lot. She has been thanking her all the time. On the contrary, Lin Zian has been busy for a long time and has not received any benefits.

Poor person...

"You can't teach her like this."

"Uh! Haven't you left yet?" Lin Zian made a very surprised expression.

"Why should I leave? I don't want to go back so early." Gong Zong Lihui ignored his words and pulled the topic to Rena, "If you teach her like this, she will have big problems in the future. She doesn't understand the meaning and can only solve the problem."

Lin Zian smiled.

"Then what can you do to let her pass the entrance examination of Aoyama Academy in a short time?"

"This..." Gong Zong Lihui was silent.

Lin Zian still explained that by looking at the homework he assigned, Oda Reina was still working hard. Although it was not enough, he had to encourage her and give her some motivation, otherwise it would be unfair to Oda Reina's efforts.

"What you see now is that I help her to do the key questions. What you can't see is Reina's daily self-study. Do you know the plan I set for her? Do you know her schedule? Do you really think that without the foundation of basic knowledge, she can withstand such training?" Lin Zian took the opportunity to touch Oda Reina's hair again.

"Little Reina is really hardworking! No wonder classmate Shigeki is so optimistic about you, don't live up to his trust!"

Oda Reina stopped writing and looked up at Gong Zong Lihui, which made her feel scared.

"Okay, I'll take you back first." Lin Zian broke the weird atmosphere.

Let Oda Reina study by herself first, and Lin Zian took Gong Zong Lihui out.

In fact, the social order in Japan is just like that. The pressure of life during the day will burst out at night, so Japan is still quite chaotic at night. Maybe it will be better in big cities. Lin Zian didn't dare to let Gong Zong Lihui go home alone.

The two walked on the street and talked about what happened today.

"Thank you just now. You are indeed a good teacher, but is it really okay for you to be the villain?"

"I can't help it. She obviously trusts you more, but do you like her or her mother?"

"Why are you talking about this again? Didn't I say that I just helped her because I felt pity. I have no other ideas."

"But they both have ideas! I think there is something wrong with the way Miss Michiko looks at you. You don't want to take everything, right?"

Of course there is a problem. She even wants to kill me.

"You should read less romance novels. It's time now. Brother Sun is going to be the emperor. Why are you still doing the old-fashioned things?"

"Who is Brother Sun? I remember that there is no emperor with the surname Sun?"

"It's okay. I was just joking."


The two of them walked and talked, and soon arrived at her house. Because they were all near the school, it was not far away. The two of them walked for more than ten minutes, plus a section of tram in the middle.

I have to say that it is really creepy to take the tram at night in such a remote place. The empty carriage has only one or two tired passengers with their heads down. There are no vehicles passing by on the road. It is terribly quiet.

"Do you still need to take you up?" Lin Zian looked at the building in front of him. It was a high-end single apartment.

"Although I really want to take you in, my sister definitely doesn't want you to go in."

"You live with your sister?" Lin Zian was a little surprised. This kind of apartment is designed for singles. It would be very comfortable to live alone, but it would be a bit crowded with one more person. At first, he thought the two sisters just lived in the same apartment.

"I have no choice. I want to move out, but I don't have money yet, so I can only stay with my sister."

"I don't think your sister will allow you to move out by yourself."

"Let's talk about it later. Anyway, I don't have money now. Uh... why did you come up with me." Gong Zong Lihui said to Lin Zian.

"Since your sister is here, of course I have to come up to see her."

This answer did not satisfy Gong Zong Lihui, and she teased Lin Zian.

"Oh! Do you want to enter my room so much? Or do you like my sister's type? Let me tell you, she was called the Ice Witch and the Beautiful Queen in high school. Many people wanted to pursue her, but no one succeeded. She is still single now! Do you want me to help you?"

"I just want to hand you over to your sister in person, so that you won't take the blame for me after you get into trouble, but why do you give such embarrassing nicknames?"

"How can I do that..." Gong Zong Lihui did not agree with Lin Zian's statement.

"Hmph! You looked back no less than five times when you came up. If I hadn't come up with you, you would have turned around and gone to play somewhere unknown. I'm afraid I would have to take the blame for you in the end. Do you want to escape~?"

"Are you a devil?"

"If you want me to say something good for you, be smart."

"Uh~ Onii-chan, don't do that!"

"What are you doing?" Lin Zian got goosebumps, and even his body felt a chill.

"Don't you like Xiao Lingna? I'll change to Qingtian-kun. I won't close the door tonight! How about it, do you feel like Miss Oda?"

"Big sister, I beg you to let me go. Your voice sounds like a pig being slaughtered. I have forgotten Oda's voice."

"Then you promise to help me deal with my sister."

"Okay, okay, just keep quiet."

The two complained to each other and took the elevator to the eighth floor.

"Look, this is my home."

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