My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 50 New Life

There are six apartments on the first floor, Gong Zong Lihui is referring to the one at the edge.

"It's your sister's house, you are a parasite."

"I don't care, my sister's is mine, and mine is my sister's."

"Whoever marries you or your sister will be blessed." Lin Zian complained in a low voice.

"What are you talking about?" Gong Zong Lihui came over.

"I said why don't you open the door." Lin Zian pushed her away and asked.

"I don't have a key."

Damn! How can you say it so confidently? You go knock on the door without a key! Do you still need guests?

"It's okay, you go and cool off." (Mandarin) Lin Zian complained and knocked on the door himself.

"Hey! I know this. My roommate in Huaxia used to say this to me. I remember it meant 'Don't worry, let me do it'."

Lin Zian looked at her with pity, but he didn't pity Gong Zong Lihui, but her poor roommate.

Although I don't know what you have been through, it must not be easy for you.

Caring for the mentally retarded, caring for you even more.

"Hello." Miyazono Miho opened the door to save.

"Hello, Mr. Miyazono, I brought Mr. Miyazono back." Lin Zi'an was filled with emotion and just wanted to hand Miyazono Rie over to Miyazono Miho as soon as possible.

The two of them met eyes at once, and Lin Zi'an almost cried because he saw support and encouragement in Miyazono Miho's eyes.

Long live understanding \\(≧▽≦)/!

"Sister, I'm back." Miyazono Rie rushed out from behind Lin Zi'an.

After seeing her, Miyazono Miho frowned and asked Lin Zi'an: "Did you let her drink?"

Lin Zi'an knew from her tone that she was definitely not using a question.

"Yes, because the rehearsal was very successful, we went to dinner together after the end, but only Mr. Miyazono drank a can of beer, and we all drank juice."

Lin Zi'an took the blame directly.

"I want to drink it myself, it has nothing to do with Shigeki classmate." Miyazono Rie carefully persuaded Miyazono Miho.

"Hmph! Don't I know who you are? How many times have I told you not to drink outside, and not to drink drinks given by others? What if you get into trouble?" Gong Zong Meibu deliberately glanced at Lin Zian, "Forget it, I'll settle the score with you later."

Lin Zian knew that she was talking to him, but he did not refute, because this really requires caution.

"Okay, I have sent the person safely, I will leave first." Since the other party does not welcome, there is no need to stay.

"Will Zhongmu come in and sit for a while?"

"No, there are other classmates who want me to take them back."

When Lin Zian got down, the tram was gone, but he knew the way. It was not far anyway, so he could just walk back or run back, just in time to sweat a little.

When he got home, it was almost half past nine. It was mainly because he wasted time chatting, and he only took ten minutes to run back.

The lights at home were turned off, indicating that Oda mother and daughter had returned to their side.

Lin Zian took a quick shower. Although there was a comfortable bathtub, he usually took a shower because bathing wasted water and time.

There was a big project to be done tonight, so he couldn't waste time. Besides, he had to go to school tomorrow, Saturday, and he felt bad for himself.

He had planned to escape, but Gong Zong Lihui said that he must go tomorrow, so Lin Zian agreed.

Qingshan Academy has full-day classes from Monday to Friday, and half-day on Saturday, which means three classes in the morning, plus a class meeting.

However, this class meeting is not always held. Some classes may have it, and some classes may not. It all depends on the teacher's mood.

Speaking of which, there is another special thing compared to domestic schools, that is, the physical education class of Qingshan Academy is separated from the sports class. The physical education class is exercise, usually running, long jump, pull-ups, sit-ups, etc.

And there are many kinds of sports classes, including basketball class, football class, tennis class, baseball class, volleyball class, table tennis class and swimming class, which is the most popular for boys.

The difference between the two is the duration. Physical education classes are available throughout the semester and are subject to assessment and grades, while sports classes are for a period of time. The school probably only wants students to master basic methods or develop interests, so there is no assessment and the management is relatively loose. For example, swimming classes are only available in the summer. Both classes are available once a week, so there are a total of two classes a week that are extracurricular activities. (Regarding sports classes, I made them up, just listen to them.)

Physical education classes have already been taken, and there will be sports classes tomorrow. Lin Zian dried his hair with a towel, came out of the bathroom in shorts, and then went into the basement.

The middle of the basement was occupied by a light cocoon, and the ground was covered with various strange characters. There were four tiny transparent crystals inlaid in it, which were connected to each other and surrounded the light cocoon.

Lin Zian checked the situation and found that there was no big problem. The crystals were almost consumed. Just wait for her to come out by herself. I don’t know what changes will happen this time.

Is Chihiro Sotoki dead? Dead, at that time, Lin Zian faced her request, based on the principle of waste utilization, and used her for the third experiment. When she came out, she was no longer Outaki Chihiro.

Lin Zian decided to catalyze it because he couldn't wait to see his work.

Because of the riot of energy, Xiaobai was awakened and cried outside the basement, so Lin Zian had to let it in.

After settling Xiaobai, Lin Zian continued his work. He felt like a programmer, carefully writing code for fear that the program would crash.

Guide Chihiro to absorb energy instead of letting her absorb it slowly by instinct, but this kind of absorption is prone to problems, so it can only run under Lin Zian's guidance.

As the four crystals disappeared, the light cocoon gradually dimmed. Lin Zian found that he was wrong and miscalculated. The energy was not enough to support Chihiro's birth.

He had to use the one left for Xiaobai to barely complete it.

The light cocoon shrank into a ball like a leak, but the light was even brighter, like a small sun. As the light gradually converged, Chihiro slowly emerged.

"Didn't I say that? Where are the clothes?" Lin Zian looked at her in front of him and complained.

As the clothes emerged, he breathed a sigh of relief. He almost thought he was going to be executed by the beast.

Chihiro was still in the familiar school uniform.

"How is it? Feeling OK?"

"Very good! Chihiro has never felt so good before." Looking into Lin Zi'an's eyes, Chihiro tentatively said: "Master..."

Lin Zi'an certainly understood what she meant.

"Wai Mu Chihiro is dead, and you... are my creation, Chong Mu Chihiro."

"Then can I stay with the master?"

"Of course I can, but I have a request."

"I agree, no matter what the request is, even if it kills me, I will agree."

"Okay, I'm not wasting manpower and material resources to kill you. My request is that without my permission, you are not allowed to show up in front of ordinary people, and you can't kill people at will."

"I agree! Master." Chong Mu Chihiro rushed over and wanted to hug Lin Zi'an, but passed through his body.

"I'm sorry, Chihiro was too excited and forgot her own state." Chong Mu Chihiro stared at her hands blankly.

Lin Zi'an changed her from the state of resentful soul to the state of spirit. At least now she is not afraid of the sun, nor is she afraid of being disturbed by resentment.

Lin Zi'an also knew that she just wanted to share her joy, and comforted her.

"Don't worry, I told you, you should practice slowly first, and I will think of some ways, and you will meet me in the future."

"Also, come with me to meet someone tomorrow."

"Is it Rie?" Chihiro Shigeki was obviously not ready to meet her.

"You and she both need to start a new life. As your only friend, I don't think you will hate her. You should help her get out of the past instead of letting her suffer the condemnation of her heart."

"I don't hate Rie, it's just that it's been so long since I came here, I don't know how to face her."

"She thinks so too, so just do it the same as before."


"Okay, you also need to face the past and get out of it, otherwise I won't recognize you as Chihiro Shigeki."

"Yes, I will not live up to the master's kindness."

"That's right, then you should adapt to your abilities first, I'm going to sleep." Lin Zian sorted out the things in the basement and prepared to deal with them slowly when he has time.

"Meow meow meow."

"Don't worry, I won't forget you." Lin Zian greeted Zhongmu Qianxun, then picked up Xiaobai and returned to the bedroom.

Ah! Another day has passed.

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