My science and technology museum

Chapter 232 Just let everyone know

Smart medical cabins are indeed gaining a lot of popularity in the domestic market and are accepted by hospitals and the public.

But looking around the world, there are still many voices of doubt.

According to the designed service life of the smart medical cabin, as long as the first round of domestic procurement is completed, the hospital may not make further purchases in the next few years.

Even if private purchasing channels are opened, supply will still exceed demand.

Just the opposite of now.

After all, with the price of a smart medical cabin, not many families can afford to buy it.

If we want to ensure the normal operation of the production of smart medical cabins by then, we must enter the overseas market and let the smart medical cabins influence and change the traditional system of overseas forces.

In this way, as they become more and more dependent on future technology, no matter how the international situation changes in the future.

They won't turn their backs on the battlefield.

Only if it has enough voice in the international community can it compete with Beijing Magnesium.

Thus establishing a new planetary rights system.

Otherwise, there will be internal friction among human beings, and it may be difficult for civilization to truly grow to the first level even after waiting for decades.

Originally, Xu Lei was thinking about how to make the smart medical cabin famous internationally. Unexpectedly, Masahiro Suzuki gave him a chance.

Putting the top talents in human medical skills and smart medical cabins together for a surgical competition, and then live broadcasting it globally, this will definitely be a rare spectacle and will definitely attract countless audiences at home and abroad.

Xu Lei has absolute confidence in his own products.

Definitely not losing to the doctor.

That's why he proposed such a plan.

Take the initiative to invite Masahiro Suzuki to experience the powerful functions of the smart medical cabin for yourself.

Everyone knows that while this approach brings popularity to the company's products, it also comes with quite high risks.

If there is a problem with the medical cabin during the competition and the team ultimately loses to a team of doctors from Dongjing University School of Medicine Affiliated Hospital, the smart medical cabin will surely fall from the altar.

It may even affect its reputation in the country.

Not confident.

Basically no one would do this.

Now Chen Shihe almost regards Xu Lei as her belief. No matter what decision she makes, she will never question it.

So after listening to the instructions, she immediately responded: "It's Mr. Xu, I'll go arrange this right away."

The words just fell.

Then he turned around and exited the office.

As Future Technology's competition invitation was released on the entire Internet and spread quickly, it immediately attracted countless spectators who wanted to see the reaction of Suzuki Zhengbo.

Do you dare to go to Binjiang City to participate in this competition between doctors and machines as mentioned?

But it's times like this.

Masahiro Suzuki did not respond publicly immediately.

Instead, I was busy making video calls with others.

I wasn’t worried about the game at all.

Washington State.

Security Building Headquarters.

In the office, Kaufman focused his eyes on the screen in front of him and asked the other party about the competition: "Professor Suzuki, are you really sure you can win the competition?"


Kaufman contacted Masahiro Suzuki.

Since the last negotiation failed and failed to successfully repair the relationship between the two parties, Kaufman has regarded future technology as a thorn in his side.

I wish he could close down immediately.

As long as there is a chance, I will never give up the trouble of looking for future technology.

So regarding the smart medical cabin, he took the initiative to contact Masahiro Suzuki.

Face Kaufman.

Masahiro Suzuki was very enthusiastic.

It’s just that the whole person in the video has no dignity at all.

"Please rest assured, Chief Kaufman."

"Surgery is not something you take for granted. It involves various theories and superb techniques."

"Doctors need to be prepared to respond to emergencies at any time."

"When it comes to complex major surgeries, even the world's top medical teams cannot guarantee the success of the surgery."

"Future technology's smart medical cabins may indeed realize the technology of machine surgery, but they are definitely not as good as our excellent doctors at the Affiliated Hospital of Dongjing University School of Medicine."

"This game will definitely make the opponent lose face."

I don’t know if he wanted to have a relationship with Kaufman, but Masahiro Suzuki looked very excited when he said these words.

It seems that the scene of Future Technology losing the game and the smart medical cabin being abandoned has been imagined in his mind. He wants to severely suppress the arrogance of Future Technology in recent years, and takes the opportunity to provide support for Kaufman and others who have not joined the quantum global network. The power regains its place.

At least we have to get a win back.

But after all, this is not the first time Kaufman has dealt with future technology.

He is well aware of the rich foundation of future technology.

According to past experience, since it is a vigorously launched product, there will definitely not be any falsehoods as imagined.

What's more, judging from the information collected, the smart medical cabin has indeed achieved great success in the Yanguo market, which shows that the smart medical cabin indeed has functions comparable to those of excellent doctors.

Kaufman hopes to take this opportunity to curb the limelight of future technology.

But if you don't make adequate preparations.

I'm afraid that it will help the other party.

When his thoughts came to this point, Kaufman did not directly affirm Suzuki Masahiro.

He rested his arms on the table and pondered for a few seconds before expressing a new opinion.

"Future technology is by no means an opponent to be underestimated."

"Based on the leaked live video of the surgery and the public's evaluation of the smart medical cabin, this is likely to be a product that is not inferior to the quantum computer."

"If there is no absolute certainty."

"Then give up this game."

When Kaufman talked about this, he couldn't help but recall the changes in the current situation in recent years.

Even though he hated to admit it.

But future technology has indeed created one miracle after another.

It was a shame that they were forced into this embarrassing situation today.

Helped Yan Guo achieve take-off.

Sometimes he wishes that future technology would be his own company.

But for the benefit of his country, he must fight against future technology to the end.

Besides, there wasn't much time left for him.

Based on the current development momentum of future science and technology, I am afraid that the world structure will undergo major changes in a few years.

No one can say whether they will still have enough say at that time.

Perhaps because of the field he is good at, Suzuki Masahiro's confidence did not decrease because of Kaufman's words. Instead, he confidently revealed his trump card.

"Sir Kaufman."

"Actually, I happen to have a patient here with a very special condition that requires multiple surgeries at the same time."

"Even the entire expert team in our hospital has not determined the surgical plan after discussion. It can be said that this operation has almost no hope of success."

"Since Future Technology proposed this competition, their patients must be selected by me."

Suzuki Masahiro is indeed very confident in his own skills, but the Lion and the Rabbit also use their full strength to compete with the latest products of Future Technology. How can he do it without much preparation?

And this patient is his trump card.

After hearing what Masahiro Suzuki said, Kaufman was briefly stunned for a moment.

No one knows what he is thinking.

Then he responded.

"Then I wish you the final victory in this competition, and we will provide support if necessary."

After that, the call ended with Masahiro Suzuki thanking him profusely.

When the office fell into silence again, the head of the research department, Dexiu, who had been standing at his desk, said with some concern: "According to our investigation, this smart medical cabin released by Future Technology does have very powerful surgical emergency capabilities." Function, even a team formed by top doctors may not be able to win."

"If we allow each other to participate in the competition, it may just help the smart medical cabin to further increase its popularity."


"Is this not safe?"

Kaufman has great trust in his subordinate Dehui.

Otherwise, he would not be allowed to serve as the head of the research department.

So Kaufman was not angry when he heard this question, and then smiled to comfort him under Dehui's doubtful eyes.

"You think I'd count on a few doctors."

"They are not qualified to compete with future technology."

"But if they can really defeat the smart medical cabin of future technology and severely disgrace them internationally, it would be a very happy thing."

Originally, Tokusu was worried that Suzuki Masahiro's move would become a boost for future technology promotion of his own products.

Then he couldn't help but ask more.

But from what his parents said, it was obvious that he thought it was impossible for Masahiro Suzuki to win, or that he didn't care much about his victory or defeat at all.

After thinking carefully, Dexiu felt confused.

Some people can't figure out the problem.

Under normal circumstances, if it were anyone else, most likely he would not continue to ask questions, but Dehui had no worries at all, who made him trust Kaufman enough.

So he hurriedly asked again.


"If we lose the game, Future Technology's smart medical cabin will become popular all over the world."

"Should we do nothing?"

Seeing Dehui's nervous look, Kaufman remained calm and smiling.

Then he said a few words that surprised Tokushu even more.

"You don't have to worry about this."

"I also want everyone in the world to know the effects of future technology smart medical cabins."

“Only in this way can subsequent actions be facilitated.”

"Besides, if we were not behind the scenes, how could Masahiro Suzuki, a medical professor, convince the WHO?"

As Kaufman said, had he not contacted the WHO to put pressure on future technology, this game might not have happened, but the matter is far from over now.

Kaufman's setup won't be put into use until this particular game is over.

Although we don’t know what the final outcome will be, we can only wait patiently at this stage.

After listening to Kaufman's words, Dexiu still didn't understand the other party's true plan, but for this reason he was too embarrassed to continue asking.

Anyway, there is no need to worry about the result of Masahiro Suzuki's game at the moment.

The next second, Dehui responded respectfully, then turned around and left, following Kaufman's instructions and not to interfere with the matter.

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