My science and technology museum

Chapter 233 A new century showdown

After Masahiro Suzuki ended the call with Kaufman, his confidence suddenly reached a very inflated level.

Not only did he immediately officially declare that he would go to Binjiang City.

He also belittled the smart medical cabin in his post, which is quite provocative.

Those who didn’t know thought he had already won.

When both parties reached a consensus, they also stipulated the specific format of the competition.

That is, each other designates patients for surgery.

Whoever can complete it successfully and in the least time will win the game.

As word spreads.

The whole network suddenly became very lively. A large number of users from home and abroad were discussing this and guessing who would be the final winner.

Since the rapid development of Internet technology, the competition between humans and machines has never stopped. The most classic one is the Go game between intelligent robots and humans.

But soon this classic event will be replaced.

After all, playing Go is not as exciting as having surgery.

More eye-catching.

What's more, this competition uses a global live broadcast mode, which can definitely be regarded as the first of its kind in the world.

Even though the game has not officially started, it can already be expected that the heat reached by then will be absolutely terrifying.


Compared with the external Internet, domestic platforms are all supportive of smart medical cabins.

It is believed that this smart medical cabin developed by Future Technology can definitely defeat the medical team headed by Masahiro Suzuki. After all, the smart medical cabins have been tested by many key hospitals in China.

There will be absolutely no problem.

Even if there were a few comments that the skills of Suzuki Masahiro's medical team should not be underestimated, they were quickly overshadowed by the army of praise.

"Everyone has seen the live broadcast of surgery to see how functional the smart medical cabin of Future Technology is. The flexibility and precision of that kind of mechanical surgical arm is definitely stronger than that of a human hand."

"Those who cannot accept change are destined to be eliminated. Masahiro Suzuki is still immersed in his own world."

"Anyway, I believe that the smart medical cabin will definitely win."

"In my opinion, this Suzuki jumped out of nowhere, just to gain popularity in this way. Mr. Xu should not pay attention to this guy."

"It's okay to just ignore it, but in the end, it leads to a competition. It would be embarrassing to lose if there is an accident."

"Let's just compete. Anyway, the global live broadcast will allow more people to see the power of our smart medical cabin."

"Just be envious of those guys overseas."

"I checked the information and found that Masahiro Suzuki and his medical team are quite capable. They may be able to surpass the smart medical cabin in terms of speed."

Regardless of the discussion on the Internet, we have to admit that this special game has indeed brought great popularity to the smart medical cabin. I believe that after the game, many overseas forces will come to contact it.

Although the current smart medical cabins mainly cater to the domestic market, this can be regarded as accumulating target groups in advance.

It is also worth mentioning that in the past few days, the smart medical cabins are still in normal production and are delivered to major hospitals for use in accordance with the order of previous orders.

It was not affected by the competition.

After all, the more smart medical cabins are put into use, the more patients can be treated.

Such influence will also increase proportionally.

that's all.

Five days later, Suzuki Masahiro and his surgical team successfully flew from Dongjing to Binjiang City.

As the host, Xu Lei sent Chen Shihe and Cheng Fei to greet them.

Finally, they were taken directly to the Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital, which was also the venue for this competition.

"Welcome Professor Suzuki."

"I am Zhao Lijiang, the director of this hospital, and I am responsible for all matters related to this competition."

At the entrance of the lobby of Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital, Zhao Lijiang, who was already the dean, saw Suzuki and others coming over, and immediately reached out and proactively introduced his identity.

As the director of the hospital, he must be responsible for handling this matter personally, and it is his responsibility to maintain the reputation of the hospital.

In addition, Zhao Lijiang has just become the director of Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital and is looking for opportunities to demonstrate his abilities, so he attaches great importance to this competition related to the reputation of the smart medical cabin.

In the past few days, he and Su Xiaoman had contacted countless key hospitals in the country, just to find a suitable patient for the competition surgery and tried every means to convince the other party to agree.

Because they knew very well that since Masahiro Suzuki proposed to choose patients for each other, they must be prepared.

If the opponent cannot find extremely difficult surgical patients, it will be too difficult for the smart medical cabin to win.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and they happened to find a patient with a special condition that required craniotomy at the Imperial Union Hospital.

After Zhao Lijiang analyzed and judged the patient's condition, he believed that even relying on the medical resources of Union Medical College Hospital could not guarantee a high success rate for the operation. On the contrary, if Masahiro Suzuki and others were left in charge, there might be a glimmer of hope.

After all, I have to promise that Neon’s medical technology is indeed unique.

However, at this time, Suzuki Masahiro chose to turn a blind eye to Zhao Lijiang's handshake. He glanced around the hospital hall and began to criticize dissatisfiedly.

"Where's your boss?"

"Could it be that they know their own products are not good and are afraid that they will lose face if they come out?"

Although Suzuki Masahiro has never met Xu Lei with his own eyes, he still knows Xu Lei's appearance clearly, especially knowing that this person is Kaufman's heartache.

So I wanted him to attend so that he could be humiliated after he won, and it was also a way to vent his anger on Kaufman.

But it can only be said that Suzuki Masahiro thinks too highly of himself. With Xu Lei's current status, how could he personally come out to pay attention to this matter? Even if Kaufman came in person, he might not be able to see Xu Lei.

Seeing Masahiro Suzuki so arrogant, Zhao Lijiang felt quite unhappy.

It just happened due to the inconvenience of identity and situation.

In the end, I had to temporarily suppress the anger in my heart and try to explain in a calmer tone.

"We, Mr. Xu, have a lot to deal with every day, and there are more important things to deal with. I am fully responsible for this competition."

"I wonder if Professor Suzuki heard clearly?"

Seeing that the other party did not give him any face, Suzuki Masahiro's face suddenly turned cold.

But now the game has not started, and his task has not been completed. Thinking of this, Masahiro Suzuki forced himself to calm down, leaving only a provocative word for Zhao Lijiang.

"I hope you can still have this attitude after the game."

In Masahiro Suzuki's view, when he wins the competition and exposes the false propaganda of future technology and smart medical care, the future technology side will definitely be disgraced, and I believe they will no longer have such confidence.

As the two parties completed the initial communication, they directly entered the process of exchanging patient information.

It must be said that although Masahiro Suzuki has a big temper, he is extremely rigorous in his professional field. After receiving the patient's information, he immediately conducted research to determine the surgical plan, and conducted a comprehensive examination of the patient to ensure that his physical condition was satisfactory for the surgery. Require.

Compared with Masahiro Suzuki, Zhao Lijiang and the others had it easier.

Because the entire operation relies on the smart medical cabin, and the surgical plan is also independently planned by the smart medical cabin, Zhao Lijiang and the others have no way to get involved.

However, when the patient from Dongjing lay down in the smart medical cabin for a full-body examination, the data obtained made people frown.

at the same time.

Xu Lei, who was sitting in the surgical monitoring room of the hospital, saw his expression change slightly after seeing the change in Zhao Lijiang's expression.

Although Xu Lei did not appear in front of Masahiro Suzuki, how could he miss such an interesting thing, so he chose to stay in the hospital's surgical monitoring room and follow the live broadcast through various equipment in the hospital.

Although Zhao Lijiang has only been the director of the Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital for a few days, he already knows the functions of the smart medical cabin very well. He knows that the smart medical cabin is definitely better than a team of excellent doctors. Now it can make him look so ugly. It must be that this patient's situation is not optimistic.

Xu Lei has no medical knowledge, so he cannot accurately judge the status of the data fed back by the smart medical cabin.

So in this case, he asked Su Xiaoman next to him: "Director Su, is this patient's condition complicated?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu."

"According to the test results of the smart medical cabin, this patient has a large number of tumors in his body, and they are almost close to the internal organs. It is very difficult to completely remove them."

Faced with Xu Lei's inquiry, Su Xiaoman naturally did not hesitate at all and immediately told what he knew about the situation.

Hearing this, Xu Lei had to admire Masahiro Suzuki for being able to find such a patient.

Although the tumors in the patient's body are all benign, the large number is extremely rare, and they almost grow together with the internal organs. If they want to be completely removed without damaging the internal organs, the mechanical surgical arm of the smart medical cabin It will be a great test.

The slightest accident during surgery can cause damage to internal organs.

In this case, the operation failed and the game was lost directly.

"It seems that Masahiro Suzuki worked hard to win, but I am still confident in my smart medical cabin, and this operation will definitely be completed successfully."

Compared with Su Xiaoman's worries, Xu Lei still said these words with a calm face, and did not think that a difficult operation would make the smart medical cabin helpless.

After all, the patient's condition is complex, and this is an operation that doctors can theoretically complete.

Meeting this point is not a problem for smart medical cabins.

At this time, the global live broadcast also officially started.

Users from home and abroad flocked to the live broadcast room one after another, choosing to watch from the perspective of the smart medical cabin or Masahiro Suzuki. At the same time, the conditions of the two patients were briefly introduced on the live broadcast screen.

When everyone saw that the smart medical cabin was going to treat such a rare patient, they couldn't help but become worried, especially domestic netizens who were afraid that future technology would lose this game.

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