My science and technology museum

Chapter 234 This is absolutely impossible [Please subscribe]

As two more difficult surgeries began under the leadership of Masahiro Suzuki's team and the smart medical cabin respectively, the number of people watching the live broadcast also reached its peak.

Everyone is paying attention to the final outcome, wanting to know who loses and who wins.

Since the operation was performed in Binjiang City after all, it was regarded as Future Technology’s own home field.

It will definitely attract a lot of fan support.

So much so that the rapidly refreshing barrages in the live broadcast room are basically statements that believe that the smart medical cabin can win.

On the contrary, there are very few voices from Masahiro Suzuki.

This has to mention the numerical advantage.

As a small place, Neon has a limited number of netizens, so how can it compete with domestic netizens?

As for other overseas users, they are simply joining in the fun to see if they will have the opportunity to use this kind of medical equipment in the future.

And when everyone watched Masahiro Suzuki's live broadcast and saw that the entire team was cooperating perfectly with each other and slowly removing patients, and also noticed that the patient lying in the smart medical cabin was in a very difficult situation, many people couldn't help but worry. stand up.

"Is this person probably growing a body on top of the tumor?"

"This little old man Suzuki is quite insidious. No wonder he agreed so readily to compete with the smart medical cabin. I have already prepared a backup plan."

"If the operation is not careful, the patient's internal organs will be damaged. To achieve such a level of precision, I am afraid that doctors with decades of relevant experience cannot guarantee that the operation will be successful."

"I'm afraid I'm going to lose this game."

"The people on the other side have completed the craniotomy and are preparing to peel off the patient. Why hasn't there been any action on the smart medical cabin side?"

"We will definitely win this time. Your Yan country is no match for our Neon in terms of medical treatment."

“The victory definitely belongs to our Eastview University School of Medicine.”

"Some people are barking like dogs. They are so confused right from the beginning. How do you know that our smart medical cabin cannot complete this operation?"

At this time, Xu Lei, who was sitting firmly in the surgical monitoring room, was not as worried as the atmosphere in the live broadcast room. He was always watching the smart medical cabin screen with a calm expression.

After completing the patient's full body examination, the smart medical cabin needs to automatically plan the surgical plan.

Ensure the smoothness of the entire surgical process.

At the same time, connected quantum computers will also be used to quickly simulate possible emergencies in the surgical plan and improve remedial measures in a timely manner.

It is normal for a complicated and difficult surgery like this to take a while.

The next second, I heard an excited shout: "Mr. Xu, the operation has begun."

Xu Lei ignored Su Xiaoman's emotional changes next to him. After seeing the mechanical surgical arm in the smart medical cabin finally start to move, he knew in his heart that the smart medical cabin he had built did not disappoint him.

While he breathed a sigh of relief, he dropped a few words lightly.

"There should be no suspense. The next operation will go very smoothly."


Just as Xu Lei expected, as the smart medical cabin planned the best surgical plan and administered anesthesia to the patient to open the abdominal cavity, a series of superb operations followed.

It can be said to be dazzling and overwhelming.

Every time the robotic arm performs the operation, it is extremely accurate, without any hesitation, and the tumor is perfectly separated from the internal organs within millimeters.

In the end, more than 30 tumors of various sizes were removed from the patient's body.

It has to be said that it is no small medical miracle that the patient is still alive despite having so many tumors in his body.

The key is to treat the other party as if nothing is wrong.

If it were anyone else, not to mention dozens of tumors in his body, even one would probably make his mentality explode.

Maybe this is the legendary saying that lice are not itchy if there are too many.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was full of shit. No one expected that they were worried just now, but in the blink of an eye, they were shown off by the performance of the smart medical cabin.

The barrage refresh speed increased explosively.


"This is really showing off skills. It's really hard to imagine that this kind of operation is done by a robotic arm."

"It's too early for all of us to worry."

"I wonder who will dare to say that smart medical cabins are not good in the future. This kind of technical operation is much better than top doctors."

"I know that since Future Technology dares to propose this kind of competition, it is absolutely impossible to lose."

"That's it. It's been decided that if I have surgery in the future, it must be 100% done by the smart medical cabin."

"What about those Neon guys? Why don't you continue to brag now?"

"I hope that Future Technology can sell this product to overseas markets as soon as possible. It is really needed by many countries."

A few hours passed quickly. When Suzuki Masahiro finished the operation, he changed clothes and came out of the operating room. He walked straight to Zhao Lijiang and couldn't help but show off his power.

"Director Zhao, we have successfully completed the operation. How is the progress of your smart medical cabin?"

"Could the internal organs be damaged during the operation and cause the patient to fail?"

For Masahiro Suzuki, as a patient he personally selected for the smart medical cabin, he firmly believed that it was impossible to complete the surgery with one device.

The final result is nothing more than voluntarily giving up the operation, or the patient unexpectedly dies.

No matter which one, the final victory belongs to Dongjing University Medical School Affiliated Hospital.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint Professor Suzuki." Zhao Lijiang had a smile on his lips at the moment. Although he spoke unhurriedly, Suzuki Masahiro's pupils dilated and his face was shocked.

"As early as ten minutes ago, the patient had completed the operation and was sent to the intensive care unit for observation. The entire operation went very smoothly. A total of thirty-five tumors of various sizes were removed from the patient's body."


"Are you kidding? This is absolutely impossible."

The proud smile on Masahiro Suzuki's face froze before it could fade away. He simply didn't believe that the patient he carefully selected could be successfully operated on by future-tech medical equipment, and his voice became louder and louder.

Recalling Masahiro Suzuki's arrogant performance at the beginning, Zhao Lijiang now has no anger at Masahiro Suzuki's unreasonable troubles.

On the contrary, the thoughts in my heart became more and more clear.

Masahiro Suzuki had to accept the fact as he continued to respond calmly.

"If Professor Suzuki doesn't believe it, you can go to the intensive care unit to check the patient's physical condition in person. In addition, I also have a live video of the surgical process, which I believe you will be interested in."

After speaking, Zhao Lijiang directly projected the live broadcast of the surgery inside the smart medical cabin just now, which immediately caught the attention of Masahiro Suzuki.

The more people have higher attainments in the medical field, the more they can clearly understand the power of smart medical cabins.

Masahiro Suzuki attaches great importance to the identity of a doctor because of his environment, so he does not recognize that doctors are a profession that can be replaced by machines.

This is why I want to use my own medical technology to break the false popularity of smart medical cabins.

But it wasn't until this moment, when he saw with his own eyes the surgical process of tumor removal in the smart medical cabin, that he realized how wrong he had been before.

Even though he was reluctant to admit it, he still couldn't deny the fact that the smart medical cabin was powerful. There were even some places that he couldn't easily complete. In just a few minutes, the original momentum disappeared without a trace.

Then he admitted with a lonely look: "We lost this game."

As soon as these words came out, before Zhao Lijiang and the others could get happy, the members behind Masahiro Suzuki couldn't help it.

"Professor Suzuki, we also completed the operation successfully. This game is at least a draw."

"That's right, our Dongjing University School of Medicine Hospital did not lose."

Unfortunately, before he could say a few words, he was forcibly interrupted by Masahiro Suzuki, completely determining the final result of this game.

"This smart medical cabin is really powerful. It can serve patients better than doctors. We really lost."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Suzuki Masahiro seemed to have thought of something again, and suddenly asked Zhao Lijiang: "Dean Zhao, our Dongjing University School of Medicine Affiliated Hospital also wants to purchase a few of your company's smart medical cabins. No. Do you know if there is such a channel?"

Masahiro Suzuki is not a fool. Although losing the game did not meet Kaufman's expectations, if he gets a few of these smart medical cabins back, it will only bring many benefits to the hospital and himself.

Naturally, he would not let go of such a good opportunity now.

It's a good idea, but it's not that difficult to achieve it.

Almost at the moment he made this request, he heard a loud voice coming from the side.

"I'm really sorry. We have no plans to sell our smart medical cabin to external parties for the time being. I'm afraid I will disappoint Professor Suzuki."

The person who said this was naturally not Zhao Lijiang. Seeing that the matter was coming to an end, Xu Lei walked out of the surgical monitoring room. He happened to hear that Suzuki Masahiro wanted to buy a smart medical cabin, so he responded directly to the other party's words.

After all, the current demand for smart medical cabins in the United States cannot be met, so how can it be sold to overseas parties first?

Anyway, after this game, I believe there will be no shortage of sales for smart medical cabins wherever they are.

Seeing Xu Lei's figure, Zhao Lijiang also quickly introduced him.

"Professor Suzuki, this is Mr. Xu Lei, our youngest president of Future Technology."

"Mr. Xu is indeed younger than I thought. It's a real pity that we can't reach this cooperation." Masahiro Suzuki was also more generous. After saying this, he stopped staying in the hospital and wanted to go back to the hospital that day. scene.

Who made them embarrassed to lose the game this time, but also failed to get the smart medical cabin, and they were really embarrassed to continue to stay there.

As the reputation of smart medical cabins spreads around the world, many forces have taken the initiative to express their willingness to purchase smart medical cabins. Even overseas users have called for future technology to open overseas markets.

However, due to production capacity issues, these requirements are destined to be impossible to achieve in the short term.

In addition, when the news that the smart medical cabin defeated Dongjing's top medical team returned to the security building, Kaufman seemed very happy and began to arrange the next plan.

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