My science and technology museum

Chapter 242 They will pay the price soon

Perhaps inspired by Xu Lei's eyes, Qin Xiaoman's reporting process went very smoothly.

The current research results are explained in detail.

Although there are still many problems and it is temporarily unable to enter the clinical trial stage, compared with other pharmaceutical companies, the research progress can definitely be said to be rapid.

It's just that Xu Lei's mind is on the Science and Technology Museum, thinking about the new products that are about to be unlocked.

So after the report was over, he got up and left without staying too long.

Qin Xiaoman and other members of the project research team, on the other hand, looked at Xu Lei's retreating figure with mixed emotions.

"The dean actually didn't scold us at all."

"Who says it's not? It's obviously an important research project for the company, but we spent two months without any breakthrough progress."

"I thought the dean would lose his temper."

Qin Xiaoman listened to the discussion of the people around him. How could he not know the seriousness of this matter? He also understood the huge pressure everyone was under during this period. However, scientific research is not a child's play and often requires great efforts. Patience and luck.

Ideological self-abasement and guilt will only be counterproductive and further affect the progress of research.

Just now, maybe Qin Xiaoman would have denied himself like others and believed that he was not qualified to be the person in charge of this project, but now the situation is completely different.

So I heard her immediately preach to everyone: "The reason why the dean didn't say anything is because he trusts us."

“We should work harder on our projects for this.”

"Strive to achieve breakthrough progress in the next time and live up to the dean's trust."

The people who were still immersed in the aura of decadence suddenly changed their mentality significantly after hearing Qin Xiaoman's words.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true.

"Dr. Qin is right, we should all work harder next."

"Xingtong gave me a new research direction two days ago. I will go to the laboratory to study it later. Maybe it will improve the effect of the drug to a higher level."

"I'm going to the lab too."

After a few words of encouragement to each other, the group of people seemed to be filled with blood again.

With that said, he quickly walked outside.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaoman also showed a happy smile on his face, and immediately followed him.

And just when Xu Lei returned to the office and re-entered the museum, and Qin Xiaoman led the research team to continue to conquer the universal anti-cancer drug, far away in Washington, D.C., was filled with joy.

There has been no news from Future Technology for two months, which is very inconsistent with their style of doing things.

After all, according to previous experiences, if Future Technology successfully develops a universal anti-cancer drug that is not inferior to theirs, news will definitely be revealed.

But it doesn't.

In this case, there is only one possibility, and that is that future technology will not be able to develop a new universal anti-cancer drug.

The happiest person facing such a conclusion must be Qiangsheng Pharmaceutical Company.

"It seems that I am too worried about this matter."

"There has been no news about Future Technology so far. I'm afraid the research on the project is not ideal."

Security building office.

Duto, who is sitting here again, has a completely different mentality than last time.

When Future Technology announced its entry into the biopharmaceutical industry at first, he was worried, fearing that the other party would develop a more effective universal anti-cancer drug to seize their market.

Let Qiang Sheng become the next Tras.

Fortunately, the transformation of future technology will not be smooth. They, who were once unstoppable, may have to hit a wall in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

Kaufman, who was sitting opposite, did not hide the joy on his face at this moment.

He took the words and analyzed them quite proudly.

"Facts have proven that my previous judgment was not wrong. It is unrealistic for future technology projects that are forced to be temporarily determined to achieve the success of previous projects."

"Besides, the other party is so arrogant that he promised time."

"Just watch."

"They're going to pay the price right away."

After fighting with future technology for such a long time, Kaufman couldn't be unhappy when he saw that he was about to gain a slight advantage and regain his position.

Two months have passed now. Since the progress has basically not changed, the remaining months will probably be the same.

It is a hard-earned and interesting thing to be able to see future technology slap yourself in the face.

However, after listening to Kaufman's confident speech, Duto felt a little uneasy.

I always feel that future technology will make a desperate counterattack.

If that's the case, no matter how happy they are now, they will be uncomfortable later.

Thinking of this, in order to reassure himself, Duto asked Kaufman again after a slight hesitation.

"Sir Kaufman."

"The current situation is indeed very favorable to us, but I always feel a little uneasy."

"Is it possible that Future Technology deliberately conceals its research progress?"

Hearing Duto's question, Kaufman shook his head and said, "I don't think it's possible that you are worried."

"According to special information channels, the anti-cancer drug research project team of Future Technology has cooperated with relevant personnel within the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Judging from the news we got there, their project is indeed at a standstill."

“Maybe in the future, future technology will be able to successfully develop a new universal anti-cancer drug, but this time it is too natural to try to do it within the promised time.”

"That's good."

After Kaufman's words, Duto's hanging heart finally calmed down completely.

He quickly responded with relief.

But Kaufman obviously won't just wait and see at this time.

If we cannot take advantage of this opportunity to lower the reputation of Future Technology and lose the audience for their anti-cancer drugs, it will still have an impact on our own pharmaceutical companies.

After all, no matter what the current research progress of future technology is, it will be successful sooner or later.

By that time, they would have no chance if they wanted to take action.

Mainly with the current scale of future technology, even if we fail to keep our promise to develop a new universal anti-cancer drug within the specified time, the consequences will definitely not be harmful.

And this reflects their role.

If we don't take the opportunity to add fuel to the flames at this time, then when will we?

When his thoughts came to this point, Kaufman immediately made a decision, and then said thoughtfully: "It seems that the people we spent money to train in Yanfang should also be effective."

The words just fell.

Then Kaufman seemed to have thought of something again and gave Duto instructions at the same time.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

"You must continue to intensify your efforts to promote the pharmaceutical market in Yan District. This time, Future Technology must stop the idea of ​​entering the biopharmaceutical field."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

After listening to Kaufman's words, Duto immediately agreed.

There is no doubt about this.

Mainly, he is very clear about his company's current situation.

A temporary failure in future technology research means nothing. The key is to ensure its absolute position in the pharmaceutical market.

You must know that drugs that can treat various major diseases are equivalent to controlling the lives of many people.

It can have a great impact internationally.

It may even become a bargaining chip on the negotiating table for both parties.

Therefore, with this level of stakes, neither Kaufman nor Dutto hope that technology will dominate the pharmaceutical industry in the future.

The conversation between the two did not last long. After determining the next target, both parties immediately issued orders to take action.


There are many non-governmental organizations in the country, for example, under the banner of protecting the natural environment and caring for small animals. Although many of them cannot find their source of income, they always show that they have sufficient funds.

And often organize volunteers to participate in offline activities.

But just a few days after the Spring Festival, they showed one thing in common.

That is to publish soft articles with similar content on the official account.

In a subtle way, Future Technology’s metal all-solid-state batteries are accused of seriously polluting the environment, and their waste has caused pollution of soil and rivers.

Expose the fact that the smart medical cabin caused a major surgical error and blocked all information.

Finally, he claimed that future technology does not understand biopharmaceuticals at all, and the drugs developed will cause serious side effects on the human body.

In short, everything is said to be true.

He seems to have molded himself into a hero who exposes the scams of shady companies.

The development of future technology in recent years can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, which has left a deep impression on the people. When everyone mentions future technology and Xu Lei, four words will come to mind.

Domestic light.

So I suddenly saw so much shady material about Future Technology on the Internet, some of which even came with photos and interviews, and I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

I can’t help but ask myself.

Could it be that I have been wrong about future technology all along?

Although most people don't believe it, some people can't help but deliberately set the pace to increase the popularity of these reports.

So much so that it didn’t take long for it to be trending on all major platforms.

In fact, for these websites, it is completely possible to use technical means to reduce the popularity, and maybe even show their favor to future technology.

However, it can be expected that doing this will easily arouse the rebellious psychology of netizens and actually confirm these false rumors, so the major platforms can only choose to ignore it.

Watching the heat grow stronger and stronger.

Just click on a related topic and you will see a large number of highly praised comments that distort the facts.

Although it was criticized by many people, the impact could not be eliminated.

"In the future, technology will be so big, but it will not spend money on the recycling and processing of solid-state batteries. The pollution caused by this will be too serious."

"I have long said that the smart medical cabin is unreliable. All the cases that made mistakes were blocked."

"No wonder there has been no progress in the anti-cancer drugs of future technology for such a long time. It turns out that a bunch of people who know nothing are researching them. Who will dare to take them in the future?"

"Nowadays, future scientists have great careers and powerful quantum computers. It is easy to block our sources of information."

"I found a few bad pictures somewhere and tried to use them to criticize other people's future technology. It's the most annoying thing for those of you who are malicious and tempestuous."

"There are half a million in the comment section. It looks like I'm going to make a fortune."

"The public has a clear eye on what future technology will look like, and there is no need for organizational bloggers like you to remind them."

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