My science and technology museum

Chapter 243 Nano Medical Robot [Please subscribe]

Xu Lei was unaware of the sudden turmoil on the Internet.

Because his consciousness at this time has entered the Science and Technology Museum and is standing in front of the booth in the hall.

Just as he estimated, when he came to the museum hall again, he could see that a new booth had been unlocked, but the same booth as last time was in the flashing stage, and the technology exhibits had not been updated yet.

"But don't let me down."

"You must unlock exhibits related to anti-cancer."

Xu Lei took a deep breath, and as the thought came to his mind, he immediately reached out and touched the information screen.

I had the previous unlocking experience and the whole process was very smooth.

Almost the moment his palm came into contact with the information screen, the light in the booth stopped flickering.

But just when Xu Lei looked expectantly at the booth next to him to see what he had unlocked, his eyes suddenly shrank.

A question slowly emerged in my mind?

what's the situation?

What about the exhibits?

I don’t know what’s going on, but there is nothing above the entire booth.

No exhibits showed up at all.

According to normal circumstances, the booth is now in a successfully unlocked state.

There should be exhibits there.

No matter what type of exhibit it is, even if it is related to technology, something will appear in the booth.

You must know that since he became the new owner of this science and technology museum, he has unlocked several exhibition booths, but nothing so bizarre has ever happened before.

After coming back to his senses, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"Could it be that the unlocked booth is actually empty, and there are no exhibits in the first place..."

At present, the company's universal anti-cancer drug project has not made significant progress yet, and it cannot be developed within the previously promised time, so this exhibit is crucial.

If an empty booth is really unlocked, it would be unlucky mother opening the door for unlucky people.

What bad luck!

Fortunately, what Xu Lei was most worried about did not happen.

Just as he was thinking about what to do next, the information screen next to him finally displayed a text message.

Name: Nano medical robot

Level: First level civilization

Evaluation: It can bring about a new round of precision medical revolution.

Influence: 0/5000000

Collection unit: Universe Civilization Science and Technology Museum

Contrary to Xu Lei's imagination, judging from the information displayed on the information screen, it seems that this exhibit has nothing to do with the treatment of cancer.

It doesn't even contain any relevant words.

Crucially, the number of influence requirements this time has reached an astonishing five million points.

Fully five times as much as before.

Just thinking about it makes me feel exhausted, not knowing when I will get enough.

But now that it was a foregone conclusion, Xu Lei wanted to change the exhibits but was unable to do so. He could only transfer the core technology of this nano-medical robot into his mind first.

Anyway, since it is a medical-related product, I believe it should have some connection with the smart medical cabin.

A lot of thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, and then Xu Lei stopped wasting time. He immediately clicked on the notes in the lower right corner of the information screen and carefully looked at the detailed description of the exhibit and the technical knowledge involved.

Maybe it's because Xu Lei has mastered too much knowledge, and his brain development is so much higher than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, when mastering new knowledge, the speed becomes faster.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Until Xu Lei looked back, his face was already full of joy, obviously he had a new understanding of this exhibit.

Because he had taken the smart medical cabin route before, Xu Lei did not have a deep understanding of nano-medical robots. Only after mastering all the relevant knowledge did he realize how wrong he was.

Nano medical robot is a tool that is very small and works inside the patient's body for treatment.

As the evaluation said, it has the ability to trigger a new round of precision medicine revolution.

More importantly, the types of nano-medical robots included in this exhibit are not the same.

According to the introduction in the notes, in addition to releasing clots in the body to quickly stop bleeding from wounds, nano-medical robots also include nano-robots that specialize in eating bacteria to assist breathing and treat cancer.

The reason why Xu Lei is happy is precisely because of the last nanorobot that can treat cancer.

When he first saw the name of this exhibit, he thought the promise could not be fulfilled.

But I didn’t expect that in addition to drugs, nano-medical robots can rely on their unique and precise characteristics to eliminate cancer cells at targeted locations.

It will not cause harm to other normal cells in the patient's body.

In this way, no matter what type of cancer it is, there is a chance to be treated or even cured.

This is much better than the universal anti-cancer drug.

Looking at the global field, there are also relevant teams engaged in nano-medical robots.

Unfortunately, they are all in the theoretical laboratory stage for the time being, and have not been tested on humans yet. It is not known whether they will be put into use in the year of the monkey.

But now that Xu Lei has mastered all the technologies, I believe this situation will be changed soon.

After careful study, Xu Lei also understood that the difficulties of nano-medical robots include several aspects.

First of all, for a robot that is only one hundred thousandth the size of a human hair, the size issue alone is a very big difficulty. How to install various devices in such a small volume to make it fully functional requires careful consideration.

After all, it was precisely because of this that Xu Lei did not see the items on the booth.

There is also the problem of programming, navigation, positioning and energy supply of the robot. Without either of them, it is impossible to create a real nano-medical robot.

In addition, since the nano-medical robot will enter the patient's blood, it is also necessary to ensure that the surface of the robot is not sticky to plasma and blood proteins, and does not undergo chemical reactions in the blood to avoid causing immune reactions in the human body.

Coupled with the small size of the nano-medical robot, it also needs the ability to avoid phagocytosis and escape to prevent being engulfed by macrophages.

And how to safely remove it from the human body after completing its mission.

It is precisely because of these difficulties that nano-medical robot technology has not been able to achieve major breakthroughs so far.

But at this moment, Xu Lei is more confident than ever.

After careful consideration, Xu Lei decided to first create a nanorobot with a drive system that can accurately reach tumor lesions, so that drugs can be accurately delivered to them and targeted treatment of cancer patients can be achieved.

It is important to know that the efficacy of traditional targeted therapies is less than 1% of the lesions, and they also bear the side effects of normal cell death and decreased body functions.

Therefore, the treatment effect of cancer patients is often less than ideal.

Even the best anti-cancer drugs can only help maintain life.

But nano medical robots can perfectly solve this problem.

And after confirming this matter, Xu Lei also had a very bold idea in his mind.

He wants to combine nano-medical robots with his own smart medical cabin.

After the nano-medical robot is successfully manufactured, it can directly become a new function of the smart medical cabin.

When cancer patients lie down in the smart medical cabin, they will be injected with this kind of nano-medical robot, which can achieve precise treatment effects on the lesions.

This will not only occupy the market of overseas pharmaceutical companies, but also give others a reason to buy smart medical cabins.

It is believed that the sales volume of smart medical cabins will show explosive growth by then.

until spread all over the world.

Completely reform the traditional medical model.

However, considering that nanomedical technology is a complex subject, it requires the cooperation of many fields such as chemistry, biology, medicine, computer science, physics, etc. This situation is also called scientific integration.

Although Xu Lei managed to focus all these subjects on himself, it would be really stressful if he completed them all by himself.

The key is that there are only about four months left before the originally promised time, so in order to make this nano-medical robot come out as soon as possible, he still needs to find some scientific researchers in the research center to help.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the idea stopped here, Xu Lei could not wait to officially start research on nano-medical robots.

So he didn't stay too long in the museum hall, and immediately controlled his consciousness and returned to his office.

"This time it's really a surprise."

"Since anti-cancer drugs cannot surpass the level of overseas pharmaceutical companies in a short period of time, we should find another way to choose nano-medical robots."

"I hope those overseas guys won't be too surprised by then."

Recalling the vast amount of relevant technical knowledge in his mind, Xu Lei sneered and muttered these two words, then stood up and prepared to return to the research center again.

But what he didn't expect was that at this moment, Chen Shihe's voice suddenly came from outside.

"Mr. Xu."

"Vice President Jia and the others want to see you."

The company has been working hard on the development of a new universal anti-cancer drug during this period. Xu Lei did not pay too much attention to Xingyuan's business, but he thought nothing would happen at this time.

So when he heard that Jia Zhongjie suddenly wanted to see him, he felt a little confused.

However, the development of nano-medical robots was not urgent in these few minutes. After a slight hesitation, Xu Lei still opened his mouth to let them in.

"come in."

But what Xu Lei never expected was that in addition to Chen Shihe and Jia Zhongjie who pushed the door open after hearing the sound, there were several other people following them.

It is Lu Hongbo, Zhang Xia, Hange and others, and almost all the core personnel of the company are in place.

Seeing such a scene, no matter how calm Xu Lei was, he couldn't help but immediately asked: "Why are you all here? Did something happen to the company?"

As the words rang out, Xu Lei's face suddenly turned cold.

Because he saw anger clearly mixed in other people's expressions.

If it weren't for the company's problems, I believe they would never be so angry.

Faced with Xu Lei's inquiry, Jia Zhongjie did not hesitate at this time and quickly answered: "Someone deliberately smeared us online and distorted the facts, which has now caused a considerable impact."

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