My science and technology museum

Chapter 250 A complete success

After the nano-medical robot completed animal experiments, Xu Lei combined it with the smart medical cabin, so now patients only need to lie down in the smart medical cabin to receive treatment.

This is also the reason why the clinical trial location was chosen at Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital.

After Sun Xuegui and others left Longhu High-tech Park, they went directly to Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital to stay.

Because of his special status, Zhao Lijiang naturally did not dare to neglect him.

After first using the smart medical cabin to conduct a detailed examination of his physical condition, the time for precise delivery of the drug by the injection nano-medical robot was quickly determined.

The main reason is that Sun Xuegui's pancreatic cancer was discovered in time, and the spread of cancer cells is currently limited. At this time, we should seize the time to use nano-medical robots to accurately deliver drug treatment. I believe the effect will be much better. Maybe Sun Xuegui can be cured in a short time. The body is restored to its original state.

Otherwise, if it is delayed for too long, pancreatic cancer may have irreversible effects on the body due to its horrific extent.

Even after recovery, some sequelae may occur.

At first, Sun Xuegui's son was a little worried. He believed that the risks of nano-medical robots were much greater than those of anti-cancer drugs.

If the robot loses control inside the patient's body, it would be extremely terrifying.

It can cause death very quickly.

So even if he knew that the clinical trial project of Future Technology was not a universal anti-cancer drug, he still felt a little nervous when the incident happened.

He hopes to use the nano-medical robot on his father after other patients participating in the clinical trial complete their treatment.

Do this to be as safe as possible.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with adopting this approach if it were a common cancer.

After all, he was thinking about his father.

Reduce risks as much as possible.

However, pancreatic cancer is no different than other cancers. Since it is called the king of cancers, it is definitely more difficult to treat.

Basically adhering to the principle of saving the sooner rather than later.

So in the end, under the patient explanations of hospital director Zhao Lijiang and director Su Xiaoman, Sun Xuegui's family finally agreed to use nano-medical robots for precise treatment as soon as possible.

Under the condition that the physical health value meets the requirements, the nano medical robot will be officially injected next week.

As for Sun Xuegui himself, he naturally had no objections throughout the process.

Not a few days.

Time enters May.

Future Technology’s clinical trials on nano-medical robots have finally begun.

Tuesday, May 6, 2025.

Binjiang City.

Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital.

In the monitoring and control room, Dean Zhao Lijiang, Directors Su Xiaoman, Qin Xiaoman and others sat in front of the console, focusing entirely on the two holographic screens in front of them.

They are the feedback of various body data of patients in the smart medical cabin and the position navigation of nano-medical robots.

In front of these equipment, separated by transparent glass in the dedicated operating room, you can see an open smart medical cabin, with Sun Xuegui lying inside.


The people sitting in the rear are Xu Lei, Yang Senping, Pei Hongyin and the patient's family members.

Because today's treatment process is related to Sun Xuegui's physical safety, Yang Senping and Pei Hongyin, as friends who came from the same Chinese Academy of Sciences, must be present in person.

It can also be regarded as a way to cheer for friends.

Just when everything was ready, the voices of Su Xiaoman and Qin Xiaoman suddenly sounded in the monitoring and control room.

"The patient's indicators are normal and he is eligible for injection."

"The nano medical robot is ready. Do you want to start the injection?"

"Let's begin." Zhao Lijiang, who was appointed by Xu Lei to be in charge of this experiment, gave the order solemnly.

As Qin Xiaoman pressed the operation button, through the internal picture of the smart medical cabin, he could see that the nano-medical robot that had been loaded was injected into the patient's body.

Then it moves towards the patient's lesion under the action of magnet control.

Compared with animal nano-medical robots moving within the human body, it will take longer to successfully reach the lesion.

And this also ensures that no emergencies will be encountered during the process.

But even though this period of time was relatively boring, everyone present did not dare to be distracted in any way.

Keep your eyes on the screen.

Everyone wants to witness this upcoming feat with their own eyes.

Pancreatic cancer is the king of cancers, and the key point is the special tumor microenvironment.

Just like everyone grows up in a different environment, the microenvironment in which cancer cells live is also different. They use various cells and secreted substances to form a strong and tight environment. Coupled with the blood vessels surrounding the pancreas, some anti-cancer drugs want to It can be said to be extremely difficult to enter.

At the same time, this will also cause greater obstacles to nano-medical robots.

Each of its functions is a test.

But if the nano-medical robot can successfully reach the lesion and complete the precise delivery of drugs, it will completely prove the maturity of the nano-medical robot.

In this way, smart medical cabins with nano-medical robots added to them can be introduced to the world in a short period of time.

But it is worth mentioning that even though Xu Lei was very confident in his own products, he still couldn't control his excitement at this critical moment.

no doubt.

He absolutely hoped that this treatment would be successful.

After all, in addition to Sun Xuegui's identity and his contribution to society, I believe that after this clinical trial is announced, it will also arouse greater public discussion.

As for who is the most worried among the people present, it must be Sun Xuegui's family members who are at the top of the list.

Judging from the red eyes with dark circles, I'm afraid he didn't get a good rest last night, or he couldn't sleep all night.

For the mother and son, although this was not sending their loved ones to the operating table, their moods were not any different. At least until Sun Xuegui came out of the smart medical cabin safely, their moods were difficult to calm down.

Although the main injection of nano-medical robots is not as bloody and dangerous as surgery, it still carries greater risks.

If the nano-medical robot loses control while traveling to the location of the lesion, it is difficult to guarantee where it will enter the human body.

Unfixed risks also mean that it is difficult to have corresponding emergency response measures.

Fortunately, Xu Lei's nano-medical robot technology is mature enough, even in the complex environment of pancreatic cancer tumor cells, it can still reach the focus of the disease smoothly.

I don’t know how much time passed until a familiar voice sounded again in the monitoring and control room, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The nanomedical robot has arrived at the target location and is ready to release the drug."

"Start delivering."

The nano-medical robot can successfully pass through the complex environment created by various cell secretions and reach the lesion directly. This has proven its powerful function. Once the drug is accurately delivered, the task is considered completed.

It will degrade on its own in the patient's body over the next few days.

The big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and Xu Lei stood up and took the initiative to comfort the family members of the patients next to him.

"You don't have to worry too much."

"Now that the drug has been delivered accurately, we only need to observe the death of cancer cells to determine the specific effect of the drug."

"Academician Sun will be sent back to the ward later, and you can go and visit."

Both Sun Xuegui's wife and son understood at this time that it was Xu Lei in front of them who gave their relatives hope, and they were naturally very moved when they heard this.

He quickly held Xu Lei's hand and said thanks.

"My husband only relies on your help to avoid suffering from illness. You are the benefactor of our Sun family."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, although our Sun family is not a wealthy family, if you need it, please ask for it as soon as possible."

After finally talking to each other for a few more words, Sun Xuegui's son supported his mother and walked out of the monitoring and control room, preparing to go to the ward to wait for the patient to come out of the smart medical cabin.

When Yang Senping and Pei Hongyin were left around, they saw that Yang Senping was not stingy with his praise at all.

I sincerely admire Xu Lei for developing such a powerful nano-medical robot.

"It's unimaginable."

"Originally, I thought you were already very powerful if you developed a smart medical cabin. After all, you have successfully changed the original medical model, which is great news for patients."

"But I never imagined that the smart medical cabin would be just an appetizer."

"Your nano-medical robot can treat cancer. I'm afraid that when it is announced, all mankind will be excited about it."

"I believe that when the time comes, the faces of overseas pharmaceutical companies will look very good."

You can hear the envy hidden in the words.

It is said that the Chinese Academy of Sciences has much more scientific researchers than the Future Technology Research Center, but there is a big gap between the two sides in the research of this epoch-making product.

It can only be said that Xu Lei's strength is too abnormal. He alone is comparable to the people in their hospital.

However, in the face of Yang Senping's pursuit, Xu Lei behaved quite modestly and immediately gave part of the credit to the members of the research project team.

Especially Pei Hongyin who was standing next to him.

"Dean Yang is too modest."

"The nano-medical robot project can go so smoothly without the joint efforts of other people. Mr. Pei alone stayed up late with us during this period."

"I'm not that capable." Pei Hongyin responded with a smile immediately upon hearing this.

Fortunately, everyone did not argue in too much detail about this matter. After confirming that Sun Xuegui was basically fine, Yang Senping stopped staying and flew back to the imperial capital that day to continue presiding over the work of the courtyard.

As for the hospital, Xu Lei specifically asked Zhao Lijiang to strictly observe the changes in cancer cells in Sun Xuegui's body.

And continue to accurately deliver the drug appropriately.

In addition, other patients participating in this clinical trial have also been injected with nano-medical robots. This means that in about half a month, a detailed report on the changes in the number of cancer cells will be available. It is enough to imagine that it will be announced globally at that time. What a sensation in the area.

I believe that people from all over the world will demand the import of smart medical cabins with future technology.

After all, no one can guarantee that they will not get cancer, so it is human nature to leave yourself a way to survive.

In this situation, the biggest losses will definitely be those well-known overseas pharmaceutical companies.

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