My science and technology museum

Chapter 251 Announcement of victory over cancer

"Academician Sun, how have you been feeling these past two days?"

Wednesday, May 21st.

Binjiang City.

Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital.

In the ward, Xu Lei placed the flowers and fruits in his hands on the cabinet next to him, and was very kindly concerned about Sun Xuegui's physical condition.

It has been half a month since Sun Xuegui first used the nano-medical robot for precise medication. During this period, he also administered new drugs, so his mental state was much better than when he first arrived.

At this time, Sun Xuegui didn't know whether he was happy for his recovery or excited to see humans conquering cancer. He did not hide his smile on his face.

After hearing Xu Lei's words, he immediately spoke: "I'm not satisfied with you, Xiao Xu. In the past half month, I have felt several years younger and my health has improved."

He was as happy as a child.

But Xu Lei understands that this is because when the nano medical robot travels in the body, it also cleans up the blood clots in the blood vessels. This smooth feeling from top to bottom will indeed make people feel many years younger.

For example, a patient who has been constipated all year round suddenly experiences a refreshing experience.

Of course, Xu Lei didn't say it explicitly. After all, maintaining this mentality is very helpful for subsequent physical care.

"That's good."

"But the cancer cells in your body have just been cleaned up now. It is best to stay in the hospital for a while and use the smart medical cabin for daily health check-ups."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will supervise my dad well." Faced with Xu Lei's instructions, Sun Xuegui's son promised with a smile beside the hospital bed.

Speaking of which, when Yang Senping proposed that Sun Xuegui participate in clinical trials of Future Technology, he tried his best to stop it because of worries, but now he not only worships Future Technology's products in his heart, after all, looking at any company in the world, who can guarantee that he can Overcome the cancer problem.

But future technology will do.

The best evidence is the disappearance of cancer cells in his father's body.

At this moment, Sun Xuegui, who was sitting on the bed, spoke again: "Mr. Xu must be very busy with the nano-medical robots during this period. He also wants you to come over and see me, an old man."

"What are you talking about, Academician Sun?"

"Dean Yang is not in Binjiang City, so I should come and visit instead."

"As for the company's issues, it's easy to solve. After all, the clinical trials of nano-medical robots are going very smoothly."

Faced with Sun Xuegui's words, Xu Lei quickly responded with a few words. He did not put on any pretense of being a future technology president. It was completely the attitude of a junior visiting his senior.

But the content of the answer made Sun Xuegui extremely excited.

Subconsciously, his body straightened up. His age-clouded eyes stared at Xu Lei, and he couldn't help but ask: "Could it be that your company's nano-medical robot will be launched soon?"

As a personal experiencer of nano-medical robots, Sun Xuegui is very aware of its effects.

This is the real solution to cancer disease.

Considering that there are millions of cancer patients in China alone, if nano-medical robots can be used as soon as possible, it will undoubtedly save many lives.

Therefore, Sun Xuegui hopes that nano-medical robots can be launched as soon as possible.

Xu Lei also understood that Sun Xuegui was thinking about other cancer patients from the bottom of his heart, and it was also more in line with his philosophy, so there was no need to hide anything. When his thoughts came to this point, Xu Lei answered.

"As for the launch of nano-medical robots, the process is currently going through, but I believe it will be soon."

It is true that the nano-medical robot unlocked from the Science and Technology Museum has successfully turned the company around, but it is equally difficult to achieve an influence of up to five million.

If he continues to grow his influence in the same way as before, he may have to use nano-medical robots for all cancer patients in the world.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

No idea how long the middle span will take to complete.

Therefore, Xu Lei definitely wants to put nano-medical robots on the market as soon as possible.

As the carrier of nano-medical robots, the production base of smart medical cabins can be said to be operating at full capacity during this period. The supply currently available can basically satisfy most of the global market in the short term.

As for the production speed of nano-medical robots, it needs to be faster.

If it does go on the market, Xu Lei is confident that it will be used by all domestic cancer patients in a short time.

By that time, Yanguo will also become the first cancer-free country in the world.

After receiving Xu Lei's assurance, Sun Xuegui immediately felt relieved, knowing that the global medical system would soon undergo earth-shaking changes.

And no one or any force can stop it this time.

Not long after.

When Xu Lei came out of the ward, he immediately saw Zhao Lijiang, Qin Xiaoman and others waiting outside, surrounding him.

"Mr. Xu."

"This is a report on the cycle of tumor cell changes in the bodies of all patients who participated in the clinical trials. After being injected with our nano-medical robots, there was a significant reduction."

"They are expected to return to a healthy level soon."

Zhao Lijiang walked up to Xu Lei and introduced it excitedly while handing over a paper document in his hand.

You can hear his current mood from the vibrato at the end of his words.

Xu Lei reached out and took the report, but did not read it immediately.

Because before he came to visit Sun Xuegui in the ward today, he had already obtained the information of each cancer patient from Xingtong and knew that they were all on the verge of being cured.

The ability to reduce cancer cells to this level in such a short period of time with a 100% success rate is enough to prove that nano-medical robots are mature and powerful, and are more qualified to be officially launched to serve more cancer patients.

After making some calculations in his mind, he listened to Xu Lei quickly issue orders.

"very good."

"The necessary procedures should be completed as soon as possible, and our nano-medical robot should be launched."

"After all, those guys overseas are still waiting to see our jokes."

There is not much time left before the six months promised, so Xu Lei naturally wants to give Kaufman and overseas medical companies a big surprise.

I believe the scene will definitely be very exciting.

Qin Xiaoman, Zhao Lijiang and others all knew about this promise, and they had kept in mind the doubts and turmoil faced by the company some time ago. Now that they heard Xu Lei say this, they still didn't know what to do.

So they all responded.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, we will definitely get things done."

With the help of the resources and influence of future technology and the powerful effect of nano-medical robots, the approval procedures for the official launch of the product went directly through a special channel.

Its efficiency is naturally excellent.

The end of the month.

The official account of Future Technology officially released a promotional video for nano-medical robots used to treat cancer.

The video points out that the injection method of the nano-medical robot is a smart medical cabin, and each accurate injection charges a separate fee of 20,000 yuan.

To be honest, the price is not expensive.

Mainly, nano-medical robots are precision instruments and cannot be reused. The cost price alone is there. Even if Xu Lei mainly wants to influence, he will definitely not do a loss-making business.

That is not conducive to the stable development of the company.

Besides, patients with early-stage cancer can often achieve therapeutic effects with just one medication.

Spending tens of thousands of dollars to get rid of cancer is a very cost-effective deal no matter how you look at it.

Behind the video are naturally the personal experiences of cancer patients who participated in the clinical trial, proving that they have received effective treatment.

If these patients can be actors hired by Future Technology to commit fraud, then the academician Sun Xuegui as the finale is undoubtedly a magic needle that will make everyone believe it.

In addition, after the release of Future Technology’s promotional video, Sun Xuegui also published an article he wrote through his social account, strongly calling on cancer patients to use Future Technology’s nano-medical robots for treatment.

Coupled with the forwarding and reporting by official accounts such as the China News Service of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the popularity almost reached the point of explosion.

It is no exaggeration to say that in just a few dozen minutes, there was a very eye-catching four-character topic on all major domestic platforms, websites, communication groups, browsers and other information channels.

"Cancer Conquer"

No one thought that cancer, which humans have been fighting for more than a hundred years, would be officially defeated today.

And it was solved by a domestic company.

Thinking about it, everyone was still questioning Future Technology's universal anti-cancer drug before, thinking that it could not be developed. However, Future Technology turned around and built a nano-medical robot, which can be said to be a slap in the face of everyone on the Internet.

But this face was beaten willingly.

In recent years, as the trend of cancer among younger people has gradually increased, many people have unspeakable worries that cancer may one day find them.

But now that cancer has a cure, its terror in people's minds has also dropped rapidly.

Basically, it is not much different from ordinary diseases.

The most important thing is that this is different from the previous quantum computer holographic projection, and it is closely related to everyone. Therefore, in the comment area of ​​related content topics, you can see everyone praising the future technology and not forgetting to express their gratitude to overseas pharmaceutical companies. ridicule.

"I just said that future technology will never let us down. Facts have proved that my judgment was correct."

"It's still a bit unbelievable that cancer was conquered like this."

"It's normal not to believe it. I want to tell you that it's true. My second uncle participated in the clinical trial of Future Technology and is now fully recovered."

"So what if we haven't developed a new anti-cancer drug? No matter how effective overseas anti-cancer drugs are, can they be better than nano-medical robots?"

"Suddenly I realized that I was so lucky. I no longer have to worry about cancer coming to my door."

"Cancer can be cured for tens of thousands of dollars, which was something I couldn't even imagine before."

"From now on, Future Technology and Mr. Xu will be the gods in my heart. This is definitely a domestically produced light. The key is that this contribution is unimaginable for the whole world."

"At the beginning, we couldn't afford the special drugs from overseas, but from today on, we no longer have to take their so-called universal anti-cancer drugs."

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