My science and technology museum

Chapter 252 Trends from all parties

After the news that Future Technology developed a nano-medical robot and successfully conquered cancer spread throughout the Internet, the entire Internet became extremely lively like a Chinese New Year.

It can be expected that this matter will continue to be the focus of discussion in the next few days.

Mainly, the impact it brings is too great.

In addition to netizens who were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, existing cancer patients were even more pleasantly surprised. Almost as soon as the news came out, many people went to Binjiang City desperately.

Everyone hopes that they can get treatment as soon as possible.

This instantly opened up Binjiang City's popularity and directly surpassed several key cities.


Just relying on the capacity of the hospitals in Binjiang City and the Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital, there is definitely no way to treat these patients.

On the contrary, blindly heading to Binjiang City will cause unbearable sudden consequences.

For example, for cancer patients, if they cannot be successfully hospitalized after being transferred to Binjiang City, it will inevitably affect their physical safety.

Maybe he died because of it.

In this case, Xu Lei had no choice but to ask the company to issue a new announcement urgently.

It is clearly stated to domestic cancer patients that nano-medical robots will be transported to hospitals with smart medical cabins as soon as possible and will never affect the treatment of domestic cancer patients.

With such a commitment, those cancer patients finally calmed down.

But who is most regretful when faced with nano-medical robots that can treat cancer? It must be the family members of patients who have just died of cancer. After all, it is very unfortunate for them. The cancer problem has indeed been solved, but it is not the same as them. It doesn't matter.

If nano-medical robots come out sooner, or if patients can persist for a longer period of time, the outcome may be completely different.

It's a pity that there are not so many ifs in the world.

It is very worthwhile to at least give cancer patients who are still alive a hope of living.

It is worth mentioning that since the production of smart medical cabins has not stopped or slackened during the past six months, most hospitals across the country have basically purchased smart medical cabins.

Therefore, it can fully meet the needs of cancer patients.

At the same time, in the next few days, future technology will also be operating at full power, and the produced nano-medical robots will be transported to various hospitals for use in a timely manner.

According to the current number of cancer patients in China, if we want to completely eliminate it, the number of nano-medical robots must reach at least six million, not to mention that the number overseas is also very huge.

In short, this is a big test for the future technology production base.

Fortunately, the production lines in each base have been continuously transformed and upgraded by Hu Xinren's team, and the production capacity has increased many times compared to before. Otherwise, future technology may not have the ability to supply the global market.

In addition, with the announcement of the nano-medical robot, Xu Lei entered a very relaxed state.

It's basically a hands-off shopkeeper.

In addition to having confidence in the capabilities of the company's core layers, he also wanted to see how overseas parties would react and wait for them to take the initiative.

Products that can treat cancer are no more valuable than other products, regardless of economic value or political significance. Xu Lei does not believe that overseas forces will be indifferent to this, but no matter who expresses his intention first, the initiative will always be in his hands.


Things were just as Xu Lei expected.

After the news about future technology to conquer cancer first spread to the Internet, it soon aroused the amazement of a large number of overseas users.

They did not expect that in such a short period of time, Future Technology would surpass them in the medical field following many other technologies.

And it went directly from treatment to cure.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

Although many people did not believe the news at first, thinking it was false content coming from Yanfang, and scoffed at it, when more and more relevant content was transferred to external networks, everyone was shocked. It can no longer be described as surprised.

He changed his attitude almost instantly.

Start asking how to use this kind of nano medical robot.

"My dear, this is simply a miracle!"

"If I hadn't seen so much evidence, I wouldn't have believed that cancer had been successfully conquered by humans."

"Future Technology is really a great company. I really want to meet this young president."

"This kind of nano-medical robot is a product that benefits all mankind. We should introduce it as soon as possible. Only the cooperation of all mankind can promote the improvement of civilization."

"My illness is cured!"

"Where can I buy this kind of nano-medical robot? I'm willing to pay $100,000 to collect clues."

"When can we use this kind of nano-medical robot? I really envy the people living in Yan Country."

Because the current regulations given by Future Technology give priority to domestic cancer patients using nano-medical robots, and all patients must go to regular hospitals with smart medical cabins for treatment, so whether overseas patients want treatment here or go to the black market through special channels Buying nano-medical robots is a no-go.

They can only place their hopes on their own high-level political power, who will come forward to negotiate with future technologies.


Qiangsheng Pharmaceutical immediately held a company meeting after learning the news.

Originally, relying on Kaufman's sworn guarantee, they believed that future technology would not be able to develop a universal anti-cancer drug that was more effective than their own.

So it didn't show absolute importance.

But no one thought that Future Technology did not announce its own universal anti-cancer drug, but directly used nano-medical robots to cure cancer. This situation undoubtedly gave them a decisive blow.

The key point is that the facts are in front of you now, and you can’t even believe it or not.

You must know that their company mainly sells anti-cancer drugs and other special drugs as well as medical products. The market they occupy is almost all over the world, and they control the health of countless patients.

But the landscape will change soon, and all markets and living spaces will be occupied by future technologies.

With the power of smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots, the combination of the two can effectively treat a variety of diseases. This will inevitably lead to the continuous compression of the market for other drugs and medical products. When these two products are fully exposed to the world, they will rise sharply. and other pharmaceutical companies will incur huge losses.

"Has Future Technology's nano-medical robot been confirmed? Is the effect really as rumored?"


Lombok City.

Qiangsheng Pharmaceutical Company Headquarters.

Duto, who was sitting in the main seat in the high-level conference room, first asked his subordinates on both sides of the conference table this most critical question. It could be seen from his words that he still had hope.

But the answer that rang in his ears the next second brought him back to the cruel reality.

"Based on our investigation results in various aspects, it is indeed the case now. Nano-medical robots of future technology have completed the treatment of cancer patients."

After hearing this answer, Duto clenched the fist of his right hand tighter: "Asshole, we were deceived by that guy Kaufman."

Recalling the guarantee given by Kaufman when he was in Washington, Duto became furious and wanted to punish the guy severely.

After all, because the other party's information was inaccurate, it caused their company incalculable losses.

Moreover, it is too late now even if you want to formulate a response plan.

But it is related to the safety of the company. In this case, as the current chairman of the company, he must make a decision as soon as possible. In any case, he must at least reduce the company's losses as much as possible.

So after about ten seconds of silence, Duto's eyes gradually became firm, and then he slowly raised his gaze to look at everyone: "We will send people to contact Future Technology to win the overseas agency rights for their nano-medical robot products. This is what we The most suitable method at the moment.”

Dutto has his own plans.

Today, Future Technology's products are still restricted in some overseas areas, such as their Bei Mei Neon.

If they can take this opportunity to successfully obtain overseas agency rights, the impact will be greatly reduced, and it will be nothing more than giving up the Asian market completely.

Even if the overseas agency rights they obtain are limited, it is a good thing for them as long as they have it.

A reduction in the company's output value is much better than bankruptcy.

At this time, other people in the company here could not think of a suitable response at all, so they could only unconditionally execute Duto's order, but the final result was still unknown.

But you must know that they are not the only famous overseas pharmaceutical companies, so even if this plan is feasible, I believe the competition will be extremely fierce.

Just when Qiang Sheng Pharmaceutical was extremely busy with the matter of nano-medical robots, other overseas forces also took action. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire world is revolving around the battle against cancer.

No one knows what will happen in the end?

Neon country.

East view.

In the residence of cabinet member Ishihiro, Masahiro Suzuki was seen kneeling respectfully opposite Ishihiro, making suggestions to him.

"Congressman Ishihiro."

"We must introduce future technology smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots, which will be of vital help to our medical development."


As soon as Suzuki Masahiro heard the news about nano-medical robots, he realized the importance of it, so he immediately came to the residence of his friend Ishihira, hoping that he could propose to the cabinet to establish cooperation with future technologies.

In fact, when he lost the game in Binjiang City last time, he had the idea of ​​introducing a smart medical cabin, but unfortunately it didn't work out.

Now that Future Technology has plans to enter overseas markets and has also developed nano-medical robots that can treat cancer, they must seize this opportunity.

However, Ishihiragi's face showed a slightly strange expression.

Maybe he himself is willing to introduce this kind of product that can treat cancer, but after all, it involves future technology. If his eldest brother Washington does not relent, he will never have the right to make a decision.

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