My science and technology museum

Chapter 254 Overseas Representatives

In the future, technology will conquer cancer. Everyone speculated that this might cause changes in the world structure, but they never expected that Beijing Magnesium would be the first to respond.

Not only did the two parties formally reach a cooperative and mutual-aid relationship through negotiations, but they also completely relaxed restrictions on future technology, allowing them to build quantum relay stations in the country to sell holographic quantum smart terminal equipment, and initially planned to purchase 100,000 smart medical cabins and equipment that can meet the needs of cancer patients. Nano-medical robots for patient needs.

It can be said that this time he took the initiative to surrender and completely put away his previous rebellious attitude.

With Big Brother taking the lead, Neon Hanguo naturally followed closely behind, completely enabling future technology to realize the globalization of quantum networks.

But things are even worse in the Bay Area.

Due to the previous decisions made by Future Technology, they still cannot purchase Future Technology's products.

I can only watch others enjoy the services brought by technology.

In particular, cancer patients in their own country feel that they have been unlucky for eight lifetimes. In order to be treated with nano-medical robots, they have no choice but to try their best to immigrate overseas.

In short, it can be expected that they will be in a relatively difficult situation for a long time to come, and they will not be able to receive assistance from overseas forces.


Choose to return to your mother’s arms.

Besides, many netizens in China were extremely excited and excited as if they were celebrating the Chinese New Year after learning that the foreigners had completely surrendered.

Under relevant news reports, you can see free comments everywhere.

"I didn't expect that the nano-medical robots from Future Technology would be so influential. They directly subdued Washington State. Now they are taking the initiative to come over and repair the relationship with us."

"I still hope they can recover from their previous unruly appearance. I wonder if they can recover?"

"Now that holographic smart quantum terminal equipment is really going to be sold all over the world, I am afraid that the box office of movies in virtual theaters will also show a new round of growth."

"Suddenly I feel a little sympathetic to what's going on with Truss and Pingguo. The last remaining market is about to be taken over by future technology. I don't know how much money this will cost. It seems that this time they really want to embrace future technology. Thighs."

"You still have to be vigilant. After all, you can't raise a wolf well enough."

"I think they are still too afraid of death, otherwise they wouldn't be so interested in nano-medical robots."

Tuesday, June 10, 2025.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the office of the headquarters building, Xu Lei browsed the comments from netizens on the Internet about the results of the negotiation, and he didn't know what to say.

At first, he did think that with the advent of nano-medical robots, the situation would change and trigger a reaction from overseas forces, but it was really surprising that it would directly reach this level.

Although this is a good thing for future technology, there is always some worry in my heart.

After all, this doesn’t quite resemble Bei Magnesium’s style of conduct.

But before grasping everything, Xu Lei had no choice but to let nature take its course, treating it as a new person and a new attitude when Tripp came to power.


As his old enemy Kaufman, he also pays special attention to it.

After learning that he was transferred to the tax department, although he could no longer affect future technology, it definitely did not make him feel at ease. Some things must be returned.

So Xu Lei asked Xing Tong to make some moves.

I believe that his life will be very exciting in the future.

In an environment full of accidents and surprises, even if you are lucky enough to save your life, you may be ruined.


Xu Lei also knows that the top priority now is to deploy quantum relay stations in newly opened areas as soon as possible.

Completely complete the Quantum Global Network project.

In this way, they can take the initiative, and no matter what happens around the world in the future, it will be under the control of future technology.

Now that Tripp has opened up this restriction and given him such a good opportunity, he must seize it.

After thinking clearly about this, Xu Lei slowly raised his gaze and looked at Lu Hongbo who was standing in front of his desk: "The deployment of quantum relay stations must be accelerated. Next, we will officially open the sales of holographic intelligent quantum terminal equipment to these areas. .”

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu." Lu Hongbo looked confident: "The list of the first batch of cities to deploy quantum relay stations has been determined, and the docking with Magnesium has also been completed."

Lu Hongbo is already responsible for the global quantum network project and has extensive experience in deploying quantum relay stations overseas. He also knows how to connect with overseas parties to complete the project, so it is perfect to give him the responsibility.

It's just that he won't be able to stay in Binjiang City for the next period of time.

At this time, Lu Hongbo was not the only one who came to Xu Lei's office to report on his work. After Xu Lei made arrangements for the quantum relay station, he took advantage of the situation and turned his attention.

"How is the use of our nano-medical robot?" Xu Lei looked directly at Qin Xiaoman and asked.

"As of last night, 300,000 cancer patients across the country have been injected with no adverse reactions." Qin Xiaoman became extremely excited when he mentioned this: "According to the current production speed of nano medical robots, it is expected to be able to inject 2 million cancer patients by the end of the month." Patient treatment.”

"That's good." Xu Lei nodded with satisfaction.

It has been about ten days since the nano-medical robot was officially launched.

Due to initial production capacity problems and untimely distribution, only 300,000 cancer patients have been injected for the time being, which is a good number.

Anyway, with the improvement of various modular operations, more nano-medical robots will be transported to major hospitals across the country. The two million figure Qin Xiaoman said is still a bit conservative.

But the sales of these 300,000 nanometer medical robots alone are around 6 billion.

Not to mention a smart medical cabin worth millions.

Xu Lei could hardly imagine the company's current assets. He could only see the approximate figures from Xingtong.

In short, there are so many that the original meaning of money is almost lost, and it feels no different from waste paper.

What makes Xu Lei most concerned about is the growth of his influence. He doesn't care too much about how much money the company makes. Xingtong doesn't have to worry about such things at all.

In fact, Xu Lei took the time to enter the Science and Technology Museum in the morning and found that the value of influence stayed at the level of hundreds of thousands. Combined with the current use of nano-medical robots given by Qin Xiaoman, it may be necessary to treat tens of millions of cancer patients. to meet the requirements.

So domestic alone is definitely not enough.

Fortunately, various countries have sent representatives to Binjiang City to discuss the purchase of smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots. I believe that new exhibits will be unlocked before long.

Xu Lei is looking forward to this.

After all, future technology is going smoothly right now, and even opponents have chosen to give in. No one can say what exhibits will be unlocked in this case.

While he was thinking about these things in his mind, a sudden knock on the door brought him back to reality.

"Please come in."

Chen Shihe pushed open the door and walked straight to Xu Lei's desk: "Mr. Xu, all the overseas representatives have arrived at the headquarters building. Vice President Jia asked me to ask if you want to attend?"

"It's quite fast."

Xu Lei muttered something playfully, and then said directly to Chen Shihe: "Scenes like this are rare. I must go and have a look."

This time, many overseas forces sent representatives to purchase smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots. The number of people was no less than dozens. How could Xu Lei not go for such an opportunity to harvest their funds? .

What's more, this is also related to the growth of influence.

However, it needs to be explained in advance that the smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots that so many overseas forces want to purchase together are a large number. In the future, there is definitely no way to produce all the technologies at once. Besides, we must first ensure the domestic market. need.

So they can only count as pre-orders.

However, if the shipment is late and the shipment is late, the payment must be received first.

If you ask, that’s what I learned from real estate.

Before leaving, Xu Lei did not forget Lu Hongbo, Qin Xiaoman and the others, and said casually: "You just go down and do your work first. If you have any problems, you can report to me in time."

"It's Mr. Xu." The two of them responded in unison, and immediately turned around and exited the office.

Following Chen Shihe's lead, Xu Lei arrived at the business venue located on the middle floor of the headquarters building. As soon as he stepped in, his sight was occupied by foreigners with various hair colors. Sitting there was really spectacular.

Jia Zhongjie, who had been staying at the venue, noticed Xu Lei's figure and hurried up to greet him: "Mr. Xu, you are here."

"How is the progress?" Xu Lei looked around and said.

"All the representatives who came to Binjiang City are here, waiting for you to announce the start." Faced with Xu Lei's inquiry, Jia Zhongjie hurriedly answered.

There was a sense of relief in his expression.

With his ability, he doesn't have anything to worry about in important company occasions, but he is really unable to hold on at the moment, mainly because most of the representatives present are not businessmen.

Some even hold higher positions overseas.

For example, Brady is in charge of business.

In addition, there are also some familiar figures, the most special one is Suzuki Masahiro, who represents neon.

When the nano-medical robot was first launched on the market, he proposed to his cabinet friend Shi Pingro to introduce this product. He originally thought that the hope of passing it would be slim due to his elder brother's regulations.

Unexpectedly, it was the eldest brother who surrendered first.

With such an obvious template, they naturally had nothing to worry about and directly dispatched Masahiro Suzuki to take charge of the purchase.

Mainly in their opinion, Suzuki Masahiro has competed with Future Technology's smart medical cabin after all, and he is a professor of medicine, so it is very appropriate for him to be responsible for this matter. Maybe with the help of this relationship, the process can be made smoother. some.

For example, talk about price or something.

They have some financial problems, resulting in insufficient funds. It would be great if they could save some money.

However, this is destined to be a luxury hope.

Coming to the land of future technology with money, Xu Lei would feel at a loss if he didn't squeeze it all out.

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