My science and technology museum

Chapter 255 I can sell as much as I want

After learning the basic situation from Jia Zhongjie, Xu Lei didn't waste any time and immediately walked towards the stage.

The many representatives sitting in the seats finally paid attention to Xu Lei's demeanor and paid attention. Their expressions were different and they didn't know what they were thinking.

However, everyone tacitly chose silence at this time and did not speak rashly.

Except Masahiro Suzuki.

As the only one among the many representatives who had met Xu Lei offline, Masahiro Suzuki couldn't help but feel a little proud, so when Xu Lei passed by him, he immediately stood up and took the initiative to say hello.

"Mr. Xu, we meet again."

"It turns out to be Professor Suzuki, why are you here when you have time?" Xu Lei turned his head when he heard the voice, deliberately showing surprise.

Masahiro Suzuki was speechless for a while.


No one knows what the purpose of coming here is, but now that he is being asked this question, it is obvious that he is not taken seriously at all, and it feels like a hot face is pressed against a cold butt.

Such a scene was seen by other representatives, and their expressions suddenly showed a little ridicule.

After all, although everyone is sitting in the same room, they are in a competitive relationship with each other.

Because Future Technology has announced earlier that the amount of production capacity invested in overseas markets is fixed, which means that they all share a piece of the cake. If they cannot buy enough products, they will not be able to make a deal when they return.

Although Masahiro Suzuki regretted that his actions were too abrupt, he could only respond calmly.

Who knows that Neon has a high incidence of cancer, and there are millions of cancer patients in the country. If they want to completely solve the current cancer problem, they must purchase at least millions of nano-medical robots, which is equivalent to occupying The share of overseas production capacity is not small, and this does not include smart medical cabins. If Xu Lei is unhappy because of his words, I am afraid that the share will have nothing to do with him later.

"That's right, Mr. Xu, I am here to purchase nano-medical robots and smart medical cabins from your company on behalf of Neon."

Masahiro Suzuki responded while not forgetting to boast: "The nano-medical robot developed by your company can not only successfully cure cancer, but the process is also very simple. It is simply good news for mankind!"

"This is what we should do."

Xu Lei gave the other party a calm smile and then continued to move, as if he didn't intend to waste time here.

After a while.

When Xu Lei walked to the stage and tapped the microphone, the overseas representatives below immediately fell silent.

Wait patiently for Xu Lei to get to the point.

"First of all, welcome to everyone who has traveled thousands of miles to come here, so I won't say any more nonsense. Now the overseas production capacity procurement conference for smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots has officially begun."

The words just fell.

The audience immediately burst into warm applause.

It can be said to be quite face-saving.

But you must know that last month, some regions still adopted product restriction policies on future technologies. It can only be said that the temptation of treating cancer is too great.

In this regard, Xu Lei made a tactical pause, and after letting the applause ring for about ten seconds, he raised his hand and said: "Thank you for your support to our company. We have also made statistics on the purchase quantities you reported. The next step is to announce the overseas prices of these two products.”

Almost as soon as Xu Lei finished speaking, a holographic screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

And slowly displayed the final overseas selling price of the two products.

The expressions of many of the representatives present were relatively calm, and they did not seem to take this matter too seriously. They thought that with the domestic selling price as a reference, the difference should not be much different.

But when those two strings of numbers came into view, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, as if they had encountered something unexpected.

After a few seconds, his facial expression is as exciting as it gets.

The smart medical cabin is priced at US$800,000, and the nano-medical robot is US$10,000 each, completely exceeding their previous expectations.

You must know that although the price of smart medical cabins purchased by domestic hospitals reaches one million, they are calculated based on red tickets, which is several times lower than the US dollar.

The key point is that the purchase list they first submitted to Future Technology was based on domestic selling prices. If the price was so much higher, the products that could be purchased at the same price would undoubtedly shrink significantly.

The one with the most complicated and depressed mood on the court must still be Masahiro Suzuki.

Who makes their finances tight? Even if they buy it back and use it for cancer patients at a higher price, they can't come up with so much money now. After all, he knows Xu Lei's character very well. If the money is not in place, he is probably a Nano medical robots cannot be taken away.

Moreover, in most cases, things like cancer treatment should be purchased uniformly from above and help patients at a lower price.

But really speaking, the main fault is the procurement model of Future Technology. Private individuals cannot find channels to purchase, so they can only use this unified procurement method.

After all, this method directly obtains the funds.

Perhaps the price was difficult to accept, and in this case a bargain was necessary, so Masahiro Suzuki couldn't help but speak first in the face of multiple pressures.

"Is this price too high, Mr. Xu? I have never seen such a big gap between the two regions."

"You haven't seen it now." Xu Lei didn't want to respond to Suzuki Masahiro at all, but directly retorted. Anyway, the initiative is in his hands, so he can sell as much as he wants.

If you think the price is too high, you don’t have to buy it!

This time, no one was obviously mocking Suzuki Masahiro. Seeing Xu Lei's strong attitude, Brady underneath was a little unable to hold back.

"I hope Mr. Xu can understand one thing. We have signed a cooperation and mutual assistance agreement. Now your company is offering such a price to deliberately create difficulties. I'm afraid this is not in line with the concept of the agreement."

Since one of the representatives present was the person in charge of Brady's business and still had some confidence, he received a lot of support soon after he said these words.

"Mr. Brady is right, this is completely intentional to make things difficult."

"We in Eagle Country will never accept this kind of price discrimination."

"Germany seconded the motion!"

"With such a high price, we in Dahan will definitely not buy it. The price should be unified globally."

Perhaps in the eyes of these people, as long as everyone joins together and all overseas forces do not purchase future technology products, then they can only sell them domestically, which will create opportunities for negotiation.

But now is not the time for others to beg them.

Xu Lei would not be used to these people.

Especially when Brady slapped him first, he immediately felt like he was going to be laughed out of anger. He immediately repeated: "The price will never be changed. If you think the price is not suitable and are unwilling to purchase, then please ask now." Come back, and we will also announce the reasons why our products will not enter overseas markets."

For those overseas private individuals, this price will definitely not make them hesitate.

Only the top management will pay special attention.

But if people know that they cannot use nano-medical robots and have given up purchasing them because of the price, it will inevitably arouse public anger.

No one can guarantee what will happen then.

So even after Xu Lei said these words, no matter how ugly the faces of the representatives present were, no one chose to leave.

I was forced to accept this price.

Seeing this scene, Xu Lei was undoubtedly quite satisfied, and even the joy on his face became even brighter.

"very good."

"Congratulations to you for making the right choice."

"Now you can resubmit the purchase quantity. After the payment is received, you can pick up the goods at the port one after another."

With price as a factor, the number of smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots purchased by various forces will definitely be different. Xu Lei can give them a chance.

What surprised Xu Lei was that when the new round of purchase lists were tallied up on the holographic screen, he found that except for Masahiro Suzuki who reduced the number of two products, other forces basically remained unchanged.

Faced with this situation, Xu Lei could tell with a little thought that they wanted to earn back the price from the patients after the product arrived.

But this has nothing to do with Xu Lei.

Anyway, what ends up intensifying is the conflict between them and the patients, which will not have any impact on future technology.

According to the quantity on the purchase list, the first batch of future technologies will be shipped overseas with millions of smart medical cabins and millions of nano-medical robots. The amount of money the company can earn is simply astronomical.

I'm afraid even the cornucopia can't keep up with this speed of attracting money.

It is worth mentioning that in fact, what overseas forces are most in need of now is nano-medical robots that can treat cancer. There is not much need for smart medical cabins, but Xu Lei bundled the two for sale. The sales volume of smart medical cabins has naturally increased.

The key is that these overseas forces know this situation and can't do anything about it.

that's all.

As the meeting ended with everyone in different moods, the overseas representatives also took the time to leave Binjiang City. Their performance could be described as "escape".

I am afraid that I will lose more if I continue to stay.


After domestic netizens learned about the overseas prices of two Future Technology products, they expressed their strong support for Xu Lei's behavior of earning foreign funds, and even praised him with both hands.

After all, when everyone purchased overseas products, they often encountered this kind of situation.

The comments below related content all cheered for this.

"Mr. Xu did a great job in this matter. It's not so easy for them to use our products, so we should kill them hard."

"I think the price is a bit low."

"Make money from overseas to provide discounts for domestic users. Mr. Xu is really..."

"It's so profitable to sell products overseas. Will we not have enough nano-medical robots in China? Is there anyone in my family who has not received treatment?"

"Don't worry about this. Future Technology adopts a pre-sale and advance purchase model for overseas markets. At least it has to wait until the domestic market demand is met before supplying overseas products. In short, it feels very cool."

Thanks to Shan Emperor Eye for the 100-point reward!

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