My science and technology museum

Chapter 256 Global Idol

With the departure of overseas procurement representatives for smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots, Binjiang City has returned to its former calm, with all production bases operating at full speed, giving priority to ensuring the needs of patients across the country.

However, due to the limited number of patients admitted to major hospitals and the inability to allow cancer patients to be treated as they please, the number of cancer patients being treated has increased slowly, and the impact has been stagnant.

If this continues, even if nano-medical robots enter overseas, it will probably take a long time to gain enough influence.

In this case, Xu Lei will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

In order to reach the five million influence requirement as soon as possible and successfully unlock new exhibits, he began to develop other types of nano-medical robots.

We must know that nano-medical robots can be applied to many fields. If nano-medical robots are developed to treat other diseases, the scope of use by patients will increase, and their influence will inevitably increase exponentially.

And with the successful experience of developing nano-medical robots to treat cancer, the pace will undoubtedly be much faster.


"The clot was released successfully and the bleeding from the wound was stopped!"

Binjiang City.

The end of the month.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the biological laboratory of the research center, Qin Xiaoman, who served as Xu Lei's assistant, couldn't help shouting excitedly when he saw that the wound on the test subject in front of him was quickly stopped bleeding under the action of the coagulation nanorobot.

Qin Xiaoman was very happy that Xu Lei took the initiative to stay and assist in the research of new nanorobots.

Because this is an affirmation of her ability.

Fortunately, her performance did not disappoint. In just a dozen days, they successfully completed this nanorobot that can release clots.

And the experimental results far exceeded expectations.

The human body's hemostasis process is complex, and the entire process takes several minutes.

First, platelets adhere and aggregate to form a plug and platelets are released, and then a random fiber network is formed at the wound, which captures platelets and other blood cells to form a clot, thus completing the hemostasis of the wound.

Clot nanorobots can function like platelets, store fibers, and quickly release fibers to form a clot when encountering a wound.

The time required is often only a few seconds.

The efficiency improvement is definitely not just a little bit.

The key is that if an emergency occurs and the patient bleeds heavily, even one second during the first aid process will be related to the patient's life safety. At this time, the role of the clot nanorobot will be reflected.

Faced with such an experimental result, Xu Lei behaved very calmly.

After all, it was all expected, and there was really nothing surprising. On the contrary, it would be a surprise if the experiment failed.

"Clinical trials will begin immediately. This clot nanorobot must be loaded into the smart medical cabin as soon as possible so that patients can use it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Dean." Qin Xiaoman was very excited when faced with the order: "I will personally take charge of it."

For Qin Xiaoman, she didn't know that Xu Lei did this to gain influence.

In her understanding, Xu Lei is the president of Future Technology, the richest man in the world and the youngest academician. If it were anyone else, he would have been immersed in this honor and unable to extricate himself, but Xu Lei is still devoted to In terms of research, not long after cancer was conquered, such a nanorobot was designed that can quickly stop bleeding.

What kind of spirit is this?

I'm afraid that scientists who look around the world can't find a few that can compare with it.

Therefore, Qin Xiaoman's admiration for Xu Lei is getting deeper and deeper, and she seems to regard him as the guiding light of her life.

More importantly, after participating in two project studies with Xu Lei, she felt that her level had improved a lot, which was a considerable improvement.

At the same time, she finally understood why many researchers in the research center wanted to work on projects with Xu Lei.

A 100% success rate is not bad. What everyone values ​​most is the improvement of their own strength. After all, this is something that cannot be bought with money.

Because it is not too difficult to develop new types of nanorobots, Gu Sanlin, Pei Hongyin and others did not participate this time. As for the subsequent clinical trials, Qin Xiaoman can be responsible for it, and Xu Lei does not need to do it himself.

He just needs to wait for the clotting nanobots to pass clinical trials and become commercially available, adding yet another feature to the smart medical pod.

By then, I believe the distance and influence will be close to meeting the requirements.

But just when Xu Lei was about to leave, Qin Xiaoman seemed to suddenly think of something. After a slight hesitation, he took the initiative and said: "By the way, Dean, there are some voices on the Internet recently, hoping that our nano medical robots can be used in the treatment of AIDS." In therapy.”

Xu Lei frowned slightly: "AIDS?"

As a disease as famous as cancer, Xu Lei is naturally no stranger to it.

Now that cancer has been successfully conquered, it is normal for the outside world to focus on AIDS.

According to domestic statistics, the number of people infected with HIV is around one million. Although it cannot be compared with cancer, it is still a large number.

Although AIDS is to some extent more complex and difficult to treat than cancer, with the help of precise treatment by nano-medical robots, it is theoretically possible to treat HIV-infected patients.

But Xu Lei has no plans to establish relevant experimental projects now.

Mainly from a certain aspect, this disease can be regarded as a double-edged sword. While it threatens human life and safety, it is also a shackles. If future technology completely unlocks this shackles, what changes will happen to society in a few years? No one knows.

Maybe by then many people will still blame Future Technology for this.

In addition, spending time and energy on researching this area will not have a substantial impact on the growth of influence.

After all, when related things mature and can officially enter the market, it is estimated that the influence will have reached the required level and new exhibits will be unlocked.

So after Xu Lei quickly ran through these things in his mind, he casually responded to Qin Xiaoman: "The focus of the next task is still this clot nanorobot, let's talk about the other things."

"It's the dean, I understand." Qin Xiaoman nodded.

Of course, she didn't understand Xu Lei's real thoughts. In short, she did whatever the boss told her to do.

There will never be any objection to the tasks assigned by his idol.

that's all.

In the next ten days or so, Qin Xiaoman devoted all his energy to the clinical trial of the clotting nanorobot. After obtaining the detailed experimental results, he formally submitted the marketing approval procedures.

Since the nano-medical robot has solved the problem of cancer and its value and function have been confirmed, the launch process of this nano-robot has been extremely smooth. It started large-scale mass production in July and then transported it in batches to hospitals equipped with smart medical cabins. Inside the hospital.

The growth rate of influence has increased again.

But for this new achievement of future technology, the popularity on the Internet is much smaller than when nano-medical robots first came out.

Everyone has a feeling that it is not strange, as if whatever future technology does in medical treatment is normal.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

With the arrival of autumn, under the 24-hour operation of the future technology production base, the smart medical cabins and two nano-medical robots produced have finally reached the domestic demand.

Although there are still many cancer patients who have not yet received treatment, with sufficient medical resources, it is only a matter of time before cancer is completely eliminated.

In this case, Future Technology will definitely have to complete orders and deliver goods to overseas forces.

You must know that their payments have already been settled.

Of course, door-to-door delivery is impossible. At most, the products are transported to the port and they send their own freighters to pull them back.

Overseas cancer patients are finally being treated using nano-medical robots. The biggest benefit for Xu Lei is that his influence has grown explosively.

So much so that Xu Lei would enter the Science and Technology Museum almost every day to check the numerical changes in influence.

We are also looking forward to the new exhibits that will be unlocked soon.

It is also worth mentioning that during this period, Xu Lei received messages from a number of well-known overseas pharmaceutical companies, including Qiangsheng Pharmaceuticals, expressing his desire to act as an agent for smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots.

They even offered prices that were higher than overseas selling prices.

I have to say that their plan is very good. If they can successfully represent the sales of smart medical cabins and nano-medical robots in overseas regions, even though the company has changed from a pharmaceutical manufacturer to an agent, it will at least be able to continue to control the overseas market. This will not cause the company to suffer greater losses.

It is a self-help method.

But Xu Lei has only one comment on this, and that is that he wants to eat shit.

In the past, overseas pharmaceutical companies, including Qiangsheng, jointly targeted future technologies, but now it is not that simple to convince them to admit their mistakes.

So not only did Xu Lei directly ignore their information, even if Du Tuo, the chairman of Qiangsheng Pharmaceuticals, wanted to fly to Binjiang City to meet and discuss in person, he was rejected in the end.

It can be predicted what kind of outcome they will face when their medical products and drugs cannot be sold.

It can only be said that when they choose to cooperate with Kaufman and others to target future technologies, they should have thought of the possible situations they may encounter.

But it's definitely too late to say anything now.

And just when the development of all things is good for future technology, another thing happened in the world that made domestic netizens excited. Xu Lei won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

As an international award that many scientists regard as a goal and strive for, falling on Xu Lei will indeed bring a strong sense of pride to netizens, even if it is completely deserved.

In addition, perhaps because of the cooperation and mutual assistance agreement signed with Bei Magnesium, Western media also reported a lot on this matter, and even became the cover of many well-known magazines. This made Xu Lei gradually transform from a national idol to a global idol.

After all, it was Xu Lei who developed nano-medical robots to conquer cancer, allowing many overseas cancer patients to recover and reunite with their families.

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