My science and technology museum

Chapter 297 All parties are taking action

"This is absolutely impossible. The existing theoretical knowledge in the scientific community does not support true controllable nuclear fusion technology."

“The data released by Future Technology is false.”

meeting room.

Dr. Bender, who had the most violent reaction, stood up and spoke first, looking very angry.

Although he was sent to participate in the artificial sun project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences this time, he also understood that this was related to whether the countries they belonged to could use nuclear fusion energy in the future.

The technology will not lag too far behind.

Coupled with the instructions given to him by Lao Te when he arrived, it can be said that he put in the greatest effort during the research process.

In a way.

It's no different than his own project.

The newly built tokamak nuclear fusion device two days ago broke the record again, and he was very happy.

There is a sense of accomplishment.

At the same time, we are more confident in conquering real nuclear fusion.

But this joy did not last long, and suddenly someone announced that nuclear fusion had been conquered.

What's going on?

Undoubtedly, he poured ice water directly on his head.

Motivation and hope for research on the artificial sun project were instantly lost.

It's like when your college entrance examination results come out and you share your application with others, only to find out that the other person has already been recommended by a key university.

His pride was ruthlessly shattered, and no one could accept it in a short period of time.

But Bender is also a top scientist.

After quickly adjusting to the situation, he began to carefully analyze the data released by Future Technology.

Finally he got a result.

The so-called victory over nuclear fusion technology claimed by Future Technology is simply not true.

is false content.

Because he is very clear about the significance of the fusion triple product energy input-output ratio, it is completely impossible for the future technology Qiankun No. 1 to exceed 50.

Neither the existing tokamak device nor the stellarator can theoretically achieve this level.

After all, the span in between is really too big.

It's like future technology has directly obtained the controllable nuclear fusion technology that will be available more than ten or even decades later.

You must know that the current artificial sun project on Science Island has an energy input-output ratio of its device that only reaches 0.7 at best.

There is no comparison between the two.

Although future technology has created many miracles in recent years, and the virtual world has directly changed the traditional way of life of human civilization, this and nuclear fusion technology are two different things.

If the data released by Qiankun 1 is only slightly higher than that of the artificial sun, then he is still willing to believe it.

But now?

He firmly believes that future technology has deceived the public.

at the same time.

Facing the emotional Bender, Li Chengzhe and others also had complicated expressions.

No one would have thought that such a thing would happen before.

Especially Li Chengzhe, who was in charge, felt his cheeks burning with shame.

Originally, he believed that it was a new technology choice to enter the field of nuclear fusion in the future, and that the real research on nuclear fusion energy would depend on their artificial sun project team.

A device built with future technology in mind will be considered a success if there are no problems.

And that's what he told Yang Senping.

The results of it?

He was slapped hard in the face by Future Technology, in front of everyone.


He also doubted the authenticity of this matter.

But after all, he is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his understanding of future technology and Xu Lei is much higher than Bende.

Xu Lei should not do anything to discredit himself by committing fraud.

What's more, Pei Hongyin is also involved in the Qiankun No. 1 project of Future Technology. The other person is the former person in charge of the artificial sun project and can be regarded as half of his life mentor.

He respected Pei Hongyin very much.

While the whole person was immersed in thinking, other project staff next to him were a little unbearable and began to express their own opinions.

"General Engineer Li."

"Lao Pei is involved in the future technology project. I don't think there is any fraud, right?"

"If you put it like this, is it possible..."

Halfway through his words, the other party suddenly realized something extremely important and stopped abruptly.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Before the words were completely finished, another academician with half-white hair echoed: "I just browsed the news on the Internet carefully and found that someone got confirmation from the personnel of the Future Technology Nuclear Fusion Research Institute."

"Today's Qiankun-1 device of Future Technology has indeed shown extremely excellent performance."

"There should be no fraud."

Everyone knows very well what this means. If Qiankun No. 1, a future technology, can really display the performance of truly controllable nuclear fusion, then this will be a huge leap forward for human civilization.

Humanity will also officially become a first-level civilization.

But when Bender saw so many people moving toward future technology, his temper as a top scientist emerged again.

"Do you really believe that future technology has conquered controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

"my Lord!"

"This is obviously impossible."

"They adopt the traditional magnetic confinement mode and the stellarator route. The energy input-output ratio cannot reach that high anyway."

"I think this should be something everyone present can understand." After Bender said this, his eyes subconsciously moved to several other overseas scientists.

The meaning you want to express is self-evident.

It's nothing more than trying to put them on the same footing as myself.

Unfortunately, what we got in the end was a long period of silence.

We are not fools. Future Technology has announced this matter in such a high-profile manner. If we rashly criticize it before figuring out the truth of the matter, I am afraid it will be too late to regret it.

You must know that future technology is not something they dare to offend.

As everyone's opinions became more and more contradictory, the commotion in the conference room gradually increased. Li Chengzhe knew that a decision must be made at this time.


"I will immediately arrange to study at the Future Technology Fusion Institute."

"By the way, confirm the situation."

"The other party will naturally understand whether it has conquered controllable nuclear fusion technology by then. Until then, let's not talk about it anymore."

Li Chengzhe's plan is simple.

With Pei Hongyin's relationship, he only needs to take people to the Future Science and Technology Research Institute to take a look, and the truth will be clear.

No need to continue wasting your breath here.

After half a day of analysis, there was no result.

This decision was naturally recognized by everyone, and everyone enthusiastically signed up to go to the Nuclear Fusion Research Institute of Future Technology with Li Chengzhe.

For scientists engaged in nuclear fusion research, the temptation of controllable nuclear fusion technology is too great.

No matter what the truth is, naturally I want to be there as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Dr. Bender is still slandering future technology. No matter how you look at it, you feel like your defense has been breached.

"This is a good idea."

"I will definitely reveal their true colors on the spot and restore the actual data of the Qiankun No. 1 device."

"They are not qualified to be scientific researchers at all."

It’s just that when Bender said these words, he didn’t notice that Li Chengzhe’s face became more and more gloomy, and then he directly replied: “Dr. Bender, I suggest you not to be too absolute with your words. If the future technology If you really master the controllable nuclear fusion technology, you should be very clear about what will happen."

"Let's adjourn."

Li Chengzhe did not waste everyone's time. After giving Ben De a warm reminder, he turned around and announced to everyone that the meeting was adjourned.

But then when he walked to the door of the conference room, his steps stopped again.

After a slight hesitation, he turned around and added again: "Also, in the future, when technology masters controllable nuclear fusion technology, our artificial sun project will be stopped immediately."

Li Chengzhe knew it very well.

There is essentially no difference between the Institute of Future Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The first person to benefit is the people.

So no matter who develops real nuclear fusion technology first, the other one does not need to continue to waste resources.

After all, the birth of nuclear fusion energy also involves practical application issues in various subsequent fields.

A large number of top scientists are also needed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left the conference room without saying another word.

Until Dr. Bender was the only one left in the conference room, he sat down again feebly, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

He looked completely different from the confident look he had just now.

All he thinks about is that future technology will not be able to develop controllable and nuclear fusion technology, so he is naturally confident about this.

But as Li Chengzhe said.

If this is true, then the international project research team they formed will lose its meaning. The key is that only Yanfang will have nuclear fusion energy in the world.

Its status will never be shaken in the future.

If other overseas forces want to obtain the support of nuclear fusion energy, they can only lower their posture to the lowest point, and even have to look at the decision of a company called Future Technology.

It is equivalent to the failure of all the plans formulated by Lao Te.

Even he would surely be deported and targeted for criticizing future technology.

As these thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, Bender couldn't help but become more and more worried. The only way to save himself was to hope that future technology would be deceptive, and controllable nuclear fusion energy had not actually been developed.

"My judgment will never be wrong."

"That kind of energy input-output ratio cannot be achieved now, even if it is pushed back ten years."

"It must be future technology that is cheating."

As he murmured to himself in a low voice, he took off his reading glasses and kept pressing his head with both hands, gradually becoming crazy.

"Blogger, are the mentors you mentioned reliable? I still find it a bit unbelievable."

“Has controllable nuclear fusion technology really been conquered?”

"Anyway, I believe in future technology. Mr. Xu will never commit fraud in scientific research. This is an insult to him."

"If future technology really masters controllable nuclear fusion, it will be a happy event for all mankind, and our human civilization will also usher in faster development."

"I only know that using nuclear fusion, a non-polluting energy source, the environment on Earth and stars will become better."

"Everyone please wait patiently for a few days. I believe that the higher authorities are more concerned about the news about controllable nuclear fusion than us at this time."


Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

Xu Lei, who came back from the research institute, was sitting in his office, browsing the Internet for reactions to the Qiankun-1 test data released by the Noon Research Institute.

He also wanted to see how everyone would change after suddenly learning that nuclear fusion had been conquered.

He had expected the voices of doubt and disbelief.

The real controllable nuclear fusion technology is indeed a bit ahead of today's scientific level.

However, Xu Lei himself was quite pleased to find that there are still many people who are willing to believe in future technology, which shows that future technology has indeed established a good image in the public mind.

In addition, he also noticed Zhuang Wanqing’s video.

Although the popularity is not too high, it at least plays a role in justifying future technology.

Let more people believe this.

Of course, in response to the doubts from the outside world, there are many ways to guide future technology, but Xu Lei feels that this is not necessary.

Anyway, as this news spreads, I believe someone from above will come to confirm the matter of nuclear fusion soon.

Officials will then come forward to confirm Future Technology’s announcement.

Anyway, let the bullets fly for a while.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Please come in."

Chen Shihe, wearing professional attire, pushed open the door and showed his almost perfect figure in Xu Lei's sight, and walked straight to the desk.

"Mr. Xu, I have something to report to you."

"Just now, President Yang Senping and Academician Li Chengzhe of the Luyang Branch wrote a letter, saying they want to come to our institute for exchange and study."

"Do we need to say yes?"

Nuclear fusion is a key project in future science and technology, which Xu Lei announced at the meeting.

It stands to reason that outsiders are not allowed to enter a relatively core place like the research institute, and Xu Lei is also very aware of their true purpose.

On the surface, they talk about exchanges and learning, but in fact, they still want to determine the true situation of Qiankun No. 1.

Naturally, Xu Lei would not refuse.

And he believed that the Chinese Academy of Sciences would be the only one to come by then. After all, controllable nuclear fusion is an important energy source for the future development of human civilization, and its value is impossible to estimate.

It will definitely cause shock in various upper-level departments.

In addition, if we want to build fusion power stations and apply this technology to other fields, we will definitely not be able to rely on future technology alone.

This matter requires active cooperation with the higher-ups.

In this way, all the projects he plans to follow can be implemented in the shortest possible time.

Otherwise, I really don’t know when I will be able to gather the influence of tens of millions.

With his thoughts stuck here, Xu Lei asked another question: "When will they arrive?"


Chen Shihe answered immediately.

"It seems that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is really anxious about this matter!" Xu Lei, who was informed of the specific time, always had a smile on his lips as he murmured.

In fact, it’s normal if you think about it carefully.

Putting aside the importance of controllable nuclear fusion to the development of human civilization, if Guang mercilessly overshadowed the Chinese Academy of Sciences this time, the other party would definitely be eager to find out the truth of the matter.

This just makes it easier for him to implement his follow-up plan.

"Then agree to them." Xu Lei responded to Chen Shihe's question: "Also, tell Mr. Pei about this and let him make some preparations tomorrow."

Because Qiankun No. 1 has just been successfully launched, any data at this time is of high value.

At the same time, it is also more convenient to build fusion power stations.

So although Xu Lei returned to Longhu Park, Pei Hongyin was still in charge of the research institute.

Even Xingtong's mechanical body, Xu Lei, stayed there to help.

Telling Pei Hongyin about the visit of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be regarded as helping him realize his little idea. Who knows that when they went to the imperial capital to ask for lunar ilmenite from Yang Senping, the other party did not believe in the strength of future technology.

You must know that the more people like Pei Hongyin, the easier it is to hold grudges over such trivial matters.

With such a good opportunity now, I must take a dig at Yang Senping.

"It's Mr. Xu."

After receiving the order, Chen Shihe did not dare to delay. After nodding in response, he immediately turned around and left, and began to carry out this mission seriously.

Since Xingtong had his own mechanical body, it can be said that it has helped Xu Lei share a lot of things.

This makes Xu Lei much more relaxed.

Indirectly, Chen Shihe couldn't find anything to do.

After following Xu Lei for so many years, she has long been accustomed to this lifestyle.

Suddenly it feels like taking a vacation and retiring, and it is inevitable that you will feel a little uncomfortable.

Now that Xingtong is no longer with Xu Lei, she has been assigned a new task, and she must seize the time to complete it.

Not long after.

When Chen Shihe's figure completely disappeared from sight, Xu Lei closed his eyes slightly and controlled his consciousness to enter the Science and Technology Museum again.

With the completion of the world's first controllable nuclear fusion device, Xu Lei discovered that the influence value had finally changed after so long.

It's not a huge increase as soon as possible, but it's certainly a good sign.

It shows that the use of controllable nuclear fusion technology for manufacturing can gain influence, and there is nothing wrong with his analytical thinking.

It is believed that when subsequent fusion power stations are completed and controllable nuclear fusion energy is applied to aerospace and military equipment, the influence value will usher in a new explosive growth.

At that time, we just need to wait for the influence to reach 10 million points.

Arriving at the hall of the Science and Technology Museum, Xu Lei did not linger too much, but directly entered the elevator embedded at the end of the hall.

But unfortunately, when the black hatch burst into view again, he could not open it.

"Still not working?"

"It seems that the total number of influences is still not enough."

Pushing the cabin door hard with both hands, Xu Lei immediately stopped and thought secretly after finding that there was no change.

Originally, his influence had increased this time. He wanted to see if he had met the requirements for entering the upper space, so he came here to try, but now it seems that the influence he has is far from enough.

Faced with this situation, we can only adjust our mentality and continue to find ways to gain influence.


The next day.

After Xu Lei finished breakfast, he took Chen Shihe to the research institute.

The actual situation was just as he predicted. In addition to several academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences such as Yang Senping and Li Chengzhe, the people who came specially included Mr. Qin and the base's top commander Yu Hongliang.

As well as the overseas personnel following Li Chengzhe.

But what surprised Xu Lei the most was Wu Chuping, who was in charge of the Tiangong Space Station's near-Earth space port and the Guanghan Palace lunar base.

But after all, we are all old acquaintances. Since we are in a hurry, we will simply go visit Qiankun No. 1 together.

But after welcoming everyone into the research institute, Xu Lei's eyes still fell on the overseas personnel.

"Dean Yang, is this also a researcher from your Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

"Academician Xu misunderstood. Dr. Bender is a member of the international research team of our artificial sun project, and he came with us for some special reasons."

"If there is anything wrong, I can let him go back first." Li Chengzhe, who noticed the change in Xu Lei's eyes for the first time, quickly explained. He was really afraid that Xu Lei would misunderstand him.

Originally, Li Chengzhe naturally had no intention of bringing Bender here.

However, the other party insisted on confirming the performance of Qiankun No. 1 of future technology with his own eyes, and would follow him no matter what.

He even threatened to go to the institute on his own.

Considering that this might cause unnecessary trouble, Li Chengzhe had no choice but to agree to his request.

After Xu Lei listened to Li Chengzhe's explanation, he stopped asking any more questions.

Since the other party wanted to confirm the authenticity of the performance data of Qiankun No. 1, Xu Lei gave him this opportunity. Anyway, the controllable nuclear fusion technology was extremely complex, and the outside world did not have the ability to manufacture all the components, so he was not worried that the technology would be leaked. .

Besides, it’s just to visit the operation of Qiankun No. 1.

I just don’t know if I will be so shocked that I will become autistic after truly seeing the power of Qiankun No.1.

When everyone was heading to the main control room, Pei Hongyinke had no intention of being idle and deliberately walked beside Yang Senping on the road.

From time to time, I mention nuclear fusion research.

"I asked you, Dean, how come your artificial sun project is still progressing so slowly after joining an international research team? It is actually not as good as our newly established research institute."

“It’s truly astonishing that the Institute of Future Science and Technology has achieved such an achievement.”

"I'm here to exchange and learn right away." Yang Senping listened to Pei Hongyin's teasing. Although he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, he still dealt with it.

If he had known that future technology could directly conquer controllable nuclear fusion technology, why would he have asked Pei Hongyin to return to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and directly let the artificial sun project team join the research of the Future Science and Technology Institute?

But it's too late to say this now.

Fortunately, even if future technology masters controllable nuclear fusion technology, it can also completely change the domestic energy structure.

As for Mr. Qin, who, like Yang Senping, came here specially from the imperial capital, he was extremely excited and a little worried at the same time.

After all, if you haven't seen the situation of Qiankun No. 1 with your own eyes, you will have no idea.

I am afraid that I will still be disappointed in the end.

After a slight hesitation, before entering the area where Qiankun No. 1 was located, Mr. Qin took the initiative to explain his worries to Xu Lei.

"Xiao Xu, you have really conquered the controllable nuclear fusion technology. Are you not joking about the data released by the outside world?"

Xu Lei didn't think anything of Mr. Qin's reaction. On the contrary, it was exactly how a normal person would feel.

It comes down to it.

Or controllable nuclear fusion energy is too important to human civilization.

In addition, everyone knows how complicated and difficult it is, and it is inevitable that they will not believe it when it actually appears.

Faced with such a situation, Xu Lei had no choice but to show his warm and magical smile, and confidently made a promise to Mr. Qin.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin."

"From now on, humans will no longer have to worry about energy issues."

"Our institute has indeed conquered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, and soon you will be able to see the world's first truly controllable nuclear fusion device."

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