My science and technology museum

Chapter 298 First Level Civilization

Faced with Xu Lei's confident response, everyone finally walked into the main control room with different thoughts.

When the Qiankun No. 1 nuclear fusion device, which looks like a twist, came into view, even if I prepared myself mentally in advance, I still felt very shocked.

It has a strong visual impact.

The mainstream nuclear fusion devices are all tokamak.

This makes everyone already familiar with the donut-like appearance, and suddenly seeing something different feels different.

However, compared to Qin Lao Wu Chuping and Yang Senping, Li Chengzhe Bend and other scientific researchers had already set their sights on the main control screen, seeming to want to find out the real operating data of Qiankun One.

Xu Lei saw this scene in his eyes, but nothing changed except the indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth.

About a few dozen seconds passed.

Only then did he turn his attention to Pei Hongyin.

"Mr. Pei."

"Just briefly introduce our Qiankun No. 1 to everyone."

"no problem."

Pei Hongyin noticed Xu Lei's eyes and immediately understood the meaning. He nodded and readily agreed, and then carefully explained the powerful performance of Qiankun No. 1.

"Qiankun No. 1 has been in a burning state since it was first ignited and started."

"And the energy input-output ratio has never been lower than 50."

"no doubt."

"This is a truly controllable nuclear fusion device that can be used in the construction of fusion power plants at any time."

The words just fell.

Pei Hongyin moved his eyes to look at Li Chengzhe, and then asked: "Xiao Li is in charge of the artificial sun project. I think you should know what kind of device this is by now."

He's right.

Maybe outsiders can't understand what the above data means, but Li Chengzhe knows it well.

When he arrived, he did have doubts about Future Technology's ability to master controllable nuclear fusion technology. But now that he saw the Qiankun No. 1 in operation with his own eyes and the data fed back by the system in real time, he knew very clearly that Future Technology had indeed created a controllable nuclear fusion technology. Controlled nuclear fusion device.

Although he was completely defeated, he felt very excited at this time.

Because mankind has finally solved this ultimate problem.

But just when he was about to confirm Pei Hongyin's words and explain the situation to Yang Senping and Mr. Qin, Bender next to him suddenly shouted loudly.

"This is impossible!"

"The stellarator is obviously an abandoned device. How can it exert such powerful performance?"

"It must be fake."

My spirit gradually felt like I was about to collapse.

It seems that he cannot accept the fact that future technology has conquered nuclear fusion technology.

Xu Lei was not angry at all, and responded calmly: "Who told you that we are using a star-simulating device? They just look similar."

"It's not a stellarator..."

Facing Xu Lei's explanation, Bender continued to murmur this sentence.

Still can't convince myself to accept it.

Unfortunately, this is the fact. No matter how he denies the fact that future technology has mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, it still cannot change any situation.

Moreover, Mr. Qin's expression had turned gloomy at this time.

"This is a top scientist sent from overseas. In my opinion, it's not very good."

"in addition."

"There is no need for the international research project team to continue."

Now Mr. Qin already believes that future technology has mastered controllable nuclear fusion, so he stopped the ongoing international research group on Science Island with just two words.


The artificial sun will also stop.

After all, controllable nuclear fusion has been mastered, and the next thing to consider is how to put it into practical use. If we continue to pursue the artificial sun project, wouldn’t it be reversing the course of history?

Mr. Qin will never let this happen and waste various resources in vain.

Obviously Yang Senping had already thought of this possibility, and his face was very calm after listening to Mr. Qin's instructions.

In the end, he just gave Li Chengzhe a wink.

"Let's take Dr. Bender down first, and then arrange a chartered flight to send them back."

"It's the dean."

Li Chengzhe nodded, and then he and several others forcibly took Bender out of the control room.

In an instant, a few people were missing, making the main control room much cleaner.

At this time, Mr. Qin finally brought the topic up to business, without concealing the joyful smile on his face when he spoke.

"Xiao Xu."

"First of all, I want to thank you on behalf of the people across the country for conquering controllable nuclear fusion."

"This is the ultimate problem recognized globally, and its value and significance to national development are unimaginable."

"I'm serious, Mr. Qin, continuous research and development of various advanced technologies is the purpose of our future technology." Xu Lei said humbly with a smile on his face.

Mr. Qin asked: "I also heard that you are planning to build a fusion power station next?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin, the company is planning to build the first fusion power station in Binjiang City first, striving to meet the province's power transmission." Xu Lei said truthfully: "Of course, if we want to achieve this, we need absolute support from above."

"This is what it should be. Now that we have conquered controllable nuclear fusion technology, we will definitely change our energy structure."

Mr. Qin seemed to be satisfied with Xu Lei's answer and immediately expressed his unconditional support: "If you need anything, feel free to ask."

for the rest of the time.

Xu Lei brought a few more people to the conference room.

We conducted detailed exchanges on the construction plan of the fusion power station and the subsequent use of nuclear fusion energy, and obtained the allocation rights of the Chinese Academy of Sciences from Mr. Qin.

In this way, with enough top scientific researchers to help, the construction speed of fusion power plants will be much faster.

After all, the devices in the fusion power station must be larger than Qiankun No. 1.

Perhaps because the nuclear fusion matter was such a big deal, Mr. Qin did not stay at the research institute for long. He simply determined the follow-up execution plan and hurried back to the imperial capital.

Wu Chuping, on the other hand, was very interested in nuclear fusion and asked Xu Lei some questions from time to time.

"Academician Xu."

"I wonder if your institute's controllable nuclear fusion technology can be used on spacecraft?"

It turns out that since the Guanghan Palace lunar base got on track and successfully realized resource extraction and transportation, the space agency has set its sights on Mars.

It is hoped that manned landing on Mars will be possible.

Build a Mars military base.

Arrange observation equipment.

Mainly, Mars occupies a favorable geographical advantage in the solar system. Building a military base on it and arranging various observation equipment to monitor the situation in the galaxy will help to better protect the earth and the planet and avoid threats to the development of human civilization in advance. danger.

After all, with the development of human civilization, we will definitely enter outer space in the future.

It's time to prepare early now.

However, Mars is slightly far away from the Earth. Even if the spacecraft departs from the near-lunar space port, it is not easy to land on the surface of Mars.

Without complete assurance, the space agency will never proceed easily.

Otherwise, no matter what kind of accident occurs, it will be a huge loss to the entire human race.

In this case, a spacecraft with nuclear fusion power becomes crucial.

If nuclear fusion technology can be perfectly integrated with the spacecraft, then the spacecraft can get rid of the traditional orbital flight method.

Fly directly to Mars with full power.

It's even possible to reach Mars in less time.

Realize the back and forth movement of the three places of Earth, Star, Moon and Mars.

So when Wu Chuping saw the news that Future Technology had successfully conquered controllable nuclear fusion technology, he immediately rushed to the research institute from Dentian Island.

I just want to know whether the technology possessed by Future Technology can realize nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft.

For Xu Lei, with the successful operation of Qiankun One officially kicking off the nuclear fusion era, the most important issue he needs to consider is how to gain influence.

In addition to the most basic fusion power station, applying it to various fields is undoubtedly the best choice.

Now Wu Chuping has taken the initiative to propose a nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft project, which is exactly what Xu Lei wants.

So surely there will be no rejection.

"I think there should be no problem, but of course it will take some time."

Wu Chuping was overjoyed when he heard this: "That's great. Our space agency will also cooperate unconditionally with this project."

Just one morning.

The scope of application of subsequent nuclear fusion technology was determined, and Xu Lei was quite happy.

I think there will be a lot of influence coming soon.

As for the afternoon, under Mr. Qin’s arrangement, authoritative media such as China News Service’s People’s Daily arrived at the Future Technology Fusion Research Institute.

Provide real-time coverage of Qiankun No.1.

Future Technology has successfully conquered controllable nuclear fusion technology and solved the ultimate problem of human civilization. This honor should be known to all mankind.

At the same time, this will once again establish the position of future technology in the world.

The research institute also cooperated with this, and even Xu Lei accepted the interview in person.

You must know that Xu Lei played relatively low-key roles in the past and has not accepted interviews from major media.

It is enough to prove the importance that future technology attaches to nuclear fusion.

that's all.

When the entire Internet began to promote the controllable nuclear fusion technology of future technology, everyone was instantly confused.

I never expected that my doubts were true.

Although it was difficult to react for a while, he still joined the celebrating army without any thought.

Because everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible for so many authoritative media to achieve this level of fraud.

It can only be true.

Netizens who have always believed in future technology from the beginning are undoubtedly more excited.

And those who had doubts before were left with a screen full of "wtf", because everyone knew that mankind had finally entered the first level of civilization.

At the same time, in the interview, Xu Lei also exposed the news in advance that Binjiang City will have the first fusion power station.

As the saying goes, one stone stirs up a thousand waves.

But the news that nuclear fusion has been conquered is as hot as throwing Mount Everest into the ocean. You can imagine the momentum.

Almost everyone is talking about it online.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you turn on the holographic device, you can see people broadcasting this news everywhere.

The comment area for related content is a lively one.

"Oh my god, future technology has actually conquered controllable nuclear fusion. I couldn't believe it yesterday."

"Who would have thought that nuclear fusion, which was hailed as the ultimate problem last month, would already be used by humans today. It can only be said that we still underestimate the strength of future technology."

"We should have thought of it a long time ago. Future technology has even developed virtual reality, let alone controllable nuclear fusion technology."

“You can always trust future technology.”

"I envy Binjiang City. Once the first fusion power station is built, I'm afraid the electricity bill in the entire province will be very cheap."

"Will we enter the ranks of first-level civilization from now on?"

"Yes, we will all be the beings of a first-level civilization from now on, and I believe that with future technology, even a second-level stellar civilization will have no problem."

"Whoever said that Future Technology cannot compete with international projects alone must be slapped in the face now!"

Since nuclear fusion concerns all mankind, the news quickly spread to the outside world.

Compared with domestic netizens, overseas netizens are also shocked by the performance of future technology, but while highly praising it, they are more concerned about whether they can use nuclear fusion energy.

In particular, some environmentalists hope that future technology will use controllable nuclear fusion technology around the world to better improve the environment on earth and stars.

"Oh my god, has controllable nuclear fusion been mastered by humans like this?"

"Future Technology is truly the greatest company."

"It was just an ordinary technology company, but now it has grown to change the fate of human civilization. I am becoming more and more curious about the founder of this company."

"It's hard to imagine that such a handsome young man could be the world's top scientist."

"Will future technology deliver nuclear fusion energy to the whole world? In this case, the environment of the earth will definitely become better."

"It would be great if we could conquer nuclear fusion."

"Compared with future technology, our scientists are simply useless."

Perhaps because the popularity of controllable nuclear fusion is so great, when the whole Internet was discussing this matter and the video of Xu Lei’s interview, no one noticed that the Chinese Academy of Sciences also issued a new announcement.

The announcement officially announced that the artificial sun project will be terminated.


The excitement on the Internet lasted for several days before it gradually returned to normal. The birth of major controllable nuclear fusion technology is indeed related to the development of human civilization, but in fact it has little impact on individuals in a short period of time.

At most, fusion power plants are popularized and make life more comfortable.

So naturally it is impossible for everyone to spend a lot of time talking about this every day.

Anyway, everyone knows in their hearts that controllable nuclear fusion technology will be conquered by future technology.

It is worth mentioning that the institute has been on the right track in the past few days. Under the leadership of Pei Hongyin, relevant personnel have officially begun building the world's first fusion power station.

Since the scale of the core device of the fusion power station will be larger, the progress will be much slower just by the personnel in the institute, so they asked Li Chengzhe and others from the Science Island to participate in the construction and assist.

After all, the artificial sun project has been suspended, and they are worried that their abilities will not be used.

Key participation in the construction project of fusion power plants will also be of great help to improve their own knowledge of nuclear fusion technology.

Basically everyone is rushing to sign up.

First of all, Pei Hongyin participated in the entire process of Qiankun No. 1 from the manufacturing of core components to the formal installation and testing. In addition, Gu Sanlin guaranteed the supply of superconducting radiation-resistant materials. Xu Lei was very relieved that Pei Hongyin was in charge of the fusion power station project.

As for why he didn't participate personally, he naturally had other things to do.

"Xingtong, start running the simulation on the model."

"Adjust various parameters."

"It still doesn't work..."

Wednesday, November 15, 2028.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the laboratory of the research center, Xu Lei carefully observed the three-dimensional virtual modeling in front of him and gave instructions to Xingtong from time to time.

It has been more than a month since the advent of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Since the fusion power plant project was handed over to Pei Hongyin, Xu Lei has basically stayed in the laboratory to build a holographic data model of the nuclear fusion power device.

In order for nuclear fusion technology to be well used in important scenes such as spaceships, aircraft carriers, and high-speed trains, devices that can provide nuclear fusion power become very important.

Because its scale must be very small.

Xu Lei understands that as long as he successfully solves the problem of nuclear fusion power devices, he believes that nuclear fusion spacecrafts, aircraft carriers, high-speed trains and other things will soon appear. This is also a good way to gain influence.

So when Wu Chuping proposed a nuclear fusion spacecraft, he agreed without even thinking about it.

It is also for this reason that Pei Hongyin is put in charge of the fusion power station.

However, Xu Lei still underestimated the complexity of the nuclear fusion power device, and has not yet successfully established a data model.

Models built before will always have various problems during virtual running tests.

The most serious ones may even cause an explosion.

This problematic design is certainly not practical for manufacturing.

It can be said that having Xing Tong here is equivalent to helping him a lot and saving a lot of time.

The main nuclear fusion device is too sophisticated. It is easier to control when the scale is larger, but problems will occur once it is scaled down.

You must know that the controllable nuclear fusion technology unlocked by the Science and Technology Museum does not use the tokamak device currently mainstream in the scientific community. A structure similar to a stellarator can be more easily scaled down and commercialized.

Otherwise, the difficulty Xu Lei faces now may increase several times or even dozens of times.

But as the saying goes, haste makes waste.

Xu Lei didn't get too entangled. When he encountered trouble, he might as well relax first.

Maybe you will suddenly understand it when you do research the next day.

In any case, with the complex technical knowledge in Xu Lei's mind, he can definitely be regarded as the world's top all-round scientist, so he is very confident that he can design a nuclear fusion power device.

It's just a matter of time.

"It's really not that simple to achieve the ideal data. Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

As Xu Lei complained softly, he stopped giving new instructions to Xingtong to adjust the model data parameters.

Instead, he chose to turn around and leave temporarily.

As for Chen Shihe, who had been waiting outside the laboratory, when he saw Xu Lei coming out, he quickly poured a glass of water and walked towards him.

"Mr. Xu."

"What's the matter?" Xu Lei took the water glass from Chen Shihe and asked casually.

During this time, because he was researching nuclear fusion power devices, some of the company's business could only be handled by Chen Shihe, which was also a lot of pressure for her.

If there is nothing to report, you probably won't come to the laboratory.

The relationship between Chen Shihe and Xu Lei is not a normal superior-subordinate relationship, but a very subtle feeling, so Chen Shihe has always been more direct about what he says.

Since Xu Lei took the initiative to open up the topic, she would definitely not be coy.

Immediately state your intention.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Pei submitted a project planning plan for the Binjiang Fusion Power Station today. He wants you to preview it in person and modify the existing problems."

"I've brought the plan, do you want to see it now?"

As he spoke, he took out a document.

Xu Lei knew that in more than a month, the infrastructure of the fusion power station was already under construction, and the core components of the device were basically completed.

Next comes the most important assembly work and the final acceptance.

Pei Hongyin submitted the proposal at this time, obviously feeling uneasy and worried that problems would arise in the fusion power plant project.

I want him to be personally responsible for participating in the next work.

Unfortunately, Xu Lei really had no plans to do anything else before the nuclear fusion power device came out.

Moreover, Pei Hongyin's strength is fully capable of dealing with the fusion power station.

Now I just feel a little unconfident.

It can only be said that his halo is so dazzling that everyone feels that only with his participation can the project be absolutely safe.

But in fact, this kind of thinking is not very good and will lead others to self-denial.

So no matter how he looked at it, Xu Lei would never agree.

The thought stayed here, and Xu Lei replied with a smile: "I won't read the plan. Just tell Mr. Pei and let him be responsible for the construction project of the fusion power station with peace of mind."

"It's Mr. Xu."

Regarding Xu Lei's decision, Chen Shihe didn't question anything and just nodded in agreement.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, and added again: "By the way, Mr. Xu, the invitations from overseas forces have not stopped during this period. Do you still want to reply according to the previous content?"

Future Technology has conquered nuclear fusion technology, and all overseas forces naturally want to cooperate with Future Technology.

Build fusion power plants within your own borders.

It even offered unimaginably high conditions.

However, with Xu Lei's current achievements, almost nothing can impress him.

The construction of major fusion power stations is not simple. Even the first domestic one has not been completed yet. How could he possibly cooperate with overseas forces?

At least we have to wait until the domestic nuclear fusion system matures before benefiting overseas regions.

Besides, Xu Lei had already told Mr. Qin about this matter.

"Still refusing, I don't have time to deal with them now."

After finally saying these words to Chen Shihe, he immediately stepped outside, preparing to enter the virtual cabin and try to build a nuclear fusion power device in the virtual world.

When it comes to gaining influence, Xu Lei can only keep trying other methods.

And for him now, what he wants to see most is to successfully design a nuclear fusion power device, and he is really too lazy to deal with those overseas forces that are like dog-skin plaster.

In short, if you want to enjoy the support of nuclear fusion energy, you can only wait patiently.

After receiving an accurate answer from Xu Lei, Chen Shihe did not waste Xu Lei's time anymore and immediately returned to his office to carry out these tasks.

What Xu Lei didn't expect was that after entering the virtual world, he suddenly had some new ideas for the design of nuclear fusion power devices.

Ps: I have created a book club, and the group account is in the introduction. If you want to join, you can come in and play, but I refuse to gamble or do drugs. If you want to join the book friends there, you can leave comments.

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