My science and technology museum

Chapter 303 Lao Te’s decision

"It seems that we must accelerate the speed of unlocking the upper space of the museum. Only in this way can we have enough confidence." In the temporary office, Xu Lei whispered to himself as he planned the direction of the future tasks, his face showing great importance.

His attitude towards extraterrestrial civilizations is that the troops will come to block the water and the earth will cover them up, and he is not too worried.

However, preparations should also be made, otherwise it would be overconfidence.

While thinking secretly, a lot of thoughts suddenly appeared in my mind.

It is true that mankind has mastered nuclear fusion energy, but it has not yet achieved full and effective utilization. This needs to be resolved as soon as possible.


It is the issue of the space combat capabilities of human civilization.

It is no exaggeration to say that human beings today do not have the weapons and equipment suitable for fighting in space. If an alien civilization breaks into the solar system in the future and attacks the earth and the planet in space, then human beings will most likely be beaten.

After all, if the technology of an alien civilization can develop to the point of interstellar navigation, its intelligence will only be higher than that of humans. Under normal circumstances, it will never rashly land on the surface of the earth.

The key star is the place where human civilization depends for survival. If the star is seriously affected, it will be difficult for human civilization to develop, which is equivalent to coming to an end.

To prevent this from happening, we must master powerful space combat capabilities.

At least when alien civilization arrives, humans can put the battlefield in space beyond the Earth.

Even blocking them from defense lines such as Mars and Jupiter.

In this way, the Mars military base not only becomes very important, but also the design and construction of battleships must start as soon as possible.

While Xu Lei was thinking about this, his attention was once again attracted by Xingtong's voice: "Boss, there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with. The use of quantum computer computing power just now caused some overseas users to leave the virtual world. Now they are asking the company to provide Give me an explanation.”

As he spoke, the content on the holographic screen suddenly changed.

Looking along the line of sight, Xu Lei's face suddenly turned cold when he saw those comments expressing dissatisfaction with future technology.

He was already very unhappy when he suddenly encountered something like this today, but now there are still people jumping out to make trouble. No matter how you look at it, he feels like he doesn't know what is good and what is good.

Based on the strength shown by the mysterious program just now, if Xingtong had not discovered the interception in time and decisively asked for instructions to use the computing power of the quantum computer to analyze and eliminate it, there would have been more than a hundred devices that were affected and crashed now. , maybe even virtual helmets will face serious threats.

The virtual helmet is a device for users to connect to the virtual world. If there is any uncontrollable problem, it may cause the user to be brain-dead.

At that time, all mankind will fall into panic.

Right now, things are still under control, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

Although the fact that the Earth Star was attacked by a mysterious program from an extraterrestrial civilization is not suitable for public disclosure at the moment, Future Technology will never bear this responsibility. After all, just wiping this butt and using quantum computer resources has already caused losses to the company.

After thinking for a while, Xu Lei quickly made a calculation in his mind. He looked at Xingtong's mechanical body and said, "The first equipment to be attacked came from the Arecibo Observatory, right?"

"Yes, boss." Xingtong answered without hesitation.

After confirming the news, Xu Lei raised the corners of his mouth slightly and sneered as he issued new instructions.

"Publish this situation and say that we have been attacked by an unknown attack from Arecibo Observatory, which caused some users to disconnect. I want to see how they respond this time."

After receiving Xu Lei's order, Xingtong immediately began to implement it. When the relevant content was released through the company's external official account, the situation was instantly reversed.

Originally, these overseas users only made comments based on their own subjective conjectures. After learning that the cause of the incident was that Future Technology was attacked by a network, they immediately sided with Future Technology without any suspense and unanimously targeted the Observatory. , all requested the higher authorities to investigate the observatory as soon as possible.

Those involved in the attack were arrested and brought to justice.

It was not uncommon in the past for domestic companies to be attacked by unknown overseas cyberattacks.

But there is no way to avoid it and crack down on those behind the scenes. As for the overseas police, they will not interfere.

But now it's completely different.

For overseas users, Future Technology's products have become indispensable in their lives. Even the manufacturing industry is almost entirely supported by Future Technology's intelligent industrial robots.

Under such circumstances, whoever dares to cause trouble with future technology is equivalent to using high-voltage wires to break the east wind and seek death at the extreme limit.

In just over ten minutes, this matter became a hotly searched topic on the Internet.

A large number of users went to the Observatory's account to express their feelings. Those who didn't know the scene they caused thought that the Observatory had committed a heinous crime.

"I asked why it was suddenly disconnected today. It turns out that you have attacked the servers of Future Technology. I am looking for death. Can you not affect our normal play in the virtual game?"

"God will never forgive you."

"You are openly provoking the peace of all mankind."

"The observatory is not good at observing stars, so why bother meddling on the Internet?"

"The criminals who launched the attack must be handed over, otherwise future technology may restrict us even more in terms of rules."

"The observatory should never have been rebuilt in the first place."

"This kind of thing shouldn't happen at all. All my plans have been disrupted. It's really speechless."

Future Technology is now the most influential company in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that it is related to the development of many forces. I don’t know how many people want to show their favor in front of Future Technology.

Especially after future technology masters controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Even the once most powerful superpower in the world does not dare to neglect any future technology matters.

Everyone knows that Yanguo is building fusion power stations in batches and is about to complete a thorough reform of its energy structure. This has made many overseas forces covetous, and they all hope that future technology will build fusion power stations in their cities.

So after this incident was exposed, the current person in charge of the security building quickly received an order from the general leader Lao Te, asking him to immediately send someone to the observatory to investigate the situation.

at the same time.

Arecibo Observatory.

Professors Roman and Queller are using their own quantum terminal equipment to check the situation.

After the incident, they no longer bothered to think about the origin of the mysterious signal. They just wanted to know whether it had any impact.

But apparently luck was not on their side this time.

After seeing this incident on the Internet, it not only attracted the attention of Future Technology, but also quickly became a hot topic on the day. Even they were criticized by many people, and the whole person suddenly became panicked.

They are very clear about the power of future technology.

I also know that the authorities above have been trying to get in touch with future technology, hoping to complete the transformation of their traditional energy structure.

There is basically no way out when messing with future technology.

It is true that they are astronomers and have their own ideals and pursuits, but they do not want to get into trouble. After all, they are all people with wives and children.

The only way out now is to find a way to save myself.

"Damn it, what is that thing and why does it attract the attention of future technology?" Roman, as the main person responsible, seemed to be unwilling to believe it all, venting his dissatisfaction to Queller in a complaining tone.

Little did he know that Queller had already lost his patience.

"Shut up, please. If you hadn't insisted on deciphering the signal privately, how could such a thing have happened?"

Queller vigorously waved his clenched fists, almost roaring and accusing Roman in front of him. His slightly red eyes made people afraid to look directly.

Mainly Queller thinks that he is really unlucky.

When Roman intercepted this mysterious signal, he felt something was wrong, so he took the initiative to report it first and then decipher it. Unfortunately, he did not stick to his opinion in the end.

So much so that after getting on Roman's pirate ship, I couldn't even think about getting off.

After being yelled at by Queller, Roman sobered up a lot and understood that this was not the time to blame each other, and that he had to take responsibility for himself.

"We have to leave here first, otherwise it will be difficult to explain things clearly in this state." Roman said without emotion, pretending to pack up his personal belongings and leave.

"Wait a minute." Queller called to him.

Roman stopped and asked, "What, you don't want to go with me?"

"There are not many staff members in the entire observatory. The two of us are the biggest suspects. If we leave now, we will only tell others that we attacked the server of Future Technology. Now we can only shift all the responsibility to extraterrestrial civilizations."

"Put it to extraterrestrial civilization, you mean..." Roman's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

People from the security building took action, and Roman and Queller were naturally taken away for interrogation.

During the interrogation process, they stated in accordance with the consensus reached that an unknown Earth planet civilization had invaded the observatory and actively launched an attack on the Earth planet's Internet system. The equipment in their studio that was attacked and crashed was the best proof.

Because both of them are astronomers and don't know much about the technology in the computer field, they don't have the ability to attack no matter how they look at it.

But any normal person would never believe it if they heard about extraterrestrial civilization invading the Earth-planet Internet.

He would just feel insulted.

However, since it was related to the testimony of the two professors, we certainly could not make hasty conclusions, so in the end the person in charge of the security building had to report these situations to Lao Te.

"What are you talking about, an attack caused by extraterrestrial civilization?" On the golf course, Lao Te's expression was suddenly replaced by surprise when he heard the news, and his words were full of disbelief.

But he was shocked, and he still swung the club hard the next second.

Several superpowers in the world have never given up research on extraterrestrial civilizations, but in the past few years, apart from various virtual information, they have not even obtained substantial evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Now I was suddenly told that not only had extraterrestrial civilizations appeared, but they had even attacked the Internet on Earth. This was really unbelievable, and it took a certain amount of time to digest the information. So taking advantage of this period of time, Lao Te decisively contacted Hayden, the head of the NASA, and wanted to hear opinions from professionals.

Since the completion of the Guanghan Palace lunar base, the space agency headed by Hayden has basically terminated most of its space programs.

There is a sense of déjà vu as if you are completely lying flat.

No matter how hard we try, we can't surpass the technology of the future in the aerospace field.

If you can't beat it, just join, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

It's just that this kind of thinking makes the entire NASA staff very laid-back, with almost no urgent projects.

Hayden was tasting his own red wine when he received the call.

However, when he learned about the situation, he was suddenly full of interest. He did not expect that the attack on the future technology server that he was also paying attention to had such an inside story.

Based on comprehensive analysis and judgment based on the information he had, he quickly gave his opinion.

"Future Technology has the world's top intelligence, coupled with their quantum computers, it is true that no one can break through the security protection system and attack the virtual helmet's server, especially if it affects the login of so many users."

"Obviously the observatory cannot do this."

"Perhaps there is really an extraterrestrial civilization involved behind this matter, but this will not be the only information held by future technology."

In the golf course lounge, Lao Te ended the call expressionlessly, raised his eyes and looked at the person in charge of the security building and said: "File a lawsuit against the two professors for endangering human security, and publish a report on their attack on future technology. "

As Hayden analyzed, future technologies will definitely hold information that they do not know.

Regardless of whether there is any extraterrestrial civilization involved behind this matter, since future technology points the finger at the observatory, there is absolutely no problem in going along with it.

Maybe it can also arouse the goodwill of future technology.

What's more, suddenly announcing the existence of extraterrestrial civilization when human civilization is booming is no less than a wake-up call for all mankind, and it will inevitably cast a haze over everyone's minds.

This situation is not what they want to see.

At least in Lao Te's own opinion, his approach is currently the most appropriate.

When the person in charge in front of him heard such an order, he was slightly stunned for a few seconds, and then he quickly responded: "I understand, I will handle this matter immediately." After that, he continued to play golf without further delay. Just choose to turn around and leave.


Since the final results were released almost on the same day, the announcement naturally attracted the attention of many people.

After everyone saw that what happened was exactly what they thought, and was caused by two professors in the observatory, the heat finally subsided.

In fact, netizens who look around the world basically only want to see what they want to see, and will not overly study the doubts or possible problems behind it. After all, everyone’s time is extremely precious and limited, who would waste it on this kind of thing? Regarding things that have nothing to do with me, whether virtual games are not fun or I am bored with the virtual world.

Even if a very few people have doubts about this, individual strength alone cannot affect the overall situation.

So no matter what the truth is, there is no way to eliminate the punishment that Professors Roman and Queller need to face.

And in order to minimize the subsequent impact of the situation, I am afraid that I will be secretly detained and may never see the sunshine and free air outside again for the rest of my life.

After all, who asked them to decipher the intercepted mysterious signals privately.

It may not matter that the Earth Star has lost more than a hundred pieces of equipment, but if the program automatically transmits part of the information collected through the observatory's radio telescope, the position coordinates and development of the Earth Star will be at risk of being exposed.

I don’t know how much time will be left for mankind by then.

That night.

Jingzhou City.

In a certain hotel, Xu Lei felt somewhat emotional when he saw the report on the Internet about what happened during the day.

"I didn't expect them to be very fast. They handled the matter on the same day. It seems that the allure of controllable nuclear fusion energy is indeed great!"

To be honest, Xu Lei was quite surprised that the problems raised by future technology were solved in just a few hours. As for the two people mentioned in the report, Roman and Queller, they were completely within his expectations.

Although some things were not mentioned in the report, it was not difficult for him to know with Xing Tong.

Obviously Lao Te made the right choice and did not rashly announce anything about extraterrestrial civilization.

There is no point in continuing to struggle with the matter at this point. For Xu Lei, the top priority is to complete the construction of the fusion power station in Jingzhou City as soon as possible, and first gather enough influence of tens of millions.

At that time, not only will new exhibits be unlocked, but the upper space will also be opened, so he can be more confident.

Prepare in advance before extraterrestrial civilizations arrive in the solar system, and strive to give humans the ability to fight in space within a few years.

When his thoughts stopped here, Xu Lei seemed to have made some decision, and suddenly turned his eyes to Xing Tong, who was helping him tidy up the bed: "Xing Tong, besides Jingzhou City, how is the progress of the other two fusion power stations? Already?"

Hearing the sound, Xing Tong temporarily stopped what he was doing, turned around and projected a holographic image from his eyes.

"Based on comprehensive judgment from various data, the construction progress of the other two fusion power plants has reached 70% and is expected to be put into use in the autumn."

Xu Lei followed Xingtong's voice and looked towards the holographic screen, and saw two special buildings that were almost taking shape. If he looked closely, they were similar to the Longhu Fusion Power Station in Binjiang City.

The geographical location of each region's power supply system network is different, which means that the fusion power stations cannot be built exactly the same, and the construction difficulty is also different. The two fusion power stations that Li Chengzhe is responsible for are the most difficult places, and there are enough Many scientific researchers participated in the construction, and now the progress has reached 70%, which is normal.

Judging from the speed of domestic infrastructure construction, these two fusion power plants can be officially put into operation in a few months at most.

But thinking that the progress of the Jingzhou Fusion Power Station that he was responsible for was just over 30%, Xu Lei suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart: "It seems that we need to find a way to improve the construction progress of the Jingzhou Fusion Power Station."

After thinking secretly, he immediately issued a new order to Xingtong: "Notify Li Chengzhe and ask him to transfer some people to Jingzhou City according to his own situation."

Xu Lei's idea is simple.

He knew that the construction progress of the fusion power station in Jingzhou City was slow, mainly because there were too few scientific researchers in the related nuclear fusion field.

If you rely solely on training in the virtual world, you don’t know when it will be effective.

In this case, other people can only be transferred to Jingzhou City to improve the construction progress of the fusion power station in Jingzhou City.

Anyway, the two fusion power plants that Li Chengzhe is responsible for are almost completed. Even if the core personnel are transferred at this time, it will not be too delayed.

The key is to speed up the construction of Longhu fusion power station to achieve Xu Lei's plan.

He has made detailed calculations. According to the current population and power supply situation in the area where the fusion power plant is being built, all three fusion power plants must be put into use before the influence can reach 100 million.

As for Li Chengzhe's own attitude, he didn't take it into consideration at all.

After all, the fusion power station is mainly a future technology project, and even the scientific researchers are people from the company's research center and the Future Technology Fusion Research Institute.

The final command lies with Xu Lei.

That is to say, Li Chengzhe has a high talent in the field of nuclear fusion and can replace Pei Hongyin to complete the construction of the fusion power station. Otherwise, the other party will not be able to get this opportunity even if they want to have it.

Xingtong would only obey Xu Lei's instructions unconditionally, and immediately nodded in response: "It's the boss, and I'm sending him a transfer email."

no doubt.

Li Chengzhe will not have any objection on this matter.

The next day.

After receiving the news, Li Chengzhe selected some core personnel of the two fusion power plants and asked them to immediately go to Jingzhou City to help.

But to be honest, he was a little puzzled by Xu Lei's approach.

The construction of fusion power stations is a tedious and important project. It can be constructed according to the existing pace. Anyway, each region will not be able to operate without a fusion power station for a day. In this case, the two fusion power stations should be completely completed first. , and then go to support Jingzhou City.

Of course, he would just think about this kind of thing in his mind and would not take the initiative to bring it up to Xu Lei.

The main thing is that what Xu Lei does has always been unexpected and unpredictable. Who knows if there are other deep-seated intentions. It is always right to follow orders.

that's all.

After receiving the help from corresponding personnel in Jingzhou City, the construction progress of the fusion power station suddenly accelerated much faster.

If nothing else, it should be officially put into use on a similar date as the other two fusion power plants.

Xu Lei couldn't help but feel excited when he thought about unlocking new exhibits and the possibility of entering the upper space, and he felt a sense of urgency that he couldn't wait to know about the situation in the upper space.

And when the time comes to April.

The Shenzhou nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft, which has been flying in space for two months, finally approached Mars carrying seven astronauts and supplies and equipment. For this reason, the space agency officially issued an announcement to determine the approximate landing time of the spacecraft.

Although the Mars landing will not be broadcast live, the captured video will be released, which can be said to have earned enough public expectations.

After conquering the moon, mankind will set foot on Mars. This kind of pride brings to all mankind is unimaginable. The whole world is paying attention to this Mars landing mission.

Because of the mysterious procedure, Xu Lei became very attached to the construction of military bases and monitoring stations on Mars to form a security defense line for the earth and planet, so much so that he even temporarily stopped the work of building a fusion power station and paid full attention to this critical event. Important landing tasks.

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