My science and technology museum

Chapter 304 Construction Completed

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, the best time and place for landing have been determined, and the spacecraft is about to depart from the parking orbit to Mars."

Friday, April 20, 2029.


Dengtian Island.

Ground station control center.

At two o'clock in the morning, when others were still immersed in sleep, Wu Chuping and all the engineering staff were already tense at their jobs, constantly monitoring the conditions of the Martian surface and the spacecraft.

In fact, the Shenzhou Mars spacecraft arrived near Mars half a month ago.

Temporarily hibernating in its parking orbit.

Because there are various unstable factors on Mars, in order to ensure that the astronauts can land smoothly and survive by building a temporary base as planned, they must ensure a suitable landing location and time. This requires detailed data from the rover that has previously landed on Mars. .

With the detection equipment continuously taking pictures of the surface of Mars, the best time and place were finally determined today.

Of course, there is also an element of luck involved. You must know that when the Mars exploration rover was launched in the past, it was normal to sleep in the parking orbit for several months because there was no opportunity.

Seeing that the exciting landing mission was finally about to begin, Wu Chuping, who was shouldering a huge burden, heard the report and said calmly: "Start the landing. You must be very energetic in the next six hours."

As the order is issued.

As the captain, Ye Junmin started the spacecraft again and flew towards the orange-red planet in front of him.

"Shenzhou reports that the spacecraft power unit has been successfully started and is expected to enter the Martian atmosphere in five hours. We are fully prepared."

"I wish you a successful completion of the mission." Wu Chuping listened to the voice coming from the spacecraft and responded solemnly, his eyes full of expectation.

Any space mission carries risks.

Although they successfully reached Mars with the help of the nuclear fusion power plant engine, whether they can land safely and smoothly on the surface of Mars remains to be seen. This is a very big test, and the probability of success is even less than 50%.

In this case, everyone is filled with energy and does not want to see any unexpected scenes.

Six o'clock in the morning.

The spacecraft successfully arrived above Mars and began to separate the landing module.

It was similar to the situation when landing on the moon, except that it had a nuclear fusion power plant engine, and the spacecraft and landing module were much larger.

This ensures sufficient resources and various monitoring equipment.

Moreover, the power of the landing module can be supplemented after docking with the spacecraft, thereby ensuring that the landing module can travel back and forth between the spacecraft and the surface of Mars multiple times, and all functions must be more advanced than during the moon landing.

Ye Junmin is the captain of the seven astronauts, and has experience in landing on the moon and building the Guanghan Palace lunar base. Naturally, this time he will enter the landing module and go to the surface of Mars. This time, a total of five people will be the first to enter Mars and complete the temporary mission. The construction and installation of bases and monitoring equipment will facilitate the subsequent arrival of other spacecraft.

As for the remaining two astronauts, they must stay behind the spacecraft to respond to emergencies at any time.

After all, the ground control center is too far away. If an accident occurs, it will be out of reach and it will be difficult to provide effective rescue. The only thing we can rely on is the spacecraft.

When the landing module and Ye Junmin and five others successfully separated from the spacecraft and began to enter the Martian atmosphere, it was almost seven o'clock in the morning.

"We're about to enter the Martian atmosphere."

"Don't be afraid of sacrifice."

"Complete the mission resolutely."

In the lobby of the ground control center, Wu Chuping's heart suddenly tightened after hearing the last sentence of the report.

Looking at the screen that had lost its picture and signal, he whispered nervously to himself: "I hope everything goes well. The people across the country are still waiting for the good news of your success."

Entering the Martian atmosphere, the speed of the landing module will reach Mach 3. In this state, all contact with the outside world will be cut off. The only thing that can be relied on is the landing module itself. Even a one-second error may have serious consequences.

Since this process will last nine minutes, it is also known as the Black Nine Minutes.

at the same time.

Xu Lei, who was far away in Jingzhou City, was also staring at the holographic screen in front of him that lost the signal.

Although the live broadcast of the Mars landing mission was not started this time, Xu Lei still had viewing rights. The images he could see were the same as those in the ground station control center.

After the landing module entered the Martian atmosphere and the signal was temporarily interrupted, he was also filled with tension.

After all, if humans can't even land on Mars, how can they talk about the subsequent construction of military bases to make Mars a solid line of defense for the earth and the planet? There are still many problems that will be encountered in the future.

Nine minutes may not seem like much in normal times.

Watching two videos and drinking a cup of milk tea is almost over, and I don’t even feel the passage of time at all.

But in the minds of all the staff at the ground station control center, these nine minutes are counted in seconds. They feel as if they know that summer vacation is coming, but there are still ten minutes left before get out of class ends. It is not an exaggeration to say that the day is like a year.

The key point is that for the staff of the center, they have to bear pressure from all aspects, and their spirits are simply stretched to the limit.

However, it turns out that everyone's efforts have not been disappointed. When the nine black minutes ended, the signal was immediately restored. At the same time, the figure of the landing module and the voice of captain Ye Junmin also appeared on the screen: "Mars Report, we have succeeded. After leaving the Martian atmosphere, the engine started smoothly."




Wu Chuping said hello three times after hearing the sound, and then suppressed his excitement for the time being, and quickly issued a new instruction: "Let the detector and the landing module conduct information docking to ensure a safe landing."

"It's the commander-in-chief."

At this moment, the engine of the landing module has been successfully started. Under braking, the flight speed of the landing module slows down until it reaches a speed that can safely land.

With the overall coordination and cooperation of all parties, the landing module finally landed smoothly on the orange-red surface of Mars.

When the engine automatically stopped, deafening cheers suddenly erupted in the control center. After six hours of hard work, the most difficult link was finally successfully completed.

"We made it!"

"Very good."

"Today is a memorable day."

The sight returns to the surface of Mars.

Ye Junmin, who was wearing a space suit, confirmed that all the values ​​were within the safe range and quickly opened the hatch manually according to the operating procedures.

Like the last time he landed on the moon, he was the first astronaut to leave the spacecraft.

With his left foot firmly stepping on the surface of Mars, humans finally left their footprints on Mars. When a whole new world came into view, Ye Junmin also uttered the first words of humans on Mars.

"So red!"

With Ye Junmin proofreading, the departure of the remaining four astronauts went very smoothly.

After a simple adaptation, he took the time to unload things and build a temporary base.

As for the equipment carried to monitor the conditions of the galaxy, it has also been installed and started. Although there is still a long way to go before the real human security line, at least humans have left their own traces on Mars. This is a good start. .

Witnessing the success of the Mars landing mission with his own eyes, Xu Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief: "After successfully taking this step, the next step is up to me."

Zi Guzi muttered this, then decisively turned off the holographic screen and went back to bed to catch up on some sleep.

At present, humans have conquered the moon and Mars, and controllable nuclear fusion technology is also being applied on a large scale. It can be said that the early preparations are in place. As long as the influence reaches tens of millions, new exhibits and the upper space of the science and technology museum are successfully unlocked, he You can then begin to implement your own galaxy security plan.

Let human civilization become truly powerful quickly in order to deal with the extraterrestrial civilization that will break into the solar system at some point.

Because the construction of a temporary base on Mars is a relatively boring and cumbersome task, it requires the cooperation between astronauts and space robots.

However, the risk has been greatly reduced compared to before.

The staff in the ground station control center stayed up all night, and they could finally take a break at this time. They only needed to let some staff change shifts and keep an eye on them.

Especially for Wu Chuping, who was in the senior year, his body was suddenly full of exhaustion after his tense spirit relaxed.

Not even without rest.

There is absolutely no way to compare with Xu Lei in this regard.

Who keeps people young?


At about 10 a.m., the official account of the space agency and the People's Daily of China News Service simultaneously announced the success of the Mars landing, and attached a three-minute video.

Although the length of the video seems a bit short and weak, it is informative throughout.

Especially the words that astronaut Ye Junmin said at the end of the video when he left the first human footprint on Mars are of unimaginable significance. Countless netizens retweeted and commented, and the entire Internet was immersed in the joy of human beings conquering Mars. Even overseas users have expressed envy of Yanfang’s achievements in the aerospace industry.

Powers large and small around the world even sent congratulatory messages.

The scene can only be described as unprecedented, and it can be said to be unprecedented.

It is also worth mentioning that although Xu Lei was still immersed in sleep at this time, Future Technology expressed congratulations on this matter.

So much so that after seeing it, many people proposed to use future technology to increase the experience of Mars in the virtual world.

After previously successfully landing on the moon, Xu Lei asked Xingtong to build the moon and the Guanghan Palace lunar base in the virtual world in order to allow ordinary people to experience an almost real space experience.

There, virtual users can live like astronauts in lunar bases and space stations.

The experience is simply overwhelming.

Many people even say it is more interesting than virtual games.

Now that humans have set foot on Mars, the virtual world should naturally add new experience projects.

However, everything in the virtual world is built under the leadership of Xingtong, and Xu Lei's instructions are needed to build it.

Therefore, we can only get a response to the suggestions from netizens after Xu Lei wakes up.

In the following days, the three-minute video recording the human landing on Mars also received crazy reposts and views from users all over the world. It has always been the most popular topic list in the world, and the number of views can even apply for a Guinness World Award. Record.

It has become the most viewed video in the world.

Relevant comments are even more explosive.

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling on the sofa while watching the video. How should I explain it?"

"Imitate Xi He in riding a horse in the sky, and aim to herd the stars in the sky."

"It's really shocking. Our aerospace industry has been developing rapidly in the past two years. We just conquered the moon and then went to Mars."

"I knew it would be successful."

"Thanks to Future Technology's breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology, otherwise it would be impossible to land on Mars in the short term. I am glad that I and Future Technology are in the same era."

"When will the Star Destroyers be available?"

"As expected of Mars, it's really red. I didn't expect that Uncle Ye would be the first to leave the cabin this time."

While the rapid development of human civilization promotes social progress, it also gives individuals a great sense of pride, as if human beings are a great existence in the entire galaxy.

Little do they know that danger is also hidden in it.

If we cannot have the ability to respond to emergencies, human civilization will disappear at its most glorious moment.

That is to say, the general public does not know about the invasion of extraterrestrial civilizations. Otherwise, I am afraid that many people will not be able to accept this huge gap and go to the other extreme. This is like being diagnosed with an incurable terminal disease at the most successful time in life.

It was precisely in order to avoid this kind of thing happening that Xu Lei, who was far away in Jingzhou City, did not pay too much attention to the joy of the outside world and focused all his energy on the construction of fusion power stations.

The two fusion power plants that Li Chengzhe was responsible for had already reached 70% of the initial construction progress. Therefore, even though some core scientific researchers were dispatched to Jingzhou City for support, they still took the lead in completing the final construction and successfully passed the operation tests and were put into use. .

Two fusion power stations that provide electricity for hundreds of millions of people have raised Xu Lei's influence value to eight million.

We are very close to unlocking the Science and Technology Museum.

As long as the Jingzhou Fusion Power Station is successfully put into use, its influence will exceed 10 million.

For this reason, after Li Chengzhe finished his mission, Xu Lei called him to Jingzhou City without saying a word, which accelerated the construction progress of the fusion power station in Jingzhou City again.

Of course, Li Chengzhe was very puzzled by Xu Lei's decision.

Under normal circumstances, after the project they are working on is completed, they should seamlessly proceed with the construction of fusion power stations in other regions. After all, there are still so many provinces queuing up.

As a result, resources must be concentrated in Jingzhou City.

It's really unreasonable.

What's more, the Jingzhou City Fusion Power Station is already under normal construction.

This left many people in charge in other regions scratching their heads. They didn't know what kind of bargaining chip Jingzhou City had given Future Technology to make Future Technology so interested.

However, Xu Lei did not provide any explanation for this situation. Although Li Chengzhe and others were confused, they had no choice but to act according to the order.

I am thinking of completing the construction of the Jingzhou fusion power station as soon as possible so that I can start new projects.

that's all.

Time enters September.

With the joint efforts of many parties, the Jingzhou Fusion Power Station was finally successfully completed.

Friday, September 7th.

White dew.

In the main control room of the Jingzhou Fusion Power Station, Xu Lei, Li Chengzhe and others were standing here, watching the data fed back on the screen.

Today is the day of the first operational test of the Jingzhou fusion power station. As long as everything goes as smoothly as the first three fusion power stations, Xu Lei can gain an influence of at least two million, and then meet the requirements for unlocking new exhibits.

Just as Xu Lei was looking forward to whether he could enter the upper space of the museum this time, Li Chengzhe's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Mr. Xu came here personally to take part in the test. Is there anything else you are worried about?"

"That's not true. I'm just going back to Binjiang City soon, so I might as well take a last look."

Facing Li Chengzhe's question, Xu Lei slowly turned his gaze, looked at the other person and said with a smile.

This fusion power station in Jingzhou City has used so many resources of the company, and even has the personal participation of Xu Lei and Li Chengzhe. Its performance will only be stronger than the other two, so there is no chance of any unexpected situations.

So whether Xu Lei comes to take the test or not, the final result is fixed.

That is complete success.

After hearing Xu Lei's answer, Li Chengzhe immediately lost interest and said nothing more.

Mainly because Xu Lei was so interested in the fusion power station in Jingzhou City, Li Chengzhe thought there was some special relationship between them.

But now it seems that is not the case.

After all, the fusion power station has just been built and Xu Lei is about to return to Binjiang City. He has no nostalgia for Jingzhou City at all, which shows that Jingzhou City is an ordinary city in his heart.

At least its status is completely incomparable to Binjiang City.

Since the things inside are too complicated and even beyond the scope of my own understanding, why bother thinking too much.

Anyway, for Li Chengzhe, as long as he can participate in nuclear fusion-related projects, he is too lazy to take care of the rest.

Because since he arrived in Jingzhou City, Xu Lei has basically handed over the main work of the fusion power station to him, so naturally he is also responsible for this operation test.

After talking to Xu Lei, he decisively gave instructions to the engineers in front of the operating table: "Let's get started, prepare to start the nuclear fusion device and record the operating status of each core component."

"turning on."

As a sonorous and powerful sound sounded in the main control room, the core fusion device of the power station was successfully ignited and started, and all the values ​​fed back were within the optimal range. There is no doubt that this was a successful test.

Xu Lei had long known that this would be the result, so he acted calmly at this time, and there was almost no change in expression on his face.

After so many days of hard work, he finally reaped the rewards, and he needed to return to Binjiang City as soon as possible.

But before leaving, he specifically confessed one thing to Li Chengzhe.

"Academician Li."

"I need to tell you something. The subsequent fusion power plant construction project should be temporarily suspended."

"Temporarily stop?"

Hearing these keywords, Li Chengzhe was stunned. He was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted and quickly asked: "I wonder why Mr. Xu wants to temporarily stop the fusion power station project, or is there something wrong with what I did? "

After Li Chengzhe participated in the construction of these fusion power plants, he could clearly feel that his level had improved rapidly.

He believes that it won't be long before he can break into a new world in the field of nuclear fusion.

This will help the Chinese Academy of Sciences to re-emerge.

It will not always become a green leaf to accompany future technology.

But now is the time for him to study and improve, but Xu Lei has to suspend the construction of the fusion power station. No wonder he suddenly became so excited.

Worried that Xu Lei would want him to return to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Fortunately, after hearing Xu Lei's explanation the next second, he was completely relieved.

"It's like this. I plan to give priority to manufacturing a batch of nuclear fusion power plant engines. This is related to the construction of the Mars military base and the improvement of equipment performance. The construction of the remaining fusion power stations will not be completed overnight. At this stage, it does not need to be too much. Too hasty."

Xu Lei naturally had his own considerations when making such a decision.

The emergence of extraterrestrial civilization gave him a sense of urgency from the bottom of his heart.

Currently, there is only one nuclear fusion power plant engine spacecraft that can fly to Mars, which will cause the construction of Mars military bases and monitoring stations to be very slow.

The only way to change this situation is to increase the number of nuclear fusion power devices manufactured to improve efficiency.

It’s time to proceed with what was originally promised to Yu Hongliang.

As for the interstellar battleship that allows humans to have space combat capabilities, it still needs to be carefully designed and Xingtong can build a suitable model. If it is built rashly, the probability of failure is too high.

The putting into operation of four fusion power stations has greatly eased the pressure on the domestic energy structure. In addition, it will be relatively more difficult to build fusion power stations in the remaining areas. Postponing it temporarily is the best way.

You must know that in order to gain enough influence as quickly as possible, the manufacturing of nuclear fusion power devices was also delayed in this way.

Only this time the two have reversed.

After Li Chengzhe learned that Xu Lei was not kicking him out, but was preparing to start a new project, he immediately put his heart back in his stomach. Anyway, as long as he was conducting research related to nuclear fusion, he had no objection.

"I understand, Mr. Xu. I will return to Binjiang City as soon as the matter here is settled."


After handling this matter, Xu Lei did not stay too much in the main control room. He declined invitations to the celebration banquet of some leaders in Jingzhou City, and left for Binjiang City on the same day.

Because Li Chengzhe and others have to guard the fusion power station for a period of time to ensure that it can continue to operate stably, it will take a few days before they can return.

Facts have proved that Xu Lei's judgment was not wrong. As the Jingzhou Fusion Power Station began to provide electric energy to the entire province, Xu Lei's influence finally exceeded 10 million points. Finally, waiting for this historic moment, Xu Lei was excited. Before returning to Binjiang City, I couldn't wait to control my consciousness and entered the hall of the Science and Technology Museum on the road.

At this time, Xu Lei was still not sure whether the upper space of the museum had been unlocked, but after seeing that a new exhibition stand had appeared in the hall, he still took a step towards it.

"I hope the exhibits unlocked this time can help human civilization and successfully resist the invasion of extraterrestrial civilizations."

He came closer and whispered this to himself, then decisively stretched out his right hand and touched the empty information screen next to the booth.

In fact, Xu Lei also knew in his heart that with the exhibits from the zero-level and first-level civilizations in the museum hall, it is probably not enough to deal with the extraterrestrial civilization that breaks into the solar system at any time. After all, if the other party can cross the star system, it has probably reached the second-level civilization. .

But in this situation, manpower seems small and helpless, and he can only rely on the Science and Technology Museum to bring him surprises.

Thanks to book friend 20191228142552255 for the 200-point reward!

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