My science and technology museum

Chapter 321 Target Jupiter

Xu Lei sat down on the main seat under everyone's gaze. After looking around, he immediately waved his hands and said, "Everyone, please sit down. Don't be too formal. Just treat it as an ordinary meeting."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw everyone sitting down neatly again.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the most comprehensive core meeting of the company.

In addition to Lu Hongbo, Hange, Zhang Xia, Liang Fuxing, Jia Zhongjie and others who are responsible for the company's various businesses, Fang Yuan, Song Jie from Magic Star Game Studio and Zhao Lijiang, Qin Xiaoman from Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital all came to attend the meeting. In addition, there are more than ten scientists including Hu Xinren from the research center, Gu Sanlin from the research center and Li Chengzhe from the institute.

The only slight regret is that Pei Hongyin, deputy director of the research center and institute, did not participate.

After all, the other party has completely retired due to age and is enjoying his old age, so there is no need to attend meetings like the company.

But if you want to know what the meeting is about, it’s totally fine.

He has this authority.

You must know that Future Technology is not the kind of technology company that betrays its promises and forgets its roots.

As the meeting officially began, considering that the company's products had been temporarily suspended due to the production of biological dormancy chambers, Xu Lei did not ask about the company's affairs first, but turned his attention to Hu Xinren first.

"Professor Hu, how many biological dormancy chambers has the company produced so far?"

"As of yesterday, there were 800 million units of finished products, and all major smart production lines are still running non-stop." Seeing that he was named first, Hu Xinren quickly responded. He obviously knew that Xu Lei might ask about the biological dormancy cabin at the meeting. , detailed preparations were made in advance.

Listening to this number, Xu Lei nodded secretly.

It is now more than a year before Pluto reaches the Earth. According to this production rate, there is no problem in completing the goal of one billion units by then.

Facts have proved that Hu Xinren's original judgment was indeed correct.

It is also worth mentioning that Xu Lei’s current influence has reached 45 million.

In addition to providing part of the construction of fusion power stations at home and abroad, as well as the service of new star battleships, of course the biggest problem is the biological dormancy chambers with a number of up to 800 million.

In a way, Xu Lei actually has to thank Pluto. Otherwise, even if the biological dormant cabins could be manufactured, they would never be able to reach this quantity, let alone bring him so much influence.

It's just that Xu Lei's energy is currently on Pluto, and he has not found a suitable technological exhibit, so his influence has not been used yet.

As for the exhibits in the hall space unlocked by reaching 10 million points in the biological dormant cabin, Xu Lei temporarily forgot about them because they were of no use in the current situation.

I thought I would study it after the Pluto incident was over.

Having a detailed grasp of the number of biological dormancy chambers, Xu Lei nodded to Hu Xinren, and then said: "Although the impact plan for Pluto will be implemented next month, the planetary defense orbit and underground dormancy base projects must not Whenever we fall, we must be fully prepared.”

"Don't worry, boss, the underground dormancy base in Binjiang City has been basically completed, and the biological dormancy cabins stored are enough to meet the original demand." Jia Zhongjie, who was sitting next to him, heard Xu Lei mention the underground dormancy base and took it. Huantu responded.

As a company veteran, Jia Zhongjie has never been idle.

In the past, he was responsible for all aspects of Xingyuan's business, and he had a strong sense of satisfaction.

But since the company was fully committed to solving the Pluto crisis and all production lines were used to manufacture biological dormancy chambers, he seemed bored.

In this situation, he wanted to do his part, so he often went to Liu Gaowen to help.

The construction progress of the dormant underground base in Binjiang City is naturally clear.

Xu Lei also knew about Jia Zhongjie's matter, and of course he would not doubt what he said, not to mention that Liu Gaowen had already reported on the progress of the underground dormant base in Binjiang City.

"Well, I feel relieved to have you in charge." Xu Lei nodded, affirming Jia Zhongjie's words.

In the following time, Xu Lei gave a few more instructions to everyone, asking them to continue to perfect the next two steps of the plan after he went to Jupiter.

Never put all your hopes on space weapons.

Naturally, no one would have any objections to this. After all, it has been proven many times that listening to Xu Lei's words is absolutely correct.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Just when Xu Lei was about to end the meeting like this so that he could prepare for his trip to Jupiter, Li Chengzhe's voice rang out in the conference room: "Dean, is there something I want you to agree to?"

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it first." Xu Lei slowly raised his gaze and asked.

Seeing that Xu Lei did not refuse his request, Li Chengzhe quickly added: "That's it, Dean. I want to participate in this impact operation and escort the space kinetic energy weapons to Jupiter with you."

"After all, we are responsible for manufacturing those space kinetic energy weapons, and I know them best." Perhaps because he was worried that Xu Lei would disagree, he added another sentence as soon as he finished speaking.

Xu Lei was not surprised to hear that Li Chengzhe was going to Jupiter with him.

After all, this kind of thing is still very attractive to men.

However, whether or not to agree requires careful consideration.

First of all, after Li Chengzhe completed the manufacturing of ten space kinetic energy weapons, he seamlessly participated in the manufacturing of the Yas, the third interstellar battleship of human civilization. The current construction period is in progress, but this does not mean that it cannot operate without Li Chengzhe.

And as Li Chengzhe himself said, as the main person in charge of manufacturing space kinetic energy weapons, he undoubtedly knows more about them.

Let Li Chengzhe participate in this mission together, and if there is an emergency, there may be a chance to solve it.

You must know that the distance from the Earth to Jupiter is not comparable to that of Mars. No one knows what will happen during the two-month flight. Although a total of ten Taishan space kinetic energy weapons have been prepared this time, one is a spare. , but facing the menacing Pluto, there is no doubt that having an additional space kinetic energy weapon will make us more confident.

This requires ensuring that none of them have problems.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei immediately made a decision, and then said in front of everyone: "Well, you first prepare to go to Jupiter with me on the Shenzhou in a few days."

"No problem, Dean." Li Chengzhe had a clear idea and his face was filled with joy.

But Li Chengzhe's request successfully opened up everyone's thinking, and then everyone including Lu Hongbo asked to go to Jupiter together.

Of course Xu Lei rejected all of these.

In any case, the main purpose of taking the interstellar battleship to Jupiter this time is to help space kinetic energy weapons clear obstacles on the way forward and ensure that they can always maintain the highest speed. The entire mission is not only crucial but also cannot make any mistakes. It is not coming here Interstellar travel.

Fortunately, everyone said it casually. Although they were a little regretful after being rejected, no one said anything.

At this point, the meeting is officially over, and Xu Lei will not be seen in public in the next few days. He will actively prepare for the space operation in a few days.

at the same time.

After the Human Security Alliance officially announced its plan to launch operations on Pluto, it immediately caused an uproar across the entire network.

Especially when the public learned that the entire operation would be broadcast live, they became even more excited.

In the past few years, live broadcasts about the manufacturing of space kinetic energy weapons have never stopped, until the last space kinetic energy weapon was completed not long ago.

It can be said that everyone is already familiar with the state of watching live broadcasts on a daily basis.

Even if you don't look at it, come in and take a look.

After the live broadcast these days, I always feel empty in my heart.

Fortunately, not only is a new live broadcast about to begin, but an official action against Pluto is also about to begin. This is definitely a huge step forward for human civilization.

Ever since Pluto appeared, it has been like a huge shadow that has always shrouded everyone's mind. When watching the live broadcast, more than once I imagined in my mind the scene of Pluto being knocked away by its own kinetic energy weapon.

Now we have finally waited for this day.

Crucially, this action is also related to the fate of human civilization.

If the mission fails, the planetary defense railgun deployed on Mars alone may not be enough to completely destroy Pluto.

There will inevitably be greater panic by then.

But most people are still confident in this operation, believing that with the help of ten space kinetic energy weapons, Pluto can definitely be knocked away from its original flight orbit.

Even if it is not captured by Jupiter, it will certainly no longer be able to threaten Earth.

Under the content of relevant platform websites, you can see a large number of excited comments from users.

"We have finally waited for this day. This time we must let Pluto see the power of our human civilization."

"I have watched the live broadcast for several years in a row. Being able to see such a shocking scene, I should have nothing to regret in this life."

"This time we have the impact of ten space kinetic energy weapons. We can definitely knock Pluto out of its original flight orbit. It is best for it to become a satellite of Jupiter forever."

"Is the threat from Pluton finally over?"

"I have looked forward to this day more than once. History will prove that nothing can stop the rise of human civilization."

"I hope it will succeed. If this operation fails, I can't even imagine what Earth and Star will look like."

"With Congressman Xu personally directing the operation, I think there will be absolutely no problem."

"Don't worry, everyone, don't forget that we also have planetary defense orbital guns deployed on Mars. Even if Pluto cannot be destroyed, it can be broken into countless pieces, and the impact on the Earth will be greatly reduced."

Monday, February 4th.

beginning of spring.

As the new global live broadcast began, with the common attention of billions of people around the world, Xu Lei and others entered the Shenzhou on a landing ship.

At the same time, ten space kinetic energy weapons that have been parked outside the shipyard are also ready for use.

"Reporting to captain, the final calibration of the space kinetic energy weapon has been completed and is waiting for launch."

In the core control command module of the Shenzhou, Xu Lei, who was temporarily serving as the acting captain, did not respond immediately after hearing the crew's report. Instead, he paid close attention to the time on the main screen.

Make sure that the entire process is in accordance with Xingtong's calculations.

As for Li Chengzhe and Xingtong Robot, who also followed Xu Lei aboard the battleship, they stood silently behind Xu Lei, so nervous that they couldn't help but hold their breath.

When the scheduled time came, Xu Lei immediately issued the launch order:

"Activate all space kinetic weapons."

"Target Jupiter!"

The ten space kinetic energy weapons had undergone comprehensive testing before departure, so there would naturally be no problems during the startup process. When the command procedure was officially issued, thirty nuclear fusion power engines were immediately seen emitting a faint blue light, and from the engine A large number of high-energy particles are ejected to push the main body forward quickly.

In just over ten seconds, it accelerated to a very terrifying level and disappeared from sight in an instant.

The signal can only be captured via battleship radar.

Seeing this scene, Xu Lei then issued an order to increase the power of the Shenzhou's engine and chased the ten space kinetic energy weapons.

Another ship, the Future, which had just been in service for a short time, followed closely behind.

Because the flying speed of Taishan's space kinetic energy weapon is slower than that of a star battleship, there is no need to worry about being lost. After all, we have to help clear obstacles in front of us on the road.

There is also the issue of live streaming.

After leaving the space shipyard, the global audience can only watch the synchronized view of the star battleship.

However, after noticing the space kinetic energy weapon signal displayed above, the mood was still relatively high. This mood was like seeing off the soldiers who went to battle to kill the enemy and waiting for their triumphant return.

The live broadcast room was filled with comments of everyone's good expectations.

"Once you go, you will never come back."

"After all, I watched them being created bit by bit with my own eyes, and now I'm a bit reluctant to hit Pluto."

"I'm so relieved!"

"Humanity will win this battle!"

"Everyone, just watch. Soon Pluto will fly out of its original orbit."

"God bless, but it must succeed."

"The only thing that can protect us is future technology. Who is God?"

"The flight status of Pluto is normal. It will reach the orbit of Jupiter in about two months. Judging from the existing data, the probability of being captured by Jupiter's gravity is low." At this time, in the core control module of the Shenzhou, wearing a blue Li Chengzhe, who was in the cabin service, brought up the Pluto observation screen and reported the relevant situation to Xu Lei.

Of course, Xu Lei has long been aware of this.

Pluto's flight path changed due to Neptune's gravity from the Kuiper Belt, so that it flew towards the Earth.

After passing through the two planets Uranus and Saturn, its own speed has increased a lot, which is enough to escape the gravity of Jupiter.

Therefore, it is impossible to expect Jupiter to solve Pluto.

Only with the help of external forces.

As long as Taishan's space kinetic energy weapon knocks Pluto towards Jupiter, then both will be captured by Jupiter's gravity and become a special Jupiter satellite.

If you don't have strong motivation, you can't get rid of it at all.

With his thoughts stuck here, Xu Lei couldn't help but sneered: "Our traditional virtue is to help others. This time we will help Pluto and find a good home for it."

The words just fell.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, where is the future?"

"Currently, the Future is flying in parallel with us, and they are all escorting behind the kinetic energy weapons in space." When Li Chengzhe heard Xu Lei asking about the Future, he quickly answered, his words very decisive and without any hesitation.

After hearing this, Xu Lei frowned slightly: "Let the Future be responsible for opening the road, and then leave it to us."

Although the space radar of the star battleship can monitor the surroundings at a very long distance, it always feels a bit dangerous for the two battleships to follow the kinetic energy weapons in space. After all, the environment in space is very complex and changeable, and some celestial bodies can even rely on cosmic energy rays to avoid them. Scanning, if accidentally encountered by a space kinetic energy weapon, this mission will inevitably be affected.

It is undoubtedly safer to use front and rear guards.

This is also the reason why humanity’s only two interstellar battleships were sent to this mission.

Li Chengzhe will definitely not have any objection to Xu Lei's instructions, not to mention that it does make sense.

"I'll make arrangements right away." Then he nodded and immediately contacted the Future: "Shenzhou called, ordering the Future to accelerate beyond the space kinetic energy weapons and clear all obstacles ahead."

"Future understands."

Although Xu Lei considers himself the acting captain of the Shenzhou this time, he is still the commander-in-chief of the mission to impact Pluto.

Plus his status as a member of the Human Security Alliance.

Everyone must obey orders unconditionally, otherwise they will commit a crime endangering human security.

Have the right to deal with it on the spot.

Therefore, in the face of this order, the Future No. naturally did not dare to slack off and immediately increased the engine power to increase the flight speed.

Speaking of which, the captain of the Future was selected by Yu Hongliang, and many of the crew members were selected and trained from his base, with only a small portion being overseas crew members.

Although when the Future was officially commissioned, Senator Enoch was still a little dissatisfied with one of his men not becoming the captain, but on the surface he did not dare to say anything more. After all, the name of the Future star battleship alone speaks volumes. .

Since Xu Lei deliberately named it after his company, how could he let overseas personnel control it?

However, in order to take care of the feelings of overseas forces, the third Yas currently being built will appoint overseas personnel as captain in the future.

In fact, the position of captain does not mean anything, let alone whoever becomes captain will have complete control of the battleship. As long as the brain of Xingtong is there, there will be no unexpected situations.

When the interstellar battleship was manufactured, the intelligent system used was a simplified version of Star Pupil.

When the order was conveyed to the Future, under the monitoring of the Shenzhou space exploration radar, the speed of the Future increased rapidly.

It soon surpassed the space kinetic energy weapons in flight.

Unlike the original Shenzhou, the Future was fully tested before it was officially put into service, which also included testing of the weapon system.

Mainly with the improvement of the space shipyard, there is no need to adopt the method of ground manufacturing and space docking.

Many things will become much more convenient.

Therefore, after the Future discovered that there were meteorites and other small celestial bodies that might act as obstacles in the airspace ahead, it directly started the attack mode, using heavy rail guns and space torpedoes to completely clear the obstacles to ensure that the space kinetic energy weapons and Shenzhou behind it could pass smoothly.

It even includes humanity’s own abandoned spacecraft and satellites.

If they float in space for too long, they become so-called space junk, posing a greater threat.

It will take at least two months for space kinetic energy weapons to reach Jupiter. The live broadcast of the entire process is undoubtedly very boring.

Considering the audience's viewing experience, Xu Lei later specifically asked Xingtong to change the live broadcast screen to the Future, so that everyone could more clearly see the power of the battleship's main and secondary weapons.

Don't even say it.

Everyone saw the invincible momentum of the Future and felt very proud.

The number of barrages in the live broadcast room has increased significantly.


"I didn't expect the power of space torpedoes to be so amazing."

"It's really spectacular."

"I feel like I'm watching an interstellar movie."

"This is just an appetizer at best. It will be exciting when it collides with Pluto."

"I feel that the overall performance of the Future is not inferior to the Shenzhou at all."

While on a battleship, although it is impossible to rely on changes in the environment to judge the time, in order to protect the health of the crew, they will still rest according to their normal schedule.

For this reason, after eating in the evening, Xu Lei returned to the rest cabin to sleep.

Nowadays, Xu Lei is no longer the twenty-year-old young man he once was. His physical fitness has declined a lot. In addition, the burden on his body from his brain has caused him to sleep longer than others every day, and he must avoid using his brain for a long time. over.

Like a patient who is not a patient.

Although Xu Lei is very dissatisfied with his current situation, this is the fact.

Before finding a suitable solution, we can only try our best to cultivate and pay attention to the changes in the body.

However, with Xingtong's mechanical body, it can observe the flight status of Pluto 24 hours a day, so there is no need to worry about anything happening.

Since human civilization has invested a lot of resources on Mars in recent years, warships often travel in the waterway from Earth to Mars. The basic environment is very clear. Now, there will be no problems if we go back to the old path. Almost It took Shenzhou and Future three days to reach the vicinity of Mars.

This morning, Xu Lei had just finished washing and walked from the rest cabin to the core control cabin when he saw Li Chengzhe and the Xingtong mechanical body here.

And a familiar figure was displayed on the screen.

It was Ye Junmin.

Relying on his rich experience and contributions, after the Mars military base was officially built, Ye Junmin was also appointed by the alliance as the person in charge of the base.

He is responsible for everything on the base.

Although it has a lot of power, the price is that it needs to be stationed on Mars for a long time.

It has become difficult to return to Earth.

He must also be aware of the news that the Human Security Alliance will carry out an impact plan on Pluto.

Knowing that this action is related to the future of the entire human civilization.

In addition, he and Xu Lei had a good relationship, so when the interstellar battleship entered the range of Mars, he took the initiative to join the signal and say hello.

"This is a Martian military base."

"Welcome you all."

"The head of the base, Ye Junmin, wishes you a successful completion of your mission and a triumphant return!"

"Shenzhou received it, we will definitely complete the task and not let everyone down." Li Chengzhe, who was sitting in front of the operation desk, responded specifically to the greetings sent by Ye Junmin.

The next second, the same words sounded in the communicator, obviously coming from the Future.

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