Xu Lei was not attracted by the conversation between Li Chengzhe and Ye Junmin. Instead, he couldn't help but stare at the planetary defense orbital gun deployed in the orbit of Mars in the picture. It just looked full of shocking momentum.

Li Chengzhe obviously noticed this at this time. After ending the call with Ye Junmin, he quickly interjected: "There are currently five planetary defense orbital guns deployed in the orbit of Mars. In addition to being able to easily destroy objects entering Mars, they are also An important combat force of the Mars military base."

Xu Lei basically knew everything Li Chengzhe said.

It is clear that two military industry experts, Sunan and Zhao Jingbin, have put in a lot of effort in the construction of the planetary defense orbital gun project.

Otherwise Mars would never have had this kind of space power.

It is no exaggeration to say that based on the force value of the Mars military base alone, even if there are a small number of extraterrestrial civilization warships, they can still be shot down and they will never penetrate the defense line of Mars.

But it is a bit regrettable that as of today, only five planetary defense orbital guns have been manufactured.

And all are deployed in orbit around Mars.

Mainly, Mars is a special barrier for the Earth and the Star. If a space battle breaks out in the future, it will definitely not take place near the Earth and the Star. Therefore, protecting the safety of Mars is also protecting the Earth and the Star.

But after a slight hesitation, Xu Lei explained one more sentence with a serious face.

"The planetary defense orbital gun is our back-up to deal with the Pluto crisis, and it has far-reaching significance. Regardless of whether the impact mission is successful or not, the manufacturing of the planetary defense orbital gun cannot be stopped."

"Don't worry, Captain, the institute also attaches great importance to planetary defense orbital guns." Li Chengzhe assured.

This time, because their target was not Mars, they did not choose to stay or slow down, and still escorted the space kinetic energy weapons to Jupiter.

With two interstellar battleships escorting the whole journey, the flight of ten space kinetic energy weapons went very smoothly.

During this period, the flight angle was optimized under the control of Xingtong to ensure that it could hit Pluto 100% and maximize the advantages of space kinetic energy weapons.

However, a problem arises.

Because the space travel in the middle was too boring, Xu Lei felt like he had nothing to do.

After all, even if it encounters an obstacle, the Future flying in front will clear it immediately, and there is no need for the Shenzhou to take action.

For this reason, Xu Lei even took the initiative to experience the life of an anchor for a few days.

I want to pass the time with the audience in the live broadcast room.

It's a pity that he underestimated the size of the audience.

As a live broadcast room where global audiences gather, and it also broadcasts exciting scenes related to the future of mankind such as the collision with Pluto, it can be said that the number of people online in the live broadcast room at any time exceeds 500 million.

You can think about what will happen when they see Xu Lei appear in the live broadcast room.

It completely exploded on the spot.

Even though the live broadcast signal was transmitted through a quantum relay station, there was a delay of several seconds or even lag due to the rapid refresh of massive barrages.

In addition, the questions asked by the audience were all kinds of strange, and they were even very interested in Xu Lei's personal life. In the end, Xu Lei couldn't bear it anymore and had to pull Xing Tong's mechanical body over to replace him. As for himself, he simply chose to lie down in biological hibernation. in the cabin.

Set yourself a time to wake up automatically after two months.


Warships have long been equipped with sleeping cabins.

In fact, the main purpose of the dormant cabin is to prepare crew members for long-term interstellar voyages.

In this way, the crew can directly spend the long flight time with the help of biological dormancy cabin, avoiding various psychological factors.

Otherwise, if you really have to stay on the ship in a normal living condition for several years or even more than ten years, even the best crew members will suffer mental breakdown to varying degrees.

Seriously affects the overall combat capability of the warship.

It is to avoid this situation that the biological dormancy chamber was specially developed.

Although Xu Lei created the biological dormancy cabin mainly for the underground dormancy base, there is no problem in equipping the two warships. At least it can help the crew adjust their psychological problems well.

In addition, using the biological hibernation chamber, his brain will almost fall into a deep sleep state, which greatly reduces the impact and loss on the body.

There are just benefits.

Who wouldn't like being able to reach Jupiter just by sleeping?

However, before entering the dormant cabin to sleep, Xu Lei also specifically told Xing Tong that if no special circumstances occurred, he must not be woken up temporarily.

Although this kind of active awakening from the outside world will not affect physical health, I believe no one wants to be pulled up by others while sleeping.

that's all.

With Xingtong and Li Chengzhe responsible for the operation of battleships and kinetic energy weapons, Xu Lei slept peacefully for two months.

"Is this the effect of the bio-sleep cabin? Sure enough, there is no physical discomfort, but it is indeed easy to dream." As the bio-sleep cabin automatically opened at the preset time, Xu Lei felt that his physical condition was similar to what Song Le said at the beginning. There was no difference, but when he tried to recall the dream, he couldn't remember it at all.

Of course, he didn't invest much time in researching this situation.

Then forget about it.

Noticing Xing Tong walking towards him, he quickly asked: "What time is it now? How long will it be until the kinetic energy weapon collides with Pluto?"

"Today is April 7th. According to calculations, space kinetic energy weapons and Pluto will collide tomorrow." Faced with Xu Lei's inquiry, Xingtong did not dare to hesitate and answered quickly.

Hearing this, Xu Lei immediately straightened up his face: "It seems that I woke up at the right time!"

After saying that, he put on his blue uniform and walked towards the core command and control module.

"Captain, you're awake." Li Chengzhe, who was still busy at the console, said hello immediately after seeing Xu Lei.

"Well, you have worked hard these past two months." Xu Lei nodded to Li Chengzhe and walked over to understand the current situation: "What is the current situation of the space kinetic energy weapons? Does it meet the conditions for a formal collision with Pluto tomorrow?"

"After these two months of acceleration, the flight speed of our space kinetic energy weapon has reached one thousandth of the speed of light. The force brought by the impact will definitely be able to push Pluto out of orbit." Li Chengzhe said this and his face immediately showed There was obvious excitement and excitement, and it was obvious that he already had a plan in mind for tomorrow's task.

After listening to these reports, Xu Lei felt completely relaxed.

Knowing that with Li Chengzhe and Xingtong around, there would definitely be no problems.

"That's good, let the Future escape from escort." Then such an order was issued without any hesitation.

The Future escorts in front of space kinetic energy weapons, mainly to clear possible obstacles and ensure that space kinetic energy weapons will not be affected by celestial bodies.

Now that the space kinetic energy weapon has successfully completed its acceleration and is about to collide with Pluto, the Future Star Battleship naturally has no reason to continue escorting it and needs to withdraw from the range of Jupiter's gravity in advance.

Even the Shenzhou had to temporarily stop flying and choose to park in place.

After all, ten extremely fast space kinetic energy weapons are colliding with an asteroid with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers. The energy caused by that time may be enough to be described as an earth explosion.

Its power can be imagined.

Although the Shenzhou and the Future are heavy cruisers, their defenses are not bad despite their strong combat capabilities.

But the armor may not be able to withstand the impact of the impact.

Especially the meteorite fragments that were shattered by the impact of Pluto. If it really caused damage to the battleship, the loss would be huge.

It's totally worth the loss.

It’s better to stay away as early as possible and silently focus on the final results.

Anyway, when the situation has progressed to this point, the outcome can be said to have been predetermined. No one can change anything. As for whether it will succeed in the end, it depends on God's will.

Li Chengzhe naturally understood the meaning of Xu Lei's order, so he immediately conveyed the order to the Future.

At the same time, control the Shenzhou so that its flight speed begins to slowly decrease.

But I don’t know if there is a feeling of cowardice in the hometown. The closer the date of the collision is, the more worried Li Chengzhe is. I always feel that this mission may not be too smooth and may have a result that all mankind cannot accept. .

In order to eliminate this worry, he could only try to reassure himself from Xu Lei.

With his mind running, he finally couldn't help but ask: "Captain, do you think we can succeed tomorrow?"

Although Xu Lei didn't know why Li Chengzhe suddenly asked about such a thing, he didn't think much about it and just told his opinion truthfully.

"Maybe, I'm not 100% sure."

"But we have put so much effort and sweat into manufacturing these ten space kinetic energy weapons, and concentrated global resources to complete it on time. If we cannot solve the Pluto crisis, how will we face the public?" Li Chengzhe obviously couldn't accept this answer for the moment, and subconsciously He raised his own questions.

The main reason is that he has always had great trust and admiration for Xu Lei.

I believe that as long as Xu Lei does something, there will never be a time when it will fail.

So when he learned that Xu Lei proposed space kinetic energy weapons and was willing to pay a huge price for it, he firmly believed that this method could definitely solve the Pluto crisis.

But what people didn't expect was that just before the mission was officially carried out, Xu Lei said that he was not 100% sure.

This makes the results confusing.

Fortunately, the audience in the live broadcast room only saw the view of the battleship and could not hear the exchanges in the core command and control room. Otherwise, they would definitely be shocked. After all, the most taboo thing before the war was to let others' ambitions destroy one's own prestige.

As for Li Chengzhe's last words, Xu Lei just uttered a few words: "We will do our best to obey God's will. We have already done what we need to do, and it depends on God's will next."

Just after saying this, he seemed not to want to dampen Li Chengzhe's enthusiasm too much, so as not to affect tomorrow's impact mission, so he added: "But we still have the two guarantees of the planetary defense orbital gun and the underground dormant base. I believe Human civilization will ultimately be invincible.”

"I know how to be a captain." Li Chengzhe's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard these words, and then he nodded heavily.

Yes, future technology has made more than one preparation to deal with the crisis on Pluto.

So what if it fails this time?

Besides, ten space kinetic energy weapons were used, and Li Chengzhe really didn't know how to escape Pluto.

at the same time.

After the exact time of the impact was announced in the live broadcast room, the emotions of the audience were once again aroused, and they all expressed their anticipation for this scene.

All mankind is concerned.

Its barrage refresh speed has been pushed to a new level.

"The big one is coming."

"Whether we can solve the threat of Pluto depends on tomorrow."

"No one is allowed to sleep tonight."

"Earth Explosion Sky Star."

"My live broadcast actually got stuck. This is the first time in many years."

"Humans are awesome!"

As the audience in the live broadcast room said, facing such exciting things, it is basically difficult to fall asleep at night.

So even though the earth-star time has reached late at night, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has not decreased much. Everyone wants to see the space kinetic energy weapon successfully hit Pluto with their own eyes.

The next day.

Xu Lei, Li Chengzhe and the crew members finished their meals early and arrived at their respective posts.

Strictly monitor the flight status of Pluto and space kinetic energy weapons.

To prevent accidental impact on the task at this time.

According to the calculation results given by Xingtong, the space kinetic energy weapon will collide with Pluto at around 10 a.m. Earth-Star time. The collision location is near the orbit of Jupiter. It can be said that the countdown to the final battle has begun.

Whether human civilization successfully escapes the crisis on Pluto or makes the situation more complicated depends on this shocking collision.

At this time, Shenzhou and Future were parked side by side in an area slightly farther from Jupiter, using monitoring equipment on space kinetic energy weapons and specially released detectors to pay attention to the results of this impact.

"Report to Captain."

"The countdown to the collision time has entered one hour, and the entire ship has entered a first-level alert state."

In the core command and control cabin, as Li Chengzhe shouted these words calmly, a countdown suddenly appeared on the main screen.

The beating numbers were like a sledgehammer, hitting Xu Lei's heart very frequently.

The whole person became nervous involuntarily.

To be honest, although space kinetic energy weapons were his plan to deal with the Pluto crisis, it was impossible to judge what the consequences of this collision would be.

With his heart beating faster, Xu Lei subconsciously asked Xing Tong beside him: "Are you sure there is no problem? Can the collision be accurate?"

The diameter of Pluto is more than 20 kilometers. This size is indeed not small on the Earth. But in the infinite space, it is no different from a small meteorite. If the flight trajectories of the two cannot be accurately calculated, You may miss it.

We must know that the reason why space kinetic energy weapons can knock Pluto out of its original orbit is that in addition to its own power, the acceleration brought by the two-month flight is equally important. If the direction is changed by then, even if it can catch up with Pluto, There will no longer be any effect, so there is only one chance for these ten space kinetic energy weapons.

When faced with questions about the data, Xingtong gave a very formal answer.

"The calculation results are correct."

Compared with the traditional calculation methods of scientists, Xu Lei undoubtedly believes in Xingtong more.

Now that everything has been said, there is no need to worry about anything else.

Looking at the fast approaching Pluto and space kinetic energy weapons on the screen, Xu Lei had many uncontrollable thoughts in his mind: "Could the crisis brought by Pluto really be solved like this? I The other two layers of protection are not needed at all?"

But he quickly cleared similar thoughts from his mind.

Because regardless of whether the planetary defense orbital guns and underground dormant bases can be used, if space kinetic energy weapons can directly solve the crisis on Pluto, it will be a great event for human civilization.

It is worth remembering today.

Let countless future generations know what our ancestors have done to realize the rise of human civilization.

Under the gaze of a global audience, one hour passed quickly. With the help of the detector's camera, people could clearly see Pluto and space kinetic energy weapons.

At this time, Pluto's figure continued to expand in the picture, and it looked indeed very intimidating.

It is unimaginable what kind of environmental changes it would bring if such an asteroid with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers collided with the Earth and the planet.

I'm afraid not to mention humans, all species on Earth will become extinct.

There is no guarantee whether it will be able to give birth to life in the future.

Of course, the Taishan space kinetic energy weapons produced by the Space Shipbuilding Factory are not vegetarian.

Ten space kinetic energy weapons are like ten giant dragons soaring in the galaxy, carrying a fierce and indomitable momentum towards Pluto.

Relying on Xingtong's precise calculations and flight route optimization, all ten space kinetic energy weapons finally hit the surface of Pluto, and the metal body equipped with armor sank directly into Pluto, causing violent explosions and energy impacts.

Almost instantly, the perspective of the space kinetic energy weapon was disconnected.

With the perspective of the detector, you can see that Pluto was fragmented, because the impact peeled off a large number of meteorite fragments from the main body.

Two of the detectors were scrapped and turned into space junk on the spot after being hit by meteorite fragments.

Fortunately, Xu Lei had the foresight to order the Shenzhou and the Future to evacuate the area in advance. Otherwise, if they were to be attacked by meteorite fragments flying at high speed due to the explosion, the outer armor of the battleship would not be able to withstand it.

It is not known how long the delay will be, not to mention that a maintenance ship will need to be dispatched to repair it.

As for the moment when Pluto collided with ten space kinetic energy weapons, the huge body paused for a moment, and then quickly fell towards Jupiter.

no doubt.

This time the impact was successful.

And it was still a great success, successfully solving the Pluto crisis.

Pluto does not have its own power. Now that it is so close to Jupiter, it will be captured by Jupiter and become a new satellite.

At this point, Earth Star will no longer face any threats.

Seeing such a scene, all the crew members on the Shenzhou Future also stood up and cheered, applauding to celebrate what they considered a success.

"It worked, we made it."

"Pluto broke away from its original flight orbit due to the impact of Taishan's space kinetic energy weapon. This was completely within our plan, which is really great."

"Human civilization has finally escaped the threat of Pluto."

"Captain, have you seen that our efforts have not been in vain?"

In the core command and control module of the Shenzhou, Xu Lei listened to the cheers of the crew members around him and Li Chengzhe's words. His tense heart completely relaxed and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

However, he was not carried away by the joy and remained calm.

Then he ordered Li Chengzhe: "Continue to observe the position information of Pluto to ensure that it becomes a satellite of Jupiter."

"It's Captain."

Seeing the success of this impact mission, Li Chengzhe was also extremely excited. His whole body seemed to be vibrated, and he immediately executed the new order after receiving it.

After all, although Pluto has deviated from its orbit, if it is not captured by Jupiter and becomes a satellite, staying here will always be a hidden danger.

Measures will then be taken to forcibly destroy it.

After all, although the impact just now caused a lot of fragments on the surface of Pluto, it was nothing compared to the volume of more than 20 kilometers.

As for the live broadcast room, it was a complete explosion, and everyone was immersed in this atmosphere of joy.

Countless people around the world shed tears of excitement in front of the holographic screen, expressing their feelings through barrage and praising the personnel responsible for the mission.

"I really cried this time, I was so touched."

"Who says otherwise? We have been working hard for several years to solve this Pluto."

"Thankfully everything has settled."

"Humanity succeeded in defeating Pluto, I knew it would be like this."

"I have a feeling that soon we will be individuals of a second-level civilization."

"We succeeded."

"The impact scene just now was really shocking. The human body seems so weak under this kind of force."

"The successful solution to the Pluto crisis can only be attributed to Senator Xu's development of space kinetic energy weapons. He is the hero of our entire human civilization."

But what no one expected was that while everyone was still immersed in this joy, an accident suddenly happened, and it immediately attracted the attention of the personnel on the Shenzhou who were monitoring the status of Pluto.

"Report to captain, Pluto... Pluto has escaped from Jupiter's gravity!"

Almost as soon as the sailor's voice rang out, everyone's attention was immediately drawn.

Especially Xu Lei's expression changed slightly.

Everyone understands what will happen if Pluto is knocked into the gravitational area of ​​Jupiter. Even if it cannot become a satellite, it will still move on an irregular flight path, but it will only be within the range of Jupiter's gravity. It is absolutely impossible to escape from Jupiter's gravity on its own. .

Not to mention how long ago Pluto was hit.

It is unrealistic to escape gravity from any aspect.

But when Xu Lei, Li Chengzhe and the others saw the images from the detector with their own eyes, their expressions suddenly froze on their faces.

Because at this moment Pluto seems to be equipped with a super large nuclear fusion power engine, which just helps it to get rid of Jupiter's gravity, and adjusts the angle to continue flying towards the earth star.

Even with the help of this strange power, the flying speed is faster than before.

In other words, they worked hard for so long to successfully create ten space kinetic energy weapons, but in the end they had no effect at all.

On the contrary, it makes it faster.

Xu Lei did think that this operation might fail, but it was impossible to consider this situation. It completely subverted his previous understanding.

Originally, he thought Pluto was just an ordinary asteroid that escaped from the Kuiper Belt, but now it seems that it is a super-large kinetic energy weapon modified by extraterrestrial civilization, and its target is very accurate and pointed directly at the Earth. .

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