My science and technology museum

Chapter 323 The Transformed Pluto

"This is absolutely impossible to happen. Pluto has obviously been captured by Jupiter's gravity. How can it escape?"

Li Chengzhe subconsciously exclaimed when he saw this result, and his reaction was much greater than that of Xu Lei. Obviously, this situation was beyond his own understanding, and he could not accept it in a short time.

Let’s not talk about how much power is needed to push an asteroid with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers away from Jupiter’s gravity. Simply adjusting its flight orbit and still rushing towards the Earth is completely out of common sense. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like an asteroid. What normal asteroids can do.

As for the other crew members, they were even more surprised and speechless.

His face looked extremely dull.

After all, this change was so unexpected and had never been thought of before.

It's normal not to be as calm as Xu Lei.

However, Xu Lei did not dare to be distracted at this time, because no one knew what other changes would happen to Pluto in the future.

As the commander-in-chief of this incident, he has the obligation to find out the truth and eliminate the impact as much as possible.

You know, the live broadcast is still going on.

No one expected that the situation would develop in this direction, so that when Pluto broke away from the gravity of Jupiter independently, it was watched by the global audience. Coupled with the crew's absence, even if they wanted to cut off the live broadcast to avoid the expansion of the impact, it was too late. .

Because if the live broadcast is cut off now, then there will be no three hundred taels of silver here.

Not only will it fail to calm the situation, it may also cause greater chaos and collapse the social order that was finally stabilized.

For ordinary people, they have already seen the changes in Pluto. In this case, if they do not see subsequent developments, a large number of rumors will definitely emerge quickly.

With the rapid spread on the Internet, people are bound to be panicked.

The situation gradually gave way to chaos.

You must know that the matter has reached this point, and the top priority is to deal with the changes in Pluto. The more you mess up, the more tragic your death will be.

Xu Lei's mind gradually became clearer as his mind was running rapidly. He knew that he must first figure out the situation of Pluto and find out the reason why it escaped from the gravity of Jupiter. Only by thoroughly understanding the enemy can he prescribe the right medicine to avoid the next time. This still happens.

With his thoughts stuck here, Xu Lei naturally did not dare to delay, and quickly told Xing Tong: "Xing Tong is quick, be sure to determine the source of power of Pluto."

"It's the boss."

Perhaps the changes in Pluto this time were also out of Xingtong's calculations, which made her a little unhappy and made her more aware of the importance of the matter.

There won't be any hesitation.

Dangjiu controlled the surviving probe and flew towards Pluto.

At present, the acceleration of Pluto has not yet been completed, and there is still an opportunity for close observation. However, if it is later, this condition will not be available.

However, in order to minimize the impact of this incident, the live broadcast screen also smoothly switched back to the perspective of the Future, and the Captain of the Future came forward to temporarily reassure the global audience, so that everyone should not panic for the time being.

At this time, Xingtong's advantage was once again reflected, that is, it has no human emotions.

Although he encountered an unexpected incident that was out of his control, he could still obey the instructions and execute them immediately. If Li Chengzhe had just been asked to do this, I'm afraid it would have been delayed to some extent.

Affects overall control.

Fortunately, Li Chengzhe came back to his senses and subconsciously asked Xu Lei for answers: "Captain, what is going on?" There was a look of horror on his face.

"I'm afraid we have underestimated this Pluto star." Xu Lei simply responded without squinting, and then stopped talking.

The whole person's attention is focused on the screen, wanting to know the results given by the detector as soon as possible, so as to confirm the conjecture in his heart.

When Xingtong discovered the existence of Pluto before, because its location was near the orbit of Neptune, analysis suggested that the incident was caused by asteroids in the Kuiper Belt being affected by Neptune's gravity, causing their own orbits to change.

He was convinced of this.

If Pluto is successfully captured by Jupiter after being hit this time, then everything will be like this.

But things happened to take a strange turn.

A celestial body like an asteroid has absolutely no power on its own. Since it can easily escape Jupiter's gravity, it only means one thing.

This is a modified asteroid.

Even based on the current evidence alone, it can be inferred that Pluto is a huge space kinetic energy weapon.

It's just that its power engine is hidden inside.

In addition, the flight orbit of Pluto always points to the earth star, which further proves that the Pluto crisis is a very targeted attack on civilization, and it wants to completely exterminate human civilization.

I remember that Xingtong discovered a mysterious program in an overseas area before, and after research, it was finally determined that it came from extraterrestrial civilization.

Although it was successfully cleared by Xingtong in the end, it is not known how much information about human civilization was transmitted.

At first, Xu Lei chose to purchase the technical inspection rights of the Hammer Cruiser, mainly to prepare in advance to deal with the invasion of extraterrestrial civilization in the future.

But the emergence of the Pluto crisis changed the purpose of the battleship.

I even completely forgot about it later.

There is only Pluto in my heart.

Now it seems that this is simply a technological method developed by extraterrestrial civilization to target human civilization.

I want to use an asteroid to easily capture the Earth Star.

Although there is currently no evidence to prove that Pluto is related to the original extraterrestrial civilization, under this crisis of civilization extinction, it is completely possible to view them with the greatest malice.

We must know that if human civilization did not have the existence of future technology, it would be difficult to survive this crisis.

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is whether Xingtong can find substantial evidence.

It proves that Pluto is a space kinetic energy weapon transformed by the civilization of the earth and star, and its purpose is to exterminate mankind and occupy the earth and star.

When Li Chengzhe heard Xu Lei's words, he seemed to be awakened by something. His expression suddenly became solemn, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And just when the probe successfully landed on the surface of Pluto under the control of Xingtong and began to analyze and study it, the live broadcast room also completely exploded. People really couldn't accept that the joy of victory had not lasted long. There was such a big gap.

For a moment, I felt like my faith collapsed.

And people don’t even know what will happen after Pluto breaks away from Jupiter’s gravity.

At this moment, the inner fear was instantly amplified.

Mainly from confirming the existence of Pluto to the establishment of the Human Security Alliance to formulate a plan to solve the crisis, everyone believes that future technology will be able to handle it perfectly.

Space kinetic energy weapons built by humans can certainly knock Pluto out of orbit.

However, the ideal is very full but the reality is very skinny.

Pluto did indeed deviate from its orbit due to the impact of Taishan's space kinetic energy weapon, and was about to be captured by Jupiter into a satellite, but it happened to have a strong power of its own.

He abruptly pulled himself back from Jupiter's gravity.

Faced with this situation, no matter how well prepared you are, you will never be able to take advantage.

So the public from all over the world began to ask questions in the live broadcast room, hoping that Xu Lei would come forward to explain clearly what happened.


A large number of netizens also temporarily quit the live broadcast room, quickly pushing this incident to the top of the hot search list on global platforms. In just a few minutes, the entire human civilization seemed to be shrouded in a huge shadow of fear, and there was little hope for the future of mankind.

Because the members of the Human Security Alliance were also paying attention to this operation throughout the entire process. When they saw Pluto breaking away from Jupiter's gravity, their eyes also widened.

Understand better what consequences this matter will bring.

However, because they could not contact Xu Lei for the time being, they did not have the experience to deal with related incidents and did not dare to take rash action.

Otherwise, if a certain measure completely angers the public, it will undoubtedly be a waste of time and will make the situation even more chaotic.

So after research by the core members, we decided not to deal with it for the time being.

Wait until you contact Xu Lei.

After all, with such a big thing happening, Xu Lei couldn't possibly be offline all the time, and he would definitely take the initiative to contact the alliance.

But this has made the Internet more and more popular.

Any related topic has hundreds of millions of views and tons of comments.

Especially the comments on overseas website platforms. Seeing the comments posted by those users, those who don't know may think that Earth Star is about to explode!

"God is going to punish us, and the crisis of annihilation is today."

"Why kinetic weapons impacts are useless."

"Humanity is finished."

"My dear, I don't want to die yet!"

"Is this really just an ordinary asteroid? I have no hope for human civilization."

"The future technology company that is good at creating miracles was ultimately defeated by Pluto. I hope God will forgive my sins."

"Fake Squid, I suddenly discovered that I didn't build an underground dormant base here at all. It's all over."

Compared with those hopeless remarks on the Internet, the domestic public is obviously much more sensible. After all, they have experienced a lot of unimaginable things in recent years due to the existence of future technology. Now they are not surprised by the changes, but they are not yet at the point of death or survival. the point.

What's more, China has not slackened at all in the construction of underground dormant bases.

This makes most people familiar with the underground dormant base, knowing that it, like the planetary defense orbital gun, is designed to deal with the crisis on Pluto.

Since Xu Lei was able to formulate a triple guarantee, it shows that he never thought of directly solving the Pluto crisis.

So it is understandable that the first operation failed now.

What’s more, everyone’s trust in Future Technology and Xu Lei is not something that can be achieved overnight. It has experienced the accumulation of various things over the years and will definitely stand the test.

Therefore, the nonsense on many website platforms seems to be full of harmony.

Compared with overseas, it is a completely different world.

"Don't panic, everyone. I don't think the situation is too bad yet."

"Isn't it because Pluto was not captured by Jupiter? I believe that future technology must have already considered a response plan."

"If he hadn't been captured, he probably wouldn't have come to the Earth Star."

"Don't worry and wait for the report. Congressman Xu will definitely announce the situation."

"Do not believe rumors, do not pass rumors."

"I don't even know what you are afraid of. At worst, you can just go into the hibernation cabin and sleep. Besides, you haven't even gotten to that point yet. You really think our planetary defense orbital gun is a vegetarian."

"I'm afraid I can't get into the underground dormant base."

Xu Lei naturally didn't understand the situation on the Earth planet at the moment. What he had to do was to get the detailed data of Pluto as soon as possible, otherwise he would only become more passive, not to mention that Pluto was re-accelerating after completing the flight attitude calibration. .

Now the probe can stay on the surface of Pluto because its flight speed is not fast.

If it were to complete its acceleration and return to its previous flight speed, the detector would be directly torn into pieces and rendered useless.

As time passed by, Xu Lei couldn't help but feel anxious.

Fortunately, Xingtong is powerful enough.

Almost when the probe was forced to leave Pluto, Xingtong successfully transmitted the detection data back to the battleship and reported it to Xu Lei at the same time.

"The detector found traces of magnetic fields and high-energy particles around Pluto. Preliminary judgment is that it is likely to be an antimatter thruster, which helped Pluto escape the capture of Jupiter."

"Here is a detailed data analysis comparison."

Even though Xu Lei had guessed the possible results, his expression changed after seeing the data given by Xingtong. He didn't expect that the enemy was far more powerful than he thought.

Antimatter engines do away with their own fuel.

Hydrogen ions and electrons in the universe can be directly collected for fusion to provide energy. The magnetic field detected by the detector should be the method of collection.

Moreover, using this kind of engine can not only sail in the galaxy for a long time without worrying about the supply of energy, but its speed is also closer to the speed of light, which is far from what nuclear fusion power engines can compare with.

At least human civilization has not yet mastered this technology.

By this time, the whole thing became very clear.

Obviously, Pluto did not change its flight path and rush out of the Kuiper Belt due to the influence of Neptune's gravity. Instead, it was modified and propelled by an antimatter engine.

And the only ones who can do this are mysterious extraterrestrial civilizations.

Perhaps they are staying in the outer reaches of the solar system now, waiting for Pluto to exterminate human civilization, and then go and take over the Earth star.

However, the possession of antimatter engine technology indicates that this civilization should be the leader among second-level stellar civilizations.

Maybe it’s not that far away from level three civilization.

But normally, having this level of strength would completely crush human civilization.

Sending an interstellar fleet directly over and relying solely on the cruisers and planetary defense orbital guns that human civilization currently possesses will not change the final outcome at all.

But extraterrestrial civilization chose this method.

Transform an asteroid to impact the Earth and completely exterminate human civilization.

The reasons are worth pondering.

Do you want to test the strength of human civilization?

Or is there some kind of rule in the galaxy that does not allow unbridled invasions between civilizations?

Fortunately, no matter which one it is, it is a good opportunity for human civilization, which shows that the force sent by the enemy will not be very strong.

As long as we can find a way to deal with them, we can buy enough time for human civilization.

With the help of the Science and Technology Museum, Xu Lei is confident that mankind can reach the level of second-level civilization in a short period of time and establish mankind's own interstellar fleet. By then, even if the army of extraterrestrial civilization invades, mankind will have the strength to compete with it.

But before achieving this goal, there is another matter that needs to be dealt with urgently.

That is to get rid of this Pluto first.

After all, after adjusting its flight trajectory with the help of the antimatter engine, it continued to rush towards the Earth.

In addition, with the experience of this impact, basic kinetic energy weapons have lost their effectiveness. Only planetary defense rail guns and interstellar battleships can be used to completely crush this planet transformed by extraterrestrial civilization.

Just make sure that the meteorite won't have much impact on the Earth.

Just as Xu Lei's thinking gradually became clearer, Li Chengze's jaw seemed to have dropped to the ground in shock, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "How can there be antimatter thrusters in the solar system? Our human civilization simply cannot reach this level. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have recalled something, and his expression suddenly changed: "Could it be that..."

Xu Lei slowly raised his gaze after hearing the sound, and after noticing that Li Chengzhe finally understood the seriousness of the matter, he said, "It's what you think."

As soon as he finished speaking, he explained in detail.

"Obviously what we encountered was not an accidental disaster, but a tentative invasion from an extraterrestrial civilization, and this civilization is more powerful than us."

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this, so what should we do now?" Under the impact of such a big piece of information, Li Chengzhe, even though he was usually calm, now has no backbone and can only put all his hopes on Xu Lei.

After finding out the whole truth, Xu Lei also understood that he could not delay any longer.

You must take the initiative to take action.

"Now we have to deal with Pluto first, and then go all out to develop interstellar battleships. No matter who wants to take advantage of Earth, they will have to pay the price."

After expressing his stance firmly, Xu Lei immediately gave Xing Tong a new instruction: "Xing Tong, recalculate the collision time between Pluto and Earth." Just after speaking, he turned his eyes to Li Chengzhe beside him: "Try to lock on Pluto and let Shenzhou and Future use their main weapons to attack."

"It's the boss." Xingtong nodded in response.

Li Chengzhe sat back on the operating table without saying a word and asked the future ship to cooperate with him.

Xu Lei's idea is very simple. Since it is determined to completely destroy Pluto, it is no problem to try the effect with the heavy rail gun on the battleship.

In this way, corresponding data can be obtained, which will be more conducive to subsequent planetary defense orbital gun strikes.

Perhaps because of the confidence given by Xu Lei just now, the mentality of Li Chengzhe and other crew members in the cabin has been adjusted at this moment.

They all devoted themselves to the locked attack on Pluto.

As a member of human civilization, that kind of national self-confidence is innate, and we will not be afraid even if we face extraterrestrial civilization.

Friends come with fine wine, but enemies are greeted only by heavy rail guns.

Perhaps because Pluto has not yet accelerated to its previous flight speed, the Future Shenzhou soon completed its lock and prepared to launch a heavy rail gun to attack it.

Since the space torpedo launcher at the front of the battleship is not very fast, it is afraid that it will not be able to catch up with Pluto.

So it cannot produce any effect.

"Shenzhou has locked its target and is ready to launch!"

"The Future has locked its target and is ready to launch!"

"Heavy rail gun preparation..."


As Li Chengzhe's voice sounded in the core command and control cabin of the battleship, two tungsten alloy shells were shot from the two battleships respectively, shooting towards Pluto at one thousandth of the speed of light.

However, the final result was unsatisfactory.

Just when the tungsten alloy shell was about to approach Pluto and explode to maximize its power, Pluto suddenly accelerated.

In the end, it only shattered the corners of Pluto, without any impact on its main body and the antimatter engine hidden inside.

Although Xu Lei also guessed that this result would occur, when he saw that the attack had no effect, he still couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes. He could only say that the Future and Shenzhou were attacking in pursuit and did not dare to increase their speed to the speed of Hades. It intercepted the star in front of its flight path, so it was understandable that it didn't hit the target.

The main reason is that Xu Lei doesn't dare to take this risk right now.

After all, the flying speed of Pluto has gradually increased. If you step forward to intercept it at this time, you will accidentally be hit directly by Pluto.

With a diameter of more than 20 kilometers, the interstellar battleship basically has no chance of buffering.

Even if the overall safety of the battleship can be guaranteed, as long as something goes wrong, there will be no way to leave here and return to the Earth Star.

You need to know that the planet Earth is currently in chaos.

He still needs to go back and take charge of the overall situation.

After understanding this, Xu Lei decisively gave up the attack on Pluto, and instead chose to return as quickly as possible, striving to return to Earth in front of Pluto to prepare for the attack.

Anyway, according to the analysis of the data returned by the probe, the antimatter thruster on Pluto has limited power, and will stop working after accelerating Pluto to a certain level. It is still impossible to catch up with the interstellar battleship.

In response to this special situation, Xu Lei analyzed that the extraterrestrial civilization did not want to expose their existence for the time being, so this procedure was specially set up.

Otherwise, if Pluto is allowed to fly all the way from the Kuiper Belt to the inner solar system with the help of antimatter thrusters, I am afraid that the Earth's planet will have undergone earth-shaking changes due to the impact environment, leading to the complete extinction of human civilization.

"The entire ship returns and sails to the Earth Star at maximum speed."

"It's Captain."

By this time, everyone understands the seriousness of the problem, and there will definitely be no intention of delaying it.

Soon, the twelve nuclear fusion power engines of the two interstellar battleships burst out with powerful energy at the same time, pushing the battleships to continue to accelerate.

At this time, good news also came from Xingtong.

After calculation, the new time for Pluto to reach Earth was successfully obtained.

"Pluto is expected to arrive at Earth at 14:26 on October 15, 2036."

Xu Lei was watching the updated time on the holographic screen, and his face suddenly became solemn: "There are only about half a year left, I hope it's enough!"

Compared with the estimated arrival time of Pluto given by Xingtong last time, this time it is nearly nine months ahead of schedule. It is obviously due to the activation of the antimatter thruster inside Pluto.

For human civilization with only half a year left, Xu Lei is really not sure whether it can successfully prevent this catastrophe from happening, but the only thing he knows is that he must take action now.

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