My science and technology museum

Chapter 324 The shock of alliance members

"I didn't expect that our operation this time not only failed to solve the problem of Pluto, but also increased the impact time so much. I really don't know whether this is lucky or unfortunate." After operating the warship and completing the return acceleration, Li Chengzhe saw Xingpu The latest calculated time, he whispered like he was talking to himself, with a slightly complicated expression.

From a certain perspective, if this impact mission is not carried out, human civilization will still have at least more than a year.

You can also be more prepared.

It's not like now, not to mention demoralizing, but the time has also advanced so much.

Xu Lei knew that Li Chengzhe said this because he was actually worried about the future of human civilization. He didn't know what he could do in the remaining half a year. After all, apart from the failure of the space kinetic energy weapon, even the heavy rail gun just now failed to have a significant effect.

But now is definitely not the time to feel sorry for yourself.

The more time is pressed, the more urgent it is to take action.

"You can't say that. Our original intention was to solve the crisis on Pluto. No one expected this to happen. The most important thing now is to get through this first." Xu Lei walked towards Li Chengzhe Beside him, he stretched out his right hand and put it on his shoulder like a good brother, trying to rekindle the confidence in Li Chengzhe's heart.

Failure is not terrible.

The terrible thing is not being able to face failure.

It has never recovered since then.


After Li Chengzhe heard Xu Lei's words, he suddenly became energetic.

For some reason, it was like Xu Lei's voice had some kind of magic power, which actually caused a wave of faith to surge deep in his heart.

Human civilization will eventually win!

And this is only because humans still have the existence of Xu Lei.

By some mistake, Li Chengzhe immediately nodded firmly and said, "With the dean here, I believe that human civilization can definitely prevent this catastrophe."

"What are we going to do next?" Then he took a deep breath and asked this question.

"It will take two months for the warship to return. I can't wait for this time." Xu Lei unconsciously moved his eyes upward, thinking about the next steps: "You can just control the warship to return normally. During this time, I will come through the virtual world." Command Earth Star’s operations and prepare to meet Pluto.”

In order to ensure that the live broadcast can be started smoothly on Jupiter, many quantum relay stations have been placed in space along the way.

This is enough to ensure that Xu Lei connects to the virtual helmet.

What he needs to do most now is to hold a meeting of all alliance members as a member of the Human Security Alliance to formulate the best plan to eliminate Pluto.

Due to time constraints, it has become unrealistic to think about manufacturing now.

Only make full use of existing resources.

After saying these words, Xu Lei did not dare to delay at all, and immediately returned to his rest cabin, put on the virtual helmet equipped on the battleship, and entered the virtual world Human Security Alliance conference hall.

But as soon as he took a step forward, Li Chengzhe behind him seemed to have thought of something and quickly called him out.

"By the way, Captain, I see that the live broadcast room has become very chaotic. The Captain of the Future can't suppress it at all. Do you want to temporarily close it first?"

Of course, Li Chengzhe didn't want to waste Xu Lei's time. The status of the main live broadcast room can directly reflect the current situation of Dixing. If the public does not seize the time to guide and completely lose confidence, it will be very detrimental to the next plan.

After all, in addition to solving this Pluto planet, there is also a crisis of extraterrestrial civilization lurking.

Rather than the situation continuing to deteriorate, it would be better to temporarily close the live broadcast room and announce it to everyone after a detailed action plan is formulated.

Reduce the impact as much as possible.

Anyway, the impact mission against Pluto has ended, and the two warships have also embarked on their return journey, so it is natural to turn off the live broadcast.

But when Xu Lei heard this, he didn't agree with Li Chengzhe's suggestion.

Such a change occurred in Pluto, and even they were so surprised, let alone the ordinary public.

It's normal to have such a big mood swing and want to vent.

Now that there is such a global live broadcast room open, at least everyone has a place to vent their emotions. No matter what kind of chaos the live broadcast room becomes, at least it is still under control.

If the live broadcast is turned off at this time.

Without a place to talk about this, everyone might do something out of control.

That would only make the situation more confusing.

There are only half a year left before the arrival of Pluto. We must make full use of the remaining time to solve Pluto, but before that, we need to ensure the stability of society and the strong cohesion and confidence of global mankind. .

He believes that he can do this with his own power and the power of future technology.

So temporary confusion doesn't mean anything.

With his brain running rapidly, Xu Lei only paused for two or three seconds before directly telling Li Chengzhe: "Don't worry about the matter in the live broadcast room for now. We will wait until I finish convening the Human Security Alliance Conference."

"I understand." Li Chengzhe nodded without hesitation.

Although his suggestion was rejected mercilessly, Li Chengzhe had no objection in his heart.

From the moment he decided to believe in Xu Lei and Future Technology, he regarded Xu Lei's words as an order that he could never disobey.

As long as Xu Lei makes a decision, it must be correct and must be implemented with all his strength.

After all, if even he doubts Xu Lei's approach, how can he believe that the other party can solve the Pluto crisis in half a year and defeat the covetous extraterrestrial civilization?

This is obviously unreasonable.

Facts have proved that Li Chengzhe strictly implemented Xu Lei's orders.

After Xu Lei left the core command and control cabin, he stopped caring about the live broadcast and notified the captain of the Future to do the same, so that the live broadcast room was filled with the battleship perspective of the Shenzhou, except for the unchanging space.

It was extremely boring.

However, for the audience in the live broadcast room, their attention is obviously no longer on the live broadcast.

Topics related to Pluto were discussed throughout the process.

Try to find some clues from the live broadcast.

However, neither the official nor Future Technology has responded to this matter.

This gave everyone an uncomfortable feeling. They really wanted to know the truth, but they could only wait patiently.

The only good thing is that since no official account has posted any posts yet, the public does not believe the false information from the outside world at all.

As time passed, his mood actually calmed down.

They all waited for Xu Lei to show up.

It can be expected that this will be a very important turning point.

If Xu Lei comes forward to explain the situation in detail and regain public cohesion, then the impact of the failure of the Pluto impact plan can definitely be completely eliminated.

But if the final reply cannot satisfy the public, emotions will spread like a wild beast in an instant.

Leading to complete chaos in society.

It will be difficult to restore the public to its previous state.

What's more, at that time, all the energy had to be focused on Pluto, so there was no time to manage internal affairs.

Of course, for Xu Lei at this time, he didn't know these situations yet.

After returning to his rest cabin, he directly took out the configured virtual helmet. After finally putting it on with a little clumsiness, he immediately lay down on the bed and selected to activate it.

When Xu Lei was in the company before, he used the virtual cabin to attend Human Security Alliance meetings or enter virtual games.

I haven’t been exposed to a virtual helmet for a long time, so the operation is inevitably a bit unfamiliar.

Fortunately, the virtual helmet had the same effect as the virtual cabin. As his eyes suddenly went dark, Xu Lei noticed that he had arrived at the Human Security Alliance Virtual World Conference Hall when his sight appeared again.

And he happened to be sitting in his own parliamentary seat.

Different from usual times, this time the meeting was held at a short time and urgently. Although Xingtong was asked to send messages to each alliance member, the efficiency would always be slower.

Finally, two minutes after Xu Lei sat down, the second congressman appeared in the hall.

Faced with this situation, Xu Lei had no choice but to wait patiently.

Who made this meeting related to the crisis of Pluto and extraterrestrial civilization cannot be explained by simply sending an announcement.

A joint resolution by the entire human security alliance is needed.

Fortunately, everyone had seen the bizarre changes in Pluto from the live broadcast. They were extremely worried and had been looking forward to this Human Security Alliance meeting, so it didn't take long for more than 200 members to arrive.

This kind of execution even surprised Xu Lei.

There is a deviation from usual.

It can only be said that when the threat of death really comes, no one can stay calm anymore.

At least for those in high positions.

As the meeting officially began, Congressman Enoch, who was sitting on the right side of Xu Lei, could not restrain his curiosity and first asked about the situation of Pluto: "Congressman Xu, I regret that this Pluto impact mission was not successful. , but I really want to know what happened?"

Enoch successfully raised the topic, and the other core members sitting next to him immediately started talking.

"Yes, Congressman Xu, Pluto has obviously been knocked out of its orbit. How can it escape the gravity of Jupiter? This is not very scientific?"

"Now because of this incident, signs of chaos have begun to appear in the outside world."

"With Pluto freed from Jupiter's gravity, will it still pose a threat to Earth?"

Since Xu Lei convened this meeting through the virtual helmet at the first time, he had no intention of hiding the matter of Pluto and extraterrestrial civilization, because he had to tell them the cruelest facts in order to truly stimulate everyone's potential and fight against Pluto. Stars and extraterrestrial civilizations launched a decisive battle.

When this idea gradually took shape in his mind, Xu Lei looked around at everyone, paused briefly and then told a fact that made everyone present feel pale.

"After Pluto mysteriously escaped the gravity of Jupiter, we immediately launched detection and research on it."

"It was finally determined that Pluto has an anti-matter power device inside that is technologically superior to our own. It can be said that Pluto is a large-scale space kinetic energy weapon transformed by an unknown extraterrestrial civilization, and it has re-completed acceleration and orbit adjustment. , will arrive at the Earth Star and collide with the Earth Star in half a year.”

Antimatter power plant?

Extraterrestrial civilization?

Half a year?

As Xu Lei finished speaking, a lot of question marks suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

Although they considered that the failure of this operation might cause some trouble, they never expected that things would become so complicated, and even extraterrestrial civilizations would appear.

The first reaction is disbelief.

For this reason, Congressman Enoch did not hesitate and directly questioned: "Congressman Xu, I think you should know what these words you said mean. If the accident on Pluto is really caused by extraterrestrial civilization, then Please show me evidence."

Both antimatter power devices and extraterrestrial civilizations are too far away for them.

Perhaps there are indeed alien civilizations in the vast galaxy, but it is absolutely impossible to launch an invasion of the Earth right now.

And it still uses the method of asteroid impact.

Enoch's question was naturally echoed by many people.

Immediately, they jointly asked Xu Lei to provide conclusive evidence to prove it. Otherwise, such a big thing would be really hard to believe, because to a certain extent, it would be much more serious than the original discovery of Pluto.

Xu Lei seized the time to hold this virtual meeting of the Human Security Alliance, just to make arrangements at the last moment.

To deal with Pluto half a year later.

If you can't convince other members of the Human Security Alliance, how can you lay out the plan?

Therefore, Xu Lei had already made preparations for the evidence from Enoch's mouth. He transmitted the relevant information to everyone through the virtual helmet and did not forget to introduce it from the side.

"This is the detection data obtained after the detector found an opportunity to get close to Pluto. It is enough to prove the existence of the antimatter power engine. Obviously this technology has completely surpassed our humans. This shows that the existence of the Earth star will no longer be a secret in the Milky Way. .”

"It is very possible that there are extraterrestrial civilizations outside the solar system that are eyeing us."

"And the time you see is the result of recalculation based on Pluto's flight speed. Now we only have half a year left."

It can be said that almost as soon as Xu Lei's voice fell, the entire virtual conference hall instantly became silent. Everyone looked at the report carefully, and their faces gradually became solemn and worried.

Data cannot be faked.

Because this is science.

Although they were reluctant to believe this fact, they had to admit that Xu Lei's guess was not wrong.

After all, if it weren't for the existence of special power devices, the scene of Pluto breaking away from Jupiter's gravity would be unexplainable. This is what everyone has seen with their own eyes.

Originally, most of the members of the Human Security Alliance had full confidence in Xu Lei's space kinetic energy weapon impact plan, believing that it would be able to successfully resolve the Pluto crisis, but in the end the situation turned out to be like this.

The key is that they are not optimistic about the other two steps of the plan.

In addition, the arrival time of Pluto is so far ahead of time, which is really uneasy.

The most critical human civilization is very likely to face the invasion of extraterrestrial civilization. The combination of so many things makes people lose hope.

Faced with such a situation, the only choice now is to rely on Xu Lei.

After everyone thought of this, their tone obviously changed greatly when they spoke again, asking Xu Lei about how to deal with this catastrophe.

Among them, Representative Yan Fang was the first to speak: "Congressman Xu, if things are really as stated in this report, Earth Star only has half a year left, then what should we do next?"

At this point, Xu Lei would definitely stop hiding it and immediately began to tell his plan.

"No matter what method is adopted, the Yas star battleship must be put into service within half a year. All the nuclear and hydrogen bombs in the world must be concentrated and deployed near the orbit of Mars to intercept and destroy Pluto."

"On the Earth Star, people are divided into different age groups and enter underground dormancy bases to temporarily hibernate and escape."

"Until the crisis is over."

Xu Lei's approach is intuitive but most useful.

First of all, interstellar battleships can exert great advantages. Having one more interstellar battleship will make it easier to deal with Pluto.

Currently, mankind's third interstellar battleship Yas is being manufactured in the space shipyard. With all resources being piled to the extreme, it is expected to be completed within half a year.

And because Pluto has already passed by Jupiter, the next target is Mars, the last line of defense of Earth.

At this time, it is obviously not feasible to use the impact method, not to mention that Pluto can rely on its own anti-matter power device to adjust its flight attitude, so violent means can only be used to completely blow up Pluto.

There are currently five planetary defense orbital guns deployed in orbit around Mars.

Although it is easy to deal with the impact of some small meteorites, it is probably still a bit difficult to smash Pluto to a size that does not affect the ecological environment of the earth.

After all, Pluto's speed is too fast.

In this case, the power of the explosion must be increased.

There are more than 10,000 hydrogen bombs stored in the world. If all of them are deployed in the orbit of Pluto, and combined with the planetary defense orbital gun attack, Pluto will be completely destroyed.

Anyway, judging from the conclusion drawn last time, the antimatter power device inside Pluto will only correct itself when the flight attitude of Pluto deviates, and will not actively bypass obstacles in front. This will provide a way for the deployment of a large number of The hydrogen bomb provided an opportunity for nuclear bombs.

You must know that when the ten space kinetic energy weapons collided with Pluto, its surface was shattered a lot.

This shows that although Pluto has been transformed into a space kinetic energy weapon, its material is not very hard and is basically not much different from ordinary celestial bodies.

Relying on this kind of defense will definitely not be able to withstand the attacks of tens of thousands of nuclear bombs and heavy rail guns.

In addition, people temporarily enter the dormant base to sleep. Even if fragments of Pluto hit the Earth, they will not cause too many casualties and can basically survive the crisis smoothly.

Of course, the number of biological dormancy chambers is limited.

According to statistics from Xingtong, less than one billion biological dormant capsules have been produced at present.

It is destined not to accommodate everyone.

Therefore, in order to preserve the fire of human civilization, we can only focus on young people, and the remaining old people can only enter air-raid shelters to escape.

This is also something that can't be helped.

However, Xu Lei is quite confident about his plan. He can basically break the Pluto to a size that is not large enough to affect the size of the Earth. In this way, even if he stays in the air-raid shelter, he will not have to worry about his life.

For the Human Security Alliance, others have no good response plan.

Therefore, there was no objection to the new plan proposed by Xu Lei. Immediately, several members of the alliance who owned nuclear and hydrogen bombs stated that they would contribute all their nuclear and hydrogen bombs.

But since it would take two months for the Shenzhou Future to return to Earth, Xu Lei asked them to prepare for the handover first.

As soon as the interstellar battleship returns, it will immediately transport the hydrogen bomb and nuclear bomb through the battleship and deploy it on the flight path of Pluto near the orbit of Mars.

But at this time, something rather embarrassing happened.

Because overseas regions did not pay attention to the construction of underground dormancy bases before, the number of biological dormancy chambers they were allocated was very small.

There are 780 million of the billion biological dormancy chambers in Yanfang's area.

Now that Pluto is about to collide, everyone knows that this biological dormant cabin is a life-saving thing, so they want to fight for more for themselves.

In the end, Congressman Enoch couldn't bear to mention this matter.

"Congressman Xu."

"The number of biological dormancy chambers we have is really scarce. I wonder if your company can allocate more?"

Xu Lei had long expected that someone would talk about the dormant cabin. Seeing that it was Enoch who brought it up first, he slightly raised the corners of his mouth with a meaningful smile, and then directly replied: "Congressman Enoch, I think you should know The production capacity of the bio-sleep chamber is now so far ahead of schedule on Pluto, so it may be difficult to allocate it for a while."

While politely rejecting the other party, you also don't forget to comfort him.

"But you don't have to worry too much. I believe that as long as the plan is successfully completed, people will only need to take shelter in air-raid shelters temporarily."

"Yes, Congressman Enoch, the biological dormant cabin you have been assigned is more than enough for use in the underground dormant base." After hearing Xu Lei's answer, Representative Yanfang also took over the conversation and responded with a smile.

Enoch's face turned red when he heard these two words. He wanted to say something more but couldn't find the words.

After all, as Representative Yanfang said, in order to save resources, they did not build many underground dormant bases at all.

Even if enough biological dormancy chambers are allocated, there is simply no place to put them.

There were many people who originally had the same idea as Enoch, but seeing how frustrated Enoch was, they had no choice but to hide these words in their hearts.

There is no use regretting it now.

We can only pray that things will go as Xu Lei said, and people will just need to take shelter in air-raid shelters.

The Human Security Alliance virtual meeting has basically come to an end, and Xu Lei has made all the arrangements.

Just wait patiently for Pluto.

But at the end of the meeting, someone brought up the issue of public sentiment.

Discuss whether the truth should be made public.

After all, when Pluto first changed, the Human Security Alliance did not rush to explain to the public in order to prevent the situation from getting out of control. This made the whole world still waiting for the truth of the matter.

After Xu Lei learned about this, he hesitated for a while and finally decided that he would come forward to report the mission to all mankind.

First try to calm the public mood as much as possible and re-gather confidence to fight Pluto.

As for the existence of extraterrestrial civilization, Xu Lei believes that there should be selective explanations based on overall considerations.

To avoid a complete collapse of the public's heart.

Because no matter what, compared to Pluto, which is a dead thing, existences like extraterrestrial civilization that seem to be out of reach are the most frightening.

When the crisis on Pluto is completely resolved, it will not be too late to formulate a plan to deal with extraterrestrial civilizations.

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