My science and technology museum

Chapter 326 Art is explosion

"Pluto has been locked and is about to enter the optimal range of the planetary defense orbital gun."

Saturday, September 20, 2036.


In the core command and control cabin, Xu Lei, wearing red and blue ship uniforms, stood in front of the console, listening to Ye Junmin's report.

At the same time, the same is true for the future Yas.

In a way, the people currently stationed at the Mars military base are the closest to Pluto. As the person in charge of the base, Ye Junmin naturally has to take on the task of controlling the planetary defense orbital gun to attack Pluto. .

However, there is no need to worry about their safety.

Based on Pluto's flight orbit, it will not impact Mars.

At most, after Pluto is broken, some meteorites may fall on Mars, which may have a certain impact on the base.


The explosion of tens of thousands of nuclear bombs near the orbit of Mars is bound to have some impact on the environment on Mars.

But this must be done no matter what, otherwise the Earth will bear this disaster. In this case, the only way to pray is that the military base on Mars can withstand it.

Human civilization has been preparing for almost five months in the final time.

Now that Pluto has finally reached Mars, it’s time for reckoning. No matter who is behind it, they must be prepared to pay a heavy price. Humans are not the weak group that was still using fossil energy back then. .

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Xu Lei looked more solemn than ever at this moment.

The brain remains absolutely awake in order to respond to emergencies at any time, without any concern about the burden on the body.

After listening to Ye Junmin's report, he immediately issued an order: "Start calibrating the planetary defense orbital guns, all aiming at Pluto to attack, first destroy the anti-matter power engine inside it."

In fact, with the range of two astronomical units of the heavy rail gun, Pluto has already entered the range, but in order to maximize its power, it has been waiting for the best time.

The power plant inside Pluto is always a hidden danger.

No one knows when it will start again.

In this case, in order for the deployed nuclear bomb to have a smooth effect, the power device must be destroyed.

Speaking of which, the antimatter power device inside Pluto is a refrigerant engine and has high research value for human civilization. But right now, there is no other choice but to destroy it. At worst, spend influence points and go to the Science and Technology Museum on your own later. Exchange in.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, we will resolutely complete the mission." Ye Junmin, who has turned into an uncle in the main control room of the Mars military base, assured categorically.

On the screen in front of him, the observed flight trajectory of Pluto was displayed.

At this moment, it has been locked tightly by five planetary defense orbital guns.

Ye Junmin also understands the difficulty of this mission, but since he is in this position, at a time when human civilization is at its most critical, he must step forward without hesitation.

Even if it's extremely dangerous.

Because this is his mission.

But it is quite a challenge to complete this task.

"team leader."

"Can the power of our railgun penetrate this Pluto and destroy the power device inside?"

"It's almost impossible to do."

The subordinates next to them were a little excited when they learned about the task they were going to complete next, and they really couldn't think of how they could do it.

The power of the railgun is indeed impressive, and it can easily penetrate an interstellar battleship within the range of two astronomical units. However, Pluto has a diameter of more than 20 kilometers, and it is a special celestial body that has been transformed by extraterrestrial civilization.

The railgun may not be able to penetrate.

If you only hit the surface, you will definitely not be able to destroy the power device inside.

How could Ye Junmin not understand this truth, but compared to the worries of his subordinates, he seemed much calmer.

He stared straight at Pluto on the screen, and then slowly said: "Since a single attack cannot destroy the power device inside Pluto, then let all the planetary defense orbital guns aim at the same position to attack. I don't believe it. The damage cannot be transmitted to its interior."

"Can this extreme operation be completed?" The subordinate was shocked.

Unlike hitting static targets, for a high-speed moving celestial body like Pluto, it is understandably difficult to hit them all at the same location.

It is normal for subordinates to think that they cannot do it.

Even Ye Junmin himself didn't have much confidence.

But this method of operation was informed by Xu Lei, which means that this operation is completely feasible.

At the moment, he can only place his hopes on the excellent performance of the planetary defense railgun itself and Star Pupil's calculations.

Then he shook his head to calm himself down and not think about failure for the time being.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Open all the permissions of the planetary defense orbital gun and prepare to fire."

"Hit it hard!"

After saying these words in a deep voice, he immediately walked towards the console with vigorous steps. He was personally responsible for this battle.

"It's captain." The subordinate no longer hesitated at this time. As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly started operating on the console to cooperate with Ye Junmin in carrying out the strike mission.

Relying on the observation equipment previously installed at the Mars military base, Pluto can be clearly tracked at this distance. Coupled with Xingpu's real-time calculation data, it is actually not that difficult to attack the same location.

When the position lock on the screen overlapped, Ye Junmin decisively pressed the fire button.

If an interstellar battleship observes from above Mars at this time, it will be found that the five planetary defense railguns in orbit have calibrated their directional orbits at the same time.

And fired tungsten alloy shells in sequence.

Under the influence of the powerful nuclear fusion energy, the tungsten alloy shell quickly accelerated to one thousandth of the speed of light, accurately penetrated into the center of Pluto and exploded.

Form multiple fragments to maximize damage.

The tungsten alloy shell that followed successfully hit the explosion site, causing a second explosion damage.

It wasn't until the fifth shell penetrated into Pluto that two explosions occurred this time.

Apparently the internal power plant of Pluto has been destroyed.

"Captain, we succeeded." Seeing such a thrilling scene under their control, cheers suddenly greeted the general control room.

Many people's faces were filled with disbelief.

Of course, Ye Junmin was not dazzled by this joy and quickly reported to the Shenzhou: "This is a Mars military base. We have hit Pluto and successfully destroyed the internal power plant. We are requesting new mission instructions." Because he Understand that the crisis has not yet been completely resolved.


When Xu Lei heard Ye Junmin's answer inside the Shenzhou, he could finally let go of his worries.

A smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Very good!"

The task he asked Ye Junmin to complete was simulated by Xingtong, and if nothing unexpected happened, the success rate could reach 90%.

After all, with the blessing of a quantum computer, Xing Tong's abilities can only be described as terrifying.

This turns out to be true.

The victory in the first battle against Pluto can be said to have greatly improved everyone's morale and confidence. The internal power device was successfully destroyed, and then the asteroid can be slowly dealt with.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei immediately glanced at Li Chengzhe beside him: "Start executing according to the plan." After speaking, he gave Ye Junmin the last instruction: "Leave the next thing to us, now I order All personnel at the Mars military base immediately entered a state of avoidance."

With the Pluto power plant destroyed, the next step is to detonate tens of thousands of nuclear and hydrogen bombs.

This is bound to have a certain impact on the surface of Mars.

Especially the fragments of Pluto falling.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure their safety and temporarily enter the shelter in the base to wait for the crisis to be resolved.

Ye Junmin is not an indecisive person. The more he is in this situation, the more he understands that he must strictly follow the instructions, so he announced the order directly in the base after ending the call.

Immediately everyone evacuated the main control room, leaving the base in a state of self-operation.

As for Li Chengzhe, after receiving the order, he decisively activated the nuclear and hydrogen bombs that had been deployed for ten minutes before the explosion.

at the same time.

This countdown was also synchronized to the two battleships of the Future Yas and the equipment in the air-raid shelter activated on the planet, so that everyone can see the final results as soon as possible.

Unlike users who watched the live broadcast alone in the past, this time many people gathered together.

If you look around any opened air-raid shelter, you will see that most of them are senior students. Although the crowd is slightly crowded, they all remain calm tacitly.

Just watch the countdown on the screen.

Don't want to miss a second.

Because they all understand that this is related to their own safety.

Whether you can see your relatives and friends who have fallen into dormancy depends entirely on the effect of the explosion ten minutes later.

"The entire ship is on level one alert!"

Seeing the countdown passing by, Xu Lei immediately conveyed an order and quickly returned to his seat to secure himself.

Although the location where they are currently parked is some distance from the explosion, they will be somewhat affected by the shock wave in space. In order to ensure that they are in the best condition to deal with subsequent events, they naturally need to prepare in advance.

Soon the time came to the last ten seconds.







Just when Pluto maintained its original flight speed and reached the area where the nuclear bomb was located, tens of thousands of nuclear and hydrogen bombs exploded immediately, and their power far exceeded the limit that human civilization can achieve today.

In an instant, Pluto disappeared.

The huge energy fluctuations blocked all detection equipment, even Xu Lei and the others temporarily lost the situation of Pluto.

The only thing you can do is wait patiently.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

When the observation equipment at the Mars military base came back online, they saw that the originally huge Pluto had disappeared and was replaced by countless meteorites.

Apparently their plan worked.

Some of the meteorites fell toward the surface of Mars under the influence of Mars' gravity.

Although it automatically triggered an attack from the planetary defense orbital cannon, due to the large number of these meteorites and the small size of some of them, the attack from the planetary defense orbital cannon was like an anti-aircraft cannon hitting mosquitoes and could not completely intercept them.

What's more, the personnel in the military base have also entered a state of avoidance, and can only allow the birth of the meteorite rain.

Moreover, two planetary defense orbital guns were unfortunately hit by meteorites, causing some damage and temporarily losing their function.

Fortunately, the location of the Mars military base is relatively safe. Although meteorites fell nearby, they did not hit the base, so there is no need to worry too much.

On the other hand, on the Shenzhou side, after the battleship experienced the energy impact of the explosion, Xu Lei immediately announced a new order: "All weapon systems on the entire ship entered a state of readiness to intercept all meteorite fragments."

"It's Captain."

The mission reached the final critical moment, and the people on the ship were so excited that they immediately responded in unison.

Of course, this order was also passed to the future Yas.

Soon the three warships lined up, guarding the beautiful blue Earth Star behind them, trying to prevent any meteorite fragments from entering the Earth Star.

As Pluto was destroyed, enthusiastic cheers suddenly erupted in many air-raid shelters on Earth Star, and everyone's accumulated emotions were released at this moment.

"We succeeded and Pluto was destroyed."

"Long live the Human Security Alliance, long live Congressman Xu!"

"This shadow has shrouded us for several years, and now it has finally been completely eliminated. Today is definitely a day worth remembering."

"If Pluto is destroyed, then we will be safe."

"I really want to go out and wake up my sleeping family now. I believe that the future life will be sweeter than honey."

"I knew victory would eventually belong to us humans."

"Everyone should calm down first. Although Pluto has been destroyed, the meteorite fragments it brought are still a big threat. I'm afraid it will take some time before we can get out."

"Now I just want to wake up my son myself. He needs me."

However, there were still rational people in the crowd, and with their explanations and persuasion, everyone did not choose to leave the air-raid shelter rashly.

After all, if so many people make the decision to leave, then no one can stop them.

If you are unfortunately hit by a meteorite, the casualties caused will definitely not be small. You must know that this is a real meteor shower, and it will still fall to the ground.

that's all.

Under the careful precautions of the Shenzhou and other three warships, it didn't take long before they finally discovered traces of the meteorite.

"Oh my god, there are so many!" Li Chengzhe looked at the number of meteorites detected on the screen, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but let out a sincere sigh.

Although they had anticipated this situation in advance, it was still difficult to calm down when experiencing it personally.

Mainly, no one expected that most of the broken meteorites from Pluto came towards the Earth Star.

According to the data scanned by the battleship, the largest meteorites are hundreds of meters in diameter, and the smaller ones are mostly around tens of meters. The key point is that the number of these meteorites is really too much, and they have not been absorbed much by Mars.

Although facing this situation is slightly more difficult than expected, there is no turning back now.

I just had to bite the bullet.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Xu Lei did not respond to Li Chengzhe's concerns, but just issued various instructions step by step.

"The heavy rail gun can freely choose large meteorites to attack, and the space torpedoes and close-in defense guns will completely eliminate the remaining meteorites. Our goal is to never let any meteorite fall into the Earth."

"Received from the Future."

"Yas received."

At the most important stage of the entire operation, no one would object to Xu Lei's decision at this time. After responding in the communicator, he immediately began to act. In addition to the heavy rail guns, a large number of space torpedoes began to take effect. It was even shot from the front launcher of the battleship.

Because the flight speed of these meteorites has been greatly reduced, and they are only moved by the gravity of the Earth's stars, the hit rate of the battleships has been greatly improved.

The resulting series of explosions seemed to form a beautiful picture in space.

Art is explosion.

If you observe from the Tiangong Space Station or the Earth and Star Observatory at this time, you will definitely see a scene that you will never forget in this life.

That special visual impact is definitely engraved in your mind instantly.

It is no exaggeration to say that the firepower used this time is definitely the strongest power of human civilization.

Being able to easily destroy Pluto shows that mankind has entered the late stage of the first-level civilization and is not far behind the second-level civilization.

As long as the number of interstellar battleships is increased and a fleet is formed that can truly sail freely in the solar system and exploit the resources of various planets, it will be qualified to reach the level of a second-level civilization.

However, the gap between the second-level stellar civilization and the third-level galaxy civilization is very large.

Level three galaxy civilizations can not only easily control the galaxy where they are located, but they can also develop and utilize all the energy in the galaxy where they are located at will. They can even draw the energy needed for their own civilization from existing black holes in the universe.

And due to the huge distance between galaxies, the farthest ends are at least hundreds of thousands of light years, and at most hundreds of millions of light years away.

This requires level three civilizations to master the ability to move faster than the speed of light.

For example, wormholes and space channel space curvature engines.

With the current level of science and technology of human civilization, it is far beyond reach.

It is worth mentioning that the number of the three interstellar battleships is still a bit small, and the weapons they carry are limited. With the continuous attacks on meteorites, the weapon systems have gradually lost their effectiveness.

Although there are still some meteorites that have not yet been solved at this time.

"Report Captain, the space torpedoes have been used up, and the number of meteorites exceeds our imagination." After Li Chengzhe discovered this problem, he immediately reported it to Xu Lei.

Xu Lei frowned: "How is the situation with the Future and Yas?"

"The situation of the Future and Yas is similar to ours. The remaining meteorites will probably fall into the Earth's star on their own and be burned by the atmosphere."

Xu Lei: "..."

Faced with such a result, Xu Lei was somewhat silent.

Originally, everything was going according to the original plan. Not only was Pluto successfully destroyed, but the meteorite fragments could also be further removed with the help of the battleship.

This ensures that the Earth Star will not be affected in any way.

However, no one expected that Mars would not share too much pressure from falling meteorites.

As a result, the interstellar battleship was under greater pressure, and ultimately its own firepower was unable to clear all the meteorites.

But if there is a fourth star warship, these problems will be easily solved.

Of course, it is useless to consider these now. After all, no one knew that Pluto was the product of transformation by extraterrestrial civilization. At that time, it was undoubtedly more appropriate to manufacture space kinetic energy weapons. Otherwise, if we fully produce interstellar battleships, I am afraid that Now the sixth warship has been commissioned.

Xu Lei fell into silence and thought about countermeasures.

Just when I had a clue, Xingtong's voice suddenly came to my ears: "Boss, this situation has appeared in my previous simulations. What's left are just small-sized meteorites. Even if they fall into the Earth and burn through the atmosphere, there won't be any left. How much."

"It will not have any impact on the ecological environment of the Earth and the planet." Xing Tong added emphatically just after finishing the first half of the sentence.

Xu Lei must have great trust in Xingtong's calculation results. With these words, his mentality immediately relaxed completely.

Since there will be no further impact, there is no need to care about the remaining meteorites. It is just a matter of bringing a meteor shower to the public to celebrate the successful resolution of the crisis.

After making up his mind, Xu Lei suddenly had a smile on his face: "Get ready to return home and let all the warships temporarily dock at the space shipyard." He told Li Chengzhe very easily.

"It's the captain, I'll notify the others immediately."

Li Chengzhe skillfully conveyed this order to the future Yas, and then the warship stopped attacking and began to change direction.

I don't know if the pressure is finally gone. After doing this, Li Chengzhe showed some regrets and whispered to himself: "It's just a pity that antimatter engine. If you take it back to study, it might be able to make our warships better." The speed increases many times.”

When Xu Lei heard that Li Chengzhe was regretting this, he couldn't help but smile on his face and patted the other person's shoulder to comfort him: "Don't worry, it's just an antimatter power device. I believe that with the strength of our research institute, , we will be able to master this technology in the near future.”

"You're right, dean, and I believe it." Li Chengzhe was stunned for a moment, then responded with the same smile, and specifically called Xu Lei dean.

So far.

The crisis on Pluto is finally resolved.

The remaining meteorites that were not completely destroyed will only remain in a very small size after being burned after entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Although the landing position covered most of the Earth's surface, the impact seemed to be just as Xingtong said, it only destroyed some buildings, and the largest one fell directly into the ocean, causing a tsunami that was not very large. .

Because everyone stayed asleep in the underground dormant base and took refuge in the air-raid shelter, no one was injured or killed in the end.

It's a miracle in every way.

When the public who did not choose to go into hibernation saw the news, they could no longer suppress their excitement and ran out of the air-raid shelters to breathe in the free air outside.


Soon a large number of people began to move towards the underground dormant base, trying to wake up the people inside.

Let them welcome the new era with you.

But when the underground dormant base was first opened, in order to ensure the safety of the dormant people, the entire base was locked and could only be opened with instructions from the highest authority. At the same time, there were also a certain number of intelligent industrial robots guarding it, which led to the negotiation process Conflict arose.

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