My science and technology museum

Chapter 327 The real crisis

"Why don't you let us in? Now that the crisis has been lifted, we have to wake up our relatives and children."

Licanife Island.

At the entrance to the largest underground dormant base, thousands of people gathered here. If you zoom out, you will see more people gathering here from all directions.

And this group of people has another characteristic.

That is, they basically all have gray hair and an old complexion.

It is difficult to see young figures.

They were all dodgers in nearby air raid shelters, unable to hibernate at the hibernation base due to age and eligibility issues.

They were unlucky until disaster struck.

But at the same time very lucky.

Because the Human Security Alliance successfully destroyed Pluto, it did not have much impact on the ecological environment of the Earth.

After learning the exciting news from the equipment in the air-raid shelter, they came out of the air-raid shelter excitedly and returned to the city.

Dreaming about a better life in the future.

But after all, there are nearly a billion people around the world sleeping in underground dormant bases.

In order to reunite their families as soon as possible, many people could not help but run to the base where their loved ones were sleeping without waiting for orders from the Human Security Alliance, trying to wake them up from the outside.

Anyway, in their opinion, the danger has been eliminated, and they must want their relatives to leave the coffin-like place as soon as possible.

It seems that it should be understood.

However, according to the rules previously formulated by Xu Lei to ensure the safety of underground dormant bases, only people with the highest authority instructions can be awakened in advance, and each underground dormant base is also equipped with a certain number of intelligent industrial robot guards.

Responsible for patrolling the base to ensure that there will be no problems with the biological dormant cabins inside.

So when the intelligent industrial robot discovered the crowd gathering, it immediately started its own preset program.

Gather at the entrance to the underground dormancy base.

Prevent forced entry.

Of course, because of the special nature of intelligent industrial robots, they are not allowed to attack humans arbitrarily, unless Xing Tong or Xu Lei, who have high-level authority, personally issue instructions.

As the two sides faced off, the above conflict occurred.

Intelligent industrial robots without Xingtong control have relatively rudimentary intelligent programs and cannot communicate with humans autonomously.

So in the face of the shouts from the crowd, I just kept repeating a sentence in a mechanical foreign language.

"This is Liganifu Island No. 2 Underground Sleeping Base."

"No one is allowed to enter."

"For your safety, please leave as soon as possible!"

For most people, it is relatively rational. They also understand that after the Human Security Alliance solves the follow-up problems of Pluto, the underground dormant base will definitely be opened.

It's just a matter of waiting patiently for a little longer.

There's no need to argue with these metal lumps that have no human feelings.

It's really a waste of your own energy.

But the greatest characteristic of human civilization is human nature.

You can ensure that a few people are absolutely sane, but when the target group expands, you can no longer guarantee that everyone is sane.

That's exactly what's going on right now.

I still remember that when the Pluto crisis first broke out, an organization called Allah appeared overseas. It quickly attracted many members with the idea of ​​smearing Future Technology and Xu Lei and trying to prove that Pluto did not exist.

Later, because they deliberately obstructed the construction of the underground dormant base, they completely came into contact with Xu Lei's rebellion.

In the end, under Operation Thunder of the Human Security Alliance, this organization was quickly eliminated, and the harm was avoided in time.

But as the saying goes, if you cut the grass without eradicating the root, the spring breeze will bring new growth. As a member composed entirely of ordinary people, it is obviously impossible to get rid of everyone.

Especially at that time, everyone's attention was still on the Pluto disaster.

This has caused many members to break up into pieces and hide among ordinary people, hoping to wait for the opportunity to rise again.

Unfortunately, things didn't happen according to their script.

Pluto is really here.

And it’s much ahead of schedule.

Seeing that future technology successfully destroyed Pluto and became the hero of mankind, these members who were lucky enough to escape could not help but feel worried.

It is absolutely impossible for such an organization to grow quickly, with the number of members reaching hundreds of thousands at its peak, without smart people, and they are not fools. They understand that after the Earth Star is stabilized, the Human Security Alliance will definitely liquidate the Allah Organization again.

Especially future technology will not let them go.

You must know that they were originally targeting Future Technology and Xu Lei.

The key is that they don't think they can hide forever.

They were safe and sound before because the shadow of Pluto hung over the heads of all mankind, and it could collide with the Earth at any time. Humanity's power was mainly used in executing response plans, and there was no time to pay attention to them, rats in the sewers.

But their situation will change after today.

Just relying on the power of future technology and various technological products that make people feel powerless, it is easy to find them.

Therefore, in this situation, they must take action.

Waiting is death.

Might as well go crazy.

So they want to create new unrest.

The confrontation between humans and robots is the best opportunity right now.

"Have the tasks been passed on to every member of the organization? This time we must cause huge chaos."

On the rooftop of a city building located hundreds of kilometers away from No. 2 Underground Sleeping Base, Lydia, wearing a red women's suit, looked straight in the direction of the base and asked the old man behind her for news.

If you look closely, you can see that the other person has blond hair and blue eyes, and appears to be in his thirties with firm skin.

Under normal circumstances, she should be in the underground dormant base now.

But this is not the case.

Lydia is indeed qualified to enter the underground dormant base to escape the crisis, but what many people don't understand is that she voluntarily gave up her qualifications.

Of course she is not the so-called Virgin.

Be willing to give up a greater chance of survival to others.

The reason is attributed to her special status.

The founder of the Organization of Allah.

More than ten years ago, Lydia's family relied on advanced technology to possess huge financial resources, and it ranked among the top 100 richest people all year round.

However, with the rapid rise of future technology, and the continuous improvement and updating of technology to eventually lead the world, their family's business shrank rapidly and eventually became an ordinary company.

My father was unable to face the huge debt and died of a heart attack.

So she blamed all this on Future Technology and Xu Lei, and vowed in her heart to take revenge.

So when the Pluto incident happened, she saw an opportunity and used her high IQ and the start-up capital accumulated over the years to successfully create the Allah Organization.

Its purpose is to target future technology.

At the same time, Lydia also understands the methods of future technology, especially the pervasive advanced artificial intelligence.

Considering that she wanted to hide herself better, she also deliberately made a fake identity that was more real than the real one.

This meant that when human security civilization began to attack the organization of Allah, she was not implicated.

The most important thing is that this is not the domain of future technology.

Even if someone exerts pressure as a member of parliament, there is still a lot of room for maneuver.

As for the period when Pluto arrived, she hid in the doomsday base she built until she learned that the crisis was over and was ready to cause some trouble for future technology.


"Miss Lydia, the detailed mission information has been passed on to every remaining member. I believe it will be effective soon." The old man looked at Lydia's back and paused to report the situation. But he seemed to have thought of something, and there was a little worry in his eyes: "The crisis on Pluto has just been resolved. Should we do this..."

But before she finished speaking, she saw Lidya turning around suddenly, her pretty face full of anger.

"What do you know!"

"There's an old saying there that the law doesn't blame the crowd."

"If the intelligent robots produced by Future Technology do things that harm humans, Future Technology itself will have a lot of headaches, and it will not be in the mood to care about us."

"I understand Miss Lydia, I am too worried." The old man immediately lowered his head to explain, as if he was very afraid of the woman in front of him who was several decades younger than him.

that's all.

As all the mission information was conveyed, new voices were soon heard from the crowd.

"The smart industrial robots produced by Future Technology are meant to serve humans for a better life, but now they are preventing us from waking up our loved ones. Who can guarantee whether there is any unknown trick of Future Technology?"

The words just fell.

This statement was supported by others.

"You are right, the rights of robots must not override those of humans."

"The crisis on Pluto has been resolved. Future technology should open the underground dormant base as soon as possible. What does it mean to let robots block it now?"

"Defend rights and tear down these iron knots!"

"The human world will never allow robots to take charge."

As the inflammatory comments continued to sound, the people who were eager to reunite with their families after the disaster lost their minds and rushed forward to fight with the intelligent industrial robots.

That is to say, smart industrial robots do not have firearms and other weapons in their hands, so they dare to be so confident.

Otherwise, no matter how provocative the people from the Allah Organization are, I believe no one will take action.

Unless you are really tired of living.

However, due to this situation, intelligent industrial robots that rely solely on body and strength quickly fell into a disadvantage.

They could only watch as the crowd approached the entrance of the base.

Fortunately, the base is completely locked. In addition, when the underground dormant base was designed previously, in order to ensure that the base could ensure the safety of the biological dormant cabin in the event of drastic changes in the earth and star environment, both the material and structure were mainly for defense.

It is impossible to force open the base entrance gate without relying on heavy equipment or a large amount of high explosives.

What's more, the underground dormant base uses an independent nuclear fusion power device, so there is no way to cut off the energy supply.

But the situation was like this, but the plan of the Allah Organization did have a very good effect. At this time, conflicts between humans and robots broke out in almost most underground dormant bases overseas.

As for the domestic side.

It's a completely different situation.

Because there are many underground dormancy bases built in China, which contain up to 700 million biological dormancy chambers, the locations where the bases are built are relatively remote and far away from the city.

Many of them are even under the mountains.

The distance from the air raid shelter is a little far.

Under such circumstances, although everyone wants to reunite with their families as soon as possible and go to the underground dormant base to pick up their relatives and friends, the distance alone takes a long time.

Besides, when the Hezbollah organization appeared, Yu Hongliang took preventive and countermeasures in advance to prevent them from infiltrating.

So much so that there are no members of God in the city.

Naturally, there will be no conflict with intelligent industrial robots.


at the same time.

Tiangong space station.

Only a few astronauts were seen in the cabin using space telescopes to observe the situation caused by meteorites falling to the Earth.

Although according to Xingtong's calculations, these meteorites that cannot be completely destroyed in the end will basically have no impact on the environment of the Earth and the planet, this kind of thing still needs to be accurately observed before we can rest assured.

If you are lucky enough to find a situation that requires support, nearby intelligent industrial robots can be deployed in time to help.

Because Tiangong is the closest to the Earth and has a powerful and highly accurate space telescope, it is appropriate to entrust them with this task.

And the facts proved that Xingtong's calculation was indeed correct.

Under their observation, most meteorites basically lost their volume after being burned by friction in the atmosphere. They did not play any role at all and were directly displayed in the observation screen.

Many of the remaining meteorites that were not completely burned fell into the blue ocean.

Only a few caused serious damage to the building.

But in the end, it failed to even trigger an earthquake.

It can be said that this is an excellent ending.

Humanity has just entered the first level of civilization and has perfectly handled such a huge genocide crisis. It will definitely be recorded in the history books and be studied and admired by future generations.

And this credit also belongs to Future Technology and Xu Lei.

But it was obviously supposed to be a family-friendly ending, but at this moment, one of the male astronauts' expression changed drastically, as if he had discovered something far beyond his knowledge.

He immediately shouted loudly: "Adjust the observation position to the western Pacific Ocean and see what is happening there!"

Astronauts who can stay on the space station for a long time naturally have extremely good working qualities. Faced with the abnormal behavior of their companions, they did not choose to ask for specifics. Instead, they immediately adjusted the observation coordinates to carefully confirm the sea area.

Soon all of them had the same expression.

His entire face was extremely solemn.

"Oh my God!"

"what on earth is it?"

"Hurry and report the situation to the Shenzhou. I'm afraid the influence of Pluto is not over yet."

While shouting, he did not dare to hesitate and quickly transmitted the observed information to the Shenzhou.

Under normal circumstances, as veteran astronauts, they would not act so rude even if they encountered an emergency, let alone after experiencing the Pluto crisis.

The key this time is too bizarre.

If you look carefully at their screens at this time, you will find that in the observation screen transmitted back, you can see densely packed marine life floating on the sea surface with the waves.

No matter whether it is the huge blue whale and other whales, or the shark jellyfish, there is no sign of life.

It's like someone took the sea and made a seafood pot.

No life inside can survive.

And if you continue to observe, you will inevitably find that this situation is spreading to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that there is a special energy in the sea water, and carbon-based life forms cannot survive wherever it goes.

If it is limited to sea water, then the worst result is that the ocean on Earth turns into a dead sea, and there is a high probability that humans will lose these marine life from now on.

But if this weird scene continues to spread, and even extends to the land, then the greatest disaster will be to greet the earth and star creatures.

This naturally includes humans.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that mankind had just succeeded in destroying Pluto and was immersed in this joy, but before it had time to enjoy a happy life, it encountered a new crisis.

The key is that this crisis is coming more quickly and terrifyingly.

There is simply no way to deal with it.

And there is no doubt that since this weird scene only happened after meteorites fell into the ocean, it means that He must be related to these meteorites.

Perhaps the transformation of Pluto by the Earth Star civilization is not limited to the internal anti-matter power device.

Although the astronauts in the Tiangong didn't know what the situation was, they also understood the seriousness of the matter, and it was not something they could handle at all, so they had to report it to the Shenzhou where Xu Lei was located as soon as possible.

All we can do now is do our best.

As for what will eventually evolve, no one can be sure.

"The battleship has entered the space port parking area."

"Replenish the ammunition for the battleship's weapon system and conduct a comprehensive inspection." At the Dixing Near-Earth Space Shipyard, as the Shenzhou sailed smoothly into the berthing area, a report came from the cabin. Xu Lei immediately spoke to the person next to him. Li Chengzhe ordered this.

In order to completely destroy the meteorites formed after the fragmentation of Pluto this time, the weapon systems of the three interstellar battleships are basically out of ammunition and food, and they really need to be replenished in time.

As for the comprehensive inspection of battleships, it is even more necessary.

As the latest interstellar battleship in service, the Yas may not need to be tested if it has not yet sailed too far a distance.

But the Shenzhou and the Future will not work.

After all, the previous Shenzhou and Future spacecrafts had sailed in space for several months on their impact missions to Pluto, reaching as far as the orbit of Jupiter.

After flying for such a long time, it is very necessary to test the performance of each core component of the warship.

This is also to make it safer the next time you perform a mission.

Anyway, the crisis on Pluto has been completely resolved, and human civilization will usher in a stage of rapid development, and the demand for interstellar battleships will be limited in a short period of time.

Maybe within a few years, relying on the collection and utilization of resources from major planets in the solar system, humans will soon be able to have a complete interstellar fleet.

By then it is estimated that veteran-class battleships like the Shenzhou will need to be eliminated.

"It's Captain, I will make the arrangements." Li Chengzhe was obviously still immersed in the joy of successfully destroying Pluto. He immediately nodded and answered the order.

Just as he finished speaking, Xingtong suddenly took a step towards Xu Lei's position: "Boss, I found that a large number of people gathered at the entrance of the underground dormant base, demanding to wake up the sleeping personnel inside, and had an incident with the intelligent industrial robot responsible for guarding. Conflict." While reporting to Xu Lei about the overseas underground dormant base, real-time holographic images were projected from his eyes.

When Xu Lei saw the figures appearing on the holographic screen and the industrial robots overwhelmed by the crowd, his originally gentle face suddenly turned cold.

He was very dissatisfied and said: "The people in Liganifu area are really impatient. Can't they even wait for this time?"

As the saying goes, the speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional. After Senator Enoch, who was staying on the Yas, heard this sentence through the communication equipment, cold sweat suddenly flowed down.

He quickly defended himself: "Congressman Xu, I think there may be some misunderstanding here. We have always strictly followed the underground dormant base management regulations issued by the alliance." He was afraid that Xu Lei would misunderstand that these people were specially arranged by him.

Of course, Xu Lei did not lose his mind because of this. For the situation to evolve to this extent in such a short period of time, there must be someone behind it who is adding fuel to the flames.

But he also believed that Enoch would not do such a stupid thing.

With his mind running to this point, Xu Lei did not answer Enoch's explanation, but continued to ask Xingtong: "Detecting the terminal equipment used by these people, I want to see who will cause trouble at this time? "

"Testing in progress..."

Having returned to the earth-star orbit area, Xingtong can maximize his abilities.

It doesn't take much time to detect the terminal devices of the people gathered at the entrance of the base.

Within a few seconds, Xingtong gave an answer.

"The sensitive word Allah was found, and the identity of the initiator of the action has not yet been determined."

"Is it an organization of Allah?" Xu Lei muttered the name when he heard the sound, and then raised his mouth slightly to reveal a sneer: "It is really a hundred-footed insect that is dead but not stiff, and there are still members active."

The Hezbollah Organization did not disappear completely in the last attack, which Xu Lei was not too surprised about.

But to dare to jump out at this time makes people don't know what to say.

I can only say that the person behind it is still too naive.

Nowadays, future technology no longer needs to care about anyone's opinions. Since they are eager to seek death, it is better to help them first.

In addition, now that the crisis on Pluto has passed, there is indeed no need to let the public continue to sleep. Besides, scientists from the company's research institute who are sleeping on the Shenzhou can also be awakened to return to Binjiang City.

The thought stayed here, and Xu Lei immediately issued a new order to Xingtong: "Prepare to open the underground dormant base, wake up the dormant personnel, and at the same time, conduct a comprehensive search for the members of the Allah Organization. Now that there is no crisis in Pluto, it is time to deal with them. It’s time for the ledger.”

"It's the boss..."

Xingtong would definitely have no objection to Xu Lei's instructions, but just when she was about to receive the instructions and start executing them, she was suddenly interrupted by Li Chengzhe's panicked shouts.

"Wait a moment, the underground dormant base cannot be opened."

When Xu Lei heard the sound, he subconsciously looked towards Li Chengzhe and saw that his eyes were staring at the screen and his body was trembling slightly. He even said with a trembling tone: "Captain, you'd better take a look at this first."

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