My science and technology museum

Chapter 328 Unstoppable Death

Panic sounds rang out in the core command and control cabin of the battleship, reaching the ears of everyone on the ship. Li Chengzhe, who was wearing a blue cabin suit, was trembling slightly, his eyes were fixed on the screen and he whispered softly: " How could something like this happen is really terrifying.”

Xu Lei has never seen Li Chengzhe behave like this.

The thought that suddenly popped into my mind was that something big must have happened.

At this time, he decisively put away his previous joy and immediately came to Li Chengzhe to confirm the situation.

Speaking of which, Xu Lei has experienced many things, and many of them are related to the safety of all parties. To put it simply, he is a person who has seen big scenes.

Under normal circumstances, one should be able to remain calm despite the collapse of Mount Tai.

This is consistent with his identity.

But this time, even though he was mentally prepared, after seeing the information on the screen, he couldn't help but froze in place for an instant, with strong fear and surprise in his eyes.

Apparently things went beyond his expectations.

The content on the screen comes from the transmission screen of the Tiangong space station. Looking over, you can clearly see a large number of marine life corpses floating on the sea. Many of them cannot even be named. It is simply a large marine specimen selection site.

The key point is that this is different from the scene seen in the seafood market.

There was no blood from any wounds on any of the corpses. If it weren't for the lack of any movement, I'd probably think they were collectively asleep.

It gives people a strong visual impact, as if the whole picture is filled with dead silence.

Xu Lei finally regained consciousness after being stunned for a few seconds.

For the time being, he put away the overwhelming waves in his heart, calmed down and asked: "Where is this sea area, and why is there such a large area of ​​marine life dying?"

"According to the information from Tiangong, this sea area belongs to the western Pacific. Because it was observed by the space telescope, the real cause of death cannot be determined yet, but the scope of this situation is still growing." Li Chengzhe said according to what he knew reported the information, and added at the end: "But what is known is that a meteorite fell at this location before the situation occurred."

After hearing this, Xu Lei subconsciously clenched his fists and looked gloomy.

He is not a fool.

In the history of marine life, such a bizarre phenomenon has never occurred.

Even if someone deliberately pours the drug, it is impossible to kill all the creatures in this sea area.

This is not in line with scientific laws.

Considering that this situation only occurred when the meteorite fell into the sea, Xu Lei's mind immediately came up with a very bad idea.

Perhaps the changes in marine life are related to meteorites.

After all, this never-before-seen situation occurred after a meteorite crashed into the ocean.

It doesn’t work if you don’t make associations.

And Xu Lei also captured a keyword.

That is, the entire death range of marine life continues to spread.

This is the trickiest.

Let’s not talk about the impact that the extinction of marine life will have on humans. If it continues to spread to land, not only land life will be unable to escape the doom, but billions of humans around the world will also be unable to ensure safety.

It is bound to cause a huge blow to human civilization.

A lot of thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, and Xu Lei immediately issued various response instructions decisively.

"Immediately take over the real-time footage from Tiangong's space telescope and let the Mars base collect and test the meteorite fragments." Just after explaining these two sentences to Li Chengzhe, the next second he moved his eyes to Xingtong: "Let's The nearest ship will go to the target sea area to determine the situation. In addition, the underground dormant base will not be opened for the time being, and all intelligent industrial robots will be controlled to execute the expulsion instructions, allowing others to return to the vent and continue to escape."

"By the way, all robots are sent to perform these tasks. You must be careful when operating meteorites." Xu Lei added another sentence as soon as he finished speaking.

The sudden change instantly diluted the original joyful atmosphere, and the entire Shenzhou became nervous and busy again.

However, everyone also understands the seriousness of this matter and must find out the cause of the death of marine life as soon as possible.

Otherwise it will be very disadvantageous for mankind to fall into passivity.

"I will connect with Tiangong and the Mars military base immediately." Li Chengzhe received Xu Lei's order and started operating on the console with both hands.

Xingtong nodded heavily: "It's the boss."

Soon, Tiangong and Shenzhou completed information docking, and the picture of the Pacific Ocean on the screen finally changed.

It can be seen that as the coordinates go by, more and more areas are showing the corpses of marine life, and they are spreading to the surroundings centered on the location where the meteorite landed.

Looking at this scene, the anger in Xu Lei's heart also continued to rise.

I thought that this time the crisis of Pluto was finally solved, and human civilization could usher in a new stage of development, paving the way for efforts to enter the second-level civilization, but I never thought that in the end, it would still be severely dealt with.

If all the deaths of marine life are really related to Pluto, it means that extraterrestrial civilizations have also provided double protection.

Just want to completely clean up the life on the earth planet.

It can be said that the beam is getting bigger this time.

Since they have done something to invade human civilization, they will have to suffer the consequences.

Under mature conditions, Xu Lei would not mind using their civilization's resources to serve as a springboard for mankind to break out of the solar system.

But these are all things for later.

It's urgent.

It is necessary to first find a way to stop the spread of death.

"Congressman Xu, what is going on? Hasn't the crisis on Pluto been resolved?"

While he was worrying about these things, Xu Lei was awakened by a familiar voice and subconsciously turned to look at the secondary screen of the battleship control system. It was the head of the Yas, Senator Enoch, and the captain of the Future.

They also have the authority to receive Tiangong data. At this time, they must have understood the seriousness of the problem by actively connecting.

Although this answer is difficult for people to accept, Xu Lei now has no choice but to tell the truth: "As you have seen, the special death events that occurred in the ocean, I temporarily suspect that they were caused by the falling meteorites after the broken planet Pluto. We are currently actively responding to it.”

"Shet, these extraterrestrial civilizations are simply robbers and bandits, damn it!" Knowing that the crisis was far from over, Enoch's face instantly dropped.

He uttered a curse word directly in front of everyone.

It shows his mood at this time.

But it's completely normal to have such a reaction. After all, if it hadn't been for this incident, he might have returned to his manor to enjoy life now.

There is no need to stay on a battleship and suffer.

At present, the situation of the Earth and the stars is unknown. No matter from any aspect, space is the safest.

You must not land until you understand the situation.

At this moment, the Yanfang representative dressed as a middle-aged man on board the Future also said: "No matter what, we must do everything possible to ensure the safety of people's lives."

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Xu Lei promised after hearing the sound.

Judging from the current situation, with the speed of the spread of the death range, it should still be some time before reaching land.

He won't be helpless and waiting to die.

But for the island forces located in the ocean, the situation may not be good.

In order to control first-hand information, Xu Lei once again issued a new instruction to Xingtong: "Xingtong, calculate the speed of the spread of the death zone. I want to know the specific time."

"The command has been received and is being calculated..."

Perhaps it was because Xingtong was responsible for a heavier task now, so his responses became increasingly formulaic.

Of course Xu Lei didn't care.

Just patiently waiting for the results in all aspects.

It is said that waiting is a very painful thing, and Xu Lei finally experienced it personally this time.

Especially seeing more and more marine life floating on the sea, my mood is extremely complicated. After all, even if the crisis can be solved, just cleaning up these animal carcasses will be a big trouble.

at the same time.

Liganifu Island No. 2 underground dormancy base.

With Xingtong executing Xu Lei's instructions and appropriately opening permissions for the intelligent industrial robot, the situation suddenly ushered in a different change.

Under the influence of permissions.

Intelligent industrial robots are allowed to use greater power.

Can even fight back in self-defense.

Because most people do not have weapons in their hands, the damage they can cause to the mechanical bodies of smart industrial robots is limited, so they do not lose their combat effectiveness.

After gaining strength, he quickly regained control of the area at the entrance to the base.

Stop others from destroying.

At the same time, a notice that the underground dormant base will not be opened temporarily and the public is asked to return to the air raid shelters is played in a loop.

"The Human Security Alliance has ordered that the underground dormant base will not be opened for the time being. All members of the public are requested to return to the air-raid shelters immediately. The crisis is not over yet!"

Originally, under the leadership of the members of the Hezbollah Organization, many people believed that Future Technology deliberately did not open the underground dormant base.

Not only was this true, but the smart industrial robots even fought back. This ignited the crowd's emotions even more. Instead of following the advice and returning to the air-raid shelter, they started an even more intense fight with the smart industrial robots.

"You know now, Future Technology has no intention of awakening them. They want to use robots to rule the entire human race."

"Kill these robots and save our relatives and friends."

"Let's do it together."

The scene became very chaotic at one point.

And Lydia, the founder of the Allah Organization who controls the situation outside the base, can't help but have a crazy smile on her face at this time.

Although she didn't know why the Human Security Alliance continued to close the underground dormant base, this incident successfully became her reason to create chaos, and everything seemed to be going according to her plan.

Seeing the intelligent industrial robot produced by Future Technology being completely beaten by humans, she felt even more excited about defeating Xu Lei.

"Xu Lei, I hope you will be satisfied with this gift I gave you." He murmured with a sneer, but still couldn't help but feel a little regretful: "It's a pity that Yanfang doesn't have any of our people there."

Lydia didn't believe the lies that the crisis was still unsolved. After all, Pluto had been completely destroyed, and the meteorites falling from the sky were the best proof. In her opinion, the Human Security Alliance was more like being immersed in victory. In their joy, they ignored the dormant base and caused this chaos.

As for the old man who was following her, his expression was a little complicated after hearing all these words.

He always felt that things were not that simple.

But in the end, he hesitated a little and chose to keep silent.

In addition, as Li Yadi said, although violent conflicts between humans and intelligent industrial robots have occurred in many overseas areas, the country is still relatively stable.

Originally, most of the people were still staying in the air-raid shelters, and when they heard the news that the crisis had not yet been resolved, they would not leave even more.

After all, we have been waiting for several years since the emergence of the Pluto crisis, so how can we still miss it in a few days?

It doesn’t matter if you wake up early or wake up late.

It won't have any impact on the body anyway.

Even those who couldn't bear the loneliness and left the air-raid shelter, many came back halfway.

The main thing is not to be afraid of ten thousand, but to be afraid of anything unexpected.

Compared with the adventurous spirit that is more respected overseas, Chinese people prefer stability.


There are definitely hundreds of millions of people out there who like to commit suicide.

I can only say a blessing to this kind of person.

As the saying goes, good words can't persuade a damn person to die. At such an important moment, that's all Xu Lei can do.

It was obviously impossible for him to ask those seeking death to return to the air raid shelter.

No more time.


If you want to find out the real cause of the death of marine life and determine the relationship between this matter and Pluto, the most convenient and direct way is to go to the western Pacific Ocean, the center of the incident, to test the seawater there and dissect the dead life forms to get the truth. .

If the largest meteorite that fell to the bottom of the sea could be recovered, things would become simpler.

That's why Xu Lei issued an order for nearby ships to investigate.

However, there is currently no guarantee that it will be dangerous for people to go there. In this case, it is a good choice to let intelligent industrial robots perform tasks.

Anyway, under the operation of Xingtong, the efficiency is much higher than that of scientists in related fields.

Xingtong knew very well the importance of this matter and the determination of her boss, so she naturally did not dare to hesitate after receiving the order.

Through information screening, a scientific research ship docked at the port of Neon Country was finally selected. After easily gaining control of it, he controlled a nearby intelligent industrial robot to enter the ship, and then sailed to the place where marine life died at the fastest speed. sea ​​area.

And connect the driving data of the scientific research vessel to the Shenzhou.


Xu Lei can also directly view the perspective of any intelligent industrial robot, allowing him to discover problems in the ocean more intuitively.

Having said that, the Mars military base is not idle at the moment.

Because after controlling the planetary defense orbital gun to destroy the anti-matter power device inside Pluto, Ye Junmin ordered everyone to enter a concealed state to prevent themselves from being affected by the explosion impact and falling meteorites.

I have to say that Ye Junmin and the others are indeed very lucky.

None of the meteorites that have fallen to the surface of Mars have come close to where the base is.

No one on base was affected.

So after receiving the emergency mission from the Shenzhou, Ye Junmin immediately ordered everyone to enter a state of combat readiness and resume normal operations of the base.

At the same time, Mars rovers and space robots are sent out to search for meteorites and be prepared for comprehensive inspections.

The next day.

Around seven in the morning.

After several hours of sailing, the scientific research ship controlled by Xingtong finally approached the target sea area.

The death range of major marine life also spreads to the surrounding areas, and the affected area also expands many times at night, so Xingtong does not need to enter the source location to detect the situation.

Fortunately, there are no other ships in sight at the moment.

Otherwise, if it collides with a research ship that is full of intelligent industrial robots and does not have any crew members, it may scare the soul away.

After all, it's really scary in a way.

"What is there in the sea that makes all living things so afraid?"

For many animals, with their sharp senses far exceeding that of humans, they can sometimes seek good fortune and avoid disaster, and detect the occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis in time.

to respond in advance.

Xu Lei saw the sea surface situation through the perspective of an intelligent industrial robot at this time, and this was the first reaction in his heart.

Because he clearly saw a large number of sea creatures fleeing crazily.

It seemed like there was some fierce beast chasing behind.

The reason why fleeing is used to describe an abnormal migration of animals is because their swimming appears to be very chaotic, and even hunters and food companions do not attack.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Unless they all feel the danger approaching.

Of course, Xu Lei was not afraid of this bizarre situation at all.

He brought a shipload of intelligent industrial robots over, and he was not afraid at all even if there were special circumstances. At most, the operation would fail.

Destroy the body of some industrial robots.

It's not harmful at all.

Seeing this, he immediately gave an order to Xingtong: "Collect seawater, conduct control tests later, and capture appropriate marine organisms for sample research."

As Xu Lei's words came out, before Xingtong could respond, multiple intelligent industrial robots on the screen began to take action.

Rely on equipment on board to obtain seawater and biological samples.

Since these marine creatures are in a state of frantically escaping to the outside, it is easy to capture them.

It soon became clear that the terrarium on the deck had become a new home for the fish.

But it can be seen that their condition is not very good. They are still hitting the glass like crazy, and their movements are getting bigger and bigger as the research ship moves.

Facing this unprecedented scene, Xu Lei became even more curious.

Think about what could be causing this.

that's all.

After sailing for dozens of minutes, the scientific research vessel finally entered the sea where marine life died.

Looking around, there are various corpses floating on the calm sea.

Compared with the Tiangong observation screen, the camera on the intelligent industrial robot is undoubtedly clearer, allowing Xu Lei to intuitively see the entire situation.

Especially the carcass of an adult humpback whale right in front of the research vessel is even more regrettable.

"This scene is too tragic. I really can't think of any way to achieve this level." Li Chengzhe, who also saw this scene, stretched out his fingers and pressed his temples, with a little sadness in his words.

The development of human civilization to this day has caused the extinction of countless species. If the ocean becomes a dead sea in the future, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Don't worry, sooner or later this debt will be recovered from extraterrestrial civilizations." Xu Lei assured with firm eyes, his eyes still locked on the screen.

Since extraterrestrial civilization has set its sights on the Earth and the planet, it uses various methods to completely eliminate human civilization.

Then I believe that the other party will definitely enter the solar system sooner or later.

As long as human civilization still exists, it will bring them an unforgettable nightmare.

If an outsider hears that alien civilization must pay a price, I am afraid most of them will think that person is crazy. After all, no matter how you look at it, alien civilization has a more powerful technological level.

But Li Chengzhe firmly believed in this.

Not for anything else.

Just because Xu Lei said this.

While Xu Lei and Li Chengzhe were talking about this matter, Xingtong on the research ship had already controlled the intelligent robot to extract new seawater samples and corpses.

And immediately used the equipment on the ship to conduct detailed inspections.

But what no one expected was that before the test results came out, all the experimental fish that were originally alive in the glass container died inexplicably.

It seems that there is some special energy field in this area, which can carry out precise strikes against carbon-based life.

Just know that these experimental fish in the glass container did not come into contact with contaminated seawater, but they still could not escape the fate of death in the end. This situation shows that it is very likely that this large-scale death phenomenon is not limited to seawater.

The scope representing death will continue until it covers the entire globe.

"How could this happen? They are all dead. Doesn't that mean that the creatures on land will also..."

After this terrible thought came to Li Chengzhe's mind, he immediately did not dare to continue talking, because if this was really the case, at least billions of human beings would be in danger of death.

Even the people in the underground dormant cabin don't know if anything will happen.

They always thought that the impact of Pluto was the biggest crisis facing human civilization, but now it seems that this strange death is even more frightening.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Xu Lei quickly ordered again: "Xingtong, hurry up and find out the cause of death, you must be quick!"

Under this huge pressure, in addition to Xingtong's efforts to maximize efficiency, the Mars military base also successfully obtained meteorite samples and conducted detailed studies.

Finally, the corresponding detection data was not transmitted to Shenzhou until near noon.

But after reading it, everyone was silent.

It has been detected that the meteorite contains a special substance that does not exist on Earth or even in the solar system. It is very likely to be the research result of extraterrestrial civilization. When this substance reacts with seawater, it will directly destroy the genetic chain and structure of living things. cells, causing them to die in a very short period of time.

And its scope of influence will also be the entire planet.

In Xu Lei's opinion, this is more like a transformation of the earth star.

While completely exterminating the indigenous people of the Earth, the environment will be transformed into a state suitable for extraterrestrial civilization.

When this result was finally presented to Xu Lei, even though there was no solution, Xu Lei still confirmed one thing.

"Xingtong, how long will it take for the area of ​​influence to reach the land?"

"According to calculations, the dead material will reach the land in ten days and cover the world in one month." Faced with his boss's inquiry, Xingtong answered without any emotion.

"Are there ten days left?" Xu Lei repeated this time softly as if talking to himself. I don't know what he was thinking at this time.

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