My science and technology museum

Chapter 403 What is he going to do?

For large Star Destroyers, although plasma cannons and neutral particle cannons are powerful, they require a certain amount of time to gather energy and prepare for launch. This makes it difficult to lock on extremely fast targets.

Not to mention carrying out moving target strikes.

The Red Rock Galaxy and other fleets obviously did not expect that there would be such terrifying life forms besides stinging ants on the nameless star. They were caught off guard and fell into a disadvantage. The warships were unable to form close cooperation and seemed to be in chaos. a feeling of.

So much so that even though the connection between the battleships was damaged, the identity of the enemy could not be determined.

Although the three civilizations have a large number of warships, if the situation continues like this and the situation cannot be improved, then it is very likely that the entire army will be annihilated.

Then all face will be lost.

After all, although the damage caused by this unknown life to the battleship was limited, the key was the cooperation of the stinging ant colony.

As a large number of stinging ants enter the interior of the battleship, it is difficult for the crew members, who are carbon-based life forms, to resist.

If a large number of crew members die by then, the fleet will completely lose control, causing the situation to quickly fall into disadvantage.

This is something no one wants to see.

Fortunately, the fleet of the Red Rock Galaxy is worthy of being called the strongest force in the Milky Way. Compared with the Ice Sea Galaxy and Pompeii civilization, it quickly returned to a calm state after a period of panic.

And successfully captured the clear silhouette of the enemy through multiple Star Destroyers.

"Report, the target has been identified!"


"Turn the screen over." Ba Jun, who had beads of sweat on his forehead, hurriedly ordered after finally hearing such good news.

He didn't hide the surprise on his face.

The next second, a huge black shadow appeared on the home screen.

Looking up carefully, I saw that it was a giant beast with a body length of several hundred meters. It was covered with hard scales and had a sharp horn on its head.

Although its size is nothing short of huge, comparable to that of a small battleship, its movement speed is not slow at all.

Otherwise, there would be no way to avoid the plasma cannon's pursuit.

In particular, the horn is its most powerful and sharp weapon. It can even cut through large battleships, which shows its power.

But when they saw this scene, almost everyone, including Wan Jun, was startled. Their eyes were filled with shock and disbelief, as if what was in front of them should not exist at all.

After being stunned for more than ten seconds, he heard Ba Jun speak.

"We are really lucky to meet a star beast here again!"

The so-called star beasts are a special kind of life that lives in the Milky Way. They have an unimaginable lifespan and great strength. They can travel at will in the galaxy and choose suitable planets to settle and reproduce.

Because they have a special liking for Zerg and like to eat all kinds of Zerg, the two often appear at the same time.

However, because the existence of star beasts will cause trouble to passing warships and civilizations, and even threaten the space channels, the Administration once organized a special operation to eliminate star beasts.

In total, more than fifty advanced civilizations participated.

The main threats from star beasts are threats. Their bodies are also very good materials and can be used in various ways.

Black market prices are extremely high.

However, unlike the Zerg, it is very difficult for star beasts to reproduce, which makes it difficult to find traces of star beasts in the galaxy after that operation. Almost all of them have been proven extinct by the Administration.

But no one thought that they would encounter a star beast here again this time.

And it is also a mature star beast with strong combat power.

For the star beast, the stinging ants are a very delicious food. Now the fleet is killing them like this, which is equivalent to stealing its food in disguise. How can the star beast continue to sit still and wait for death.

Naturally, they would choose to attack the fleet.

Until the fleet was completely destroyed.

"How could there be a star beast here? It's so bizarre!"

"The scales on the surface of the star beasts are extremely special. Ordinary weapons cannot harm them at all, but plasma cannons and neutral particle cannons cannot lock onto their moving matter."

"This guy is obviously targeting us. If we don't deal with it first, it will be difficult to continue attacking the stinging ant colony."

"Another warship has been damaged. We must act as soon as possible."

At this time, Ba Jun listened to the opinions of his subordinates, and his head was about to explode. If he had known that this situation would happen, he should not have been so aggressive just now. Perhaps the best way is to learn from Setan and continue to wait and see.

However, things have developed to this point, and there is definitely no use regretting it.

In particular, the Red Rock Galaxy Fleet was the first to arrive at the Nameless Star to launch an attack, which did a good job of attracting some damage to the Pompeii civilization in the ice galaxy behind it. Otherwise, I am afraid that the losses for both companies would be even more serious.

And I have to say that there is a reason why Ba Jun is in this position. Faced with such a situation, he quickly calmed down.

And quickly issued new instructions.

He was not affected at all by other subordinates around him.

"The whole ship is keeping calm, it's just a star beast, it can't make much waves."

"Send small warships to limit its speed."

"As soon as you find an opportunity, use the plasma cannon to kill it immediately."

"And the battleships that will connect Binghai and Pompeii to me immediately. At this time, everyone must unite and cooperate. We must first eliminate the star beasts and then talk about the stinging ant colony."

Faced with these orders from Ba Jun, everyone quickly calmed down and began to implement them step by step.

But in the last thing, there was some bad news: "Reporting to the commander, the fleets on the Ice Sea and Pompeii are retreating and evacuating. We are now effectively cutting off their rear."


"It's really a third-level civilization."

When Ba Jun heard this report, his face became very gloomy. He really didn't expect that the other party was so fast.

Because the attention of the star beasts is all on them at the moment, and they are frantically attacking the warships in the fleet. At this time, the Ice Sea Galaxy and the Pompeii civilization do have time to evacuate. As long as they leave the range of the nameless star and reach a safe distance, the star beasts generally do not Will pursue again.

But in this way, the Red Rock Galaxy needs to face the star beast alone.

Even if it can be solved in the end, the fleet will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Causing a large number of Star Destroyers to lose power.

But Ba Jun also knew very well what Carlisle and Jin Weifeng were doing.

It's just to get more crystal core shares.

If the star beasts did not appear, there is no doubt that Hongyan Galaxy could easily obtain the highest share of crystal core resources by virtue of its advantage in the number of warships.

The Ice Sea Galaxy and the Pompeii civilization are still the second and third oldest for thousands of years.

But the appearance of the star beast brought things to a turning point. If the star beast could significantly reduce the strength of the Red Rock Galaxy, the two of them would hope to compete for the top spot in the future. How could they refuse such a thing that would benefit themselves at the expense of others.

Even if the Red Rock Galaxy wants to cause trouble after the incident is over, there is no reason.

Only a dumb person can eat Coptis chinensis.

After understanding the current situation, Ba Jun knew that others were unreliable, so he had no choice but to deal with the star beast alone.

After all, if he chooses to evacuate at this time, it will undoubtedly make the individuals of various civilizations in the Milky Way watching the live broadcast laugh, and it will seriously damage the face of the Red Rock Galaxy. Bakun must not let this happen in his own hands.

No matter what, the Red Rock Galaxy has always regarded itself as the most powerful civilization in the Milky Way.

If you have to run away when faced with a star beast, and leave so many Zerg species alone, its glorious image will inevitably plummet.


at the same time.

Inspector Uma, who was watching the live broadcast on the Space Platform of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, couldn't help but feel surprised after seeing the star beast.

"I didn't expect that the unknown life that was detected earlier would be a star beast. Now things are getting more interesting. I wonder what kind of actions the eternal body Xu Lei will do in the current situation?"

While muttering softly to himself, he immediately switched the screen to the Setan Star Fleet.

It was not just Uma who had this idea. At this moment, all the viewers from all civilizations in the live broadcast room were shocked.

All the topics were focused on the star beast.

Some viewers who have survived in the galaxy for a long time can directly tell the identity of the star beast.

As for the new generation, they don’t even know what it is.

"Today's live broadcast is really worth watching. It's hard to see things like star beasts. They have almost disappeared for several epochs."

"I didn't expect that our Cygnus spiral arm still has this kind of existence."

"It is indeed a legendary star beast. It flies too fast and cannot be caught at all."

"The key attack power is also amazing. It destroyed several Star Destroyers in the Red Rock Galaxy in such a short period of time."

"What is a star beast?"

"This is the first time I've seen such a big Zerg. It's so scary."

"I just checked the information treasure trove of the Administration. When I met the Star Beast here, I'm afraid it's hard to say who will get the highest share of crystal core resources in the end."

In addition, a small number of spectators from the solar system did not give up this opportunity. They spoke frequently at this time, proving that Xu Lei's decision to keep the fleet on the sidelines was not wrong, and even said that Xu Lei had long been aware of the danger.

However, due to the deep-rooted impression of Setan in everyone's mind, it is difficult to change in a short time.

Almost as soon as the remarks were made, they were questioned by other spiral arm civilization individuals, thinking that Xu Lei was just a coincidence.

They argued with each other so much that a variety of opinions came out in the live broadcast room.

"Who dares to say that Setan is afraid of fighting the Zerg now? It is obvious that the commander has foreseen the danger in advance."

"I have long said that Xu Lei, as the spiritual pillar of human civilization in our solar system, will never be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. The appearance of the star beast just confirms this."

"Stop putting gold on your face. People in Red Rock, Ice Sea and Pompeii don't even know the existence of star beasts. How can a small Sethan star be predicted? I think it's just a coincidence. No matter what you say, you can't change Sethan." Starfleet loser."

"You know, even the administration doesn't know there are star beasts here."

"I believe that soon our planet, Setan, will get rid of this star beast and obtain the highest share of crystal core resources in this era."

"Can you stop talking nonsense in the Orion Spiral Arm? Haven't you seen that the fleets of the Ice Galaxy and Pompeii civilization have retreated? The key is to rely on red rock to deal with emergencies. If Setan dares to go to Setan at this time, , I'll give you my head to play with."

As for the debate between individuals of various civilizations in the live broadcast room, Xu Lei decided not to see it at the moment because he was listening to the words of the captains.

Previously, they were very dissatisfied with Xu Lei's decision to continue berthing, but they had to bear it because of the orders of their superiors. But after seeing the Red Rock Galaxy being attacked by star beasts and falling into crisis, the Ice Sea and the Pompeii Civilized Fleet After evacuating one after another, they finally realized that Xu Lei was far-sighted.

If they had advanced just now, they would probably have caused losses to the fleet.

After all, Setan is not as wealthy as the Red Rock Galaxy.

"Commander Xu, we misunderstood before. I didn't expect you to know that there are still star beasts on this planet."

"It's really risky this time."

"You haven't seen the embarrassment of the Ice Sea Galaxy and the Pompeii civilization."

"With the combat power of an adult star beast, even if the Red Rock Galaxy wants to kill it, it will probably pay a high price. This may be a good opportunity for us."

"Commander Xu, please restore it as soon as possible, and we will execute it unconditionally."

In the command hall of the main ship, Xu Lei couldn't laugh or cry after listening to what the captains said.

It seems that he only announced that the fleet of Setan will continue to wait and see because of the Eternal Body's perception of danger. However, he has the same information as everyone else about the real situation on the unknown star.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he had heard of a special life form like a star beast.

The traces of the main star beasts have disappeared in the Milky Way for a long time. If you don't go to the information treasure house to search accurately, there is no way to know.

I can only say that this happened by coincidence.

But no matter what, at least the effect was in line with his expectations.

If there were no problems with the Nameless Star and the Red Rock Galaxy finally easily eliminated the Stinging Ant Colony, then he would only need to worry.

And as one of the captains said, the energy of the Red Rock Galaxy is currently focused on solving the star beasts, which is indeed a good opportunity for other civilizations. Maybe there is hope of getting the highest share of crystal core resources for the Orion spiral arm.

Although when he first learned about the distribution method of crystal core resources, Xu Lei had the idea of ​​​​giving up on himself and was ready to give up the fight for crystal core resources.

But in the final analysis, it was just a decision made out of desperation.

But now that there is still hope, we must try our best.

What's more, only by replacing Setan and obtaining the ideal share of the crystal core for the Orion spiral arm can he live up to his eternal body. Otherwise, it will always seem that the eternal body he has worked so hard to condense has no effect.

After thinking about this clearly, Xu Lei stopped wasting time and immediately ordered: "The whole ship is ready to set off, the target is the unknown star!"

"It's the commander-in-chief."

After what happened before, the captains no longer have any objections to Xu Lei's orders.

Even if they were going against the current to a dangerous area, they would always answer with sonorous force, as if they would even die at this moment to preserve the integrity and dignity of Setan and the Orion spiral arm.

As Xu Lei's order was accurately conveyed to each battleship, the remaining seven Star Destroyers of Setan were immediately seen skipping the returning Ice Sea Galaxy and the Pompeii civilization fleet, and quickly headed towards the unknown star.

Such an abnormal approach immediately stunned Carlisle Jin Weifeng.

I can’t figure out what kind of operation this is on Setan.

Originally, they chose to evacuate in time because they wanted to preserve their strength first and let the star beasts consume more of the Red Rock Galaxy Fleet's strength.

Under normal circumstances, Setan Star should be more relaxed and wait for work.

But now they have chosen to take the initiative to attack, which is really puzzling. After all, with their few Star Destroyers, if they really encounter the star beasts, they will all be destroyed in a short time.

"What kind of operation is this on Setan? Aren't you afraid that the entire ship will be destroyed?"

"It's so stupid!" In the control hall of the main ship of the Ice Sea Galaxy Fleet, Carlisle heard his subordinates' confusion about Setan's behavior and immediately said in a cold voice: "Do you want to save face in this way? The price is too high. A bit bigger.”


In Carlisle's view, the Setan Star Fleet did this just to make up for the face it had lost by standing still.

It's just stupid to take an entire fleet as the price.

Those who had the same idea also included Jin Weifeng of the Pompeii civilization. They never believed that Setan had discovered a dangerous existence, so they did not choose to act immediately.

Because if they admitted it, they would look stupid.

However, the audience from various civilizations in the live broadcast room were quite surprised when they saw the performance of the Setan Star Fleet, and they even couldn't believe it.

It was completely unexpected that Setan, which was recognized as a coward by everyone, would choose to take the initiative to force the star beast.

Although many people still questioned in the barrage, thinking that this kind of behavior would be a waste of money, there were also supportive remarks.

"Why is Setan so brave all of a sudden? But I like it."

"Compared with Setan, the Ice Sea Galaxy and Pompeii civilization are inferior. The withdrawal at this time is obviously intentional. If the three fleets had joined forces just now, I am afraid that the star beast would have been dealt with long ago."

"I advise you not to charge at Setan at this time. Just use a few Star Destroyers and be careful to finish them off."

"You really think I'm stupid. I'm just trying to pick the peaches of the Red Rock Galaxy. How can I fight the star beast?"

"I believe that Setan, as a rare mechanical civilization in the Milky Way, will never disappoint everyone."

In fact, it is similar to what was guessed in the barrage. When the fleet of Setan Planet goes up at this time, it will definitely focus on destroying the stinging ant colony and earning contribution points.

Otherwise, how can we qualify for the highest share of crystal core resources?

But the fleet belongs to the fleet, and Xu Lei has other ideas.

That's because he wanted to test the star beast's strength.

Since the Eternal Body was successfully condensed, he has not experienced any battle until now, and is unable to determine his true strength at all. This is obviously a pity for him.

In the past, there was no suitable opportunity to eliminate the stinging ant colony, but now it must not be missed.

According to the description of the star beast in the information treasure trove, this existence not only has strong strength, but also has amazing scale defense.

It is no exaggeration to say that even a neutral particle cannon would be difficult to kill it.

Facing such an opponent who is not weak in strength, fighting against him will undoubtedly bring out the greater potential of his eternal body, so that he can understand his true situation.

Since the captains of the Setan Star Fleet were in a state of high morale at the moment, they sailed without any pause during the voyage and sailed almost at full speed. Therefore, it did not take long for the fleet to successfully reach the vicinity of the Nameless Star.

And reunited with the original two Star Destroyers.

In this case, Xu Lei also directly ordered: "Locate the unknown star thorn ant colony and start attacking!"

"It's the commander-in-chief."

Following the transmission of this order, nine large Star Destroyers were soon seen firing plasma cannons at the same time. Nine spherical ions could be seen passing over the fleet in the Red Rock Galaxy and striking accurately on the surface of the nameless star.

In just one round, countless stinging ants were wiped out.

According to this attack speed, it won't take long to completely eliminate the Zerg on the Nameless Star.

But how could the Red Rock Galaxy just watch Setan pick peaches?

Ba Jun, who was already worried about the star beasts, felt that his lungs were about to explode when he saw that Setan Star was so bold as to attack the spiny ants at this time.

He got furious on the spot.


"Who gave them the courage?"

"It's really easy to take advantage of our Red Rock Galaxy!"

After scolding several times in succession, he then made a decision. He stared at the star beast on the screen with slightly cold eyes, and then said: "Aren't they on Setan Planet eager to eliminate the stinging ant colony? Then let's let them They feel the power of some star beasts."

"Tell the frigate to lead the star beast over to them."

"It's sir." When the subordinate next to him heard this sentence, he immediately understood what Wan Jun meant and responded quickly.

A cruel smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

Originally, they were trying to attract the star beasts by sending small warships, so as to lock them in and kill them with plasma cannons, because this can be said to be the most suitable solution.

But they still underestimated the flying speed of the star beast.

Especially in a space environment.

If the opponent doesn't take the initiative to stop, it's even harder to kill it with a plasma cannon. You can only watch the ship being attacked by the star beasts.

But if it is said that the star beast will be led to other places, it is undoubtedly very confident.

What's more, the fleet of Setan Star also attacked the Nameless Star.

that's all.

Then, lured by a large number of small battleships, the star beasts gradually left the range of the Red Rock Galaxy Fleet and turned towards the Setan Star Fleet.

Such a thrilling scene not only made the audience in the live broadcast room worried, but even the inside of the battleship seemed a little panicked.

"The star beast is flying towards us, prepare to defend!"

"It's so fast!"

Only Xu Lei looked normal at this, and said to everyone in a deep voice: "Don't panic. At this time, it is most taboo to mess up your position. The fleet will continue to attack the nameless star. As for the star beast, I will deal with it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the storm sword and walked straight out of the cabin amidst everyone's confusion.

And used his own authority to open the hatch and fly out of the battleship.

After the audience in the live broadcast room saw what Xu Lei did, a lot of question marks suddenly appeared in their minds, and in an instant there was only one thought left.

"What is he going to do?"

In everyone's opinion, leaving the most secure warship at this time is undoubtedly similar to courting death.

Because even a mechanical life form cannot be the opponent of a star beast. It can be said that from the moment Xu Lei chose to leave the cabin, the outcome was already doomed...

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