My science and technology museum

Chapter 404 The shock of all civilizations

With the help of the powerful effect of the eternal body, the energy was mobilized in Xu Lei's body, giving him the ability to fly in space. As his speed continued to increase, he soon came to the star beast and blocked it with a storm sword. The way to go.

Such a thrilling and shocking scene completely dumbfounded the audience in the live broadcast room, and they were so shocked that they could not close their mouths.

His eyes were fixed on Xu Lei, for fear of missing a second.

No one thought that Xu Lei not only dared to take the risk to come out of the battleship, but also took the initiative to meet the star beast. In everyone's mind, this was no different from sending death.

Compared with this, the fact that Xu Lei, as an ordinary mechanical life form, can move freely in space has been ignored.

Didn't think about it at all.

Because for the audience in the live broadcast room, it is more important to understand the reason why Xu Lei did this.

So much so that the number of barrages has grown rapidly.

Almost all users are talking about Xu Lei's actions.

"I'm not wrong. Doesn't he want to die? He actually dares to come out of the battleship at this time. There is no need to rush at this time if he wants to die."

"I originally thought that Setan was brave, but it turned out that it was deliberately seeking death!"

"This kind of person can also serve as the commander-in-chief of the fleet. No wonder he chose to wait and see just now."

"Even if it is a mechanical life form, its physical strength cannot withstand the abnormal bite force of the star beast. I'm afraid this guy will be torn into pieces."

"I feel quite familiar with this person. He seems to be Xu Lei, the scientist who developed the No. 1 potion of the solar system on the Blue Scale Star. Although I don't know why he was appointed fleet commander and participated in the distribution of crystal core resources on Setan's behalf. , but this is definitely the wrong decision.”

"The solar system is indeed a very special civilization, and it is developing very fast."

"Our Congressman Xu will never seek death. He must have a way to deal with the star beasts. You will find out later. Also, welcome to the solar system as a guest."

"You are still being stubborn at this time, are you planning to use yourself to push the star beast to death?"

"I also feel that things are not that simple. Have any of you ever seen a living entity that can move freely in space without the help of external forces? Even the Saitans can't do it!"

As more and more users from various civilizations participate in discussions, it can be said that no one pays attention to other civilizations anymore.

All attention was on Xu Lei.

However, even though some people knew Xu Lei's identity and expressed their support publicly, the number was still very small, and they were drowned in the torrent of real-time barrages in the blink of an eye.

For most users, they just want to see Xu Lei swallowed by the star beast.

This proves that his judgment about the fleet of Setan is correct.

And this is exactly what the Red Rock Galaxy wants to see.

Setan chose this time to attack the stinging ant colony on the unknown star. How could the Red Rock Galaxy watch helplessly? On the contrary, if the star beasts were attracted by Setan, they could continue to harvest achievements without any scruples.

Firmly hold the highest share of crystal core resources in your hands.

But it's a pity that they met Xu Lei.

"It's an honor for you to have the opportunity to fight the Eternal Body. Let me see what methods you have."

Suspended in space hundreds of meters away from the star beast, Xu Lei was thinking secretly in his heart. At the same time, he clenched the storm sword with both hands, and then his body suddenly accelerated and struck directly at the star beast's head.

The entire movement was decisive and smooth, without any hesitation.

As the saying goes, when a lion fights a rabbit, it uses all its strength, let alone when facing a behemoth with a length of several hundred meters.

Even though Xu Lei was very confident in his eternal body, he didn't have any confidence at this time. It can be said that he used almost all his strength on this sword.

On the other hand, Star Beast was naturally extremely angry.

The thick tail covered with thorny scales swung like a long snake in space, and the amazing power it displayed seemed to be able to crush even asteroids.

Strongly dissatisfied with the bugs that stand in front of it.

After all, according to the size difference between the two sides, in the eyes of the star beast, Xu Lei is indeed not much different from a bug.

This star beast is most likely the last individual species in the Milky Way. It originally lived in seclusion on an unknown star and relied on preying on delicious stinging ants. In a way, it can be considered contented.

Never mind what's going on in the galaxy.

Because only in this way can it continue to live and maintain the species from being exterminated.

This is also the result of natural filtering.

You must know that when the star beasts proliferated in the Milky Way, they had no scruples at all and acted in the Milky Way according to their own preferences, thus causing losses to many civilizations.

For this reason, the Galaxy Civilization Administration chose to hunt star beasts in batches.

If it hadn't been for this accidental sighting of the star beast here again, the species would probably have been deemed extinct by the administration.

But even in this case, the place where it lived was still hit by the plasma cannon, and even the food it relied on for survival was wiped out.

Therefore, it can only launch a counterattack to eliminate all outsiders in front of it.

So when it saw Xu Lei flying towards it, it also accelerated its speed, and it saw that the two sides were about to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Xu Lei didn't think too much at this time. He just wanted to test the actual combat power of the eternal body and subdue the star beast first, so in the end the storm sword in his hand fell on the star beast's neck.

But the imagined scene did not happen, and was completely beyond expectations.

Perhaps the force acting on the sword was too huge, far exceeding the load of the Storm Saber. After the sword hit the scales on the neck of the star beast, it broke into two pieces on the spot and flew into space. Although it was not Breaking through the star beast's defense, it also caused it obvious pain.

But before Xu Lei could react, his field of vision was quickly occupied by a thick tail.

He was immediately whipped out in the next second.

"Damn scale armor, it's really hard!"

He immediately mobilized the energy in his body to stabilize his body. Xu Lei lowered his gaze and glanced at the half-broken Storm Saber in his hand. He cursed secretly and threw away the remaining sword.

Then he stepped forward again.

Choose to directly use your fist to hammer the star beast.

The Storm Combat was originally purchased before he participated in the Blue Scale Star mission, and it was fine for dealing with ordinary Zerg like Sea Dragon Lice.

Facing the star beast really seems a bit bad.

After all, with this scale armor, the star beast can easily resist the neutral particle cannon.

Only plasma cannons can pose a threat to it.

Fortunately, Xu Lei was slapped by the tail of the star beast, but he did not suffer any damage. It can only be said that the eternal body is indeed terrifying.

And it is certain that the physical strength of the Eternal Body far exceeds that of the Storm Saber.

It is simply a walking weapon.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Lei chose to give up his weapons and use fists to attack instead.

Since it won't be hurt anyway, just hit it and that's it. No matter how strong the star beast's defense is, it won't die with one punch, but a few more punches will eventually make it lose its mobility.

He was in no hurry on the matter.

Mainly after the eternal body is condensed, it will be very difficult to find a suitable opponent.

Especially the punches to the flesh.

Otherwise, the only ones that can be dealt with may be Star Destroyers.


In a star system where there is no advanced intelligent civilization, the sky above an unnamed planet seems very lively at this time.

A large number of Star Destroyers gathered here to attack the surface of the planet.

In the middle area surrounded by the fleet, it was a completely different situation. After several rounds of fighting, Xu Lei landed on the ground of the Nameless Star and then took off again, finally letting his body ride on the neck of the star beast.

Two strong thighs clamped the star beast's neck, and his fists continued to attack.

It's like a humanoid star beast.

Although Xu Lei had no weapons in his hands, the power that the Eternal Body could exert was unimaginable. Under such an attack, the star beast's head was quickly hammered, its head was knocked dizzy, and its body gradually lost control.

After a fierce struggle, they even crashed into the fleet of the Red Rock Galaxy again.

As a result, the only intact Star Destroyer left had followed the footsteps of other damaged warships. Either it had a hole punched out by the horn on the star beast's head, or its anti-matter power engine was damaged.

It's like a broken down car on the highway on a snowy day.

Under this situation, even if you want to continue attacking the stinging ants on the unknown star, the efficiency will be extremely low.

At least it fell behind Setan.

But as to why this star beast did not crash into the battleships of Setan, the answer is naturally that Xu Lei deliberately controlled it.

Otherwise, how can we obtain the highest share of crystal core resources on behalf of the Orion spiral arm.

However, this made the Red Rock Galaxy very angry, especially Ba Jun, who was even more furious. He obviously wanted to use the star beast to contain Setan, but in the end, his own battleship was seriously damaged.

But after seeing that Xu Lei could control the star beast alone, he felt extremely shocked.

It is unimaginable that the power of individual living beings can be so powerful.

At the same time, he finally realized the horror of the eternal body.

"Is this the eternal body that Setan has always relied on the most? It's really unimaginable!"

Red Rock Galaxy Fleet.

In the command hall of the main ship, Ba Jun looked at Xu Lei, who was facing the Explosive Hammer Star Beast on the screen. Although his face was extremely gloomy, the fear in his eyes could not be described as panic.

I sighed secretly and knew that it would be difficult for the Red Rock Galaxy to achieve the same results as before this time.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the command hall was once again covered in flashing red light, and a series of alarms sounded from the system.



"The left engine of the battleship Tianyan is damaged!"

"The Blackstone battleship was hit!"


"Danger is about to arrive, please prepare the main ship to prevent collision!"

When Ba Jun heard these reports, he immediately understood that the star beast was coming towards them again, and this time the target was actually their main ship.

It's really bullying.

This made Ba Jun really unable to control the anger in his heart.

"How dare you, Seitan, you can actually force the strongest fleet in our Red Rock Galaxy to do this." He suddenly stood up and reprimanded, and soon a subordinate took over the words very dissatisfied and echoed: "This The star beast attacked our warship alone, it was obviously Xu Lei's intention."

"How can our Red Rock Fleet be allowed to ride on the head of Setan? We must fight back."

"Even if they have eternal bodies, they are still no different from a colony of stinging ants under the plasma cannon."

"If this continues, I'm afraid we will be at the bottom."

"Please let Master Bajun make the decision!"

Hearing the sound, the other adjutants nearby also spoke one after another. Judging from the meaning of their words, they wanted to aim their guns at the Sethan Star Fleet.

Come and change your home to the extreme.

But at this time, Ba Jun directly denied it without thinking.

"Absolutely not."

Both his tone and attitude were extremely firm.

Because he knew very well that this time the Galaxy Civilization Administration took the lead in organizing the strongest civilizations in the four spiral arms here to participate in the distribution of the share of crystal core resources in the New Era, and civilizations would never be allowed to attack each other.

After all, each civilization has dispatched one-third of its own warships, which is almost the core force within the civilization.

If they attack each other and consume each other, there is a high probability that the entire army will be annihilated in the end.

And this loss is all the power of the Milky Way.

So how could the Administration let something like this happen? You must know that this allocation of resource shares not only started a live broadcast across the galaxy, but the patrol envoy Uma was personally responsible for it.

Not to mention pointing the muzzle at the Saitan Star Fleet to attack, I am afraid that if they have similar intentions, Uma will disqualify them.

And the subsequent red rock galaxies will be subject to various triggers.

As the commander of the Hongyan Galaxy Fleet, how could he do such a thing as losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame seeds?

The star beast was a force majeure factor that suddenly appeared during the operation. It was no problem for them to lead it to the Setan Star, because who asked the Setan Star Fleet to choose this time to come.

It is impossible to use battleships to deal with the Saitan Star Fleet.

These are completely different things.

Regarding Ba Jun's order, the other adjutants would definitely not dare to disobey. Although it is almost a foregone conclusion now, they can only express regret.

On the other hand, on the Setan Star Fleet, the moods of several captains and the crew members on the battleship were instantly lifted.

Especially after seeing the scene of Xu Lei's Explosive Hammer Star Beast, his whole body felt as if he had been beaten to death. He never thought that Setan Star could be so popular, and a strong sense of group honor was instantly born in his heart.

They all hope to seize such a good opportunity and live up to Xu Lei's efforts.

Among them, the captain kept cheering.

"We must not waste the time Commander Xu bought for everyone and continue to attack the stinging ant colony. This time we must let our planet Setan take the first place."

A large number of attacks can be seen coming from various weapons of the fleet, accurately landing on the surface of the nameless star.

This caused the colony of stinging ants, which were already few and far between, to wither even further.

at the same time.

The official live broadcast room of the Administration.

The moment Xu Lei rode on the star beast's neck and kept attacking with his fists, all users watching the live broadcast stopped thinking.

Even if you point the camera at them, you will find that they are all stunned.

No matter the users who just questioned or supported Xu Lei, they could not imagine that the power of an individual life alone could hammer an adult star beast to such an extent. It was simply worse than a star beast.

But after the shock, everyone was more excited and cheered for Xu Lei.

After all, the emergence of such powerful life entities in the galaxy will give the civilizations in the galaxy a strong sense of security.

You know, even the Milky Way is not safe.

In addition to the intrusion of the Zerg inside, there is also a neighboring Andromeda Galaxy outside, and the number of civilizations in it far exceeds that of the Milky Way.

The key point is that no one can guarantee that two neighboring galaxies will always live in harmony.

What would happen if there were an advanced intelligent civilization in the Celestial Galaxy that wanted to invade the Milky Way? Strong men would definitely need to stand up.

And precisely because of this necessity, the number of barrages at this moment is several times higher than before.

"Is this the boss from the solar system? I kneel down."

"Using two fists to blast the star beast, I even doubted whether I saw it wrong. This is too strong!"

"As expected of the individual life of our Orion spiral arm, we did not embarrass our own spiral arm."

"Is he really a mechanical life form? Ordinary mechanical life forms should not be able to reach this level. I just saw him being bitten by a star beast and he was fine."

"Who just said that people are seeking death? Does your face hurt now?"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a strong person in a star system that has just advanced to the second level civilization. I am becoming more and more interested."

"Did you see that when the opponent was fighting the star beast, his exposed skin seemed to turn golden? Is this the latest high-tech?"

"The Red Rock Galaxy is so miserable. It seems they will be at the bottom this time."

Because the eternal body has not appeared for many epochs, there are not many living individuals that can be recognized. This means that although some users saw Xu Lei's physical changes when fighting the star beast, they did not know what happened.

But in short, after this battle, Xu Lei will definitely become a famous celebrity in the entire galaxy.

And this scene finally made Qiao Xiure and the others who were watching the live broadcast completely relieved, knowing that their decision to let Xu Lei condense the eternal body was not wrong.

Dang Ji began to prepare for the celebration ceremony for Xu Lei and the fleet.

After all, if nothing else goes wrong, Setan will definitely replace the Orion spiral arm to get the highest share of crystal core resources this time.

This is something that has been pursued for centuries.

Now let Xu Lei do it.

In fact, from a certain perspective, Setan and even the Orion spiral arm are also grateful to this star beast. If it hadn't suddenly appeared and disrupted the plan of the Red Rock Galaxy, then even if Xu Lei had an eternal body, it would be difficult to Make the most of your strengths.

I can only say that time is also destiny.

As for the inspector Uma who also watched the battle, he was also amazed by the power of the eternal body.

"The records about the Eternal Body in the information treasure house are indeed good. It would be a bit of a waste if such strength only stays on Setan!" He whispered thoughtfully to himself, and then the figure disappeared from the place.

Compared to the Red Rock Galaxy, there are still two companies currently in a dilemma.

That's right.

It is the icy star system and Pompeii civilization.

They had previously chosen to sell their teammates and let the fleet retreat to a safe area, hoping that the star beasts would consume all the strength of the Red Rock Galaxy, and then the two of them would benefit.

But now Setan Planet has become this fisherman.

The key is that they have no solution yet.

Rush forward now?

Stop joking.

With Xu Lei controlling the star beasts, in the past he might have just wanted to follow in the footsteps of the Red Rock Galaxy.

If a large number of battleships are damaged, the civilization itself will bear the damage.

Therefore, even if they are very unwilling, they can only watch and voluntarily give up the competition for the share of crystal core resources.

Waiting to get small portions of resources.

"Sir, the fleet power of the Red Rock Galaxy is greatly reduced now. This is a good opportunity for us to eliminate the spiny ants and earn a contribution. Even getting second place is a good result!"

In the command hall of the main ship of the Pompeii Civilization Fleet, there were still people who were unwilling to give up the opportunity and tirelessly persuaded Jin Weifeng.

Hopefully he will give the order to attack.

Unfortunately, Tsuoikaze's answer was only rejection.

"Let's continue to wait and see. We can't take this risk, and we can't afford it." He shook his head and replied with a gloomy expression.

For them who only wanted to take second place, it was indeed a good opportunity now, but he could not guarantee whether Xu Lei would control the star beasts to attack their fleet after the fleet passed by.

Naturally, everyone is happy if they win the bet.

If you lose the bet...

He couldn't bear this responsibility.

"Don't worry, sir. The current contribution made by Setan Planet should be enough to win the first place. It shouldn't embarrass us. Sir..."

Hearing that the subordinate next to him wanted to continue persuading him, Tsuofu interrupted him directly this time: "Okay, carry out my order." After speaking, his eyes unconsciously glanced at Carlisle's position: "Don't forget The fleet of the Ice Sea Galaxy has not moved yet."

As soon as these words came out, the subordinate seemed to realize something and was immediately speechless.

Let’s talk about Xu Lei.

He was busy controlling the star beast, but he didn't know the situation in the live broadcast room and other civilizations, so he just clenched his fist and hit the star beast's head.

Almost numb.

"You're really rough-skinned and thick-bodied, sir!" He would say swear words from time to time in anger.

Mainly because of the many times he hammered it out, even a battleship was probably smashed into a discus, but this star beast was still flying around in space, and its struggling intensity was not much less than before.

Of course, there was another reason why Xu Lei didn't want to take his life.

Otherwise, if we start from the eyes directly, I am afraid that this star beast will be dead long ago.

that's all.

Then Xu Lei blasted the hammer for a while, finally exhausting the star beast's strength and causing it to gradually slow down.

Even the extent of the struggle beneath him was much smaller.

Almost negligible.

And just when he thought he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. He raised his eyes and almost subconsciously shouted: "Inspector Wu!?"


The person who came was none other than the inspector Uma.

And Xu Lei noticed that the other party also had the ability to move freely in space without the help of external forces, and he indeed lived up to his status as an inspector.

Just when Xu Lei was thinking about the other party's intention, he saw that the other party took the initiative to express his intention.

"This star beast is an endangered species in the galaxy. I need to bring it back to the management headquarters later. You can hand it to me first and continue to complete the mission." After speaking, he directly controlled his body and landed on the back of the star beast. superior.

Strangely enough, the star beast didn't react at all during the whole process, and even enjoyed it a little.

Seeing the inspector speaking, Xu Lei naturally didn't have much to say, so he quickly responded and left the star beast's neck.

But when Xu Lei returned to the main ship of the fleet, he found that the stinging ant colony on the unknown star had already been eliminated, and the one that had made the most contributions was undoubtedly the Setan star.

Red Rock Galaxy only got second place due to the influence of star beasts.

But who among the several civilizations has suffered the greatest losses, it must be the fleet of the Red Rock Galaxy.

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