My science and technology museum

Chapter 422 If you want to rob, let them come

"Boss, Congressman Yu and Congressman Enoch are here. They have something to discuss with you."

Xu Lei listened to Xing Tong's voice outside the door, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face: "Why did Lao Yu come here suddenly? Is there something going on with the alliance?" He thought to himself and replied at the same time: "Please invite them in quickly."

Although the Human Security Alliance did not send anyone else to attend the press conference, they chose to leave it all to him.

But when the Solar System re-established cooperative relations with other civilizations with the help of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers, the alliance became very busy and needed to frequently communicate with representatives sent by each civilization to discuss detailed plans.

After all, when it comes to cooperation between civilizations, it will definitely not be limited to future technology business, and it is necessary to maximize each other's interests.

In this case, two senior congressmen took the initiative to come over.

There must be something special.

He spared no time to rush to Binjiang City.

Xingtong pushed open the door and walked in, followed by two alliance members, Yu Hongliang and Enoch.

According to the rules and regulations of the Solar System Human Security Alliance, the six members have the same rights and obligations. All major decisions involving civilization require unanimous approval by all members.

Otherwise it will not be implemented.

Due to Xu Lei's special nature, there are often no other congressmen who would express objections.

This makes the alliance's decision-making smooth.

This is why the solar system has grown to this extent in a very short period of time.

Use the strength of the second-level civilization to compete with the third-level civilization.

And don’t fall behind.

Yu Hongliang and Enoch's emotions when facing Xu Lei were undoubtedly special. Even though they had the same status, they behaved very reservedly, as if they were meeting the leader.

Especially Enoch, who was half a step behind Hongliang, might have thought he was the assistant secretary if he didn't know better.

In fact, as soon as the two entered the door, Xu Lei noticed their performance and didn't seem to let go. Compared to when the Human Security Alliance was first established, there was more of a sense of distance.

This is also something that can't be helped.

As the number of civilizations he came into contact with increased, he actively transformed from the initial carbon-based life into mechanical life, and now condenses the eternal body into a special active metal life, which has long been separated from the human category in a strict sense.

It will inevitably make people around you feel strange and unconsciously remain in awe.

To be honest, he doesn't like this situation, because no matter how far he grows in his heart, he will never forget that he came from the solar system.

If you forget your hometown, you will become a duckweed in the galaxy.

I can no longer find a place to take root.

So almost instantly, he stood up from his seat and took the initiative to greet us: "Why didn't you tell me in advance when my old friend was coming, so that I could go down and greet him?" Trying to be as kind as possible. shelf.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned to look at Xingtong, and said in front of the two of them: "Xingtong, you must notify me in advance when Councilor Yu and others come over in the future."

"Come on, please sit down."

"We were worried that you had other things to deal with, so we didn't ask Xingtong to report." Faced with Xu Lei's enthusiasm, Yu Hongliang answered and sat on the sofa next to him, always with a smile on his face.

If you look carefully, there is a bit of relief hidden in the eyes.

The relationship between Xu Lei and Yu Hongliang is very deep. Not only are they year-end friends, but they also have a friendship that lasts for decades, so there is nothing to worry about when they talk.

After Enoch also sat on the sofa, Xu Lei asked directly: "You came here suddenly this time. Is there something going on with the alliance? Is there something wrong with the order of particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier? "

And made a tentative guess.

At this time, Xingtong brought two cups of tea and placed them in front of Hongliang and Enoch.

Then he stepped aside and let Xu Lei and the three of them talk.

Faced with Xu Lei's speculation, Yu Hongliang first thanked Xingtong, then shook his head and explained: "The order went very smoothly, but there has been no movement from the Hongyan Galaxy. The alliance is really worried."

In the original plan, when the content about particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers was released to the galaxy, it was bound to cause dissatisfaction in the Red Rock Galaxy.

to take further action.

At that time, the solar system will be able to take the initiative and use other means to force the Red Rock Galaxy to give up its ideas against the solar system.

After all, the main thing is that it is a third-level civilization, which cannot be shaken by the current solar system.

To achieve this is already a good result.

What's more, the development potential of the solar system is huge, and now it has established in-depth cooperative relationships with so many civilizations. Coupled with its rapidly growing influence, I believe it will soon be promoted to a third-level civilization.

It will even be possible to completely replace the Red Rock Galaxy's position in the solar system with the help of technological exhibits in the Science and Technology Museum.

It will be very easy to clean them up again.

It is no exaggeration to say that in order to allow the solar system to develop stably for a period of time, Xu Lei thought of many possibilities in advance.

Ensure that all subsequent means of dealing with the solar system in the Red Rock Galaxy are neutralized.

But what is unexpected is that Hongyan Galaxy is so calm this time. It has not taken any action for so many days, as if it has surrendered.

Xu Lei also felt very strange about this.

With his knowledge of the Red Rock Galaxy, the other party should not be a civilization that shows weakness easily.

In fact, this time Yu Hongliang and Enoch took the initiative to come to Binjiang City to discuss with Xu Lei. In addition to being worried, there was also the influence of external civilized forces.

Civilizations in the solar system are not the only ones worried about this matter.

Any civilization that cooperates with the solar system will inevitably feel a little nervous and panic at this moment.

Afraid of what trump cards the Red Rock Galaxy will come up with.

If this is the case, Hongyan Galaxy will definitely come to settle accounts with them in the future, which will be a very troublesome matter.

Under this situation, they had no choice but to constantly seek advice from the Solar System to see if they could take further action to continue to force the Red Rock Galaxy. Hongliang, Enoch and the other three councilors could not make the decision and could only ask for advice. Xu Lei.

After learning these things from Yu Hongliang's mouth, Xu Lei leaned back involuntarily, frowning and thinking about the matter.

Naturally, he was also surprised by the attitude of the Red Rock Galaxy.

But right now, there is no way to know what the other party is really thinking. Even if soldiers come to block it, they can't cover it up with water or earth.

At this time, Enoch, who was sitting next to him and had never spoken, seemed to want to break the awkward atmosphere. After a slight hesitation, he couldn't help but said: "Why don't you contact Setan and let them do something?" Stimulate the red rock galaxy again."

Xu Lei listened to this idea in his heart, but did not respond.

At present, Emperor Shi has escorted the first batch of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers back to Setan, and the fleet on Setan will soon be upgraded.

If we take this opportunity to do something, it will really stimulate the Red Rock Galaxy.

But in his opinion, this kind of stimulation is somewhat radical, and may even make the Red Rock Galaxy jump over the wall, violate the rules of the Galaxy Administration, and forcefully launch a war between civilizations.

When that time comes, the civilizations on both sides will surely suffer.

You must know that Xu Lei does not want the solar system to participate in the war between civilizations now, because that will only affect the development of civilization.

There may even be a possibility of going backwards.

The key is to develop with peace of mind and steadily and strive to improve our own foundation and strength.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and a lot of thoughts flashed through his mind. It didn't take long for Xu Lei to make a decision. He straightened his back and said, "In this situation, whoever can't stand it first may be the loser. Still have to do it?" Continue to brake with silence.”

His idea is not complicated at all. Simply put, he just wants to play with the Red Rock Galaxy.

Anyway, the solar system has now opened a channel for cooperation with the outside world. Whether the Red Rock Galaxy chooses to take new measures or not, it will not affect the development of the solar system.

Yu Hongliang had no objection to Xu Lei's decision. After all, that was what he came here to ask for in person.

At least it will be able to respond to other civilizations by then.

Only Enoch still had some doubts and subconsciously asked: "What if the situation remains the status quo and never changes?"

"This is of course the best. Let's just admit defeat to Hongyan Galaxy." Xu Lei looked at Enoch and answered with a meaningful smile on his face.

In some ways, this is a really good ending.

The Red Rock Galaxy wanted to save the remaining face and deliberately gave up its targeting of the solar system in a silent manner.

This side of the solar system is still business as usual.

It can be regarded as returning the relationship to its previous state of not paying attention to each other.

When Xu Lei said this, Enoch suddenly became enlightened. The next second he stood up and said solemnly: "I understand, Congressman Xu, you are absolutely right."

"In this case, we can rest assured. There are still a lot of things in the alliance that need to be dealt with. We won't be here for long today." After hearing this, Yu Hongliang also stood up and said, feeling much more relaxed than before. .

Xu Lei knew that they had specially taken time to come here this time, and they would definitely not stay for a long time.

Therefore, after listening to Yu Hongliang's words, he did not dissuade him. He just said that he would see him off in person: "I will trouble you five members more about the alliance, so I will see you off."

Speaking of which, as a congressman, he should theoretically work at the alliance headquarters and handle all major decisions.

But because of future technology, he has been staying in Longhu High-tech Park in Binjiang City, which is equivalent to having his name in the alliance.

After saying this, Xu Lei walked in front and took the initiative to open the door for Yu Hongliang.

As for Xingtong, he followed closely behind.

Originally, the matter was officially over here, but what he didn't expect was that when Xu Lei opened the door and was about to go out, the interstellar terminal device on his wrist suddenly projected a virtual figure.

So much so that he stopped for a moment.

Next to him, Yu Hongliang and Enoch had to stop temporarily in the face of this sudden change.

I plan to find out what's going on first.

"What happened again? There are so many people looking for me today!" Xu Lei stared at the virtual figure in front of him and couldn't help but sigh to himself.

There was nothing surprising about the situation on his interstellar terminal equipment. It was simply that someone applied to establish an interstellar call with him, but the identity of the other party was completely unexpected, which made him seem a little stunned.

He also knew the owner of this virtual figure. He was Quan Yi, the manager of the Setan Branch of the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

When the solar system certified a second-level civilization and built a second-level star gate on Earth, it was only because of Quan Yi's intervention that the progress was so rapid.

However, thinking about it carefully, he has not had any interaction with the administration during this period, and I really can't figure out why Quan Yi came to him at this time.

"Could it be that the installation alarmed the Civilization Management Bureau?"

His brain was running rapidly. When a bold idea emerged in his mind, Xu Lei temporarily suppressed his thoughts, and then chose to agree to the establishment of the interstellar call.

No matter what Quan Yi is talking about this time, with the previous help from the other party to the solar system, he has no reason to refuse.

What's more, he doesn't think Quan Yi is here for the particle neutralization shield and amplifier. After all, the impact of these two devices is enough to threaten the structure of the galaxy's civilization. Even if the Civilization Administration really wants to intervene, it should send out inspectors. right.

Quan Yi's identity alone is obviously not enough to handle this matter.


With the interstellar call officially established.

Xu Lei put on a smile and asked first: "Why did the director suddenly think of me? It's really a surprise!"

Unexpectedly, Quan Yi changed his usual character this time and suddenly became very serious. Before Xu Lei could finish his words, he expressed his intention: "Xu Lei, the Red Rock Galaxy has taken action against you. Your situation is now Very disadvantageous.”


"Red Rock Galaxy took action!"

After learning the news, Xu Lei almost subconsciously said these two sentences.

I didn’t expect that Quan Yi was doing this this time.

You must know that just now he was discussing this matter with Yu Hongliang, Enoch and others, and believed that the silent approach of the Red Rock Galaxy would be a good thing for the solar system.

Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, the situation changed drastically.

Dare to love the Red Rock Galaxy and have already taken action.

At this time, Yu Hongliang and Enoch, who were originally in a wait-and-see state, quickly came to Quan Yi's virtual figure after hearing the news, and asked with great concern: "How is this possible? We obviously didn't notice their actions. .”

Xu Lei quickly calmed down his emotions, raised his hand to signal Yu Hongliang and Enoch to calm down temporarily, and then continued to speak: "General Director, please explain clearly what is going on."

"Because this time Hongyan Galaxy has set its sights on the Civilization Administration, it is normal that you don't know the situation."

When Quan Yi faced Xu Lei's inquiry, he no longer held back and began to explain with a long sigh: "A few days ago, the Red Rock Galaxy suddenly united with the Ice Sea Galaxy and Pompeii Civilization to jointly propose to the Administration that your future technology will use those two items. The manufacturing technology of the device is uploaded to the Administration for preservation, and individual civilizations are prohibited from manufacturing and selling these devices."

"In the future, each civilization can only obtain particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers by applying to the Administration."

As Quan Yi explained the whole matter clearly, before Xu Lei could respond, Yu Hongliang and Enoch could no longer hold back their anger and immediately asked sternly: "Why did the Administration deprive us of our technology? "

It's enough to see how bad this kind of thing is.

At this time, Xu Lei finally understood the truth of the matter.

No wonder several days have passed since the end of the press conference. There has been no response from Hongyan Galaxy. It turns out that they have already thought of countermeasures.

I want to bring the Civilization Administration to the forefront to establish a monopoly on particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers.

It can only be said that this is in line with their Red Rock Galaxy's behavior.

Just say how could they show weakness so easily.

And if the solar system loses the right to manufacture these two devices, then the current advantages will be gone, and the cooperative relationships established with other civilizations will collapse in an instant.

More importantly, in this matter, the three most powerful civilizations in the Milky Way, the Red Rock Galaxy and the Pompeii Civilization in the Ice Sea Galaxy, have united together. With this opportunity, I am afraid that not only the solar system will suffer, but also the Setan planet. It won't be any better.

Of course, he would never give in easily when faced with something that was no different from robbery.

The particle neutralization shield device and energy shield amplifier were redeemed from the Science and Technology Museum by spending hundreds of millions of influence, and their ownership belongs to him. Xu Lei belongs to future technology and to the civilization of the solar system.

Not even the Civilization Administration can take it away.

In addition, he has carefully studied the Civilization Administration Bureau. Normally, they cannot do this kind of thing, which seems to violate the relevant rules.

With his thoughts stuck here, Xu Lei immediately expressed his attitude to Quan Yi: "This technology belongs to our future technology. No one can take it away from me, otherwise I don't mind taking the interstellar lawsuit to the Civilization Administration headquarters."

Quan Yi was undoubtedly on Xu Lei's side, otherwise he wouldn't have reminded him at this time. After all, he was originally from Setan.

Naturally, we can see the impact this would have on Setan if it were accomplished.

However, he was only the head of a branch, and his status was far inferior to that of the inspectors dispatched by the headquarters to inspect various civilizations. He was unable to change anything at all.

"terribly sorry."

"This operation is under the personal responsibility of Lou Hong, one of the five inspectors of the Administration. He will soon go to your solar system to discuss this matter. In addition, the Pompeii civilization of the Red Rock Galaxy and Ice Sea Galaxy will also send people to accompany him."

"I hope you will prepare early."

After hearing all Quan Yi's words, Xu Lei's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

It can only be said that the three major civilizations in the Milky Way have joined forces and actually called in the inspectors from the Civilization Administration to come forward, as if they are determined to conquer the solar system.

However, Xu Lei also knew that this matter had nothing to do with Quan Yi, and he would definitely not anger him without reason.

After taking a deep breath, he said calmly: "No matter what, I still have to thank the overall director this time, otherwise we don't have any equipment and I'm afraid we will be completely passive. As for the rest, I will handle the rest personally. "

What he said was absolutely correct. It would indeed be very difficult if Inspector Lou Hong made a surprise attack.

Although there is still no good countermeasure at the moment, at least I have some mental preparation, and I may be able to argue with reason by then.

Even if it takes a little more time, it would be good.

The main civilization management bureau is too mysterious and powerful. With this little background of the solar system, there is no way to completely break up, otherwise it will be self-destruction.

As for the so-called inspectors, their strength is even more unfathomable.

It is impossible to even guess the structure of their lives.

Take the inspector Uma who was in charge of resource allocation last time. Even if he successfully condensed the eternal body, there is no guarantee that he can defeat the opponent.

Therefore, when facing people from the Civilization Administration this time, we must be cautious and extra cautious. Anyway, their solar system is reasonable in this matter. At worst, they will really go to the headquarters of the Administration in the center of the galaxy. Anyway, they I'm very curious about what's going on there and the people behind it.

Maybe you can also find out information about the Science and Technology Museum.

At this time, Quan Yi might be worried that Xu Lei would mess up, and then added: "The elders of the council are also aware of this matter. Elder Qiao Xiuer will come to help deal with it, so you don't need to worry too much."

"I'm aware of the situation. Anyway, thank you to the director for reminding me." Xu Lei responded at the end and ended the call decisively.

As Quan Yi's virtual figure disappeared, the entire office fell into silence again. At this moment, everyone was preoccupied, and even Enoch did not dare to speak rashly.

I was afraid that it would disturb Xu Lei's train of thought.

In the end, Yu Hongliang stood up and couldn't help but ask: "Congressman Xu, is what that friend just said true?"

Although the members of the alliance know about the existence of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, Quan Yi is the head of the branch on Setan after all, so Yu Hongliang and the others do not know Quan Yi.

Although this news is very shocking, it is inevitable to doubt its authenticity.

The main difference between before and after is too great.

It’s hard to accept.

Although Xu Lei didn't want to tell Yu Hongliang this cruel reality, there was no need to hide it at this point. After a long sigh, he confirmed: "The person just now was the person in charge of the Setan Branch of the Civilization Administration, so The information he told us should be true."

"We should have thought long ago. With the pride of the third-level civilization of the Red Rock Galaxy, how could we not take any action."

"Then what should we do next? Do we really want to hand over the technology to the Civilization Administration?" Seeing that the chat box was opened, Enoch hurriedly took over the conversation and asked.

"Of course it's impossible to hand it over. Since they want to rob it, let them do it." Faced with Enoch's worries, Xu Lei first replied domineeringly, and then his tone returned to softness: "You also Don’t worry too much, the current situation is not too bad and we still have room to turn things around.”

After saying these words, Xu Lei turned his attention to Yu Hongliang and told him: "You should go back to the alliance headquarters first, but don't spread this matter to anyone for the time being, especially to Other civilizations.”

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Yu Hongliang immediately understood the meaning of Xu Lei's words, and immediately nodded heavily to assure him.

At this critical period, if civilizations that have just established cooperation with the solar system are panicked and choose to suspend cooperation, it will undoubtedly make the situation worse.

By then, relying solely on the power of the Solar System Company, it will be even more difficult to argue with the inspector of the Administration.

that's all.

In the following time, Yu Hongliang and Enoch left the park and returned to the alliance headquarters. As for Xu Lei, he told the Star Gate to pay special attention and wait patiently for the arrival of personnel from the Management Bureau and Hongyan Galaxy.

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