My science and technology museum

Chapter 423 You have the nerve to say it

Facts have proved that the information given by Quan Yi is not wrong. On the third day after the interstellar call ended, the Human Security Alliance received a visit notice from the Civilization Administration to prepare the solar system for reception.

Interestingly, this notice was not sent to Xu Lei or Future Technology.

Of course, after the alliance received the news, they immediately informed Xu Lei and asked how to deal with the matter.

Although the Civilization Administration's trip is to develop technology for manufacturing particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers, their status is special after all, and they cannot be scornful because of this, otherwise it will make the situation even more unfavorable and give them This gives the other party an excuse to start targeting future technologies.

More importantly, the Administration also controls various powers of the star gate. If this is used as an excuse to remove the star gate of the Earth Star, the situation will be terrible.

For this reason, Xu Lei specially ordered Yu Hongliang and Enoch to carefully prepare for the reception.

At least the surface work needs to be done properly.

This can also highlight the style of civilization in the solar system.

After Yu Hongliang, Enoch and other members of the alliance learned about the purpose of the Management Bureau, they had no good impressions of it, but they still fulfilled Xu Lei's instructions with all their heart.

However, Xu Lei still maintained an optimistic attitude and his mood was calm from beginning to end.

Mainly, the Hongyan Galaxy has taken the initiative with the help of the Management Bureau. Even if the solar system takes new actions, it cannot prevent the arrival of the Lou Hong inspector. Maybe when the impact of the matter is further expanded, it will also cause the civilizations that cooperate with the solar system to panic.

Make the situation more difficult to deal with.

So instead of doing meaningless things, it's better to wait patiently for the enemy to make a move.

He also wanted to see what method the Civilization Administration used to take away the particle neutralization shield device and energy shield amplifier manufacturing technology from his hands.

Soon another few days passed.

The arrival date scheduled by the Administration finally arrived.

"Congressman Xu, will there be personnel coming from Setan Planet, as well as Mr. Quan Yi, the head of the branch?"

Orion's spiral arm.

solar system.

Earth Star.

Binjiang City Xingmen Special Zone.

Yu Hongliang, who was anxiously waiting for the inspector of the Administration Bureau in the broad square, still felt uneasy. He couldn't help but check with Xu Lei next to him, for fear that human civilization would have to fight alone later.

At present, the entire Stargate Special Zone has been blocked, and no one is allowed to enter the Stargate for the time being.

Compared with the lively atmosphere here before, it seems a bit deserted now. There are only Alliance people and Space Force Guards in the entire square.

It can be said that putting on such a scene to welcome the inspector of the Civilization Administration Bureau is considered to be more serious. I believe that Lou Hong can't find fault even if he wants to.

Xu Lei naturally understood Yu Hongliang's worries.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four legs. This time, the Red Rock Galaxy has united the two third-level civilizations of the Ice Sea Galaxy and the Pompeii Civilization. Coupled with the identity oppression from the Administration, the Solar System does seem a bit weak. If Setan If the Star Council and Quan Yi also come forward, they can at least give the Solar System more say.

It will also make the administration have some scruples and not dare to take action forcefully.

But the current situation is that he only knows that Qiao Xiuer will come with him to take charge of the civilization of the solar system. As for Quan Yi, he is still unknown.

After all, after joining the bureau, he could no longer think about his origins. Moreover, as the head of the branch, his status was far inferior to that of Lou Hong. Even if he came here, it would be difficult to have any effect.

After thinking about this clearly, Xu Lei hesitated and said a few words of comfort: "Don't worry, just leave this matter to me."

Although the Authority is looking for the Human Security Alliance, the largest civilized power in the solar system, what is involved is future technology. Besides, Xu Lei also serves as a member of the alliance, so it is normal for him to negotiate with the Authority.

Of course, this does not mean that we do not trust the abilities of other MPs.

The main reason is that they have never dealt with the administration and lack experience in this area. If they participate in negotiations, they will inevitably be led by the nose.

This is what Xu Lei doesn't want to see.

"Well, I can only leave it to you." Hearing the sound, Yu Hongliang let out a long sigh and answered while controlling his emotions.

At this moment, Xing Tong behind him murmured something, which immediately caught the eyes of Xu Lei and Yu Hongliang, and they quickly raised their sights and looked towards the location of the Star Gate.

"They're here."

You can see that the originally calm space suddenly rippled, and then several figures walked out of it.

Facing such a scene, Xu Lei was also quite surprised.

According to his guess, he thought there would be a big noise, but he didn't expect that not even a spaceship was used, and he came all alone.

But at this point, it was meaningless to think about these things anymore. The next second, Xu Lei led Yu Hongliang and others to walk towards them, preparing to say hello and identify the people who were coming.

Although he had already seen a few familiar people.

"Welcome to the solar system, everyone. I am Xu Lei, a member of the Earth Planet Human Security Alliance, and I will be responsible for connecting with you this time."

Xu Lei stopped when he was nearly one meter away from the opponent. While taking the initiative to identify himself, he also looked at everyone.

No fear or nervousness at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, Quan Yi in the crowd hurriedly introduced: "This is Mr. Lou Hong, one of the five inspectors of the Civilization Administration. It is up to him to decide this matter."


Quan Yi finally followed him.

It can be seen that he also withstood the pressure.

Because he chose to stand in the interests of Setan and the solar system, this was equivalent to openly confronting Lou Hong.

Offending an inspector is definitely not a small matter in the administration.

In fact, Quan Yi could choose not to participate in this matter, so that no matter how it develops in the end, it will not affect him, but he still took this step.

It can only be said that he still cannot completely let go of his identity as a Setan.

At this time, Xu Lei followed Quan Yi's words and focused his attention on the tall and powerful male life form in front of him. Although his appearance was not very good according to human aesthetics, he could determine his identity as a carbon-based life form. This alone could It was judged that the strength of this inspector was incomparable to that of Uma.

You must know that Uma, whose whole body is shrouded in black robes, cannot be determined not to mention the life structure, and it is not even clear whether she is male or female.

It seems that among the five inspectors, the strengths and weaknesses are different.

But Xu Lei was soon attracted by the other person's hair. The blood-red color was obviously the symbol of the Red Rock Star.

He has always wondered why the administration, which is responsible for the order of all civilizations in the galaxy, would agree to take advantage of his future technology and forcibly plunder the scientific and technological achievements he developed. It was all because of Lou Hong.

Maybe the administration headquarters didn't know about this at all.

No wonder the Red Rock Galaxy can facilitate this, it all depends on the background!

At the same time, this discovery also gave Xu Lei new speculation. Perhaps the five inspectors appointed by the Administration are all from civilizations in the galaxy, and they only need to pass a certain test.

But then a new problem emerged.

According to the characteristics of various civilizations recorded in the information treasure house of the Administration, none of them match Uma, which makes people unable to help but brainstorm.

"Could it be that the Ukrainian inspector comes from a weak civilization that has not been certified by the administration?"

"It shouldn't be..."

However, doubts were doubts. Xu Lei did not forget the business in front of him. He just thought about it for a moment and temporarily put the matter behind him. After coming back to his senses, he quickly said hello to the inspector: "Hello, Inspector Lou, warmly." Welcome to inspect our solar system."

As for my heart, I feel a little more confident.

"I have heard your name a long time ago, and today I would like to thank you for your contribution to the galaxy on behalf of the Administration."

"The building inspector is so impressed. This is what I should do."

On the surface, Xu Lei didn't lose the inspector's face at all. When he heard the other person say good things about him, he responded humbly.

If people who don't know the truth of the matter see this scene, they may think that the relationship between the two parties is such a good one.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the elder of the Setan Star Council, Qiao Xiuer, who came with his colleagues, immediately took over the conversation and said: "Congressman Xu, let me introduce to you. This is the most senior member of the Red Rock Galaxy Federation. Congressman Shiro, he also praised you very much and always said that he wanted to meet the commander who achieved the final victory in the distribution of crystal core resources."

After hearing Qiao Xiuer's words, Xu Lei followed his gaze and looked at the other Hongyan star next to Lou Hong. He had to say that the other person's appearance was indeed much better than Lou Hong's.

And the age is estimated to be about thirty, which is very young on the earth planet.

During this time, he had also carefully understood the development of civilization in the Red Rock Galaxy and the people in power at this stage, so naturally he was not too unfamiliar with this Hiro Congressman.

It was even surprising.

As a being at the top of the pyramid, he personally took charge of this matter and followed everyone to the solar system, which proved that the other party attached great importance to it.

With such a difficult opponent, I'm afraid the next negotiation won't go very smoothly.

But since Qiao Xiuer took the initiative to introduce it at this time and specifically mentioned the allocation of crystal core resources, he obviously wanted to take the opportunity to mock the Red Rock Galaxy. How could Xu Lei miss it.

After realizing it, he pretended to admire him and said: "So this is Congressman Hero. It's such a joy to see you today. Who doesn't know that the fleet cultivated by the Red Rock Civilization is the strongest combat force in the galaxy? Last time, we wanted to Unless we happen to encounter a star beast that has disappeared for several epochs, we would never get this advantage."

Hongyan Galaxy used this despicable method to use the power of the administration to suppress its own company, and also wanted to take away the manufacturing technology of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers from him. Xu Lei was not willing to treat him. What good impression will there be, so when I say these words, I always choose sensitive people to say them, at least to make the other party feel disgusted.

Sure enough, Hiro's expression suddenly changed when he heard these words, but he soon returned to his original state.

The failure of major red rock galaxies in allocating crystal core resources can be said to be the biggest shame of the entire civilization in many epochs.

It was the very beginning of the whole thing.

Now that the opponent is telling it in front of representatives of all civilizations, how can there be no emotions?

It's a good thing that I didn't scold Xu Lei on the spot.

It's just that Hero has lived for so many epochs, so he won't break his defense just because of a few words from other people in the outside world.

After hiding his inner emotions well, he looked at Xu Lei and said calmly: "Congressman Xu can lead a weak civilization in a remote galaxy to develop to this point, and even allowed himself to successfully condense the eternal body. It is truly worthy of everyone’s admiration and learning.”

Xu Lei listened to Shi Luo's words, but smiled and said nothing the whole time.

Of course he knew the subtext of the other person's words.

It just means that even if the solar system has grown to this day, it is still a weak civilization, at least in the eyes of the Red Rock Galaxy, and it is not worthy of competing with them.

But considering that there was still a big event waiting for him, he really didn't want to argue endlessly and waste energy at this time, so he directly ignored Hiro and focused on the two acquaintances next to him.

"I didn't expect to see the two officers of Carlisle Jin Weifeng here. What an unexpected surprise!"

Since the Red Rock Galaxy has united the Ice Sea Galaxy and Pompeii Civilization, it will definitely send representatives to participate, but they just happened to choose Carlisle and Tsuoikaze, the two fleet commanders who originally participated in the distribution of crystal core resources.

Facing Xu Lei's proactive greeting, Carlisle and Jin Weifeng felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to respond.

Mainly, there is no conflict of interest between them and the Solar System, and there is no friction at all. As long as the price is right, they can directly purchase the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier from the Solar System to improve their fleet. overall combat effectiveness.

In fact, after learning about this, they were all preparing to send representatives to the solar system to try to make contact.

Unexpectedly, the speed of the Red Rock Galaxy was slightly faster, and Hero didn't know what kind of guarantee he gave, and finally succeeded in convincing the two civilizations to cooperate together.

Fortunately, Xu Lei didn't mind this. He looked back and said to Lou Hong: "Inspector Lou, we have prepared the delicacies on the planet. You are welcome to come and taste them."

"That would be great."

"The delicacies of Earth and stars are famous throughout the galaxy."

Lou Hong did not refuse Xu Lei's arrangement. He praised Xu Lei unstintingly and followed Xu Lei towards the building not far away.

No mention at all about particle neutralizing shields and amplifier manufacturing technology.

At this time, Xu Lei would not take the initiative to speak, and then he echoed a few words and immediately led everyone to the prepared ceremony hall.

In order to reflect the strength of the solar system and give other civilized life individuals who came here a good impression, it can be said that the investment in the Stargate Special Zone was very large when it was built. Many buildings also contained many elements of alien civilization, so they were used to entertain It is absolutely possible for the inspectors from the administration to do so.


In the auditorium.

Perhaps because of his worries, the whole atmosphere seemed very strange.

Except for Lou Hong, who was the inspector and tasted the delicious food with a face full of enjoyment, everyone else did not make any movement in their sitting positions.

As for Quan Yi and Qiao Xiuer, because they are mechanical life forms, they are not interested in food from carbon-based life forms.

After waiting like this for more than ten minutes, Lou Hong finally stopped what he was doing, and then raised his gaze to look at Xu Lei: "I heard that Councilor Xu's Future Technology Company has just developed a new technology that can improve battleship combat capabilities." Auxiliary device for ability, this is another major contribution to our galaxy!"

After hearing these words, Xu Lei looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he couldn't help but sneer secretly.

I thought the fox's tail was finally exposed.

And this sentence immediately made Yu Hongliang's heart rise to his throat, and he could be said to be very nervous.

But in any case, since the business was finally brought up, deliberately avoiding it would definitely not work, so Xu Lei did not hide anything about it, and simply introduced the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier in detail.

It’s impossible for them not to know this information anyway.

"Inspector Lou is right. Our company's newly developed particle neutralization shield can improve the defensive performance of the Star Destroyer by ten percent on the original basis. If used in conjunction with the energy shield amplifier, this improvement can be It can even reach 35 percent.”

"The most important thing is that these two devices can be used on battleships to further enhance the combat effectiveness of our galactic civilization."

"very nice."

"It is indeed a major scientific research breakthrough." After listening to Xu Lei's introduction, Lou Hong first praised him without hesitation, but then changed the subject and said: "But as far as I know, the emergence of this technology has made The order in the galaxy has become chaotic, and many civilizations have even experienced a certain degree of friction. Our Administration cannot sit idly by in this situation."

Hearing this, Xu Lei secretly cursed the old man in his heart, and then asked in a very cooperative manner: "Then how does the inspector of the building want to manage it?"

"This matter is quite simple."

"I propose that the Administration be directly responsible for the production and manufacturing of these two devices. Civilizations in the galaxy need to apply for them. This can ensure the stability of order in the galaxy."

"Of course your solar system will also receive compensation from the Administration."

Facing Xu Lei's inquiry, Lou Hong no longer concealed his inner plan, and immediately told it all with great pride.

As soon as these words came out, the entire auditorium fell silent, except for a smile on Hiro's lips.

By this time, Xu Lei finally determined Lou Hong's specific plan, which was basically the same as what Quan Yi had described before.

It is obviously a technology developed by Future Technology, but Lou Hong simply labeled it as affecting the stability of the order of the galaxy. He had to force the technology away and did not allow the solar system to reproduce it. This is no different from banditry.

Don't say he won't agree, no citizen of the solar system will agree.

As for the so-called compensation that Lou Hong said, in his opinion, it was worse than rubbish.

When things got to this point, Xu Lei didn't need to keep pretending. At least he wanted to let the other party know the attitude of future technology.

After thinking about this clearly, he asked directly and deliberately with a serious face: "I don't know if the proposal mentioned by Inspector Lou is the decision of the Civilization Administration Headquarters, or is it your personal decision?"

And the facts proved that his judgment was not wrong.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lou Hong's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he asked slightly angrily: "What do you mean by Congressman Xu's words?"

"Surface meaning." Xu Lei said relaxedly.

If it was really the decision made by the Civilization Administration, Lou Hong would never be shy or angry when faced with doubts. The more intense his reaction, the more it proves that he has something up his sleeve.

The key point is that compared to facing the Civilization Bureau, if you are just dealing with an inspector, there is nothing to worry about.

At this time, Hero didn't seem to expect that Xu Lei's answer would be so firm, and did not give any appearance of civilized management. However, in order to stabilize the current situation, he hesitated for a while and said: "Why is Councilor Xu so emotional? The Inspector also considers the entire Milky Way. As a civilization in the Milky Way, we should have a big-picture concept."

"Congressman Hiro, you have the nerve to say such things, I feel ashamed of you!"

"Xu Lei!"

Seeing that he was directly yelled back, Hiro felt angry in his heart. He immediately slammed the table and stood up. Compared to the kind-hearted look just now, he was completely different.

It's a pity that Xu Lei is not afraid at all.

After all, it is true that Hero is a member of the Red Rock Galaxy, but he is also a carbon-based life form. It is extremely simple to kill the opponent with his eternal body, not to mention that he is still on his own territory.

Faced with this situation, Lou Hong finally suppressed the anger in his heart and asked Hero to sit down again before continuing: "I am one of the five inspectors appointed by the administration, and I have the right to make such a decision. , if the solar system refuses to implement, I can take a series of measures."

"My solar system will naturally obey the orders of the Civilization Administration, but we must meet the orders of the headquarters."

Xu Lei could hear the threat behind Lou Hong's words, so after expressing his attitude again, he did not forget to give a warm reminder: "Is Inspector Lou threatening me?"

It is no exaggeration to say that in this atmosphere at this moment, the two sides may fight at any time.

But the final result must be Lou Hong's defeat.

After all, Xu Lei has an eternal body and will not frown when facing a Star Destroyer.

However, others certainly did not want the conflict to escalate, so Quan Yi could not help but make a suggestion: "Inspector of the building, why not report the matter to the headquarters first and let the director make the decision?"

"I will definitely report this matter to the Administration for treating our subordinate civilization on Setan like this." After taking up the conversation, Qiao Xiuer also echoed with great momentum.

When the matter got here, Carlisle and Tsuweifeng beside them gradually woke up and immediately questioned Hiro: "Congressman Hiro, you'd better give us an explanation. Wasn't this matter approved by the Civilization Administration Headquarters? ?"

The reason why their two civilizations are willing to cooperate with the Red Rock Galaxy is not only because of the bargaining chips offered by Hero, but also the most important thing is that Hero guarantees that the administration will definitely pass it.

But now it seems that this is just Inspector Lou Hong's own decision.

In just a few minutes, the situation changed drastically, which not only caught Hero off guard, but also made him feel worried.

But soon he seemed to have made a decision, and then said loudly to Xu Lei: "The building inspector represents the administration, so there is no point in holding on to this point. To tell you the truth, our Hongyan Galaxy The fleet can forcefully descend into the solar system through the star gate at any time to attack the solar system against the orders of the Authority."

Everyone present obviously did not expect that Hero would be so crazy and would even launch a fleet to achieve his goal. The situation suddenly became very critical.

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