My science and technology museum

Chapter 424 The director wants to see me?

Xu Lei heard all of Shi Luo's words, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he lowered his head.

With the authority of the patrol envoy, he can indeed control the star gate to force the passage of external fleets regardless of the denial from the solar system. If the fleet from the Red Rock Galaxy really arrives on Earth, then the entire solar system will become very critical.

There is simply no way to resist with the strength of the alliance's fleet alone.

What's more, most of the battleships are still stationed in the solar system's defense ring area, and there is no time to support them.

Mainly, this approach is a serious violation of the regulations of the administration, and the five inspectors dare not do it.

But now Hero is threatening him with this.

It is obvious that he wants to bind the Ice Sea Galaxy to Pompeii Civilization.

Make it impossible for them to escape at this time.

Anyway, as long as we get the manufacturing technology for particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers, even if the administration holds them accountable, the price paid will definitely be worth it.

At this time, Carlisle and Jin Weifeng also reacted, glaring at Hiro and asking sternly: "Congressman Hiro, what do you mean? Our cooperation does not include launching attacks on the solar system."

"If you insist on doing this, then our Pompeii civilization declares that our cooperation will end."

Shiro had obviously formulated a different plan. At this moment, facing the doubts of his partners, he acted as if nothing had happened. He still replied calmly: "I would like to remind you that this matter is an application jointly submitted by the three of us to the authority. Don’t you think it’s too late to quit now?”

"The most important thing now is to strike while the iron is hot and force the solar system to hand over its technology." Perhaps he wanted to stabilize his allies, Hiro added at the end.

As soon as these words came out.

Carlisle and Tsuofeng were both silent.

Although his face became more and more ugly, he said nothing more.

From the time the three of them reached an agreement, they had already boarded the pirate ship in the Red Rock Galaxy.

It's not as simple as wanting to quit when you see something risky.

What's more, the two of them were only sent to follow Hero as representatives of civilization, and they had no right to decide whether to terminate the cooperation.

The only thing I can do right now is pray that things go smoothly.

Otherwise, I am afraid that their two civilizations will definitely not be any better in the future.

After all, in a certain sense, this time they followed the Red Rock Galaxy to the solar system to put pressure, and they had already chosen to stand on the opposite side of the solar system. Next time, they would be the enemy on the battlefield.


Things haven't reached the final stage yet.

There is still room for maneuver.

At least Qiao Xiuer certainly couldn't watch the solar system being destroyed.

As a very important move made by Setan in the Orion spiral arm, the solar system aims to cultivate a second level three civilization in the spiral arm.

If it falls at this time, the loss will be huge.

Therefore, Qiao Xiuer also changed his gentle attitude just now, showing his domineering attitude as the commander-in-chief of the Setan Star Fleet, and immediately pointed at Hero and shouted: "The solar system is a subordinate civilization of our Setan Star, your fleet of the Red Rock Galaxy If you dare to forcefully pass through the star gate, it will be a formal declaration of war with our planet, Setan."

"Inspector Lou, doing this is against the regulations of the Administration. You don't want to see the galaxy fall into chaos again."

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Quan Yi next to him quickly echoed, but the target of his conversation was not Hiro, but his superior, Inspector Lou Hong.

And he mentioned the Authority intentionally or unintentionally.

It has to be said that Lou Hong was riding a tiger at this moment. When Hero found him, he talked about how dangerous the Red Rock Galaxy was.

If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, not only will it lose its title as the strongest civilization in the galaxy, but it will even turn from prosperity to decline and be stepped on by more and more civilizations.

After all, he was born in the Red Rock Galaxy and could not just watch his mother star decline.

In the end, he had no choice but to agree to the plan proposed by Hero.

In the original plan, the Solar System should cooperate seriously with the implementation of the plan at the request of the Civilization Administration, but unexpectedly, it hit a wall with Xu Lei, who not only had a tough attitude but also refused to show any respect to the administration.

The key to the problem now is that he has indeed not received the order from the headquarters yet.

Just like Quan Yi reminded, if he really uses his authority to help the Red Rock Galaxy dispatch a fleet, no matter what the final result is, he will be removed from his duty as an inspector and may even be subject to other punishments from the administration. But considering it from another level, This is indeed an opportunity for red rock galaxies.

It can be said that there are two roads in front of him right now, it depends on which way he chooses.

After a slight pause for more than ten seconds, under the gaze of others, he finally made a decision.

"Xu Lei."

"You have to think clearly."

"If you refuse to implement the requirements of the Administration, as an inspector, I have the right to punish you. Don't blame me if it affects the solar system."


In the face of his own future and the entire Hongyan Galaxy, Lou Hong chose the latter.

As long as he takes all the responsibility on himself, even if the administration headquarters handles him in the future, it will not affect the Hongyan Galaxy too much. Moreover, by that time, the Hongyan Galaxy has mastered the relevant manufacturing technology, and there will be no more A situation where other civilizations catch up and are overtaken.

Even Hero was moved by this approach.

However, he was very clear about the priority of the matter at the moment. In order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, he immediately adopted a gentle policy and took over the conversation to persuade Xu Lei: "Inspector Lou is doing this for the stability of the entire galaxy's civilization, not to mention that the Administration also I’m just responsible for the manufacturing of this device, and I believe there will definitely be no shortage of compensation.”

Facing Lou Hong and Xi Luo's chorus, Xu Lei's heart was full of sneers.

I never thought that such a shameless civilization would exist in the Milky Way. It really damages the image of the Milky Way.

But no matter what, it is absolutely impossible for him to hand over the manufacturing technology of the particle neutralizing shield device and the ability shield amplifier. This is a matter of principle.

However, we must also consider the threat from the Red Rock Galaxy Fleet.

After all, the solar system is currently in a stage of rapid development and cannot withstand new blows.

What's more, the other party is still a third-level civilization.

This is completely different from the previous encounter with the Pioneer Civilization Fleet.

With his brain running rapidly, Xu Lei soon made a decision. After organizing his words a little, he responded: "Congressman Hiro, let me remind you, if your Red Rock Galaxy really wants to completely break up with my solar system. , then I don’t mind destroying the Star Gate.”


"I can't guarantee your safety by then!"


Seemingly annoyed by Xu Lei's response, Lou Hong almost subconsciously stood up after hearing this, but he couldn't say anything.

Who makes him really fear the fighting power of the eternal body.

If a single soldier fights Xu Lei without the support of a Star Destroyer, he will definitely die without knowing how.

Xi Luo was also a little confused by Xu Lei's decision. He never expected that the other party would dare to destroy the Star Gate. You must know that since the birth of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, no civilization has dared to take the initiative to destroy it in countless eras. Stargate example.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Hero continued: "It is indeed easy to destroy a star gate, but it is difficult to build it again."

"Xu Lei, don't be impulsive. Whether you attack the inspector or destroy the star gate, it is a serious provocation to the authority of the administration. It will only make the situation more difficult to deal with."

"It's best to report it to the administration headquarters first." Quan Yi was worried that Xu Lei would really do this. In order to prevent the matter from getting worse, he had to remind him quickly.

But the consequence of this is that the situation once again fell into a deadlock.

The atmosphere in the entire auditorium was very strange.

As for Yu Hongliang and the people from the Earth Star Alliance, they are even more afraid to express their anger at the moment.

Afraid of having a bad impact.

But continuing to remain in a stalemate like this is not an option. I don't know if they are trying to ease the relationship with the civilization of the solar system. Carlisle and Tsuweifeng next to them started talking again, and they seemed to want to be peacemakers.

"In my opinion, it's difficult to come up with any outcome from today's discussion. It's better to discuss this matter another day."

"Yeah, why make it so tense?"

"Inspector Lou has so many civilizations to inspect, how can we waste time here? We must make a conclusion today." Listening to Carlisle and Jin Weifeng's words, Hiro first glanced dissatisfied, and then threw this sentence, His attitude was still as tough as before.

So much so that the auditorium fell into a long silence again.

No one can be sure what the final direction will be.

But what everyone present did not expect was that just when the situation had been reaching a deadlock, a Space Force guard hurriedly broke in from the outside.

Before Hong Liang could reprimand him, he reported directly: "Report to Congressman Xu that a special alien civilization has arrived at the Star Gate. The other party claims to be the inspector of the Civilization Administration Bureau and wants to see you, Congressman Xu."

If the atmosphere just now was one of deathly silence, then this news seemed earth-shattering.

It completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

You must know that the entire Milky Way Civilization Administration currently has only five inspectors, who are responsible for the civilization in the entire Milky Way.

Now there are two people appearing on the small earth star, how can it not surprise people.

Xu Lei barely had any time to react when he heard the sound, and asked subconsciously: "Are you sure that the other person claims to be an inspector of the Civilization Administration Bureau?"

The main reason is that this situation is too special, and if it is not done properly, new changes will occur. We must fully understand this unexpected unexpected accident.

The Space Force guard who faced the inquiry also gave the same answer again: "I am sure that the other party is still at the Star Gate at the moment."

In fact, not only Xu Lei was confused, but also Lou Hong, who was the inspector, was confused at the moment. He couldn't figure out why other inspectors came at this time. You must know that each inspector is responsible for different areas. Absolutely There will never be two inspectors in the same area.

Because this will cause a waste of resources.

"I don't know which inspector it is. Could it be that the headquarters already knows about this..."

While thinking about it, he muttered a guess to himself, and at the same time, he was also ready to get up and go over to see him. After all, we all have the same identity.

However, Hero seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said with excitement: "Perhaps the headquarters also approved our proposal, so a new inspector was sent here to make the announcement."


As Shi Luo expressed this point of view, he was immediately affirmed by Lou Hong, and his mood became higher than before.

Before Xu Lei could take action, he quickly left the auditorium and walked towards the star gate.

Just now, they seemed a little constrained because they had not received the order from the Administration Bureau, and they were worried that they would be punished by the Administration Headquarters later.

But if the headquarters orders it, then there is nothing to worry about.

No matter how reluctant the solar system is, it can only choose to compromise when faced with this situation.

Carlisle and Jinweifeng did not expect that the situation would change so quickly. They paused for a few seconds and finally followed Lou Hong outside. Qiao Xiuer and Quan Yi did not hesitate much.

This situation made Yu Hongliang and other people in the alliance very worried. At this time, they couldn't help but take advantage of the gap to ask Xu Lei: "Congressman Xu, I'm afraid the situation is not good now. Why did another inspector suddenly come?" So, is the Administration really interested in our technology?"

"Let's get to know each other first." Xu Lei simply replied to Yu Hongliang, and then quickly followed the crowd.

Facts have proved that what the Space Force guard said was not wrong. When Xu Lei walked out of the auditorium and arrived at the square, he saw that figure.

The reason why the identity of the other party's inspector was determined was because he was no stranger to him.

It was Uma, the inspector who was previously responsible for the distribution of crystal core resources.

But I don’t know if it was because of the acquaintance, but after seeing Uma, he felt less anxious. He always felt that Uma’s sudden visit this time was not about the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier manufacturing technology. .

After all, it was she who took the initiative to remind herself to be careful of retaliation from the Red Rock Galaxy.

When he quickened his pace and walked closer, he could see that Lou Hong and others were already talking to Uma.

"It turns out to be Inspector Wu. We haven't seen each other for a long time since the last time we left the headquarters."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet Inspector Lou here." After all, he was his colleague. Faced with Lou Hong's initiative to talk, Uma was very considerate.

Because each inspector is responsible for many civilizations, it can be said that he shoulders a heavy workload. In this case, except for the requirements of the headquarters, he will basically not return to the headquarters for a long time.

Therefore, it is normal for the inspectors to not see each other for several epochs.

At this time, Hero couldn't suppress his inner excitement. He couldn't wait to let the solar system recognize the reality and hand over the manufacturing technology of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers to the Administration as soon as possible, so in Uma and After Lou Hong's conversation ended, he directly brought the topic to this matter.

"Urban Inspector, did you come to the solar system specifically this time to announce that the Administration will take over the production of auxiliary devices for future technology battleships?"

As the words fell, his eyes were all focused on Uma, wanting to hear the answer he had been thinking about.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is a bit cruel.

Faced with Hiro's inquiry, Uma felt a little confused and replied directly: "Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. This time I came to the solar system specifically to find the eternal body."

Hiro obviously didn't expect that he would be slapped in the face so quickly.

It's all joy for nothing.

His whole expression darkened instantly.

Even Lou Hong beside him was slightly dumbfounded and looked very embarrassed.

Originally, he thought that the headquarters had received the application and approved it, so he specially sent Uma to make the announcement.

In this way, the troubles faced can be easily solved.

But who would have thought that Uma didn't know about the two research results of Future Technology at all. She came to the solar system because she had other things to ask Xu Lei.

Although he was very disappointed, he did not dare to say anything to an inspector.

What's more, Uma is the oldest of the five inspectors. He has served as an inspector for an unknown number of years. In addition, he has always been mysterious, so even Lou Hong does not dare to contradict him at all.

It happened that these conversations were overheard by Xu Lei. Seeing that things were exactly as he thought, Uma was not here to make technology for the device, and his face suddenly filled with smiles again, and then he directly squeezed Hero aside. , greeted Uma respectfully.

"Welcome Inspector Wu to our solar system as a guest. I want to thank you even more for what happened last time."

Lifting his gaze and looking carefully, he could see that Uma was still dressed in the same outfit that had not changed for thousands of years. Her whole body was completely shrouded in a black robe, cutting off all information.

People can't even distinguish between life structures and men and women.

When Shiro saw Xu Lei not giving him face like this, it could be said that he was very angry.

The anger value is almost at full level.

You can zoom in at any time.

However, in front of Uma, even if he was a member of the Red Rock Galaxy, he could only endure it, at least until Uma left.

Carlisle and Tsuweifeng did this very well.

The main thing is that Uma obviously doesn't understand the situation. If Xu Lei takes this opportunity to complain, then his plan to plot future technology will probably come to nothing, and even Lou Hong and the others in the Hongyan Galaxy will be punished.

So no matter how much Xu Lei did at this moment, he still had to endure it.

Unfortunately, Hiro's endurance was still too small. It didn't last for a few seconds, and then he directly broke through the defense because of Uma's words.

"I'm here this time to take you to the headquarters of the Civilization Administration. The director wants to see you."

"Going to headquarters?"

"The director still wants to see me?"

To be honest, Xu Lei was quite surprised when he heard the news. He originally thought that Uma came to the solar system for personal matters, but he didn't expect that it was an order from the director of the Civilization Administration.

In response to this, he deliberately raised his gaze and looked around everyone, and found that except for Shiloh Carlisle, Jin Weifeng Quanyi and others who were greatly surprised, Lou Hong Qiao Xiuer was quite calm.

But if you think about it carefully, this is normal.

The eternal body he condensed was the strongest combat power in the galaxy after all, but it has disappeared for countless epochs.

Now that the Eternal Body has reappeared in the galaxy, it is reasonable for the director of the Civilization Administration to want to take a look.

So he quickly regained his composure and didn't think much about it.

But I have to say that this is a good opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of the Louhong and Hongyan galaxies, and to preserve the manufacturing technology of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers.

After thinking for a while, he had an idea in his mind, and he immediately replied in a pretentious manner: "The director is willing to see me, a living individual from a small civilization, and I naturally want it. But right now, the inspector downstairs is exercising his power on behalf of the administration. rights, the technology developed by our company must be handed over to the Administration."

"This matter is not over yet, I really have no intention of leaving!"

It is no exaggeration to say that Lou Hong's face fell instantly after hearing Xu Lei's words. If he hadn't been a Hongyan star with special physique, he would have broken down in cold sweat at this moment.

After all, if Xu Lei was allowed to follow Uma like this, he would probably file a complaint with the director.

Don't say that he can't bear this responsibility when the time comes, not even the Red Rock Galaxy can resist it.

Just as he was thinking quickly about the solution, Uma's death gaze had already been cast over, and she said in a questioning tone: "Inspector of the building, is what Xu Lei said true?"

"Inspector Wu misunderstood."

"The two battleship auxiliary devices developed by Senator Xu's company have caused chaos in the civilized order of the galaxy, so I want to find a way to solve it."

"There will never be any coercion of civilization."

"Yes, Inspector Wu, our Red Rock Galaxy can also testify to this. In addition, our Federation is also considering investing in purchasing a batch of such devices from the Solar System." At this time, Hero also knew that it was impossible to attack the Solar System again. Lou Hong's responsibility was reduced, so he had to obey and explain softly.

As for Carlisle and Jin Weifeng, who didn't dare to say anything next to them at the moment, their faces were uglier than crying.

I never thought things would end up like this.

Uma's trip was mainly for Xu Lei. Although she didn't mind helping, she definitely wouldn't waste too much time on this matter.

Seeing that both Lou Hong and Xi Luo had expressed their attitudes, he added: "I hope Inspector Lou will not forget his identity, and there are so many things in the jurisdiction waiting for you to deal with. Stay here and enjoy it." But no."

"Inspector Wu is right, I will leave the solar system right now." Although he knew that Wu Ma was forcibly driving people away, Lou Hong knew that he was in the wrong and had no choice but to obey.

When things got to this point, Xu Lei finally felt relieved.

Now that Uma has spoken, I believe that Hongyan Galaxy will not dare to find trouble with the Solar System, at least it will no longer be able to find the Administration as a backend.

As for other actions, once particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers are completely popularized in all civilizations, there will be nothing to fear.

Because by then the solar system already has the strength to compete with the red rock galaxy.

However, at this time, Qiao Xiuer still made a promise, hoping to reassure Xu Lei to leave with Uma. After all, establishing a relationship with the most mysterious director of the Administration would be a good thing for Setan and even the Orion Arm. .

"Don't worry Xu Lei, we will always keep an eye on the fleet in the Hongyan Galaxy to ensure that they don't make any small moves."

"Thank you very much, Elder Qiao."

Xu Lei knew that Qiao Xiuer was very reliable, so after responding like this, he had no worries, and then simply made arrangements with the people below, and then followed Uma into the star gate.

Of course, Lou Hongshiro, Carlisle Jin Weifeng and others did not dare to stay on the Earth Star, and also left through the Star Gate one after another.

This time I have lost such a big face on someone else's territory, so I must get out of the way quickly, otherwise it will be exposed on the public platform of the administration, and there is no telling what will happen.

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