My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 838: Getting better

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Zheng Lun struggled to slowly write a word in his palm: pain.

She really doesn't feel any more than pain now.

And the pain has been intensifying all the time. In the morning, she felt that she could carry it. In the evening, she felt she could no longer carry it.

The tongue and throat were all ulcerated under the invasion of toxins. She suspected that if there were no strong drugs to maintain her life, she might die in the next moment, and her tongue might be ulcerated.

Will it grow in the future?

If she had no tongue, she might as well die.

Zheng Jing looked at the word Zheng Lun wrote in his palm, and his heart hurt like it was torn.

He gently kissed Zheng Lun's finger and whispered with red eyes: "Lun Lun, I know you hurt, you need to be stronger, carry it, tomorrow will be fine! Trust my brother!"

In fact, Mu Tong said that tomorrow will be more painful than today.

Today is just the mouth and throat, and tomorrow her lungs and stomach will also ulcerate and bleed, because these two places are the places that are most exposed to toxins.

Tomorrow will be more difficult.

However, Zheng Jing didn't dare to tell the truth, and to tell the truth, Zheng Lun would be more painful and desperate!

Zheng Lun didn't know the truth. Hearing Zheng Jing said that it would be fine to survive today, and it would be fine tomorrow. Her gray eyes suddenly burst into glory.

Is it really?


She couldn't speak, she only squeezed Zheng Jing's hand with her finger, to show that she knew.

Zheng Jing felt distressed, he carefully wiped the blood from the corners of lips for Zheng Lun, and tried to show a smile: "Lun Lun, you need to get better soon, I have a way to marry you, and wait for you, Just be my wife, OK?"

wife? May I? Brother is not cheating her?

Zheng Lun felt that at this moment, even that endless pain was alleviated!

She wanted to marry her brother too much!

She likes her brother to hold her, likes to kiss and touch him, and is obsessed with and attached to his arms.

She can't stand other women to enjoy her brother's arms!

Zheng Lun was so excited that not only lip corners overflowed with blood, but also bleeding in the nose.

Zheng Jing's tears finally fell uncontrollably.

His gentle and kind-hearted, beautiful flower-like younger sister was tortured by Gu Qianyue to look like this!

The nose and mouth are bleeding, and even Zheng Lun has small blood clots in her eyes. What a pain she has suffered!

Zheng Jing's slightly cool tears fell on the back of Zheng Lun's hand, making her heart tremble slightly.

Her brother has always been the strongest man, except for the tears she cried when she saw her when she was a child, and she never saw him cry again.

Now, he has been crying several times because he distressed her too much.

Zheng Lun desperately wants to get better. She wants to wipe Zheng Jing's tears and tell him how much she loves him!

Can't talk, can't move, this is about to drive her crazy!

Zheng Jing wiped away his tears and said softly: "Lunlun, I didn't lie to you. I have been preparing for our future, but the process is a bit difficult and complicated, so I have never told you, but you Don’t worry, I can solve everything. You just need to take care of your body, get through these days, and be my bride!”

Zheng Lun still feels a little unbelievable. If they get married, their parents will not agree. Others will also point fingers at his brother in the future. Difficulties!

In any case, Zheng Jing said she wanted to marry her and let her be his bride. She was still very happy.

She helped Shangguan Ning pick a wedding dress and Zhao Anan a wedding dress. Now, can she finally choose a wedding dress for herself?

Zheng Lun felt that the physical pain did not seem to be so unbearable.

She has hope, and she has hope for the future. Her brother may always be hers in the future, he will not hold other women to sleep!

This is great!

Zheng Lun shed tears with joy.

However, what she didn't know was that her tears were no longer clear tears, but blood with blood.

Zheng Jing's unbearable wish to kill Gu Qianyue immediately, he carefully wiped away the red tears for Zheng Lun, held her hand, spoke softly to her, and distracted her.

Mutong has said before that, after the toxins are fully stimulated, the cells in Zheng Lun will be extensively damaged, so bleeding is possible anywhere.

He also told them not to panic, bleeding is also a good thing to some extent, because toxins will be excreted with the blood.

However, Zheng Lun may have to maintain the state of blood transfusion all the time to avoid excessive blood loss and shock.

By the next day, Zheng Lun's situation had worsened. She also found that when she cried, the tears she shed were red, and even her eyes were blood red!

My brother lied to her, and today the situation has not alleviated at all.

Was he afraid that she would know the pain today and would not survive it?

Yes, she was really about to persevere, so she wanted to sleep over and never wake up to endure this endless torture.

The pain had numb her, and she couldn't feel her tongue at all.

Consciousness fluttered in a trance, and whenever she wanted to sleep, there was always a voice in her ear calling her.

"Seven seven!"

"Lun Lun!"

Seventy-seven? Lunlun? Who are they?

Is it her?

She was forced to wake up from the faint, and the endless pain instantly annihilated her, leaving her sober for only a few seconds.

Oh, yes, she is Lunlun and also Qiqi.

She can't die, she wants to live!

"Ajing, please go and get Dr. Mu and let him see Lunlun! How can you do this?"

Pei Xinhua's face was extremely pale, her eyes were covered with red blood, and her expression was all heartache and panic. She was afraid that Zheng Lun would leave them in the next moment.

Zheng Jing is no better than Pei Xinhua, but he believes in Mutong more than Pei Xinhua.

Since Mu Tong said that Zheng Lun will not be okay, it will really be okay.

He had called Mutong six times in the morning, and he couldn't call anymore, even if Mutong came, it was useless.

The current situation of Zheng Lun can only be survived by her, relying on them to awaken her with affection, and not let her fall asleep completely.

In the middle of the night, Zheng Lun's nose and nose bleeding suddenly eased.

All three of them are overjoyed!

Finally it started to get better!

If that kind of torture continues, Zheng Lun's body can't bear it at all!

Mutong's medicine for Zheng Lun is remarkable!

Zheng Lun also felt the pain was alleviated, and the symptoms of bleeding were also relieved. At least, she saw that the things were no longer red.

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