My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 839: Different Zheng Lun

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

After Zheng Lun's body began to improve, Shangguan Ning immediately took Jing Rui to the hospital to see her.

Jing Yichen drove them to the hospital and talked to Zheng Jing about Gu Qianyue, who was found in the past two days.

The symptoms of Zheng Lun's bleeding have been relieved a lot, and the condition of oral ulcers has also started to improve. Under the action of drugs, the wound surface has begun to gradually heal.

It's just that the ulcerated place was too serious. Even if it heals now, the process is relatively slow. She still can't speak or dare to have a large facial expression. Otherwise, the wound will still bleed and the pain will be unbearable.

Seeing Shangguan Ning, her lips slightly raised, very happy.

She finally survived, and now there are good friends to see her, so nice!

Xiao Jingrui is still so cute. She looks pretty like a doll, but her face is always stretched, and she looks quite serious!

This is Jing Yichen, who is shrinking the number one!

Zheng Lun looked at Xiao Jingrui. He was wearing a small suit with a white shirt inside, which made him feel very energetic and feel like a British gentleman.

Such a child is really everyone's love, Zheng Lun is soft in his heart, and even wants to have such a child.

Jing Rui was not familiar with Zheng Lun, but when the helpless mother walked from home, she told him 800 times, so that he must show a familiar look, and he also forced him to give him a bunch of flowers and let him escape to death. Zheng Lun.

Jing Rui was very dissatisfied. It was true. My dad said that his first flower delivery should be for his girlfriend. Now he is giving it to a woman 20 years older than him. What's going on? ?

He can't eat such a loss!

Jing Rui held the bouquet of flowers and walked to Zheng Lun's bed. He placed the flowers beside the bed and said with a childish voice: "Hello, Auntie, I wish you a speedy recovery! This bouquet of flowers was specially bought by your mother for you , She hopes you will like it!"

Is this clear?

This flower was not sent by him, but by his mother, and he has nothing to do with it!

Of course Zheng Lun knows that this flower must have been bought by Shangguan Ning. Jing Rui is so small that he certainly won't buy flowers, let alone Jing Yichen. He is so cold and proud, except that he will buy flowers for Shang Guan Ning. He wouldn’t even look at the rest, how could he buy flowers.

Zheng Lun wanted to say thank you, but her throat was still burning, and her tongue hurt even more than her own, and she could not speak at all.

Shangguan Ning knew she wanted to express gratitude, smiled and sat down next to her, said: "Okay, we don't need to be so polite between you, just keep it up and wait for you to talk in a few days. Let's talk again. You and An An are both in the hospital now, which is really uncomfortable. I will go to Germany to see her in two days after reading it. You don’t know, she lost her hair again and became a bald head. It’s very bright, and the light bulbs are saved at night!"

It was obviously a painful thing, but it was so funny that Shang Guanning said, Zheng Lu couldn't help but smile.

There was a smile in her eyes, but some shame in her heart.

Zhao An'an may suffer more pain and pressure than her, but she is still optimistic and strong. Even if she loses her hair, she is not sad. She still makes jokes all day long.

The reason why Shangguan Ning can make such a joke about Zhao An'an is because Zhao An'an doesn't even care that other people laugh at her. Her mentality is very good.

Perhaps it is this optimistic and cheerful attitude that allows her to get a new life from the hand of death again and again!

She was fine, only to suffer a little bit of torture, she was about to die, and she felt better than dead.

It really shouldn't be!

Zheng Lun's mental state is much better today. She listened to Shangguan Ning talking to Pei Xinhua, feeling the most sincere concern and distress between them, and could not help but take a deep breath.

In the future, no matter what happens, she should be more optimistic and stronger. There are so many people who have always cared about her. What reason does she have to back down?

Zheng Lun looked at Jing Rui standing beside the bed, staring intently at the infusion tube, and thought he was very cute and obedient.

She could not help reaching out, trying to touch Jingrui's head, but Jingrui evaded agilely, and then stared at him unpleasantly.

Zheng Lun laughed in his heart. It turns out that this little guy, like his father, doesn't like others touching him? Is this thing inherited?

She didn't try to touch Jing Rui again.

In fact, children, like adults, have their own emotions and sorrows. Their inner world is also rich and colorful, and most of them desire to be respected by adults, so they can’t wait to grow up.

Zheng Lun respected Jing Rui's wishes very much. She gently waved to him, indicating that she was wrong and apologized to him.

Jing Rui was very surprised.

He is now two years old, but he has never met a person who respects him so much. Everyone thinks he is a child, so he does not care about his psychological feelings and imposes his thoughts and practices on him. This is true even for his parents.

This is the first time he has met an adult, does not regard him as a child, respects his ideas, and even apologizes for his actions just now.

Oops, this aunt named Zheng Lun is much stronger than his aunt Zhao An'an!

Look at the quality of others, and respect for children can win the respect of children!

Jing Rui just started to be very indifferent to Zheng Lun, but at the moment she felt a lot more pleasing to her.

Of course, it was just a little bit pleasing to the eye. He still stretched his little face and didn't speak. Then he took advantage of Shangguan Ning's kung fu to talk to Pei Xinhua and turned and ran out of the ward.

When Shangguan Ning wanted Jingrui to say hello to Pei Xinhua, she suddenly realized that her son was gone!

It's really terrible, I know the rhythm of running outside, I can't stop it!

Shangguanning hurriedly said "sorry" to Pei Xinhua, then hurried out.

Jing Yichen, who was standing in the hallway talking to Zheng Jing, saw his wife running out, with a faint smile on his face: "No need to chase, Li Duo will lead people to follow him, and he can't lose it."

Shangguan Ning was relieved, but still complained to Jing Yichen: "I blame you, spoiled him, and wouldn't move anymore. He is so small, what if one day he was abducted! What's wrong now? what!"

"Relax, it's okay, our son is so smart, and he needs at least my IQ to abduct him. There are few in the world that are similar to my IQ. They won't fight against Jing Rui."

Jing Yichen praised her high IQ, but Shangguan Ning felt very reasonable. She nodded and turned back to Zheng Lun's ward.

Zheng Jing looked at the love that was overwhelming for their husband and wife, and there was an envy in his heart.

Later, he and Zheng Lun can do the same?

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