My ship girl, my world

Chapter 372 Eliminating Doubts

"And here on the coastline, we will arrange some large fleets to weakly defend here to prepare for any eventuality.

Because we are engaged in mobile warfare, the unified fleet composed of our various fleets can also come to support through constant movement, and will not form a situation similar to what Commander Chen Xun said.

Furthermore, there is the issue of aircraft carrier girls. I know that everyone will feel that if the aircraft carrier girls are not in the fleet, then air superiority cannot be guaranteed.

But what I want to tell you now is that this is not your previous single fleet operation, but a line of defenses. Each of your large fleets is part of this fortification, and they do not have to shoulder all the tasks.

If all the aircraft carriers are gathered together, then we will have a large number of carrier-based aircraft groups for defense.

This kind of carrier-based aircraft group can be used to easily suppress the carrier-based aircraft flying above the Siren fleet aircraft carrier, thereby ensuring air superiority.

You can imagine that flying above your heads are our carrier-based aircraft. Are you still worried about air defense issues?

What you need to do is to seize control of the sea, lure out the Siren fleet bit by bit, and then destroy it, then lure it out again, destroy it again, and eat it one bite at a time.

Later, when air superiority is ensured, a group composed of aircraft carriers can dispatch a fleet of carrier-based aircraft to provide air assistance while you fight the Sirens.

Such assistance cannot be cobbled together by a large fleet, but is performed jointly by the aircraft carriers of several large fleets. Do you still think this is your loss?

And when all of you do this, our personnel losses can be minimized, and the Siren fleet can be effectively annihilated, thereby achieving the purpose of guarding Shenhua City.

Does this mean you understand, Commander Chen Xun? "

Looking at Qin Ge's eyes, Chen Xun felt waves of calmness and calmness in this young man. Not only did he give an explanation for his doubts, but he also left himself speechless.

"I understand, Commander Qin Ge." Chen Xun could only nodded and said nothing more.

"So, does anyone still have questions? If you have any questions, try to raise them to eliminate all uncertainties, because in a war, you must not go to the battlefield with doubts." Qin Ge asked.

At this time, Zhang Shiping below raised his hand. Qin Ge smiled after seeing it, "Commander Zhang Shiping, may I ask if you have any doubts?"

Zhang Shiping smiled and said, "I have no doubts about instructor Qin Ge's tactical arrangements, but my doubts are about the defense of the Siren Tide this time. How should the income of each of our large fleets be calculated?

According to instructor Qin Ge's tactical arrangements, there must be some large fleets that cannot directly fight the Sirens but stick to the coastline. This will cause the income of these large fleets to be relatively low.

Is there any good solution to this problem? "

Qin Ge smiled slightly, turned his head and looked at Canglong, and saw Canglong nodded towards him. So he turned around again and Qin Ge said to everyone.

“About the harvest income, Director Canglong and I had discussed it on the way here.

Because this time all our fleets are fighting as a group, so this time the benefits of group operations are distributed.

In other words, when the Maritime Safety Administration releases the mission, all the large fleets participating in the defense of the Siren Tide will accept this mission by default.

Of course, in this group battle, everyone must hand over all the loot captured.

All the proceeds from this mission were distributed by the Maritime Safety Administration, including the materials handed over and the materials rewarded, to each large fleet participating in the battle. It is guaranteed that the gains of each large fleet are consistent, and there will never be a situation where the gains are diminished due to different scores.

Therefore, when all large fleets receive the same rewards, the large fleets going to battle will gain extra benefits by improving the training of the ship girls and cooperating with the tacit understanding. Naturally, the defensive ones will not have this extra benefit. What do you think? "

After Qin Ge finished speaking, all the commanders of the fleet couldn't help but nodded. Conducting a Siren defense in the form of a group mission is indeed a way to solve the imbalance of distribution.

It can also effectively prevent everyone from acting independently and disregarding the overall situation for the sake of a small profit.

Then several more commanders raised their hands and asked about communications and China Unicom during mobile warfare, and Qin Ge gave them perfect explanations.

In the end, no one had any questions, and no one raised their hand again.

"It seems that everyone now has no doubts about the tactics and distribution of this battle. I hope that after returning to the Grand Fleet, all commanders will explain the situation to the members of their respective Grand Fleets and let them tell their aircraft carrier girls to come to Maritime Affairs Check in at the bureau port.

In order to quickly form our aircraft carrier fleet to ensure air superiority, so that we can successfully survive this siren tide.

Today's mobilization meeting ends here. Everyone now returns to their respective fleets and gathers on the front line to begin deployment. "

Seeing that no one had any more questions, Soryu stepped forward and spoke to all the fleet commanders.


After Canglong gave the order, all the fleet commanders answered loudly and then left the conference room, leaving only a few staff members of the Maritime Safety Administration, Qin Ge and Canglong.

"Then let's set off. You go to the port and return to the command ship first. I'll arrange for the personnel to take out the communication device. We will meet at the port when we arrive." Canglong said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, said goodbye to Canglong, and walked towards the port along the road he came from.

However, not long after Qin Ge walked out, he saw a few familiar people standing on the road, obviously they were waiting for him.

"Teacher Qin Ge, oh, no, you should be the combat staff officer. I was wondering why I haven't seen you in class during this time. It turns out you are participating in Siren Tide just like us." Zhang Shiping waved his hand to Qin Ge. arrive.

Qin Ge stepped forward with a smile, "What a staff officer, I'm just following orders from the headquarters. But how can you be sure that I will definitely come?"

"Hey, you guessed it." A captain commander next to Zhang Shiping said to Qin Ge. At the same time, he looked at Qin Ge's captain rank and twitched his eyes. "Teacher Qin Ge, your promotion speed is really fast."

Qin Ge said helplessly, "I didn't expect that my inadvertent actions would bring so many chain reactions."

"But this is always a good thing. Only with this rank of captain can we match the strength of instructor Qin Ge's fleet." Zhang Shiping said.

"Indeed!" Several other people nodded quickly. After all, after listening to the class for a long time, they knew Qin Ge's strength very well.

"Let's go, talk as we go."


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