My ship girl, my world

Chapter 373 Opinions

"Does Instructor Qin Ge have any opinions about this battle?" Zhang Shiping asked pretending to be casual.

But from the way he pricked his ears and the commanders surrounding Qin Ge, it could be seen that they were not so careless.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you just now? Just listen to the orders."

"Teacher Qin Ge, just tell us the truth. It's not what was said at the meeting, but your own opinion." One of the major-level commanders said to Qin Ge.

"Well, since you asked me for my opinion, I will tell you my opinion." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"This siren tide is far more powerful than the ones you have experienced in previous years.

Therefore, I did not follow your previous method of holding on, and adopted the tactics of conducting mobile warfare to weaken the strength of the Sirens in the direction of attack.

The execution success rate of this tactic is relatively high, but the prerequisite for this relatively high success rate is when we know all the enemy's movements, and this is why I organize an aircraft carrier brigade to conduct full-sea reconnaissance.

As long as we grasp the movements of the enemy's Siren fleet, we will have an absolute advantage.

In other words, we have the final say when and how the battle will unfold. Once the Siren fleet enters our reconnaissance area, they will become a passive party.

And you must absolutely obey orders in this battle, and be sure to retreat when asked to retreat, because when the order to retreat is given, it is already a bit late. If the execution is delayed again, then you will have a very good chance. May be in danger.

For the sake of you members of the Grand Fleet, you must remember this. "

Following Qin Ge's words, Zhang Shiping and several other fleet commanders nodded continuously. This was the first time they had heard Qin Ge tell them to obey orders.

It seems that this is indeed the top priority. After going down later, it is important to tell the members of your fleet that they must obey the order and retreat in time.

Seeing Zhang Shiping and others listening, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Of course, because this is a group-based regional battle, you don't have to worry about your fleet being isolated.

Director Soryu and I decided to make flexible arrangements. As mentioned in the meeting just now, when you fight the Siren, there will not only be a carrier-based air group composed of aircraft carriers to provide air support.

We will also coordinate with your nearby fleets so that they can provide you with long-distance artillery assistance. With such a firepower advantage, we can destroy the Siren fleet as quickly as possible, and then cut and annihilate it again.

Therefore, this mobile warfare does not have very high requirements for you. The most demanding requirements are the command and combat personnel and the intelligence system, so you don't have to worry about facing a large number of the main Siren fleet. "

Hearing what Qin Ge said, Zhang Shiping and others finally felt relieved. After all, in the previous meeting, the method of implementing mobile warfare was to let them tease the tiger's beard in the Siren Tide main fleet cluster.

Although it sounds very exciting, it is still a bit scary to do it.

But now that they have determined their responsibilities and tasks, and also know the key to this battle, everyone has nothing to worry about.

So during the conversation, several people walked to the port together. Qin Ge raised his eyes and saw his unique command ship, as well as the ship's wife and fleet members waiting below the command ship.

"Haha, this time it's all under the command of instructor Qin Ge. Then we won't disturb the instructor. We also have some things to deploy in our fleet, and we need to convey the instructor's suggestions in place." Zhang Shiping said to Qin Ge.

“That’s a strong statement.” Qin Ge waved his hand and smiled, “But you really should inform the members of the fleet of the main content of this meeting, so as not to worry them about this battle.

Then we'll see you on the battlefield. "

"Yes." Several people nodded, then said goodbye to Qin Ge, and then walked towards the command ship they were riding on.

Qin Ge looked at the retreating figures of everyone with a smile and walked towards the ship girls who were greeting him.



"Well, everyone has been waiting for a long time." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"What is the specific situation now, Commander?" Li Chenming asked.

"The mobilization meeting has just been held. Now the commanders of the major fleets have gone back to make preparations. Next, we are going to go to the front line with Director Canglong to deploy the fleet and launch a frontal offensive against the Siren Tide." Qin Ge said to everyone. .

"Then what do we need to do?" Chen Baijun asked Qin Ge.

"When the time comes, we will follow the unified deployment. This time it will not be a defensive operation with the fleet as a unit, but a group operation with the entire Shenhua City fleet as a group.

Therefore, the specific distribution is still unclear, but one thing that is certain is that our large fleet is a substitute and does not directly participate in the front-line battle. "Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Not participating in the front-line battle?" Prince Eugen smiled, "It seems that the commander has confirmed the overall tactics this time, right?"

"Well, the main battle this time is mobile warfare. Therefore, we must control the overall situation and make unified deployment. In this case, it will be impossible for me to appear in the large fleet and command you to fight." Qin Ge said.

"Is it a mobile warfare based on group fleets? Your Majesty, it's a good strategy. If we fight like this, we can minimize the losses, right?" Amagi smiled, "But according to the number of our aircraft carriers and the number of aircraft carriers of the Maritime Safety Administration, it should be insufficient. To support the intelligence network of the entire sea area, right?”

Qin Ge nodded, "What Tiancheng said is true, so this time I decided to transfer all the carrier girls from all the big fleets, leaving only 1~2 aircraft carrier girls for each big fleet to assist in air strikes, and the rest All serve as our eyes.”

"Hey, this is a bold idea, Commander." Prince Eugen said, "But if we do this, will the commanders of the large fleet agree?"

Qin Ge said with a smile, "If each large fleet contributes ten aircraft carrier girls, then they may receive air support from a hundred aircraft carrier girls. Do you think this deal is a loss?"

"I have to say that the commander's tactics this time are too unscrupulous." Prince Eugen's eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

"Is the sky unconstrained?" Qin Ge paused slightly and looked at the bow of the command ship, looking down at York City and Essex, "I think it's a bit conservative."

"Commander, what do you think we have a chance of winning in this battle?" Guanghui asked Qin Ge.

“We can’t afford to lose, because if we lose, then the entire Shenhua City will suffer.

Therefore, there is little chance of winning. It should be said that we must succeed. "Qin Ge said.


The eyes of all the ship girls and members of the large fleet became solemn, and they nodded one after another.

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