My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,110: Defeating the Immortal Alliance by Talking and Laughing

My Simulation of the Road to Immortality Text Volume Chapter 1,110 Talking about Laughing and Defeating the Immortal Alliance, whether you look at it with your eyes or with your spiritual consciousness.

These golden phantoms seem to be no different from real monks.

It is difficult to tell the truth from the false.

So in just a moment, the entire sky in the Lingmu Realm was already filled with the figure of the golden-armored monk.

And the mission they shoulder seems to be more than just a simple attack. Instead, it provides specific intelligence information about the spirit wood world to the large forces behind.

"How about this golden armor?" Li Fan asked Fang Zaiji calmly.

Fang Zaiji squinted his eyes and observed it carefully, and then said with some arrogance: "It's just a higher-end deception. I thought they, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, had really developed a battle armor that can divide itself infinitely!"

"As long as you test a few times, you can break through the deception and find the real owner!" Fang Zaiji said with confidence.

"It seems that with the technical support of the Tianji Realm, the Lingmu Realm has surpassed the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance in terms of weapon refining." After getting a satisfactory answer, Li Fan waved his hand, indicating that there was no need for Fang Zaiji to test.

Between the spirit wood world and the earth, a huge arc-shaped ball of light suddenly appeared covering the entire world.

There are dense metal stripes on the surface of the photosphere that are constantly changing.

Under Li Fan's instructions, black holes were formed in an instant.


The muzzle of the gun was locked on the golden-armored monks flying in the sky.

Then countless black light pillars violently sprayed out from it!

In front of this black light exuding the aura of destruction, the golden-armored monk could not resist at all. In an instant, he was torn to pieces and completely disappeared into the air.

With just one salvo, most of the countless golden phantoms were wiped out.

This terrifying sight caused the movements of the remaining golden-armored monks to freeze for half a minute.

Just as they were stunned, another round of shelling came instantly.

In front of the black death light, the golden armor was as fragile as paper.

All the golden phantoms in the spirit wood world were wiped out.

"Tianji Fortress, plus the Sky-Splitting Cannon imitated from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. No need to worry about any of your fancy tricks, no matter how many there are, just destroy them all."

"This is the so-called one force to defeat ten groups." Li Fan thought in his mind.

He took the opportunity to check the energy stored in Tianji Fortress.

Tianji Fortress is integrated with the Lingmu Realm. There are countless living corpses in the square that are constantly running the spirit energy skills of ordinary people, as well as a huge number of monks in various small worlds. They are all providing source of power for them all the time. After this period of accumulation, it has reached an extremely astonishing value.

Li Fan estimated that a salvo of artillery fire of the same magnitude just now would be enough to last for seven days and nights.

"If you have any other tricks next, just use them." Li Fan looked at the constantly beating entrance gap with indifference in his eyes.

After losing two vanguard troops one after another, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance seemed to have become much more cautious.

This time they didn't think about it for long and finally sent out their real elite force.

Before the figure appeared, the surging murderous aura was already coming from afar.

The cracks suddenly opened up a lot. Li Fan's heart skipped a beat and he directly activated the defense function of Tianji Fortress.

In an instant, the arc-shaped light curtain shook violently, and lines like water waves kept flowing in it. It took a long time to resolve this inexplicable impact.

After checking it, Li Fan's eyelids suddenly jumped.

Because the stored energy of Tianji Fortress, which I thought was very sufficient just now, actually lost one-sixth in just a moment!

But the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance troops that launched the attack have not yet appeared!

"What!?" Li Fan narrowed his eyes.

The subordinates in the Lingmu Realm also sensed something, and their expressions became a little nervous and uneasy.

"Envoy, be careful. I'm afraid the enemy has already arrived." Liu Ruchen suddenly warned in a deep voice.

Before he finished speaking, the light curtain of Tianji Fortress shook violently again.

This time the amplitude was even more intense than before, and the light curtain became much darker as a result. Apparently, he had blocked the attack of this unknown enemy for the Lingmu Realm.

Li Fan knew that if there were no Tianji Fortress, the Lingmu World would be riddled with holes at this time.

But the other party has already launched two attacks, but everyone in the Lingmu Realm has not yet figured out what type of existence the other party is.

"It is indeed a huge organization that rules half of the Xuanhuang Realm. Sure enough, there is a trump card that I have never discovered in many reincarnations." Facing this difficult enemy, Li Fan was not surprised but overjoyed.

It can be said that with this discovery, even if the entire spirit wood world is destroyed at this time, it is still barely worth it.

However, after all, today's Lingmu Realm has gathered many remaining forces from the ancient world of cultivating immortals. It's not really that easy to die.

When everyone is confused and unable to figure out the situation. After careful observation, Taoist Baihua made a discovery.

"I seem to have heard this from a friend before."

"The ferocious beast hides in the void, devouring the continent of the Immortal Realm for food. Ordinary people cannot see its body clearly, but every claw and strike has the power to destroy the world..."

"If my guess is correct, it should be a giant void beast named [Annihilation]."

"Actually, it is not a real life form. It is a spontaneous operation method after certain rules are embodied in the star sea." Taoist Baihua explained to everyone very quickly.

"My friend's world once encountered such a terrifying existential attack when the great catastrophe came and it was drifting in the void."

"The method of dealing with it is also very simple. Annihilation will only be interested in the world of immortality where there is life. And those barren lands without life will not fall into its observation at all."

"I just didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance could control such a ferocious beast that only acted according to the rules and use it against the enemy?"

Taoist Baihua, who had a slight contempt for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance because of the opponent's two easy failures before, his eyes suddenly became extremely solemn.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

Then they all looked at Li Fan.

It is not a rare thing for Li Fan to cover up the life breath of the entire world.

After pondering for a moment, the Tianji Fortress, which had only one-third of its energy reserves left under the constant attacks of the Oblivion Beasts, emitted a silvery soft light from the light curtain.

Under the double superposition of the Tianji Fortress and the Lingmu Realm Formation, the life breath of the entire world was finally faded before the protective measures were completely defeated.

Everyone waited with bated breath.

After all, it is really difficult to deal with a monster like Xiang Yan who cannot see his normal form but is very powerful.

Fortunately, Baihua Taoist's guess was correct.

Having lost its sense of the breath of life, the terrifying giant beast seemed to have lost its target of attack.

That's when it all died down.

In the third confrontation, the Lingmu Realm suffered a tragic victory.

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